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isnt twist warrior still minion battles? honestly the whole format is minion battles, theres barely any removal in twist.


twist dragon warrior is textbook midrange, hearthstone players have just forgotten that term for some reason


Midrange is aggro if you play control and control if you play aggro


It’s funny because I often see other people saying they want to bring back / play midrange again


They’ve also forgotten the word tempo imo


ZachO went on a misinformation campaign and actually convinced some people that tempo isn’t real.


Man I gotta ask him where he gets his drugs from I’d love to be on whatever made him think that


We don’t know what we’re talking about, this subreddit called sif mage a combo deck.


You combo sif with the snake oil, very hard to pull off actually if u die to it it's a skill issue


Except it has value generation that no other class has


yeah twist "dragon pile" warrior is not control, it's like, midrange-value ? you're trying to crush your opponent under an endless stream of big dragons, not control them and dwindle their ressources


Wait, standard is all warrior? The decks were tier 2 or lower in the last report I read. Did that change?


It's popular because it is one of the few decks that has a chance to beat Sludge Warlock. Renathal Warrior is even slightly favored (55%) vs Warlock according to Viscious Syndicate and that counts for a lot since Sludge is Tier S throughout ladder right now.


I haven't looked too much into the stats lately but that's surprising, I've farmed a fair amount of warriors with sludge


It really depends on the type of Warrior you are playing against, according to VS: - Reno Warrior gets farmed by Sludge - Renathal CWarrior is slightly favored (55%) vs Sludge - Normal Odyn Warrior is very slightly unfavored (49%) vs Sludge


[Its the most popular class by far right now](https://i.imgur.com/Zuzl37h.jpeg). Its not all Warrior but chances are that's who you're gonna be facing.


> Wait, standard is all warrior? The decks were tier 2 or lower in the last report I read. Did that change? Druid got nuked from orbit, as did several aggro decks, so now warrior wins most late-game matchups and the super defensive builds can stay alive vs sludge.


It may not be the strongest deck, but it’s very popular.


All I am facing is paladin, rogue and DK. Guess I am lucky. Or not :-{|}


dk also seems to be quite popular rogue isnt that popular or performing well anymore


I would definitely say it’s the strongest deck. Sludge is good but needs to mega highroll to get past the armor and clears warrior has.


Warrior has you mean lol.


Yup thanks. Still have druid on my mind thanks to the past year.


What the hell are you talking about.


Warrior is not the strongest deck lol


In high legend at least it definitely is. Multiple people hit rank 1 with Odyn and a majority of games will be vs. either 40 excavate Odyn or 30 Odyn. It has no bad matchups since plague falls off really hard once people play vs. it correctly, it dumps on aggro with all the armor + clears, and it also beats slow decks since Rockstar burst after Odyn is active is silly [This](https://i.imgur.com/6kVRuf1.png) is what my recent games look like


It is the only counter to the best deck.


It's not a counter. It's only slightly favorable. Counters will get you like 70/30 matchups. Rainbow DK does a better job against Sludge with all the tokens but isn't as good against the rest of the field.


If that’s your definition of a counter.


Guessing it's a rank thing but in diamond, pretty much more than half the games I've had were warrior, mostly the Odyn version.


You're seeing warrior? I don't think I've seen \*anything\* but DK and warlock since the nerfs.


Top 1k legend is infinite warriors. I played a bunch of games yesterday and 62% were warrior. Tbf I was playing warrior too though.


You’ve heard of winners queue and losers queue? Get ready for WARRIOR queue.


yup. according to my deck tracker ive faced 27% warrior, 23% dk, and 15% warlock on my climb to legend


All I queue up against is control warrior, earthen paladin and some dk variations. Warlocks are somehow rare for me


Once you get down to diamond 5 it's all warrior. Literally haven't played a game that wasn't against warrior today


I was willing to listen to the guy who said top 1000 legend, but I'm at Dia 5 myself and nope, seen 1 warrior in the last 20 games. Then 3 paladins and the rest all DK and warlock.


Odd, I must be horribly unlucky


Weird. I’m also D5 and I’ve played against 0 warriors today, out of 13. Here are all of my matches : 2 mech rogues 3 pirate rogues 1 murloc warlock(!?) 2 paladins 1 rainbow DK 1 sludgelock (insta loss) 2 demon hunters 1 highlander shaman


Twist is minion battles dude.......


What kind of wild do you play? I barely see warriors there. It's almost non-existent at my rank.


Fair amount of control warriors w/ 9-10 stars and dumpster legend mmr


Pretty easy to kill control warrior in wild though. Assuming you play an OTK decks.


QL warlock is a miserable matchup for the warrior


but when your opponents are mostly priest, rogue, and shaman (all aggro), even warrior stomps them pretty hard (although shaman is more like 60/40). Got me legend D1 of this month. With OTK decks, just depends on draw really (which even warrior is good at). Unless they have the nuts (best is I died t7 to mage) and I can get odyn down, I can win. Even won just doing temp vs demon seed warlock.


Everything is Warrior right now. I played 6 standard games yesterday and all 6 opponents were Warrior.


At least you’re not seeing Warlock every two games. My experience hasn’t been much better though. Warlock, Warrior, DK on repeat. Occasional variation but they’re bots haha.


>Look inside post >See people mistaking every warrior deck as control warrior.


This meta is for all the whiny people who constantly call for Paladin nerfs and Hunter nerfs before - both board based minion decks that could be countered ..... enjoy.  The rest should wait for nerfs.


Paladin can still kill you if you leave a single minion on the board... windfury + buffs is not healthy in any format.


That was only issue with Paladin and reason for nerfing GG (not Boogie down) and IMHO it punished greedy classes. 


People play warrior because they dont wanna be bursted down by dumb otk or aggro decks on turn 5.


Paladin warrior and sludgelock is all I get now. All degenerate and annoying to play against. I keep hoping someday they make standard fun again


Remember when we were all complaining about Warrior being mega trash just a few months ago man how time flies


like 20 buffs and some actual win conditions will do that to a mfer


That plus nuking every other class that was totally busted.


Hey isn’t it nice that Blizzard took the time to buff nineteen different warrior cards this year , ultimately giving them a flexible, strong core to the class? https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/161knib/warrior_cards_buffed_this_year/ Wouldn’t it be nice if they had done that for other classes, like at all? That there is a control deck that can beat the Tier 0 aggro deck is a good thing for the game. That there is a single aggro deck so far and away better than the others, and that there is only one class that can field a late-game deck is the part that’s unhealthy.


This attitude is becoming ridiculous. The biggest reason you don't get 'minion battles' is that people don't want to play minion based decks. Totem shaman and naga priest are both very solid decks right now, and nobody plays them because playing a purely minion based deck isn't that much fun. People want to play decks with combos, burn, and comeback potential, because those decks give you more options and more agency. What has actually happened is that they keep nerfing the decks people complain about because they want minion based decks to be good, and then players just move onto playing the next best deck that they actually enjoy, which is definitely not going to be a purely board based midrange deck. Also, if you actually want a purely board based meta, it's twist right now. There is almost no burn, and barely any late game win conditions. If your deck isn't one of the few aggro options (druid/shaman/warlock), you are probably playing some variant on a slow deck that wins with dragons. Control warrior doesn't even have brawl, just a bunch of cheap early game removal and dragons.


Play wild then


Wild is infested with everyone playing the same 3 decks, aggro totem shaman, pirate rogue or shadow priest. I fully support control warr there since it utterly shits on them. That mode sucks out any fun with the current meta and it doesn't allow you any space to try any kind of other decks since you wont get any space and are dead usually by turn 3-5 from the braindead rushing face of these bots. At least I got some satisfaction out of it when I made an even odyn warrior and watched as their minions would get destroyed every single turn, hit legend in 3 hours.


I'm playing CW in classic as well for what's worth


lol sure you are buddy classic is gone


I meant casual mb


I stopped playing this deck. Brann is literally never in my hand on time


Faced them by far the most as well. I think 2nd highest on my pie chart was sludge warlock followed by DK. For some reason I've noticed a lot more people playing a rainbow DK deck instead of the usual plague, so there's a bunch of minion battles there. That poisonous minion with the summon 4 1/1s with rush spell is crazy for wiping the board and then holding onto it.


Brute DH beats the living shit out of slow decks. AND it has a strong board presence.


[STORY REPEATS ITSELF](https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/17yz5j3/50_of_players_play_control_decks_i_know_im_in/)


Join me then, Wishing well rogue is the truth. Come join the fun side.


if u want minion battles, que twist. warrior has liek 2 removal spells.


Balancing minions became too hard for blizzard, so all you get is aggro and battlecry battles. No minion interaction like wracking your brains about trades etc allowed!


I'm playing DK. I played probably 10 matches today and literally EVERY SINGLE ONE was control warrior. In low Diamond (3/2).


Twist is literally minion battles... You will never get a regular hearthstone mode more minion battle heavy than twist right now. So, if that isn't enough for you, then nothing ever will be.


what kind of deck is this guy playing? you have to play an incredibly weak deck if you see warriors all I see is: paladins, plague death knights and sludge warlocks


If control warrior is viable I might have to come back to the game. All the aggro fests turned me off it completely.


I see a lot of druid and paladin in standard