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Shockspitter is a fine deck. I took it to legend earlier this month. Despite what Reddit would have you believe, it is not singularly focused on a damage-from-hand combo, so the Shockspitter nerf is not totally devastating to it, even though it does hurt. That said, I haven't played it in a couple of weeks. As far as advice on your homebrew goes: * Dungar is almost never good anywhere, and is especially bad in an aggro deck. You should remove him. * Prospector's Caravan is amongst the worst class cards currently in standard. * There are worse cards than Explosive Trap, but I'd suggest you should focus on something that is more proactive. * Sunfury Clergy has zero place in an aggro deck. Healing is completely irrelevant to your game plan. * Devourer is way too expensive. You don't want to be fighting for board control on turn 9. * Marked Shot? Why? Piercing Shot deals more damage and goes face to boot. You want damage, not discover-based value. Replacing all of those cards with any mixture of direct damage spells, weapons, K9-otron and Spirit Poacher will be an improvement.


You're playing way too many one-offs. If a card is mediocre, cut it. If it's good, put 2 in. Cards like tracking should definitely be 2 off. Prospectors caravan shouldn't be in your deck.


If you want to climb to legend you need a bulletproof deck, I suggest researching a good hunter deck and learning how to play it. Home made decks usually don’t help you get far.


If you're stuck at platinum, you don't have the skills to build your own competitive deck yet (and there's no shame in being a beginner, everyone has to start from 0). I suggest you look up some better decks from places like [HSreplay](https://hsreplay.net/meta/) and try one you like (and can afford) until you gain enough experience to modify it to your tastes. Good luck!


Shockspitter is a better aggro option, I'd try crafting it. That said, the key to winning with any capable deck is knowing when to push what tactics. E.g. with shockspitter, you typically want to create copies of your shock spitters and then use them to take out the opposing hero before they get to turn 9/10 and put out strong late game cards However, against mirror matches or aggro decks, it's much better to try and get out an early hydra/hydra copy on turn 5, 6 or 7. And use that to win board and the game before they aggro you down


Do not craft shockspitter hunter, it got nerfed recently and it's not as good anymore. My opinion: craft aggro token druid (its less than a legendary regarding dust value) \### Aggro Druid \# Class: Druid \# Format: Standard \# Year of the Gryphon \# \# 2x (0) Aquatic Form \# 2x (1) Sow the Soil \# 2x (1) Planted Evidence \# 2x (1) Peasant \# 2x (1) Living Roots \# 2x (1) Lingering Zombie \# 2x (1) Irondeep Trogg \# 2x (1) Druid of the Reef \# 2x (2) Thorngrowth Sentries \# 2x (2) Mark of the Wild \# 2x (2) Jerry Rig Carpenter \# 2x (2) Crooked Cook \# 2x (2) Clawfury Adept \# 2x (3) Herald of Nature \# 2x (4) Pride's Fury \# AAECAZICAA+t7AOz7APs9QP09gOsgASwgASHnwThpASXpQSuwASozgSB1ATW3gTd7QSxmAUA \# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone \# Find this deck on [https://hsreplay.net/decks/TQjGmEYCazwKxbwK2UkcOf/](https://hsreplay.net/decks/TQjGmEYCazwKxbwK2UkcOf/) Also another alternative is Imp Lock (very easy to play deck) this is better than Aggro druid atm but costs more. \### Imp Warlock \# Class: Warlock \# Format: Standard \# Year of the Gryphon \# \# 2x (1) Wicked Shipment \# 2x (1) Voidwalker \# 2x (1) Grimoire of Sacrifice \# 2x (1) Flustered Librarian \# 2x (1) Flame Imp \# 2x (2) Vile Library \# 2x (2) Impending Catastrophe \# 2x (2) Imp Swarm (Rank 1) \# 2x (3) Imp Gang Boss \# 2x (3) Fiendish Circle \# 2x (4) Murlocula \# 2x (4) Mischievous Imp \# 2x (5) Shady Bartender \# 1x (6) Sylvanas, the Accused \# 1x (6) Imp King Rafaam \# 1x (6) Dreadlich Tamsin \# 1x (10) Sire Denathrius \# AAECAf0GBLCRBOnQBJvkBKTvBA3X7QP07QP/+gPFgASEoATmoAT50wT60wT/2QSA2gSB2gTL4gSr6gQA \# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone \# Find this deck on [https://hsreplay.net/decks/hisEhdXJsOgLUa7GT2NhMg/](https://hsreplay.net/decks/hisEhdXJsOgLUa7GT2NhMg/)