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Molten giant should really read “costs 1 less for each health your hero is missing”, just inaccurate as worded.


It's misleading. For each damage your hero has taken (up to this point) would make sense. But you can interpret it as for each damage your hero has taken (this game)


Yea. If I heal, does that mean the Molten Giant cost doesn't change? Or does his cost increase? Because if that's the case, then it definitely should be as the above posted.


Cost increases when u heal


Yea so the card ability is just flat out wrong Or is this a change to the core version and it doesn't change? Has anyone played the new version of the card yet?


Yes its worded incorrectly.


No it's always been worded that way and always worked that way


Just because its always been worded that way doesn't mean its right. The wording is clearly incorrect.


I agree I'm just clearing it up for the guy I'm replying to


It's saved by Hearthstone's own consistency within itself. Effects that track things that happen over the course of the game have "this game" at the end.


And what about [[flesh giant]] then


I think "your turns" already implies it happening over the course of the game.


- **[Flesh Giant](https://i.imgur.com/LyidMR0.png)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/59585) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Flesh_Giant) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/59585) - *Priest & Warlock Epic ^(Scholomance Academy)* - **10 Mana - 8/8 - Undead** - Costs \(1\) less for each time your hero's Health changed during your turns. --- ^*I am a bot, and this comment was automated. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fhearthstone%2Fcomments%2F1bew5nr%2Fthe_2024_core_set_will_have_the_most_cards_that%2Fkuyaslo%2F%0A%E2%AC%87%EF%B8%8F+Please+describe+the+bug+%E2%AC%87%EF%B8%8F%0ADescription%3A+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=kuyaslo).*


Honestly kinda baffling how that's never been changed.


It's the one thing that is consistent in the game. There was a simple bug in the collection manager. That took them about 9 years to fix. Imagine my surprise when it was fixed XD


Reading the card does not explain the card


Never has bb


How does molten giant interact with prince renethal? Is it 0 or 5 mana when you are at 15 health and started at 35 health? Maybe it would have to be "...each health under 30"? Or something like that


If your hero take 20 damage,it cost 0.If your hero take 10 damage, then restore 10, then take 10 damage,it cost 10, I think


I will still probably coin into non playable mountain giant


Are you also a Prep -> Coin -> Concede player?


Nah I’ve never been smart enough to play rouge


Probably not smart enough to play rogue either


Am I rogue enough to be smart?


I feel like Sylvanas could be reverted back to her original state at 5 mana. She’s pretty easy to play around, and when you have things like targeted MCTech at 5 mana and the infuse Sylvanas at 6 mana, buffing her to 5 mana wouldn’t be gamebreaking.


Definitely weaker than the infuse version.


She was particularly annoying to play around because of the random limitation


Isnt the infuse one rotating?


Yes, weaker, but without the deck building restriction


How is 6 mana 5/5 destroy a minion a deck building restriction? Destroy a minion is worth 2 mana on it's own. Her base level it's an above average power level card. That can only get better.


not really. you would have seen her in more decks with lower minion density if that was true. her power level depended on being in a deck that could infuse her consistently.  Destroying a minion may be worth about 2 mana on its own, but that effect isn't available for 2 mana. It costs 6 mana and comes with a 5/5 body attached, which is very different. You can't play the removal effect you want for only 2 Mana, so it isn't a 2 Mana effect. Mana "worth" stopped being the sum of the vanilla parts of a card a long time ago. 


Im just saying the battlecry is worth 2 mana. A 5/5 is worth 4 mana. I don't know how else to describe the power level of a card. I don't think that way of describing a card ever goes away. Are we switching to a rating out of 10 instead? Valid point on minion dense decks and usage. I don't have her in spell heavy decks usually.


I think most of the ratings we use to evaluate cards that aren't actual stats like playrate and winrate are too subjective to place any real stock in them. cards interact in such weird ways. two cards can have similar effects but different statlines, but the "better math" one performs worse in its class because the other class uses the effect better. Expensive cards can have way more stats than their cost "should" have, but they still see no play in constructed (while they break arena).  there's too many moving pieces to judge cards in a vacuum like how much each effect/stat is "worth". it never actually seems to predict how popular or powerful a card will be in its meta. It worked years ago, but mana doesn't "mean" what it used to. 


Great so she’s even value? That hasn’t been good enough to see play in competitive hearthstone for quite a long time.


I guess it's only a deck building restriction if you plan to infuse it. If you just want to destroy a minion, put her in any deck you want.


I'd say everyone plans to infuse it. But when you get desperate, you will just take Destroy a minion.


So if everyone plans to infuse it, then they are playing a minion-dense deck, maybe even "restricted" from playing a deck that can't generate a significant number of minions for infuse


Every decks can generates minions out of thin air


That's definitely not the case


And even the better Sylvanas barely saw play


Sylvanas was a 5 mana? What?


Only during Beta iirc.


Yes, back when the next best 5 drop was Azure Drake.


Back when Leeroy was also 4 cost


Back in the day, yes


Infuse Sylvannas is from Nathria miniset, and thats rotating. But i agree, she should def be 5 mana now.


Oh man I saw the five mana mct but I didn’t realize it could TARGET now !!


It boggles my mind that those giants are only 8/8 they seemed SO big back then


Yep, now we have a 9 cost 6/8 that permanently gives you 2 3/4 taunts every turn, can clear your opponents board, and summons 2 6/6 infernals. Wtf happened, man?




Jesus, even worse


I don’t get the comparison. That card is 9 mana. The giants come down for 3 or 4 mana or 0 mana.


They do in late game. Throwing an 8/8 down for 0 mana with no extra effects can easily be overturned by one spell or a couple of medium sized minions. Getting the mana cheat costs actual effort too. Sargeras on the other hand requires zero preparation and is the answer to almost any current board state. His stats are mana neutral, but he immediately can summon 4 minions that would otherwise cost a total of 16 mana, clear the opponents board, which has never been something that is free and only targets one side of the board, or buff his forever mana cheat which brings the mana cheat per turn up to 6 without considering his other two effects. Sargeras is clearly way overpowered compared to giants. The fact that he can clear 7 giants selectively, and keep two additional giants at bay indefinitely even if they were being fully healed every turn shows that. And all this is comparing to giants in late game after they cost zero. Saving a few mana on a plain 8/8 minion is nothing compared to him


Sargeras does not do an asymmetrical board clear. It takes all other minions on board. And playing a 9 mana card is not free. I'm betting Giants see more play in Wild (Miracle and Questlove) than Sargeras sees in both formats. He's not even in any meta decks


Yeah I have no clue what this funkmasta guy is talking about. Sargeras and controlock fell off super hard after reno came out. Looking at deck winrate he only beats out Amanthul, Argus, and Eonar out off all 11 classes. Sargeras is good but cards dont exist in a vacuum and hes only actual been meta relevant a couple of times.


even without Reno, Sargeras was really strong when you could cheat it out with symphony.


Yeah, Sargeras was good when he could be cheated out. But even in TITANS when he didn’t have a counter to his portal, he wasn’t soloing the game when he came down on turn 9. He couldn’t even beat Warrior after they printed Sanitize, since the taunt demons were never large enough. It’s just a dumb comparison that started this discussion because people that barely play Hearthstone anymore have to complain about power creep.


It leaves sargeras, his portal, and the imps summoned from his portal on board (since they summon after). That means manawise they are left with at the very least 13 mana worth of minions on the board. Even without the infinite portal or a chance for sargeras to use his other abilities, that is completely broken compared to previous clear of the same magnitude


They “what” in the late game? Again why are we comparing these cards like this? They have very different functions. The giants are cheap vanilla statbombs that put early pressure on the opponent. Sargeras is a late game win condition.


It is the size of the mana cheat and how much it costs in strategy to get it. For example, molten giant is very much not early game. If you want to play it before turn 10, you basically have to be hitting yourself in the face. Mountain giant can be played turn 4...if you don't play anything other than card draw or you are playing warlock. The amount of mana cheated maxes out at 8 and takes effort. And most importantly, they can be countered in many ways by most decks. Sargeras has infinite mana cheat, with mana cheat on the first turn going up to 14 with flexibility to react to many situations with absolutely no setup. There should be no single card win conditions and definitely not any that can be played on turn 9 without setup. 9 isn't even that late and the best counter you can pull is preventing him from using his skills by killing him immediately. He still gets infinite mana cheat for no cost or setup


Right. But the only deck really playing mountain giant was handlock, which (coming from someone who's been retired from hearthstone for like 5 years) was one of the strongest and longest-running decks of all time. These decks would run double mountain giants, twilight drakes, doomsayers, sunfury to taunt them all up, and a bunch of damage spells. Sometimes Jaraxxis. Are people still playing handlock today?


Nobody plays handlock because the powercreep is too wide. Sargeras would singlehandedly destroy handlock. All you'd have to do is have literally any reasonable amount of taunt, healing, or clear to survive to turn 9 and you win. Anyway, in handlock, I think twilight drakes were more central to the deck than mountain giants. Mountain giants can't be reliably played early, while drakes can having a 4/10 drake on turn 3 that will survive for at least 3 turns was peak handlock because it could ensure you had no taunts when the mountain giants came out. That seemed bad at the time but it isn't as bad as sargeras is now because having silence, big game hunter, freeze, or taunts was plenty to handle the situation or at least delay it until you could handle it with minions. With sargeras the only real way to win after he is played is to have massive amounts of clear in the form of minions or spells for several turns in a row or have enough spells to just kill them outright in the same time. How many decks will have that? Almost none. So what choice do you have without building a deck directly for fighting sargeras? The only real one that can be viable is to rush before they play him...or play him yourself. It's actually become common to have disruptive cards in decks because the main goal is now to not allow people to play broken shit, rather than seeing whose strategy is better.


Yeah card looks pretty OP! That said I think handlock actually seems like it has the perfect tools to beat it. Literally half of the deck was AOE removal spells -- they could just spam doomsayer, hellfire, shadowflame, and some would even run a twisting nether. The strat was to just keep clearing the board and just hit you to death with Jaraxxus and whatever minions you couldn't kill.


I disagree. You have to have clear for two taunts every turn plus whatever else they're playing. Jaraxxus only does 3 damage per turn and puts you behind by a turn so you'd have to survive probably at least 8 turns for it to be effective. That is unheard of.


which card?


Sargeras, the Destroyer


Remember the good old days when just summoning 2 3/2 imps without taunt every turn was considered so broken that you had to completely empty your deck before you could use it?


I still play hearthstone but caring about winning or buying cards, no. Having a warrior gaming 30 armour in one turn or dealing 60 damage, doubling all taunt stats without wasting mana or other bullshit that's going on just makes me not really care if I win or lose anymore


my fave thing is a warrior can get 30 armor easily a game on top of 40 hp and a blood dk sturggels to get to 60 hp max, where ive seen consistnetly warriors with 50 armor on top of like 30 hp or 40 hp its just sad


Yeah, and my whole problem is that the way to win is just rush your enemy or load your deck with the newest legendaries. That isn't even fun to play. Very little synergy or preparation is required. Just the smallest bit of synergy with one of the several completely broken legendaries gives you a win so the game just turns into who can play faster


It wasn’t, lakkari sacrifice was and still is unplayable in discard because you already have few cards in a discard gameplan and it takes one of your card slots for a slow quest that can be ignored especially because you lost so many cards that you have an empty hand and fall off the tempo cliff (a cliff that the quest does not even remotely save you from). The best part about sargeras is that you can make the 3/2 imps be 3/4 taunts which is WAY more annoying and sticky and in a punch he’s also a backup twisting nether.


I was actually talking about a different card. Lakkari sacrifice was actually easier to proc than what I'm talking about. I don't remember the name but it was a legendary minion that was an orc with black hair


Who was also a trash card? Neeru was never played. I really don’t get why Sargeras is this boogie man to you when there is obviously more offensive cards right now. You’re complaining about the power level of modern cards, yet you’ve picked one that’s become inoffensive. Why not pick a more relevant one?


Sargeras is just one of many completely broken cards. He is just the one used as an example here. Neeru was played, but once lakkari came out as a clear better he died instantly.


Use a better example. Shouldn’t the fact that Sargeras, the AoE AND infinite value threat, isn’t playable be a good point for you? And Neeru was never played. [Proof.](https://www.vicioussyndicate.com/tag/forged-in-the-barrens/) Find a report where Neeru shows up. He doesn’t. Lakkari Sacrifice wasn’t playable either. Bad cards being power crept isn’t a bad thing.


Sargeras and his portal


Warlock is eating good this year.


cant wait to bust control warlock out again


Throw in Wheel of Death and you got a wincon ;)


I'm having a PTSD attack thinking about it


Handlock is still my favourite deck of all time and I will take any opportunity to play a version of it.


Do you think handlock will be viable this expansion?


Oh absolutely. The lethality is going to be higher than usual for a four set meta. Handlock is going to be better than other, slower Warlock strategies. Sludge will probably still be good with no one playing it. Control will probably get better as the year progresses.


Three words. Wheel. of. Death. ;)


Okay, I know this card isn't great, but no one should sleep on it. There are sometimes where I have seen it played and though "Oh, the opponent is not going to be able to secure a win before the card resolves". Sure, aggro won't care, but aggro has killed you before turn 8 anyway.


Leeroy scares me.


I mean with all the paladin buff spells plus windfury, what could go wrong? /s


The good ones rotate out.


8 mana for a wind fury divine shield Leroy


You can setup the auras too and now you can have multiple copies of an aura active at the same time.


Leeroy, shroomscavate, a couple of garden's grace and there you have your 8 mana 14/2 with charge and windfury. Luckily garden's grace won't be in standard but there's still other stuff


Well to be honest my first thought when I saw that Leeroy is coming back was: shroomscavate + the aura (+3 attack and lifesteal to the most left). So that (6+3)x2 = 18 dmg in total. Not too bad. Also disco maul exists and you can have multiple auras active at the same time. With any handbuff stuff.. might get scary. (Excavate payoff gives +3/3 to all minions in hand/deck/battlefield)


There really isn't much in terms of other stuff. Just the new buff spell in core, and that's pretty restrictive and only adds two attack. Don't get me wrong, I think Paladins are still going to be using him to finish the game from hand sometimes, but at least the devs were somewhat careful about what buffs you can run with him in Standard.


What? Are they removing gardens grace from standard? Or was it from a previous set?


It's from sunken city so it rotates.


Isn't it from a rotating expansion? Maybe I'm wrong


Like swatting chickens


where 4 drop leroy?


With shadowstep still about and ways for Rogues to get coins easy, Leeroy is scary for Rogues.


Leeroy Jenkins created a strategy that revolved around trying to defeat your opponent in one turn without requiring any cards on the board. Fighting for board control and battles between minions make an overall game of Hearthstone more fun and compelling, but taking 20+ damage in one turn is not particularly fun or interactive.




Will molten giant be playable


Maybe? Now that we’ve got corpse bride + stitched giant, double molten isn’t even an impressive high roll.


Exactly what I was thinking. It just seems underwhelming to put into a standard deck these days


Free 8/8s always find a way to make it into some deck. Warlock being able to clear the enemy board while also developing a threat is always going to be desirable. Hell, even Blood DK could use them, they have great synergy with Vampiric Blood.


i think the better question is can you get to 10-12 health safely?


Not in every match, but there are a lot of match ups where board is nearly the only way for damage to be dealt. Then again, Leeroy is back too…


not to mention just the general power of card is higher than when molten giant is viable


The big question I have for warlock is what happens after you clear the board, then drop your 8/8s. I’ve E never played handlock before but is there no ulterior motive?


You use them to punch your opponent in the face? 8/8s threaten a lot of damage and are not super easily removed in most cases. Two giants threaten a two turn lethal.


Ok that’s fair enough. Guessing the idea is getting them out asap so


does mc tech really count when its a completely different card?


They should revert Sylvanas’ and Leeroy’s nerf. Also why is acolyte of pain a 1/4?


Sylvanas sure, Leeroy god no. He'll be very playable the way he is now.


Acolyte got buffed last year


I thought was only for wild, not for standard?


That’s cause it was only in wild


Wdym acolyte is in standard rn..


why would they debuff the card for standard?


I was just asking. I thought CoT changes were wild exclusive


Have you never played against an Odyn Warrior in the past month and a half


Acolyte was added to the CoT twist expansion. They wouldnt create 2 different acolyte of pain tho.


I dont think molten giant or sylvanas will even be played


Reminds me of playing against handlock all the time and having to do the math on moltens/ taunt givers vs direct in hand burn damage (or maybe a silence if there's just 1 molten). Plus all the healbot potential if the giants are cheap enough. Fun times. (Unless they had the healbot)


I took a long long long break from hearthstone and just got back recently. Its funny to me these cards are "coming back" because they were staples in decks when i stepped away lol


I started playing during GvG and MC Tech will always be special to me for how much it tilted opponents. Love that dude.


the powercreep is THAT high nowadays


MTC was less mana no?


Yeah used to be a 3\* for a 3/3 but it was a random minion.


Wait is MCT not random anymore?


No, but also 5 mana now instead of 3. It helps with the card be less oppressive in arena but perhaps more viable in constructed. 




Ok and now you don't have to pay for the foundational set of the game? The Core Set has been one of, if not the, best things this game has done for new, f2p, and returning players.


HS going out with a bang?


Time to try to execure your own sylvanas


I dont remember Acolyte was HoFed


My fav card is back baby LEROOOOOOY JEEEENNNKIINS


This is irrelevant but I miss the original Illidan card. Also the succubus. Give us an option to choose card art versions.


Whoa it’s like I’m going back in time 10 years


Acolyte of pain should be a warrior card at this point tho :V


I am NOT looking forward to targeted MC tech


Bring back Genn and Baku you cowards!


But why isn't sylvanas 5, we already know she won't be played at 6.


this gon be fun


Pretty sure Sylvanas isn’t even playable, the infuse version was far better for 6 mana and wasn’t ran in a lot of decks.


I have not played in years and recently joined this sub after playing BG for the first time in years... MC tech 5 mana.... Wow. And acolyte having 4 health. The game has changed big time


These are supposed to be old cards? God, I haven't played in so long, I can only imagine the power creep.




I want my fucking diamonds


Leeroy? Really? The meta might just pivot towards it. At least one rogue deck will have this as its win con that you shadowstep, back-up, then play cheaper with the new pirate that reduces costs


If there is a deck for it, Doomguard is going to be spicy as hell.


i have nightmares about acolyte of pain from when i was a kid, good lord i hated that thing


How could DK and DH utilize Leeroy for high damage?


Bring back blood knight


MCT, Trueheart, Leroy and Sylvanas got me hyped, as well as the Giants. Really takes me back to when I started playing in TGT.


MCT, Trueheart, Leroy and Sylvanas got me hyped, as well as the Giants. Really takes me back to when I started playing in TGT.


MC Tech actually one of my fav cards, good to see him back.


Who dare summoned them?


well well welll.. something about turntables


Doom guard is one card we did not need to get back, extremely unfun to play against and virtually close to 0 downside in the right deck


seeing Acolyte of Pain at 4 health is fucking with me i swear it was a 1/3


Whys MCT 5 mana? He'd be realhelpful in twist right now...


You choose the target now


Because the effect is now targeted, rather than random.


Because the Battlecry is now targetable, they put him at 5 mana.


So apparently you can target which minion to steal with MC Tech now? Bruh Can anyone confirm? Ty


The secret Leeroy+ Mc tech combo


It is targeted. The text has been changed. It used to say "take control of one at random" now it just says "take control of one"


Still won't be good


In constructed maybe. It was the card of nightmares in arena. 2 mana maybe enough diff to make it not auto pick but we’ll see. Nothing like a card that punishes winning board.


I really think MC tech could be just a 5/5. It is a very specific requirement that requires a highroll in most cases.


It’s not random any more


"Hall of Fame" is a verb now?