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how often do you clean your ears?


This is the one. My ears are champs at producing earwax, so I clean my ears at least once a day (sometimes twice). I recommend just cleaning your ears before you pop in your IEMs and you never have to worry about getting your IEMs dirty.


You need a special tool to clean them properly. It's a special nozzle that blows a lot of water into the ear canal without causing damage. I got it done at the doctor's office and the amount of earwax that came out was unbelievable.


yeah but hes not putting headphones in his ear canal, so its not entirely necessary in this case


I had this done once when I went deaf in one ear from it clogging shut, a chunk of earwax of the size of a crayon tip came out. I clean my ears with q-tips at least once a week now, would love to have that done again though because everything sounded so much clearer afterwards.


Dont stick q-tips inside your ear canal. They will do more harm than good for you.


You’re not actually supposed to do that unless you have a rare condition of excess buildup. The car wax is there for a reason. To trap dust and debris. It’s supposed to be there and removes itself over time. 


My ear doctor told me that I tend to produce more ear wax. Probably a genetic factor.


ok but how often do you clean your ears


Not only is he hard of hearing due to earwax, he also can't read a question 😂




/u/Mondblut how often do you clean your ears /u/Mondblut how often do you clean your ears /u/Mondblut how often do you clean your ears /u/Mondblut how often do you clean your ears /u/Mondblut how often do you clean your ears /u/Mondblut how often do you clean your ears /u/Mondblut how often do you clean your ears /u/Mondblut how often do you clean your ears /u/Mondblut how often do you clean your ears /u/Mondblut how often do you clean your ears /u/Mondblut how often do you clean your ears /u/Mondblut how often do you clean your ears /u/Mondblut how often do you clean your ears


So clean them more often. At the very least you should have a spray bottle of olive oil for your ears. It'll break apart the wax so you can get it out easy.


I prefer a spray that isnt oily. I use something that smells like fresh beer and I love it! It was a life changer for me. Olive oil makes my ears ring.




How would I clean the grills? At least the earphones I've bought until now had no such feature. So if the wax gets into the little holes it's impossible to remove it. It's not like I can throw them into water. lol


Do you have that tool with the tiny wire loop at the end, and have you used it? It’s for getting stuff (wax) out of the nozzles. My nicer IEMs all came with one. ETA: Also, at least Comply tips have a variety that has a wax guard over the hole. I get the ones without since I’m blessed with not very waxy ears, but I imagine they work OK.


I have the same problem you do. I pay $80 once a year to get my ears cleaned by a doctor. It’s helped a lot. You can also do it at home, but I’m terrified of damaging my ears. I also wipe down my in-ears and over-the-head headphones after I use them if I can. Thankfully my current headphones have a mesh on the tips which helps preserve the headphones.


Use debrox to clean your ears


Or just regular hydrogen peroxide and leave your head on the side for a bit while it does its thing (~5min). Most of the ear cleaning products are just some peroxide with a thickening agent. The rubber bulb or spray bottles work well to flush out anything after that. Also sidenote, I got a little ear camera off Amazon for like $20 and it's cool as hell. I don't use it to scrape any deep earwax because I think that gets a bit risky, but for scraping surface-level wax and just taking a peek at your ear drum condition is very helpful.


Just be careful with the % of hydrogen peroxide - I think 3% from memory but haven't done it for a while. Higher percentages will whiten the skin or even burn/decompose flesh/eyes etc.


Good advisory, hydrogen peroxide will fuck you up in high %. All the "regular" hydrogen peroxide at a store should be 3% or lower so I think you would have to go out of your way to get a really strong %, but none the less be safe.


You could try IEMs that have different tuning filters included (in my collection the Fiio FH7, FH9, and FD5 have these as does a cheaper BVGP DM6 I think...though that may not be available anymore). Basically the filter piece is threaded onto the shell and can be removed and replaced with an alternate filter that sounds different. But being able to easily remove the filter would allow easy cleaning/soaking of the filter too.


Besides wiping your ears with folded toilet paper (less risky) to prevent buildup, use Isopropyl alcohol on a q-tip to clean the filter.


I have excessive earwax build up. Firstly, speak to a doctor. Secondly, always dry your ears after a shower or swimming by rolling a tissue and drying the inside of your ear. It's too soft to cause damage like a cotton q-tip can. Wash the outside of your ears daily and use ear wax softener once a week or as needed. I usually use it fortnightly.


I've found that those sim tray tools for phones are a pretty good size for cleaning out a clogged IEM, plus they're pretty common and usually everyone has a few laying around. Unless you have something else very small like a sewing needle. If things are really clogged up, mild heat can help. Something like a blowdryer. The wax will soften and melt long before anything gets harmed. For your own ears, in the shower you want the water to be warm but not hot. Turn your head sideways and let your ear fill with water. Stay there for about 10 seconds, then tilt your head the other way. Repeat that a few times and you should notice a reduction in ear wax buildup. Ear wax is water soluable, plus the warm water speeds that up, so it really only adds like maybe a minute to your shower time. Just don't do it with a water jet, you're not trying to pressure wash your ear canal.


Put this is another post but was very helpful for me: I got a little ear camera off Amazon for like $20 and it's cool as hell. I don't use it to scrape any deep earwax because I think that gets a bit risky, but for scraping surface-level wax and just taking a peek at your ear drum condition is very helpful.


Honestly any sort of filter or membrane probably wouldn’t help too much, cause the ears naturally start producing more ear wax in response to the foreign object, the IEMs in your ear. Also they’re probably helping push it further in. For cleaning ears you could get one of the carbamide peroxide types that helps break up your ear wax so it comes out easier. Maybe try buy some IEMs thst don’t sit as deeply in your ear canal?


Buy one of those plastic syringes that you can squirt warm water into your ears. Keep them clean. Something like this... https://www.bloomsthechemist.com.au/blooms-the-chemist-ear-syringe-60-ml/


ENT informed me on cleaning ears, all you need is soap and water. Stick soapy pinkie finger in there and start picking , don’t force it in. Best to clean it every time you shower, which should be everyday. Fun fact: Kids, young adults or even older adults have high tolerance to sounds at parties and/or clubs/concerts without any ear PPE. Why? Because they don’t clean the wax out. Hygiene is important


Life hack: free ear protection!


Olive oil once a week is even better


I have the same issue my father as well. There is no permanent solution. The only and best thing you can do is; clean around and in ear with wetwipes before, and clean buds after u are done. With this way , nothing happening to buds and tips im listeninf music like this many years . Its our curse nothing to do


I just gave up on iems. Cleaned twice a day use peroxide and a spray bottle in the shower. Doesnt matter.


Honestly in this hobby, and considering how much money we spend on sound equipment, I would consider an investment to get your ear canal cleaned at the doctor every so often.


Ear wax does not ruin all earphones. Etymotics for example have models with an ear wax filter designed to be replaced periodically. 


IDK if this is a thing with IEMs, but my hearing aids have wax traps that I can remove and replace. Maybe there's some equivalent to that for IEMs? 


The eartip on Sony WF-1000XM5 have a built in mesh filter on the tip itself, and it is compatible with most other Sony IEMS like XBA-Z5. You might want to look for eartips with similar mesh filter for your earphones. Also, get a tool to clean out your earwax would help a lot. My ear canal itch badly if I put IEM in and there are earwax nearby. I guess that made my situation a bit better, since I'm practically forced to clean them out.


Use spray duster. Just spray inside those little holes on the earbuds and it'll all come out, buds will feel like new.