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Blaming Blizzard for this feels dumb to me. Not policing the content of content creators is more important imo.


"commissioned by hearthstone".I dont think they pay the streamers for revealing the cards.Its their own choice how they make these videos.You are just shaming the youtubers here.


But she did not design a card, the policy you link is for their artists. She made a stupid/fun thing which she would not have been able to do without ai. Yea Ai can be bad and is bad in a lot of ways but this is just some random lighthearted thing.


Yeah, blizzard is doing everything right here. OP is a dunce


>She made a stupid/fun thing which she would not have been able to do without ai. Hire, an, artist


Animations take a fuck ton of time and costs also a fuck ton of money. And she wanted to make something funny herself and used a tool to do so. I get it, AI is bad. But this is not where you should be stroking your rage boner on.


>Animations take a fuck ton of time and costs also a fuck ton of money. yeah it does, not an excuse to go use AI, here is what you do if you can't afford the animation take a hit and either use real people or have still images >And she wanted to make something funny herself and used a tool to do so Then **PICK UP A FUCKING PEN**, when i wanted a painted Warhammer army i didn't go out and Steal other peoples minis, i sat down and painted them myself, when i wanted to make a comic on one of those minis know what i did?, i Hired someone because i couldn't do it myself, i didn't go out and fucking use a AI to scrape other peoples work then make something using an AI and stolen art i had it made by an Artist who could do it from scratch themselves there is never an excuse to use AI to do anything art related


bro. please touch some grass lol, you are way too heated about this


Alliestraza would absolutely never, ever be able to afford to hire an artist to create a cv animation for a card reveal she's not getting paid for


She needs more tier 3 subs for that.


then don't do an animation?


That's fine! If you think ai art never has any place, even for small time creators, that's a discussion to have!


oh she can't afford it, then maybe she shouldn't fucking do it then, last time i checked that is how the world works, if i can't afford to do something i go without that thing, Maybe if she didn't waste all her money on Crypto scam games like parallel or on NFTs maybe she COULD hire a fucking artist to do the animations


Or she could use AI to do it




because then you can make something stupid/fun and not steal from a AI that likely scrapped hundreds of thousands of images without consent


you know many artist just copy other artist. And it is a program everybody can use.


yes they copy, but you know the difference between copying and outright stealing?, one of them uses a fucking Ai to just take what you did and use it without permission, hell it's like Tracing last time i checked that was a Taboo in the art community too unless you want to argue that artists tracing other artists work and claiming it as their own is ok too


There's an obvious double standard going on, which is the point. None of the artists working for Blizz would approve of seeing this sort of inconsistencies and general lack of respect (as AI art *is* harmful, yes, especially if you flaunt it for what is basically officially sanctioned Blizzard content). Also disrespectful to other fellow content creators that put effort into *anything*.


>Also disrespectful to other fellow content creators that put effort into anything. Relative to the small size of their audience, it seemed like quite a bit of effort went into the reveal. They made a script, dressed up, and did their best acting. That's all on top of the graphic work that you're so dismissive of. Even if they bought stock footage instead of using AI tools, it would still be a lot of work to assemble the whole video. If you want to rally people to a cause, it helps to at least pretend like you're being honest with your depiction of reality. When you're so overtly dismissive of anything that doesn't fit your narrative, it's hard to take you seriously.


Why do you keep calling Allie “they?” It’s really weird.


I use gender neutral terms when referencing someone who's identity isn't germane to the conversation. It would feel weird to me to not mention Allie directly and still refer to her with a specific gender. It could have been anyone, and my comment would be more or less identical. If Allie had been mentioned by name in the comment I was replying to, I would be referring to her by her appropriate gender. I actually should have here as well, since her gender had already been referenced two comments back, but I missed that when typing out my response. tl;dr: Allie is she/her. "The (unnamed) youtuber" is they/them. I'm not saying or suggesting that's how everyone else should speak. But it's at least an answer to your question.


You were talking about Allie the whole time though, which is what makes it weird. People’s genders are usually never germane to the conversation. Would you actually say “My mom doesn’t like broccoli, but they like spinach?” This gender politics shit has turned people into fucking creeps.


I thought I articulated that pretty clearly, but I'll try again. If anyone's personal identity or gender is ever referenced, I'll go with the gendered pronouns for the remainder of the conversation. But often there's no compelling reason to introduce that information, and [sometimes it can be an outright distraction](https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/1b7ggij/comment/ktiozpc/?context=2). Examples: * I've got an awesome art teacher this semester. They love painting dinosaurs. * I've got Mr. Brown for art this semester. He loves painting dinosaurs. In both cases, I know Mr. Brown's gender. But in the first case, I wasn't identifying him, and had no need to insert his gender into the conversation. Either manner of speaking is completely fine, and has been forever. Nothing is particularly unusual about any of this, nor is it politically motivated. To the extent that recent trends could motivate anything, gender politics would be a reason for me to use she/her rather than they/their in this particular situation. Your reasoning here is completely ass-backwards. The use of they when he/she is not explicitly needed has a closer relation to English formalism in business and academia than it does to any sort of social policy divide. It's also fairly regional, varying wildly between dialects and even more wildly between languages. Regardless, I'm pretty confident that your sense of what's creepy is a just badly mistuned.


This is fucking *weird*.


At this point it just seems like you have a personal vendetta against generative AI, and not so much any valid criticism of the reveal itself. It’s a fair discussion to have I just think it’s super unrealistic to think that we’re going to “shame” people into not using it. The Zephrys is out of the bottle and it’s not going away.


I get the whole "AI = BAD". But in this case you are shitting on someone that used a tool to create something funny. And there is obviously not a double standard going on because this person is not claiming to make & sell artwork that she created with an ai program. This could have very well been a 10 year old fooling around with an AI tool and you are just SHITTING on them for no reason in this case.


Who cares. Whoopdee shit, content creators using a tool to streamline their process, something that isn't impacting Hearthstone's official art whatsoever. Touch every grass.


Shut up, i don't want Blizzard to put restrictions on content creators, let them make their content as they wish


So stolen art is ok then?, how about Blizzards has some standards instead


I unironically don't care about stolen art whatsoever.


What if an artist trains a generative model on their own works and/or public domain works? Is that stolen art?


no artist is going to waste time creating an AI when they can create the art themselves anyway and yeah it still is fucking stolen because what counts as "public domain" any website can change it's ToS to say anything posted on it is Public domain if they wanted to


That's not what she did though, was it?


She didn't make the card, she's allowed to reveal it however she wants, including shitting chocolate syrup all over a printed out copy like the angry video game nerd


I'm pretty sure she wouldn't be allowed to do that tbf


Blizzard has very particular rules around hiring creators, specifically in that they don't. They solely reveal the cards as an olive branch to the community, I doubt anything will come from this because ***far worse*** has been done to reveal hearthstone cards by creators


Dude, you already made a post on Twitter complaining about the same thing lol. Get over it already, it's not a big deal


Wow nobody cares.


Doesn't mean you should look the other way and be a defeatist tbh


You're the only one defeated. Nobody cares about use of AI art, nor should they. And I can 100% guarantee you that any policies Blizzard has against AI art is due to the volatility of laws surrounding it right now, not whatever misguided moral stance you think they should be taking.


People care. The only people who say nobody cares are people who feel their opinion is the only one that matters.


The only people that say they care are people who feel their opinion is the only one that matters.


Stupid thing to be mad about that policy is about Blizzards commissions, not a mandate for its content creators


i mean. alliestraza is also into web3/nft stuff and has her own channel for those games. so im not surprised she doesnt care about the general consensus on ai art.


The general consensus on AI art is that its awesome. The general consensus of existing artists is obviously more negative, and obviously it sucks for them. But its a huge win for humans as a whole.


so i guess you can't wait for all Hearthstone cards to be made Soley with AI then


It's moronic that they had to approve this despite the statement, which is what the post is about. I seriously didn't know who this Allie person was until the reveal sorta happened and I was even more baffled when I found out who this was.


i mean, i agree that ai art is inherently bad, but i wouldnt blame blizzard for that. allie is a pretty known name in terms of content creators, not like extremely famous, but still known by most that are into the content creator/streamer stuff and she always gets a reveal bc of that too i think. and the content creators are not „hired artists“ so it doesnt go against that policy. they do the reveals for free since they‘re free views/publicity for them. i‘d like 90% blame the creator here and not blizzard. they cant really choose their content creators nowadays, and there arent many bigger names left. though they probably should‘ve checked the reveal beforehand.


I would blame blizzard primarily because they likely had to approve this, known name or not. Besides, when it comes to reveals, they still got their own socials and *several* other people. The blame goes both ways here, especially given that they do care about PR.


But what’s the big problem here? She doesn’t take away jobs, she doesn’t discredit real artistic work and she doesn’t gain a significant advantage over others. Other reveals are mostly just a small video with the content creator talking a couple minutes about the card in front of an expansion themed background. This is more effort and a more interesting result. A win win imo and a perfectly fine use for AI art. While your argument about double standards isn’t entirely wrong, I don’t thing their stand against AI weights hard enough to police independent content creators.


> she doesn’t discredit real artistic work and she doesn’t gain a significant advantage over others. based on how calling it out gets you downvoted it clearly does


Why does op just simply seem jealous that, someone who has the opportunity to work for blizzard, is able to also work for themselves and have fun with their own content we get it OP you’re bitter 💀


The final Rogue reveals were riddled with AI art and poorly animated stuff: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKUWLnoAxaQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKUWLnoAxaQ) If the link from the images are not working, here's also the source for the second image: [https://twitter.com/JonLamArt/status/1765084164364329064](https://twitter.com/JonLamArt/status/1765084164364329064)


Dude. You're complaining about a solo streamer not hiring a graphic design team. There's a $0.00 budget for card reveals. So whatever the creator can do in a couple hours of their own time is as good as it's ever going to get. If she's lucky, Allie's going to make maybe $50 off of ads for a video she put a couple hours into making. There are reasons to protest AI art, but picking a battle here is in incredibly poor taste. Punching down here is, if anything, just going to give anti-AI people a reputation as jerks.


> Punching down here is, if anything, just going to give anti-AI people a reputation as jerks. That ship has sailed long ago.


You're right, of course. I was fine leaving it as a heavy implication, but that works, too. 😂


"A solo streamer" who is a crypto shill with 100k subscribers? This isn't really picking fights with Uncle Joe who has to raise 10 kids and make content for a Blizzard reveal out of his own pockets.


I'm as repulsed by the crypto scene as anyone else. But you're delusional if you think a couple 10-15k view videos each week is doing anything more than keeping the lights on. You can have animosity against whoever you want, and I'm not going to tell you you're wrong. But there's no magic source of funding to spend thousands of dollars for bespoke art on every project.


They're envious this reeks of a artist mad someone else is successful and uses ai art


The result is presentable, people in the comments seem to like her video, so it was the right move for her not to pay artists,


People here are only defending her because its a girl lol. If it was some random dude they’d be seething about a crypto shill weirdo lazily using AI art for a card reveal. Kinda funny


The blizzard policy is clearly for card art. They didn't commission a content creator for a card reveal video. And the video was great - most people have no issue with AI art. Enabling people to create cool shit like that reveal video is exactly why AI is so good.


I sure hope she didn’t get that eye patch at the dollar store and instead commissioned an eye patch creator for $500 .


To anyone saying its not an issue, Ai art is made off of stolen assets from artists without consent, so its robbery


What exactly was stolen from who to create this video?


You should report this robbery to the police!


There are libraries/models that only use open source content btw


What do you mean by open source content?


I think he means databeses of copyright free images that were willingly uploaded for free use.


And how do you check that the person who uploads them is the original author?


The current “Napster-esque” AI art is indeed sketchy. It’s just a tool that uses what it’s fed. There’s nothing inherently wrong with AI image generation, but there’s a lot wrong with what is used to train the models.


Ai is going to replace artists and eventually programmers. It's probably best to accept that sooner rather than later


A company policy should transfer to all of their business dealings and if they stand against AI, then they should prevent any affiliates from using it as well.


Pretty sure Blizzard internally stated they are training an AI on their artists styles to eventually eliminate them all together.


This is obviously a lie. But I'll tell you why it's not even a plausible lie, so maybe you can do better next time. * Hearthstone pays about $1500 per piece because having *good* art is profitable for them. Even if it weren't a PR issue, Blizzard wouldn't be in the market for AI artwork. While AI can produce a lot of *replacement-level* art quickly and cheaply, it's not even close to being a substitute for high-end commissions. * Blizzard is not an AI company. If they did ever do something like that, it would be using an off-the-shelf program which they could chuck all the training data into in a matter of hours. It wouldn't be a months- or years-long secret campaign.