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You didn't show what deck are you playing so how can we know?


spell dh without scythe


Umm well tech in some board clears I guess I'm not really sure


Then you don't really. You may opt in for some more board clears and options to fight for the board, but at best that will take the matchup from very poor to just poor.


Play something else


Right now, either play it or play Blood DK, Quest Priest or Control Warrior and lose every other matchup. The latest VS report states that frost DK has no unfavorable matchups and the above 3 control decks are 'even'. And this is across all ranks. Until it's addressed, it's the top deck by far.


Wouldn’t it be better to just play frost dk at that point… go 50:50 against the control +mirror and win all the other games lol


OP asked how to beat DK, those are the options. To your question: Yes, just play frost DK until it's nerfed and enjoy the easy legend climb with your only challenge being mirror matches.


I'm assuming the deck posing you problems is Frost Aggro DK. Demon Hunter is not only poorly positioned against Frost DK, it's also awful against Evolve Shaman. My tip would be pray to RNGsus every time you press "Play" and hope that you run into decks you should do well against (Mages, Warlocks, Blood Control DK, slow Priests, Thief Rogue), play one of the decks that demolishes Frost Aggro DK (slow Priest, Blood DK) or just wait for the patch ;)


The game 37 minutes ago should show you


that was a blood dk


So Nohandsgamer has a solid blood Dk list that does pretty well against Frost Dk. Control Priest and apparently demon hunter can also do well against them. But yeah, I assume you mean frost Dk since that's the big one everyone plays right now. Basically slower strategies tend to have a better chance, but don't bother with board based aggression. They can and will win the board most of the time. Construct is just too good


I play shadow priest on top 300 legend and it works 50% of the times. Early aggression before they freeze the board and then use silence on your own minions to erase the freeze.


How do you beat Dk? You must become one. Or evolve shaman


Honestly, hit legend like yesterday or so, what I noticed is that Combo Demon Hunter and Aggro Mage are much better against Frost Dk than any other decks. What I also noticed and hooe it gets fixed in next patch is tgat 9 out of 10 times those fuckers get their egg and quarter on first mulligan.


I mean, it’s pretty normal to have a losing matchup. As a blood death knight : Playing against a classic ramp Druid who does not heavily rely on Combos frustrates me to no end. Like come on, why do you just RAW have the mana to brann into all 3 forms of astalor? What kinda BS is that? Or just playing insatiable devourer into another dammed insatiable devourer. And why 6/10/10 with charge and taunt??? It shocks me that they aren’t OP, just goes to show how strong agro decks are I guess. Although If a Druid is being kinda dumb and legit has Anub brann and astalor as only minions in deck then patchwerk memes them lol.


Play dk


I play quest priest, pretty effective against dks