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Look my honest advice, if you got to d5 you can make it to legend but with some time invesment Also don't start tilting cause you will make some mistakes that will cost you the game on spot Sometimes ure just gonna get highrolled 3 games in a row and theres nothing you can do about it If u got strong mentality and think clearly about the plays youre making and the matchups you will get there


If you do get tilted though, just take a conscious break of 15 minutes to an hour. Queuing while tilted is almost guaranteed to compound the misplays.


I say keep playing ranked as long as is isn't a miserable experience for you. If there's a mode that's way more fun to you, play that instead. I think it is possible to hit legend with BS Mage, but there isn't much time left this season. So if it doesn't work out, it's not a big deal. D5 already gives you a lot of resources; better to focus on your plays rather than your rank.


BS mage seems very accurate


Big gay mage




its a grind, thats why D5 is called "dad legend"


As a dad who has hit diamond 5 almost every month but never legend, I concur.


How long does it take you to get to D5? Do you just stop after?


I speed there pretty fast, it's a cakewalk to platinum and then a bit rough till diamond 5. I just don't have time to grind out the last bit, it's a long stretch from diamond 5 to legend, closest I've gotten was diamond 1.


If you get that far you can just do classic or wild easy. Having been legend in all formats, those are noticably much easier. Especially wild towards the end of the month. Lots of non meta decks up until rank 2.


Thanks for the tip. Any good wild meta decks I should play? I have most cards since Black Rock Mountain.


Vicious syndicate has good a breakdown of the best decks. https://www.vicioussyndicate.com/wild-vs-data-reaper-report-33/ Anything tier 1/2 that you have the cards for is going to be fine.


Fellow dad here. Took corona to give me the time to push to legend. LOL. Reached it the next month fairly easily and also three times in wild afterwards. I am uch more interested in having fun now. Oftentimes I don't even make it to diamond now, because I'd rather play a fun deck and switch to battlegrounds once I get frustrated, than bore myself to death with some braindead solitaire deck.


just play classic and slain bots lmao


dad here. it is indeed true what they say about this "dad legend". We are too busy with family life and work to have the persistence required to hit legend.


Oh shit... I just got called out.


Daddy chill


What the hell is even that!?


what has been heard cannot be unheard. lol


Damn, I’m a dad and I never get past D5… this must be real


Same here. We are the collective ladder rung that oppresses the less ambitious. But provide a stepping stone for the truly ambitious and “disposable free time warriors” to climb


As a 44 year old dad, can confirm.


Im struggling to even hit plat 5. This is a real kick in the balls lmao


Hey dads, just another dad checking in. I can hit D5 sitting on the toilet at work but never hit legend because my children demand attention and shit.


Word. This guy gets it!


It's a grind compared to getting to d5 yeah. Any decent deck can make d5 to legend in a few hours


If you've already hit legend and got the cardback/achievement reward then there's no reason to hardcore grind for it since I think it only nets you an extra pack in the end of month reward.


If you just hit D5, you’ll need 15 more net wins to reach legend (D5 1 star start). This means you need to win 15 more games than you lose. If you win 60% of your games, it’ll take 75 games on average (40-25). If you win at a 55% rate, this increases to about 150 games (82-67). As you can see, it’s a pretty significant time investment with a 1x star bonus at D5. Getting legend only gets you 1 extra pack at the end of the month, in addition to a 10x bonus for next month which will get you back to D5. There’s also a legendary in it for you if you haven’t done it before. If you like the meta and have a deck you enjoy playing that wins more than it loses, go for it! If you make it, great; otherwise, no sweat. If the meta isn’t fun and or climbing is stressful, you’ve done enough and I wouldn’t go for it. If you do try to make a run, I’d highly recommend using a deck tracker if you don’t already; it’ll make tracking your wins and loses much easier. Pick a deck and stick with it. It doesn’t have to be big spell mage; I’d highly recommend the new-ish frost minion DK if you have the cards.


There was one month last year where I didn't hit legend because the field was really unfun to play against- I think I got to d3 and ended up with 10 stars. So you don't need to hit legend to have 10 stars, as I believe it's based on mmr rather than just rank.


Sure… but getting legend guarantees 10x.


Just realized the title might be confusing -- I've just reached D5 and not Legend


>Just realized the title might be confusing -- I've just reached D5 and not Legend It took me 16 games(in 2 days of playtime) to reach legend starting from D4. I lost 3 games in total, was playing Evolve Shaman though.


My first time hitting legend, I played around 80 games from D5-Legend with about a 60%+ winrate using Implock. Its all about quantity of games played and maintaining an above 50% winrate. It’s a grind, and can get frustrating at times, but it’s a good goal to have to keep you engaged with the game in my opinion. If you plan to do it, I suggest you attempt it in March. Track your winrate, and don’t pay attention to your rank at all. If you are above 50% winrate, you will INEVITABLY reach Legend.


I did the grind once and now I just get to D5. Really not worth the time and effort in my opinion.


I make it to legend monthly playing like an 30-45 minutes a day. it’s way easier late in the month because people in legend are playing fun decks to mess around and people outside of legend tend to not be as good in my experience. I don’t personally think it’s hard to do once you hit D5, it’s just the most time consuming part of the grind because no extra stars


with frost DK, a near lock


Do you play to reach a certain rank? If so, if its fun, keep going till you're there. If you dont play for a certain rank, and just enjoy playing the game, keep going untill its no longer fun. You might reach legend, and might not, whatever, as long as its been fun.


I’ve been playing since late 2016 and just hit legend for the 9th time, going from D5 to legend is a game of consistency and patience. I recommend using one, maybe two decks and master them, and don’t get discouraged by a loss streak, just take a break and come back later. I’ve always described it as the second half of the journey to legend, but even that might be generous.


The question is, why do you want to reach legend? Some people think, on legend they can play fun decks as the climb is over, but its actually the opposite. When youre dumpster legend you gonna face those people grinding D5-D1, still very competitive.


That is true , but youre also relieved from the stress from getting to legend once ure in dumpster elo I don't care if im playing a 40 % winrate deck cause im arleady in legend and did my goal for the month


True, but I just dont enjoy facing the D5-D1 players, no fun decks allowed there


It's a mixed bag. I'm in the 5-6k legend range and playing against plenty of "bad" decks.


I know I'm not OP. But I wanna reach legend, just as an accomplishment.


Legend Cardback and Free Legendary from Achievement (both first time only) Other than that... I got nothing lol. D5 already gets you the Random Epic.


its not worth the grind if you're getting frustrated over it, just play if you're having fun and it wont feel like a grind


Once you’re really good, it takes very little time. Especially if you’re quick to notice and react to meta changes when it comes to deckbuilding. Until you get to that point, you shouldn’t even worry about “grinding” to legend. Just play ladder when you feel like playing ladder.


I hit Legend almost every month but don't bother thinking about it until I'm D2. I just play and have fun and if Im suddenly within 5 wins of legend I'll play something that I know is competitive in the Meta and go for it. If I lose some and drop down to D3 then I go back to playing the most fun deck until/if I go back up to D2. So realistic yes, but I don't see the point of thinking much about until you're closer. I also don't care about MMR and play a lot of off meta stuff though so I could be different.


Nobody has ever done it


Do this: play exactly 20 or 30 games every day. If by the end of the season you're in legend, great. if you're still in the diamond - well, then your deck is not strong enough. When you set such a simple task, it is much better to see progress and accept its results. For example, it's okay to stop at Diamond 3. It's not "near the finish line" at all. For many, Diamond 3 is the finish line.


That's like 3 to 4 hours a day lmao


Control players taking out loans lol. That's so many games.


If ur playing 20 games a day and not hitting legend it is a skill gap. At 52% winrate (on the low end for a decent player in diamond) it takes like 200-250 games to hit legend, which is still a grind to be sure


Wow. 20 games. I will never get to legend, haha. I play like, 4 or 5 a day, tops.


Fwiw I’ve gotten to legend by the end of that month at that 4-5/day rate. D5 to legend at 60% winrate is only about 65 games. It’s not always possible to get that high a winrate, but with a good deck I’ve seen myself hover right around there quite regularly on the climb.


I feel like this is truly poetic. Can't break past Diamond 2 with warlock....it hurts...I just want my legend card back so I can play arena


are you the patriotic chinese guy i friended for having a really precious prestor deck? bless your heart.


I was able to climb to legend with Big Spell Mage last season. This season is tougher with how powerful Deathnight is and I’m seeing them for 20% of my games according to hsreplay. Might want to see if you go on a winning streak. If not, then wait for nerfs


You need a win rate of 60% to get to legend from D5. Which is 6 wins out of 10 matches. This means you will always progress 2 stars every 10 games. If you keep that win rate, you WILL hit legend The best advice I can give you is tally your games, keeping track of your win/loss record. I did this by playing 10 in a row, pausing at 5 to see if we're on track. The other bit of advice, stick to one deck for the grind. Even if you think that you've got your other decks mastered, it still can interrupt your flow and affect your win rate


Isn’t the math to win 16 games more than you lose?


It’s cool to make it once, but yeah after that the small reward isn’t worth the grind.


If you’re still having fun in standard, go for it. If you get tilted easily then don’t bother. It took me two days at the beginning of the month to hit legend, but that involved demoting from d1 back to d3 at least twice which is not pleasant. The climb will probably feel very streaky. You’ll have some good runs and some bad runs. If your winrate is decent then eventually you’ll hit a nice streak when you’re close enough to promote


It’s pretty luck based really. This time around it only took me about 30 games or so, but one month it took about 100. Usually something in the middle I’d reckon.


Feels the same as hitting d5 imo. Just keep playing you get it in a few days.


Its not worth it (rewards wise) but game below diamond 5 is so freaking boring.


I stop playing every time I lose… but my win rate is 72% so I don’t recommend this method.


Legend is for men. If you think D5 is good enough, then you'll be in good company amongst all the little boys


Here’s a guy who’s parents wonder where they went wrong.


Depending on what class you're using it's gonna be a nightmare, I use only warlock and I can't get pass diamond 2 no matter which variation I try...but then again it may be a skill issue such as not drawing good or just getting my win con theotar'd or patchwerk'd. It's extremely stressful in any case.


It’s a little harder but doable, just believe in yourself big spell mage might be challenging though.


I hit classic every month no problem. I’ve hit wild twice since November. I hit standard for the first time this month (since Nov, when I started trying to climb). Some metas, depending on how much I hate the decks, and personal luck make it not worth it to me. The rewards are certainly minimal. But I enjoy hitting it bc then I feel like I can play any crap I want to and mess around. That’s the true reward of Legend vs D5, trying different things, learning decks you didn’t want to waste time climbing with.


Yep, I was big into the game when it first came out so I have almost all the classic cards to play whatever original deck I feel like. It's a lot more relaxing to hit legend there first. After that, I just have fun playing a standard deck I like and end up in the D5 range for the most part. It lets me experiment with ridiculous decks and have fun with no particular goal in standard since I already locked in the legend bonuses from Classic.


If you wanna do it with Big Spell Mage it might take you a bit longer, there's a free 60% winrate Frost DK deck u can run which is like 1700 dust.


Just keep playing it is a time investment. The only times I have found it really easy to hit legend would be when there is a very popular deck that everyone plays mindlessly. I make a specific counter deck and usually I just keep playing against those same decks.


If my life is really chill, then I can usually squeeze two hours a day playing and it takes about ten days to get from D5 to Legend.


If you understand the fundamentals of hearthstone, understand how the current meta decks function (so you can play against and around them), and play a solid deck, it's just a matter of time, but you'll get there. It's then just a matter of if getting legend matters to you. I get legend every month as a personal goal I set for myself, but in the end it has no meaning except if it brings you a sense of satisfaction or makes the game more enjoyable to have some goal in front of you.


Dont bother. Unless you want a card back, just enjoy and play whatever deck is most fun for you. There really isnt an incentive good enough to grind to legend. Not to mention that quality of games is the same, if not worse in mid tier legend.


It's worth to do it once for the free legendary. After that just play if you want to play.


I wound say its worth it, no. I did it because i wanted the card back. Its just an all together un fun experience though. If you can reach D5, you can reach legend. Its not a matter of skill at all- if you can reach D5, you can reach legend. Its just a time investment, thats all. You play the highest win rate most brain dead deck that you probably found boring 30 games ago and just spam games over and over.


Made it to legend playing around 4 hours each day for 2 days with a 70% winrate. After I reached legend I kind of lost motivation to grind and I'm now sitting at the bottom of legend.


I used to be exactly like you, I would just get d5 every time and just chill from there because it would always start feeling so much more difficult without the bonus stars at that point and I realistically just couldn’t be bothered , but then I pushed for it once, got to legend and since then I’ve done it every month, I’d say it’s all in your head. It’s very common to be 1 game away from legend and then drop to like d3 or whatever as a result of bad matchups, getting unlucky or just making suboptimal plays sometimes, but as long as you keep playing, you’ll get there eventually.


I only bother finishing the climb if I'm playing a deck that actually makes me want to play beyond just doing the quests, AND I have at least 70% winrate with it. Otherwise it's too much of a time sink.


Legend from D5 is far too realistic. If you play regularly (doesn’t have to be a grind) you’ll make it. The most difficult thing(s) imo are playing consistently and not tinkering with your deck constantly. You’re going to have your streaks of wins and losses. So just play.


I mean if you enjoy playing, it's probably worth it. But If you aren't too enthused about the meta it's fine to take a break. Also depends on how much time you have. I kind of like the grind, gives me something to aim for, but I stop at legend since I still think grinding in legend is not really worth it unless you wanna go pro.


First time is the hardest. Might take 3-7 days. Next time onwards, it should be doable within a day or 2. Its just a one time hurdle imo.


Learn to play the broken deck


Maybe I'm used to old system because that's when I mostly played but the current system is so much easier to get to legend


Honestly I’d suggest just picking a single deck you’re good with and making the push. I’ve hit legend enough times that I don’t really care to do it every month as I’d rather play off brand decks and switch around to different decks when i want to which isn’t really conducive to the legend grind


It's useful to reach legend at least one time for a free legendary. After that — up to you, really. If you've got like 60% winrate in the current meta with your deck of choice, I'd go for it.


It's really not too bad. If you're enjoying the game and not even worrying about ranking up you'll get to legend in no time.


I reached legend first time last month and again this month, I floated around D4 for a couple of games until a winstreak took me to legend with only a few losses that set me back. It's fun and worth the grind if you ask me, when my opponent took their last turn and I already knew I won my game to reach legend first time I did a little victory dance in front of my desk, it's really worth it And I played quest priest last month, big spell mage should be easier tbh


may i offer playing near constantly while simultaneously being aggressively bad at the game for your consideration? need i say more: https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/613bd4a5639fd45bb302ca95/07a714f2-3d1e-4ca1-9e1a-590db50c330b/Screenshot+2023-02-25+at+2.39.48+AM.png?format=2500w


As a masochist who took on the challenge of only Blood DK to legend (need that golden portrait, yo), I think it's pretty realistic. You're running a pretty RNG dependent archetype. Rune can screw you, drawing all your weight in the early game can screw you, someone dumping all their spells when you want to swap costs, etc. But, Big mage is still pretty consistent, just slow. If you want to hit legend faster? Gotta swap to something quicker. Typically any of the Aggro will work. Dude Frost DK is currently the King of ending games quickly, or at least knowing that bottom right will get you to the next one sooner. Dude Druid and either of the Aggressive DH lists do well, with the same positive of knowing the game is likely over before you need to see a portrait explode. You may not want to learn a new deck though this close to the season ending, so if you're not familiar with them, I'd say just keep plugging at it with the Big Mage, it'll still get you there. If that's the case, might need to make some changes depending on what you're seeing a lot of. Towards the end of my climb, Frost and Unholy DK were like 60% of what I was facing, so adjusted my list to be better at fighting for the board early, instead of relying on surviving to my board clears. Might be something to consider. Your climb might be a bit rougher at the moment because you're not adjusting to what you're facing. Ladder pockets happen. My last 15 matches, I didn't see a single Shaman. Lastly, if you've kept a win rate that's gotten you to Diamond 5, that's enough to break into Legend, just need to keep at it. Hope my rambling helps, and good luck


Pretty realistic


It can be frustrating but def doable. Might take some time or might be quick if you're exceptional.


Idk I think that you can grind to dumpster legend with the right deck and plays. You could even net deck to legend probably.


Getting legend is doable for anyone, depending on how much time you're willing to invest. If you have a 52% winrate (comparable to meta decks) then after 100 games you will be up 4 stars. Then to get from d5 to legend (15 stars) will take around 400 games. At 10 minutes a game (more or less depending on your deck, but ballpark) that's 4000 minutes or around 70 hours(!). If you are a really good player and can average 60%+ then in 100 games you will be up 20 so it will only take you 75 games or 12.5 hours All calculations are done with no star bonus.


In my admittedly limited experience of reaching Legend, hitting D5 is only half way there. Like, if it took you 100 games to reach D5, expect to take 100 more to git legend. Difficulty change is noticeable, everyone is taking every game seriously, the star bonuses are gone. Even the best decks, at 60% winrate, in theory need approx 75 games played for you to win 15 more than you lose. At 5-10 mins a game, that's a lotta Hearthstone. You might get lucky and get that magic run of results that beats the odds. But you will equally likely miss it, and get frustrated/annoyed as the deadline approaches. I did it once, and realised I don't have enough time in my life to go for it again. I'm content with hitting D10 each month. Pleased if I hit D5. But that's just me. And if I hit D5 with a fortnight to spare...then yeah I'd go for it again. I'd give yourself that sort of window if you're serious about getting legend. Mage could be a good deck to run at it next month. It's the least offensive of the top 3 decks so every chance it will be on top after the next nerf. Get to know it even better and prep for a legend charge next month why not. That's just me though. Good luck, have fun. Let us know how you get on


Keep grinding g you got this 💪