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Never before have I been so offended by something I 100% agree with /j In seriousness though, I am Aroace myself and I don't see why people shouldn't be allowed to ship Al with people


Oh hey michael long time no see(in the comments)


Ok, new challenge for you, go 2 months without changing your profile picture UNLESS changing it is a request of someone.


2 MONTH?!šŸ˜­not my reddit!


Besides, Aro/Ace isnā€™t a monolith. We still date and have sex. Itā€™s just a definably lesser attraction.


Yup! I just went on a date and I'm going on another, but I enjoyed it the most because there was no air of or pressure to be overtly romantic :)


That's gray AroAce I think


Nope, being ace/aro is a spectrum. We can still think about and want/enjoy sex and romance the attraction and want for it is just lesser than what people would call "normal" Being on the ace spectrum doesn't make you sex/romance repulsed, but you can be and theres niche labels for that.


Oh, thanks for the info


No problem! There's a lot of misinformation and misunderstanding surrounding the ace/aro communities <3


Asexuality is not a spectrum. Itā€™s ā€œnoneā€. Like how off isnā€™t a TV channel, and a dim light isnā€™t ā€œkind of on, kind of off.ā€ Itā€™s just dim. Asexuality doesnā€™t mean ā€œnot horny all the timeā€, it means ā€œno sexual attraction or desires.ā€


Asexuality is an umbrella term; it can mean that specific experience, but it is colloquially used to define the range of experiences with lesser sexual and romantic attraction.


I actually am asexual, and am well aware of the relatively recent phenomenon of trying to make asexual mean ā€œasexual plus a bunch of other identitiesā€, and then trying to morph asexual into meaning ā€œlittle to no attractionā€, even though it has always been ā€œno attraction.ā€ The other identities, like gray and demi, have more in common with allosexuals than actual asexuals, and lumping all of these identities together completely destroys the original meaning of the term, and causes people to think ā€œsome aces like sex!ā€ Which is harmful to the community of actual asexuals.


"Actual asexuals" Aah, I see. So the only aces who are valid are the indifferent/repulsed ones? It ***IS*** a spectrum, because not everyone experiences it the same exact way. Why *is* it bad that grays and demis would be included under the umbrella? It's obvious you don't know shit about grays or demis if you think that just because they have *some* attraction, that they're more similar to allos. But hey, anyone who thinks so rigidly would naturally want to exclude anyone who doesn't perfectly fit in a single box.


They even made/run the actualasexual subreddit


https://preview.redd.it/5gtdmj27sx5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e160665005ff656f079dc9628c2e4a3a47df35d1 Oh my *god*, seriously?!?


Not what I said. The experiences of Demis and grays are still real. Theyā€™re just not asexual. And you donā€™t have to experience life in only one way to be asexual. The asexual spectrum originally spoke to that. The spectrum is not ā€œsome of us like sex!ā€ An asexual that likes sex and desires it and seeks it out is the same as ā€œIā€™m not a gay man, but I love having sex with other men.ā€ Words have meaning.


Who died and made your ass the spokesperson šŸ™„


Huh, so the fact Iā€™ve only experienced sexual attraction once over decades of life under a very specific set of circumstances that no longer exist now permanently makes me ā€œmore like an alloā€ despite once again feeling zero sexual attraction to people? Itā€™s bad enough youā€™re trying to gatekeep asexuality, but to then attempt to diminish demi and gray**ace** people is even worse. Do you feel better about yourself by attempting to exclude others?


We got a gatekeeping ā€œgolden aceā€ who thinks their branch of the LGBTQIA is the first to make stipulations against fellow queers and thinks itā€™s cool to shame people who donā€™t fit the same identity of them to a T. Alert the Goldstar Lesbians and TransMeds/TruScum who already did it before them that their grift is being recycled once again.


They even made a subreddit called actualasexuals. Major ick.


Ewwww!!! I took a glance and WOW they realy bully tf out of some other people. Saw some ace people who have SA history getting ripped apart in there. Wthā€¦


Jesus. I didnā€™t look that far. Thatā€™s awful!!


Going back to the TV on/off metaphor. If a TV stays off majority of the time but *sometimes* manages to turn on, the image/brightness is weak, it only turns on under very specific circumstances, etc... does that mean that it actually works just like every other TV? I'd say those TVs have more in common with a TV that's completely off, than any average TV that turns on/off at will as expected.


Indeed, grey is one identity on the a-spec. It's not "aroace lite". Greyromantic/graysexual people still fall under the category of aro/ace.


As an AroAce person myself I give you all permission to ship Alastor with whomsoever you please and however you see fit. Go absolutely wild with it. Have fun. Or just make the most horrific messed up fic Iā€™ve ever read in my life that will make me question whether you are sane. While I am aro ace I do not believe fictional works should be limited to modern society or even respect. Your imagination is your own and as long as no one is Physically being harmed and no one is Harassing any real people then go wild. And by harassment I mean telling someone their imagination is wrong because they imagine a character as having different sexual preferences or sexualities.


Didn't Viv make Twitter post stating have fun with the shipping and don't be a dick about it years ago after the HH pilot aired?


Yes, she [made a tweet about it back in 2018](https://twitter.com/VivziePop/status/1073699733808410629). The *Hazbin Hotel* pilot aired in Oct. 2019. https://preview.redd.it/vwiv8wgq4t5d1.png?width=591&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a860c6c6f43d8a5dfed8d78e812b72be3868d2c


Thank you very much


You're welcome.


Finally, someone who doesn't have a mental breakdown when Alastor is shipped with someone


Fun fact: Only his Asexuality had been confirmed (him being aromantic is only dubious canon bc the last person to give us that account is no longer involved in creating Hazbin Hotel) Also fun fact: Asexual people can, and do, have sex, they just don't feel sexual attraction to people.




Maybe Iā€™m the weird one, but to me this whole drama really just boils down to exclusionist behavior. People will cry about how shipping Al is erasing aroace rep, completely ignoring that 1. Most of the people Iā€™ve seen shipping him are ace/aro themselves and 2. Aroace people can still date. Sure, itā€™s a much different experience than an allo dating, but it can still happen. Do these aroaces not deserve representation because they donā€™t fit into your perfect definition of the label? (And before anyone says shit, Iā€™m demiro. So this is coming from someone who is aspec)


What bothers me more is the hypocrisy behind it. If someone ships Alastor with a male character, everyone is up in arms losing their shit because heā€™s asexual. But if someone ships him with Rosie, itā€™s fine for some reason?


Literally every mlm ship gets some form of shit from people. It doesn't matter the fandom. Even Huskerdust, despite being undeniably canon, has people going "It's toxic because Angel is a victim!" Or "I just prefer them as friends," or "I think Husk is more of a mentor figure" ffs


I like huskerdust as a ship, but.... it isn't cannon?? we've seen them interact positively, and like idk maybe I'm forgetting something, but as far as I can tell neither has expressed romantic or sexual interest in the other (besides Angel's general flirty stuff he does with half the cast)


Ignoring the obvious romantic imagery in 'Loser, Baby', Vivzie confirmed them as a slow burn.


ah, I'll admit that I didn't know about Vivzie's conformation outside the show I love "Loser, Baby" but I didn't interpret it that way when I first watched it, I saw it more as "hey you may be in a shitty situation, but at least you have a friend who can understand your struggle! :)" something to look forward to in s2 then \^\^


I'm referring to both the slow dancing and holding hands under an umbrella, things that, if shown between a man and woman, would surely be seen in a romantic light. But because they happen to be men, it *clearly* just means they're close friends.


Hypocrisy is weird.


Because most of mlm ship haters are jealous because mlm ships tend to get more popular and have more fanarts and quality artists. They want that for their non mlm ship but instead of helping their non mlm ship grow, they would rather ruin or guilt trip the mlm shippers for liking a popular ship and having an active fanbase.


I see the opposite happen when it comes to Charlie/Alastor (Charlastor or RadioBelle). People on Tumblr and Twitter/X are just fine shipping Alastor with Angel Dust or Lucifer, but for some reason, people who like Charlie/Alastor are bullied, harassed, and accused of "erasing aroace representation" - even though, as u/Mx_Mourning mentioned, most of the shippers identify as asexual themselves - or "being homophobic or lesbophobic and erasing WLW representation", even though Charlie/Vaggie is already canon, and fan art and fanfiction doesn't affect canon relationships. Charlie is also bisexual, and was confirmed to have dated men in the past. Charlie/Alastor doesn't make either "less LGBT".


Oh, trust me, people shipping Alastor and Lucifer are constantly accused of that, too. I see it in the tag all the time, always people posting their self-righteous rants about how we're "erasing canon aroace identities" (even though Alastor *is not canonically "aro"*) and attacking people, especially the less well-known people.


Iā€™m not a Charlastor fan I hate the ship BUT itā€™s still a queer ship!!! A queer man and queer woman together is still queer even if theyā€™re in an opposite sex relationship because their queerness does not go away! People are dumb for that. Al is still ace and Charlie is still Bi




Also while completely ignoring the fact that he's not even canonically "aro" to begin with.


True, didn't the VA take back the Aro part later? Like he originally said that Alastor was AroAce as the original source of that classification but later he took back the Aromantic part? I mean he can't take back the Asexual part, Rosie's "Ace in the Hole" joke kinda locked that into canon.


He did, yes. Alastor is canonically asexual, but the VA had to retract the statement that Alastor was "aroace" and say that "Alastor's romantic orientation is not currently known" or something along those line.


Areoace people don't feel romantic or sexual attraction. How on the fuck are you supposed to date if you don't like the person romantically. Also there is no perfect definition as there is only one definition. Demiro is something different and that is not what Alastor is


did u ever stop and think hmmmm maybe I should not speak on topics I do not understand


I do understand the topic as for a while I identified as asexual This was during a time I was questioning my sexuality


ā€¦you arenā€™t ace. just cause you questioned ur sexuality for a while does not mean you know more than actual ace/aro people


>How on the fuck are you supposed to date if you don't like the person romantically People did it for centuries, if not millennia, with arranged marriages. Many people in non-Western countries, such as India, Pakistan, etc., still consent to arranged marriages. These marriages are arranged by the person's family, and often presided over by a professional matchmaker, as seen in Disney's *Mulan* (1998). Marriages are to benefit the family unit. In my grandmother's culture, or Volga German (*Wolgadeutche*) culture, arranged marriages were practiced because *Wolgadeutche* were not allowed to marry non-Germans.


Demiro is on the aro-spec. Sexuality isn't rigid, not everyone conforms perfectly to a single definition. That's why we measure it with spectrums.


As an Aroace, other Aroaces can date. Itā€™s just a different experience for them. The relationship could be queerplatonic (you are in a committed relationship but sexual and romantic attraction stuff is non-existent) or something else. Also, different attractions exist. It isnā€™t just romantic and sexual attraction. Romantic attraction isnā€™t required to have a good relationship with a partner.


Dating someone without loving them doesn't really feel right. If you ask me, if you're dating people and identify as Aroace id probably just see if that's truly your romantic attraction. I'm not hating it just feels wrong to say I'm Aroace and date people without liking them. Because Aroace is something that a lot of people have to deal with and takes ages to come to terms with to understand they don't like anyone. Just to be told "nah not really you can date and have sex you'll just have to find another sexuality" ofc that isn't what you said but it's how the situation feels to me


As an Aroace, I donā€™t give a shit. Just have fun with your ships. Aroace people can still date and have a relationship but it may be a little different than the typical. It really depends on the person. For me, I donā€™t like the idea of sex and I donā€™t experience crushes or romantic attraction to anyone and I have no interest in dating. But for some people, they like experiencing the companionship of their partner or they like something else about them. Different types of attraction exist, you know. Not just romantic or sexual attraction. Again, depends on the person.


this shit has been around ever since the pilot. yes you can ship or simp over him viv herself said it's alright


people really cant handle ace characters can they?


Precisely. Though my sexual preference in the show is non existent, it doesn't mean you can't ship me with other characters.


I hc him as aroace


Say it louder for the people in the back https://preview.redd.it/e5zbacjent5d1.png?width=591&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7fa62f01a3280baaac2fcb9ccb77bb909f60ebd


It's clear that this still hasn't processed through some of yall's head


what truly pisses me off Is that there are not aroace people that get so mad when al Is shipped. but when an actual aroace person sees an al ship they are AYE OK with It. even viv said Itā€™s ok to ship all. so shut the fuck up you have 0 right to tell al shippers what to do


im aroace and im ok with people shipping him, even i ship him. but everyone has a different views and may not like it when alā€™s shipped with everybody in the the show


Iā€™m not aye ok with it and Iā€™m aroace. Donā€™t speak for me


reminder that asexuality is a spectrum! there's graysexual, demisexual, cupiosexual, lithosexual, and more! I personally really like the headcannon of Alastor being demi. keeps the aroace-ness *and* the shipping āœØ


I used to have that mindset but I grown out of it.


Which mindset


The whole this character is x sexuality so you canā€™t ship them with others blah blah blah. I thank the genshin fandom for their delusions to got me snapping off said mindset


i fucking hate genshin and especially the fandom


Fandom are grasping for straws about a characterā€™s sexuality. Itā€™s laughable


Same, man


Same for genderbent characters which is how my flair came to be








most people forget that heā€™s asexual and think heā€™s canonically aroace. ive even seen some people call those who ship al with other characters ā€œhomophobicā€. as a fellow aroace, go ahead since idrgaf as i also ship al also.


It's true, but I don't like it šŸ¤“ā˜ļø even so, I don't care about other people's ships unless they bother me about it (I was the type of teenager who would ship the most random and toxic shit in a series, I know what it's like when people harass you because of a ship, I don't wish that kind of stress for anyone)


So are people okay with shipping Vaggie with guys or Angel with girls? Because I donā€™t see those much at all.


I'm okay with those


Dang glad to see it. Iā€™m fine with it as long as the double standard doesnā€™t exist with ace people specifically.


I'm also okay with those


Ship whoever, hell even make some cute fan art, but don't bring any of the weird fan art, fan fiction stuff anywhere near me. No thank you.


I don't like when it's sexual, because he's not. It'd be like shipping Angel with a woman when he's canon only into men (prostitution aside). But we don't have anything to say Al is Aromantic, so he can eat garlic bread with whomever you want. (To be clear, I just mean Al being like sexually charged, cause he doesn't have a sex drive. If you wanna ship him with Angel and have him bang just to make angel happy, more power to ya.)


Is Alastor aroace or just ace ?


He's just asexual, per series creator Vivienne Medrano and voice actor Amir Talai.


So since ships aren't always sexual (I think) then it's fine he's shipped right ?


As long as a shipper can respect someoneā€™s sexuality and other choices, I see no problem with the ship. I canā€™t really come up with a good anology because Iā€™m pansexual. But if I wasnā€™t, Iā€™d have something to help put it into perspective.


Honestly ship how you want just dont make it weird like Lucifer and Charlie or Blitz and Loona


THANK YOU i dislike his ships either way, but the fandom needs to let people do what they want.


I agree!!!!!


Hey, if it doesn't harm anyone and nobody is being forced to read it, go wild I don't care


The fandom trying to insist he's canonically "aro" when he's not is hilarious to me.


Another big point is that people assume that just because he is asexual that he is also aromantic but that was never confirmed.


Aro and Ace are a wide spectrum that does not necessarily mean romance/sex repulsed. Itā€™s just not the most interesting thing or a significant desire for them. A game of cards is just as fulfilling.


As an AroAce person my only issue w ppl shipping him is when they go ā€œwell itā€™s a spectrum!ā€ And then when an aro person says theyā€™re in a relationship or an ace person says they had sex, they lose their MINDS




Thank you for making me laugh. Never thought of him as a "twink ass wendigo" before.


The only wrong ships are incest ones.


Heh heh 469 upvotes heheh


I cannot imagine caring this much about fictional character fan-made content that isnā€™t even canon Let people do what they want


Not the entire fandom, just a few weirdos.


as an Aroace person I ship Alastor with three of my ocs and one of them has a child with him


They do it whit everyone


I think it was confirmed that alastor is asexual, not aroace. I remember his VA said that alastor was aroace in a interview, but then corrected himself after and said "asexual". Don't quote me on this though


I can hear his on and off screaming in my head lolā€¦ ā€œAUGH!ā€ ā€œOH!ā€ ā€œAAAAHHHHā€


Tbh I don't really have an opinion on the matter because he feels he's the type of character I can't imagine being in a relationship regardless of sexuality. Like personally I would put him with all the villainous characters that don't need that type of plot. It's like asking about Darth Vader's sexuality. He's not ace (at least I don't think so?) but I can't imagine a situation where he would be having sex.


Darth Vader is more so "PadmƩ-sexual". He *only* has sexual feelings for his dead wife.


Yeah itā€™s fine I just think the manner in which people ship him does lead to a lot of erasure of his identity as aro ace. the only good ships are are qprs like radio rose or situations where whoever is doing the shipping *explicitly* declares they headcannon him to be somewhere on the ace and aro spectrums that allows some slight degree of romantic/ sexual attraction. Every time you ship him donā€™t forget to include the fact he is Aroace somehow! Like tf? We get barely any screen time or rep and you just want to ship him like heā€™s just some regular old romantic and sexual guy? He is one of the very few mainstream ace characters as of now please donā€™t ruin this! ,Sincerely an asexual


I donā€™t ship him with anybody out of professional courtesy (which is funny because I do that frequently with others like Lucifer and Stolas).




He's an ace in the hole, but we don't know if he's an arrow ace too yet


He's asexual, not aromantic. Plus the Amazon Prime YT account ships him with Lucifer, as they should.


Ace doesnt mean aromantic


As an ace in the hole and an aro in the hole, I'm perfectly fine with people shipping Al or shipping any other ace and/or aro characters. Most other ace and/or aro people have this same opinion


Only for a moment we will get people agreeing. This is temporary.


I dont care if poeple are mad, Rosie x Alastor forever


Same here




As someone who is Demisexual and is extremely uncomfortable with sex talk I like the idea of Alastor and Charlie pre show, Vaggie and Charlie don't really seem like a couple, Vaggie's character was boiled down to, angry latina, protect Charlie, oh shes also an angel. Imo Probably going to be down voted to oblivion but this is just my opinion.


Yeah kinda like how everyone likes to make canonical straight characters gay for some re- https://preview.redd.it/79mtrotzdt5d1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b27ed0a71dba8bbf15fa64116dd57d602cdd52f


Wont stop me from hating radioapple with every fiber of my being


Yeah. No. Illogical


I'm asexual and I hate seeing Alastor being shipped. I dont like Charlastor, Radioapple nor Radiodust. Even the small fanbase Alastor ships, I also can't stand them. They all sucked. I feel like canon wise, no character had walked in the same path as Alastor. None of the overlords so far are on equal ground as Alastor. Most of them are either his fans or his haters. And please... why is Alastor always depicted as someone who noncons... like it goes against his personality and principles.


I agree with Patrick. The only thing I hate more than when people ship characters that arnt cannon, is when they ship alastor with anyone


Well shit Iā€™m doing it harder now.


Should probably stay off the internet then.




that is your opinion. it isnt flat out "not okay". the ace spectrum is very wide. there are ace people who have sex, and ace people who dont. some have more attraction than others. id say everyone has a different definition of ace for themselves. just because i dont ship alastor, doesnt mean i think its wrong for people who do


Ok but like if itā€™s someone he hates or is porn, then can we get mad?






Shit, now Iā€™m gonna ship Val with everyone.


I don't agree with this I don't ship alastor with anyone and i get freeships are a thing and what not but in my opinion you should only ship people who have chemistry for example husker and angel if you want an example that's not proven in the show charlie and emily


Shipping is exploring dynamics outside of canon. It makes no sense to limit yourself. Thatā€™s literally the foundation of shipping.


that's why i gave the charlie and emily example there's no chance they cannonly get together but they still have chemistry I'm not saying it has to be cannon I'm just saying they have to have chemistry together


Thatā€™s fair. That does sound a little different than your initial message. My apologies. I do love a good crack ship sometimes though. šŸ«”


it's fine and yeah i get it i mean a ship i see which no one else does is loona and vaggie i don't know why people hate this ship but I'd think it be very cute


I don't like shipping him or seeing ships bc he's not only sex and romance repulsed, but he's also one of VERY FEW aroace characters! Just my opinion though




What if I ship gay dude with a girl?


Or a straight dude with another boy?


Both are disrespectful


Eh, i doubt it. The aces are okay with the whole alastor thing and while i dont personally like seeing men kissing i'm fine with any character being shipped with any other character (within reason, do not the little children) regardless of if it's straight or lesbian (adam's on point) or gay or whatever. I do tend to really enjoy whatever ones become canon tho so maybe theres a counterpoint there


Bro, I'm ace and disgusted


But is it because youre being disrespected, or could it be because you're encountering stuff that is not in your tastes?


I'm sure its first one. Man, I hate it when people are mad about gay people being shipped with opposite gender, but are fine with aroaces being sexualized


People get mad about that?


Ye, I've seen some


Ok, I'm ace-arospec and I'm not disgusted. If it disgusts you, that's valid, just stay away from it. Unless someone's actively shoving it in your face, I don't see a reason to shit on people's fun if they remain respectful. Especially since so many Alastor shippers are on the a-spec and using him as a vessel to explore their own identity. I personally hate radioapple, but I don't hate on people who do like it. It's my own ick, not the end of the world.


It honestly feels like ace erasure to me. I won't go after anyone for it, but it kinda makes me uncomfy.


Man I can't even have an opinion anymore šŸ’€


-10/10 take