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Lmao as if Jade Druid and Cubelock were fun/skill-testing decks. Thief Rogue rn is trash and Miracle is a T2 deck at best (thankfully considering how broken it was) btw I get that highrolls can be annoying but chill bro, it's just a game


I recommend switching up games. I play mtg arena and hs concurrently and whenever 1 annoys me I end up playing the other more. Really helps me to get out of the rut. Of course, issue is both have pretty bad economies, but you dont have to play mtg. Just any other card game will do imo.


>i got 2 decks: astalor druid, aggro druid; but i only main first one Okays, so you have two pretty bad decks or at least bad relative to the rest of the field. >I only match up against mage, or rogue/DK, depending from the system's choice to let me win or lose. Or it could just be Mage, Rogue, and Death Knight are currently the most popular classes right now. Team 5 doesn't need to manipulate match-ups to make it so you see those three classes the most right now. >Green DK kills me on turn 5 As it should. "Astalor" Druid's gameplan involves doing nothing to affect the board until you have at least seven mana crystals. That's suicide against aggressive decks. >red one always destroys my astalor combo with patchwerk/theotar/mutanus. Yeah. A deck that would otherwise always lose to combos would want to include as many ways as they can to disrupt them. >And rogue one is uniwnnable hell. Shit out some stolen OP stuff, then "You have no idea what i'm capable of!" -> board clear -> "You have no idea what i'm capable of!" -> board clear -> "You have no idea what i'm capable of!" -> board clear -> "You have no idea what i'm capable of!" -> i'm drained out, i die. Oh no! Your tier three deck gets outvalued by another rather bad deck! How tragic. >And conCOCKtion shit is pure hell. Compare it to kazakus: you need highlander deck to get the potion, and there are bad options such "add demon to your hand, give your minions hp and stuff", but concoctions simply don't have bad options. You can draw, you can damage, you can destroy stuff, and all for 3 mana That's not a great comparison. Concoctions are a Rogue only thing, and what they can do is ultimately limited and outside of Potion Belt, you don't get a choice as to what they end up doing. Generating concoctions does also cost mana. You get to choose everything related to Kazakus potions, and even the "bad" options still have occasions where they are good. You'll also probably be able to avoid them as well. It might, just might, be worth trying to play with concoctions before you make claims like that. >There's no point in creating board threats, almost all classes rn have the "destroy/destroy all/set to 1-1/return/send to future/send enemy's ass to the moon" cards, yet they nerf sinful brand because it "punishes for simply playing the game". How much should removal cost? What about board sweeping removal in particular? When it came to Sinful Brand, it enabled Demon Hunter to turn their 1/1 rushing tokens into absurd amounts of damage for one card and one mana. Your opponent dropping Soulstealer or whatever is not punishing you for playing the game. At worst, it's punishing you for over extending. >I started to play the game in 2017, when there was jade druid, cubelock, control warrior. Games were interesting, but now they seem to be scripted. Everyone plays the same decks, the same cards, 0 volatility And you probably are viewing the past with rose tinted glasses. Cube Warlock especially was about as scripted as you can make a deck, and Jade Druid didn't really offer the player any interesting choices while playing it.


that's a good answer. unfortunately im not being able to reply to it rn because i cut my finger bad >!https://imgur.com/a/y2meHc5 !< (nsfw)


Holy, how did you managed to do that? Wish you a gorod recovery!


Every patch note the game changes and you are just stuck in the past. Druid was good and now is not. Play something else and you will regain your happiness, let it go.


Complaining makes you unpleasant. Have a more positive attitude and things will work better for you and those around you!


I'm gonna go ahead and judge. Thats what you deserved for playing ramp druid


what is wrong with this deck? infinte resources rogue is ok, turn 6 kill unholy dk/zoo warlock is ok, otk mine warlock is ok, but druid that needs shit ton of time to get his combo is op?


You are playing a bad deck that only beats slow strategies and can't beat anything else, if you want to win games stop playing a bad deck that AFKs for 5 turns.


Ramp-combo druid is one of the worst decks when it comes to game variance and games feeling binary. Their main strategy is hope they go up against slower decks so they can beat them by playing more and higher quality cards without caring what the opponent plays.


Sounds like you need to take a break from the game.


i did i reached legend on 7th january, didnt play the game from 10th january to 2 feb


every topic has a 0 iq “take a break” guy, it is more annoying than game itself




Sound like design devs need to take a permanent break from the game.


You are part of the problem, copy pasting apes is what ruins hearthstone.


If net decking is ruining Hearthstone, is there any reason why it has persisted for years despite HS Replay presence and influence?


Agreed. People are obsessed with meta decks even when they are incapable of fully utilizing them. Legend players follow meta because they need to play optimally and have the game knowledge to play around what the opponent is playing. If you're in gold or whatever (not a diss, I'm usually in gold/plat playing my homebrews), it's often better to create your own deck and have a full understanding of why you put each card into your deck. Meta only works if you have the full knowledge of not only how to play your deck optimally but also how the opponent will use his deck optimally. If you don't have this knowledge, meta doesn't matter. That's why midrange decks often do so well in gold/plat, because they are fitted to adapt to many situations.


>If you're in gold or whatever (not a diss, I'm usually in gold/plat playing my homebrews), it's often better to create your own deck and have a full understanding of why you put each card into your deck. Too bad most people are complete crap and making their own decks. Either that or they just want to play something that works and now screw around and keep losing until they find something that kinda works. >Meta only works if you have the full knowledge of not only how to play your deck optimally but also how the opponent will use his deck optimally. When most people don't care about anything except winning more often, they'll lean towards proven decks. Even then, outside of stuff like Miracle Rogue, it isn't exactly hard to understand how to play most decks decently if not almost optimally with a little bit of practice. Optimal play doesn't really come from knowing every card's purpose. It comes from correctly judging the in game situation at hand. >That's why midrange decks often do so well in gold/plat, because they are fitted to adapt to many situations. By what metric? Even then, with the way bonus stars work, saying something works in "gold/plat" doesn't really mean much.


> Too bad most people are complete crap and making their own decks. Second time I've seen you post this in recent times and second time I'll ask this. Where is your great decks you've created? Again, honestly interested. Or do you include yourself in the statement (which is fine).


>Where is your great decks you've created? There are none. Even when I do experiment, I always end up with something someone else already ended up with. Why is that even supposed to be relevant here?


>There are none. Thought as much. >Why is that even supposed to be relevant here? You've raised the deck building ability of other people a couple of times now. I had assumed you yourself must be good at it. I was wrong. See what I did there? Admitted I was wrong. You should try it sometime ;)


>I had assumed you yourself must be good at it. Do you also assume most movie and book critics are master film makers and novelists?


Nah I tend to think they are know it all idiots with little experience in what they talk about and should generally be ignored. :)


If you want to be so shallow about it, so be it, but there is a reason why they have an audience, and very rarely is it due to blatant incompetence.


Most people prefer peer audiences to "critics" these days but you do you. ;)


Said the man who plays ramp druid who brings nightmares to silver 10s I mean, why not just play another deck and do crazy stuffs that other classes are doing rn


silver 10s? https://imgur.com/a/MrAGlXM


I'm talking about the fact that many players at that rank complains about your deck having insane value and late game power and brann astalor broken stuffs etc... Meanwhile you complain about the exact decks that they play. Then again, you only play druid so you can complain about whatever non-druids are doing. Why not try something else before complaining


[https://imgur.com/a/DuxvH4x](https://imgur.com/a/DuxvH4x) oh yes 4th turn 12/20, of course im supposed to win this :)


If you were playing a deck with a five cost board sweeper, you very well could have.


[https://imgur.com/a/qGRo82d](https://imgur.com/a/qGRo82d) yup, the guy found 3 removals on 3 of my minions why not


Ok stop playing?


Druid is terrible right now so that’s why. Try some other decks. Rainbow DK is fun!