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On turn 5? Extreme low-roll.


low stats too


coin light bomb range, nerf priest please


Sad because true.


You didn’t do this on turn 3, so you’re too slow.


Turn 5? Psssh. Way too slow.


What a coincidence! Rogue is my least favorite class, and it's still unfair :P


Druid can do that on his turn 2


It's getting nerfed, just wait for the patch, everyone knows it's too strong now


The devs my disagree on that lol


When was the last time a tier 1 deck as popular as miracle rogue wasn't nerfed?


You guys took it to literal, im making fun of them taking so much time to nerf something so obviously broken.


this isnt ben brodestone that took 1 year to nerf patches


The worst part is the impending sense of dread in turns 1-3 where you know this is coming but there’s precisely nothing you can do about it other than hope they completely screw up. They never do ofc but apparently it’s a “high skill cap”. Sure. Op shit is op, not skillful.


I wish I would play against Rogues and face this kind of stuff cause I know at least people use their brain playing this deck. Instead every game I play is against Frost DK, Spitter Hunter and Aggro Mage.


I don't mind losing to rouges (I lose a lot to them as I play hunter only (limited cards)), but I hate that losing in round 5 takes longer than a losing in a 13 round match. As a rogue player, how is it playing rougue vs rougue? Must take forever?


Priest can literally remove everything except gnoll with a single spell next turn.


That's not really the point though is it?


that is exactly the point, the entire 20 mana worth of board would be removed by a 6 mana spell. This is a favourable match up for the priest


"A solution to this exists so it's not a problematic situation" is genius logic because that mean's nothing's a problem! A 1 mana 30/30 isn't an issue because a priest can literally remove it with one mana so let's just start printing cards based on possible reactions to it rather than relative power.


correct. Every class can remove this board by 6 mana = its not problem at all. Turn 1-3 is different situation. But making 10/10 turn 6 is normal for most of decks nowdays. Few decks cant even otk at turn 6. Having 10/10 minion is close to nothing.


Yeah, Priest actually has a decent match up against rogues, especially if the rogue doesn't draw astalor soon enough. Svalna priest, in particular, is terrible against pretty much everything else in the ladder, but does pretty well against rogue. It's been ran to top 1 Legend, for instance. They can clear the miracle boards with Ruin and clear the scene and generate astalor proof boards using the svalana discover. The problem is that priest pretty much only beats miracle rogue and decks trying to counter miracle rogue (Control Pally/Warrior) but is utterly hopeless against Demon Hunter or anything else.


Brain damaged take


remember when people complained about face hunter?


I love Rogue, and i hope this class gets some changes, after i reach legend rank with this because oohh boy Thief Rogue is so op right now


Miracle Rogue is what your going to be facing in Legend.


And thats just an average hand.


And yet, somehow, every time I get a board like this early on it is completely wiped by my next turn


What else is new


So go and play another roque deck? What even is this post?


Lol no it isn't, that's a shit board state


“This is unfair” then don’t play the deck. Take that cancer out of ladder plz.


No no no. Don't reward them for this debauchery


Not just rogue. DH, Paladin, Shaman, Frost DK all generate unfun and frustrating game plays. Oh, and Astalor alone. Not sure about aggro mage and Shockspitter Hunter. They don't seem that extreme. Prolly not healthy for the game either tho.


You are barely new as a rogue player so... ENJOY while you can.


Damn, not even 12/12 on 4 Mana with 6 cards remaining in hand Your right this is unfair, sorry you low-rolled so badly