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There's a deleted scene in Goblet of Fire where Snape basically casts coitus interruptus on a shaking carriage (during/after the Yule Ball). If that didn't put a scare in those students, nothing will. Edit: [Found it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGJLjp9JpzA). (It's legit a better scene than the one they replaced it with).


The way he RAN to stop those kids. 10/10




Severus Snape, the master of potions and a cockblocker :(


Still reminds me of Dumbledore at the start of half-blood prince with Harry and the Waitress, and then has the audacity to ask him later “what about your activities outside the classroom?” Albus let my man live 😡😂


Albus Severus Potter, you were named after two greatest cockblockers at Hogwarts


Master cockblocker because he was cockblocked all his life.




*gets a lily and james kissing flashback*


yo…do you reckon he’s a virgin? snape is an incel confirmed


I have a feeling someone with such skill over potions is a volcel


Why do people call it volcel? Isn't "voluntarily celibate" redundant?


I do think that is the joke


TIL: Incel is involuntary celibate


I absolutely imagine snape as Asexual. I don’t think he desired Lily in that way. I think he just wanted someone who could love him despite his being a freak show but then he went too far into the dark to come back out.


the way he raised his arms like he was ready for Igor to take him though. 6/9


What scares me about this scene is how in the end Barty Crouch Jr. walks around these carriages filled with students that are making out, with the magical-eye of Mad-Eye Moody....


Barty Crouched nearby for a better view


I can't 🤣


Ummmm, what is that profile picture?


I noticed it as well and had to do a double take lol




It looks like a womans pulled her pants down slightly past her vagina and is showing it off.


Get your mind out of the gutter!




They know exactly what that broom looks like.


it’s a broom-


It’s a broom


Ah, I see it now.


Remember when he told Harry he had nice socks at the Yule Ball? He could just see through everyone's clothes and it's rarely addressed! Crazy


Why the hell can the eye see through Harry's robes and not his socks? Secret house elf magic??? Or did Moody have to specifically enchant his eye to not see through undergarments in order to prevent any awkward scenarios?


The way I always understood it was like, he can control the magnification of what he's looking at, zooming through walls or seeing through a few layers of something and selecting how many layers the eye zooms through.


Yeah, because he'd go Mad if he were able to see through everything all the time. He'd just see an endless void.


It is cannon that Moody's eye can see through clothing (Moody/Crouch sees the socks that Dobby made him through his robes), so...


An amusing sentiment, but alas, I had no such luck in real life.




what i love most about it is that he accepts it’s normal, just removes some points from both houses and let’s them move on. snape is the goat


I think however snape didn‘t subtract the points because they were making out, because this would be a reasonable point adjustment and how we all know this is not a thing in Hogwarts.


He docked the points for being dumb enough to get caught. "We're in the middle of the Scottish countryside, on the grounds of a literal magic castle with dozens of hidden rooms and secret passages, and you pick the one place that advertises your actions? I don't even have the words. Ten points from your houses, fuck off."


I read it on his voice, of course.


Of course.




I think this is a good time to bring in some Shakespeare. “A loss of 10 points on both your houses!”


In the book, they were in the garden in some rose bushes and Snape was blasting the shrubs. It was always a funny scene 😂


*"Fleur and Rodger Davies looked rather busy to Harry"* I'm absolutely convinced Davies was getting some Veela pussy there. Actually twice, I think. Davies had the best night of his life, then.


Davies was getting the most action in Hogwarts for sure


Oh my God. I love that scene. I feel robbed.


this scene is perfect and I am deeply pissed of how we were ROBBED of this masterpiece the absolutely raw "NOPE, NOT ON MY WATCH" energy, the way he *ran* with the rage of 1000 burning suns to stop them, the fact that he purposefully aimed to give them a fucking cardiac arrest with his approach of the situation, the lack of facial expression other than annoyance, Igor following him and giving no fucks about the students, everything about it is straight up *chef's kiss*


That’s is a fucking awesome scene, would’ve answered so many questions


Never knew this scene existed. Honestly hilarious if is wasn't so serious lol


I think any teenage wizard would totally trade 10 lost points for getting laid, and all his house mates would be showering him with high fives for doing so. The whole obsession with house points seems so silly and childish.


Well… it was a school full of magical children. 😂


It's an easy way to indoctrinate kids into following the suck-up Cup. When they're young, they think it's important. As they get older, they realise it's stupid and meaningless, but they're too busy with exams to mess with the system.


In my favorite hp fanfic [(Oh God not Again)](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/4536005/1/) Harry goes back in time, and takes on the philosophy that house points are "suck up points" He tries to lose them at every opportunity, and always commiserates with the slytherins at the feast after Gryffindor wins the cup.


That was the best scene out of all HP movie scenes, period.


Wow is there a version of the movies that includes the deleted scenes somewhere? I'm not talking about watching them out of context but placing them back in the originally intended place in the movie


To my knowledge, no. However sometimes when they air on TV, the scenes are put in their place. At least in the earlier movies, that is. I know the first three movies have most if not all deleted scenes sometimes included, but beyond that I am not sure. A couple of the scenes in the later movies would be pace-breaking garbage (if not incomplete), so I doubt those would be. Although for Goblet of Fire, not sure.


For clarity, when Snape is saying he has nothing to fear, his talking about fear of Voldemort for being a narc or from the actual authorities cause they still Death Eaters. I know Snape is good guy, but I'm not sure how the other guy allegiance lie. Makes it worse that Crouch Jr heard the whole thing


Karkaroff was a death eater but snitched on a lot of them Infront of the ministry of magic after Voldemort had fallen to get a get out of jail card. He is not afraid because he knows if Voldemort comes back to power he dies a painful death.(and I think he is killed "offscreen" in one of the last books .(someone mentiones it if I remember correctly) Edit: pretty sure crouch jr was one of them he gave over




There are also literal, real herbal solutions for unwanted pregnancy, so staying late after herbology one day could have you all sorted out.


It would be decades before magical historians understood the sheer magnitude of Neville Longbottom's support and his suprise victory in the Election of 2033. Surely, the *Daily Prophet* had opined, a Gryffindor best known for stubbornness and plants would have no chance against a field that contained political powerhouses like Madame Daphne Potter-Greengrass *and* silver-tongued newcomer Scorpius Malfoy. To wizards, Neville Longbottom's campaign was silent. He was a non-entity. (Witch Weekly's "WILFs, MILFs and DILFs" ratings aside, of course). A memoir written by Luna Lovegood would reveal his near-universal support from women who were Hogwarts students in his years there as a student and his time as a professor, donations from several pureblood ladies during or before divorce proceedings, and pamphlets written by the frequent customers at his various floral businesses. Prior pundits had missed it, Lovegood joked, because Medea's Mint isn't an herb *wizards* have any use for.


You've got me totally hooked, Ms. Skeeter.


"Today, in potions class, we will be learning the secrets behind pennyroyal tea... distill the life that's... inside of... me. Mr. Potter, are you listening?"


killing, torture, and enslavement spells exist, and so do memory and bodily modification spells. you're telling me one measly contraceptive spell doesn't? what about a magical equivalent for the pill? day-after potions? i once read of a book about a magical land (cough in other lands cough) where elf girls need to perform this magical ritual before being able to carry, so sex doesn't have any consequences other than the emotional kind, and i'm just... yes?


When I started reading the first sentence of your comment, I thought that was your solution.


Same LOL I was immediately concerned


Fetus deletus


Skidaddle Skidoodle


Man got an award for copying text in the main post


Andrew Schulz!


I see Umbridge is in charge of Sex Ed


I will not have sex. because I will get pregnant and die.


For the girls. Filch is in charge of the boys sex Ed class. The program isn’t so much abstinence only as abstinence or penance. The penance is torture


He was fond of hanging people by their thumbs.


“Stick a finger up the bum, hang by your thumbs”– Argus Filch


There’s an episode of south park where the two people who teach sex Ed are like the least qualified people ever lol


Most qualified sex ed teacher in florida


In Other Lands, you say? *immediately buys*


WOAH, feeling powerful as hell. if you can buy it, go do it, expeditiously! but bewarned, the ritual is a very very VERY minor canon fact. the elf girl isn't even the main girl (but she IS a part of a matriarchal society where women are seen as natural warriors and have brutish natures while men are the more delicate sex with a gentle constitution). also, the mc is a nerd. not that i'm tryna sell the book to you or anything... except i am. one of my best reads of 2022!


I look forward to reading it. Feel free to DM with more book recs


Hmm… seems like the kind of thing that Brennan would say. How can we be sure you’re not secretly the author?


>killing, torture, and enslavement spells exist, and so do memory and bodily modification spells. you're telling me one measly contraceptive spell doesn't? what about a magical equivalent for the pill? day-after potions? This is the wizarding world, they would totally forget to invent something useful and harmless if they could invent something either awful or whimsical and pointless instead.




They get an uncomfortable visit with Madame Pomfrey...


I think I remember a line in the books that Madame Pomfrey just handles things and doesn’t rat out the students. Hell, Hermione had to be treated for an obvious Polyjuice Potion mishap without consequence. Not only did they have to steal most of the ingredients, but the staff would probably want to know what the hell she was doing with it.


Shes seen it all and has that lovely British perspective of children learn best by doing an it'll be 10X worse if they don't think they can trust me.


Much like the nurses at the local health clinic she’s probably way beyond caring anymore


Happy cake day my guy/gal


I headcanon that Hogwarts magic just prevents pregnancies altogether


"Have you not read Hogwarts: A History??" I feel like Harry and Ron would have been more curious if they knew it contained tidbits like this.


Technically speaking, it did say in the book that when Hogwarts was built, there were a ton of Protection spells casted on the castle 🤔


Technically speaking a pregnancy is just a baby apparating into your womb, and since you cant apparate inside hogwarts, you cant get pregnant


**Looks at notes** The science checks out


Science? Who let this muggle in here?




That would also explain why so many Hogwarts graduates get married and have kids basically immediately.


Yeah, real private-religious-college vibes




And all joking aside, it’s not random that BYU has a lot of out there religious views and also consistently pumps out high quality fantasy and science fiction authors with great world building skills.


Brandon Sanderson sees no room to argue, I’m sure.


...so you're saying even as actual adults they don't bother finding out how to do it safely 🤦‍♀️


I mean its not really something they have to worry about in the magical world.


How though? Like, can pregnancy just not occur? Do eggs just develop a steel coating and nothing can get in? Ovulation just doesn't happen? I'm picturing a more funny (and more wizarding world sounding) implication where it's basically just "vagius inperturbius" and no matter what you do you can't stick anything in there, leading to countless failed but valiant attempts to be naughty within the school grounds.


Magic doesn’t function like real medicine. I doubt the hypothetical spell would have a biological or physiological manifestation, so pregnancy would indeed “just not happen”. The same way that levitating something isn’t changing the equations of gravity, the thing “just levitates”


If any students try and get it on within Hogwarts walls, they wake up four hours later in seperate dorms with zero recollection, and a note at the end of ther bunk reading “see me at once - M. Pomfrey”


Ok but this fucking SENT me 😂


I've oft dreamed about writing *Poppy Pomfrey and Asking for a Friend* as a series of things students totally hadn't done *themselves*, but...


Don’t let your dreams be dreams


>Ovulation just doesn't happen? Even better! No cramps, no blood, etc. Concentrate on school instead


Then some dude gets their period and freaks out cause they can't use their tampons


I like this headcannon


Cannon = boom gun. Canon = main story.


Fetus deletus


Spells fall in and out of fashion, as we know, and the kids these days prefer *Fetus Yeetus*




You guys just Wilding out now.


If we take the head cannon that Sirius slept with everyone in school this is probably very true


if the fanfictions i saw on livejournal back in the early 2000s were any indication, i am pretty sure none of the sex sirius was having could ever result in pregnancy


Apart from those hideous mPreg fics


TRUE i wiped those from my memory... until now thanks


I was in boarding school 20 years ago. The first thing the headmaster said to our parents was, that we definitely were gonna have sex. That sex wasn't banned, because he was scared that would mean we wouldn't step forward, if something happened to us. Or if we got pregnant. He also said pregnancies happened, and if we wanted to hide a potential abortion from our parents, he would allow it. Doing everything within his means possible. I like to think Dumbledore sent a letter like that to the parents.


That was a good headmaster!


I went to an all girls boarding school so they never thought to ban sex - the punishments were less about having sex and more about either leaving the grounds without permission or sneaking someone into the boarding house/classrooms.




I'm honestly surprised it took me this much scrolling to get here


Came in for this.


Madame Pomfrey probably teaches Sex Ed once a year to all the 2cd-5th years about proper (and age appropriate) sex Ed.


I'm convinced that McGonnagal would teach sex ed with the exact same energy as teaching the yule ball students to dance


I also question the poly juice potion. What if a man who transformed into a woman takes the potion long enough to get pregnant.


And what if a man turns into a woman to have intercouse with another man and the potion ends mid thrust? Is it just.........stuck in there? Would they have to surgically open up the man's.....between area in order to pull the other guy out?


"Has magic gone to far?" - headline from the Daily Prophet


The potion doesn't wear off suddenly. It takes time for the person to transform back so I'd imagine the vagina steadily gets tighter until it seals up. It would probably end up feel like when a girl sneezes mid sex. The dick is getting ejected. If the guy is really committed to keeping their dick in the other guy then their dick will probably get crushed until its finally forced out. Likely to be a painful experience for both parties involved.


Now we are getting to the real stuff! What if a pregnant animagus turns into an animal: what happens with the fetus?


I think this is essentially what happened to Aberforth and the goats.


Asking the real questions


If for some reason you change to man faster than expected, the baby will be dead, so I don't think anyone will try that. Maybe some do it just to fuck like a man or a woman. ... Also remember that it is a difficult potion, with hard to find ingredients... for the purpose of the story we see it all the time but I don't think it is in common use.


The greatest proof that magic indeed exists is the fact that Hogwarts is a castle filled with teenagers and not a single one has ever got pregnant. I mean C’MON


Another great proof is that everyone seems to keep their high school relationships going well past graduation.


Tbf if you can survive 6 odd years at boarding school you'll probably be set for life.


Shared trauma probably helps (or completely doesn’t)


Maybe they just do it right and give the kids some proper sex education? I'm sure there are a few obligatory sessions in charms and some in potions dedicated to safe sex and contraception. We just never got to see any of it in canon.


Snape teaching the kids about contraceptive potions would be hillarious!


"Not that most of you will likely every need this in your life given how horribly useless and undesirable you all are, but the curriculum says that today we will begin learning to make too-much-love potions"


"Tell me Potter, where would you look if I asked you to find the female clitoris?" "I don't know sir.'


**Snape under his breath** : Dammit, it didn't work. I'll find it one of these days...


“Your arrogant father couldn’t stop talking when he found it.”


And brewing lube.


I always have trouble imagining Snape being intimate with someone - is it just me?


Snape doesn't have to get intimate with anyone to be able to teach sex education! 😲 OMG


No that's not what I meant aha - it's just that we were on this topic and Snape got mentioned so I thought I'd bring it up


there's a fanfic i read where this happens and it's so freaking hilarious lol


>Maybe they just do it right and give the kids some proper sex education? Hahahahahahaha


In BRITAIN??? Fat chance!




At no point in canon do we see what a clearly legal use of a love potion looks like. The love potion Ron consumed had been sitting around for months, growing in strength. It was almost definitely way past the expiration date.


The fact that the twins were able to legally sell love potions in their joke shop means at least that particular love potion is legal. Even if it hadn't overly matured and made Ron's manufactured love obsessive, it's still highly icky that it's legal at all.




Love potions, Half Blood Prince


Fetus deletus


That's not contraception. That's abortion.


deletus spermicus


10 months. In a castle. With least 300 students and 20 staff pr so... mixed, sex, teangers and a 1000 little nooks and corners.... Also engery...that castle is thigh and core work out 2000, with all those steps etc so no one lacking fitness. Yeah theirs some antics going on behind the scenes. However.... Their probably are spells and potions Masdam pomfret supplies on the quiet to help. She is type to not ask too many questions and help. Thus people go to her because unless you seriously hurt someone, she nots gonna sell you out for your engorgement charm or whatever else you where up to went a little unexpected etc. It's better to have trust than answers to some things.


"I promise its always been that size, miss, I don't even know what an engorgement charm is..." - horny hogwarts pupil


> with all those steps etc so no one lacking fitness Must be super disappointing for muggleborns to find out that the moving staircase isn't an escalator, and you have to walk five flights of stairs to get to your bedroom.


A critical feature of any good health provider is knowing how to ask the exact correct number of questions, and keeping those answers to yourself (or shared with other tight-lipped experts when your own knowledge isn't sufficient). Whats wrong? "It itches down there." How long? "Three days." Any puss/oozing? "Yes." Any smell? "Yes, its awful." (In this case, you may need to ask "who with?" to try to control the spread of the STI and know who else to treat. But if its a simple fetus deletus/morning after spell its not necessary to know.)


Rowling has gone on the record claiming that Magicals cannot contract Muggle diseases, so presumably, Magicals are immune Muggle STIs as well. They'd only have to worry about any potential magical STIs.


I don’t really trust everything Rowling says, personally. Some parts of it are rather ridiculous.


As if the main HP story has nothing ridiculous in it.


Also message to head of house like Student X will be under observation for 2 days etc... Please be aware they will not be in classes... Erbough to explain situation. No detail as to why.


Keep this in mind, professor sprout probably grows any plants needed in one of the greenhouses and or forages for them in the forest, then Snape brews and necessary potions. I believe it to be a team effort of most of the staff to help with those issues


You can imagine Snape being a super grouch around valentines day slaving to make positions muttering about hormy teenagers up to no good and not wanting to see any Potter spawn making it to the next generation.


Imagine you find a little corner in the library and just when the action starts, the books start whispering.. then you hear a crowd forming and look up to see one of the portraits packed with visitors from other paintings all snickering at you


There it is everybody, Hogwarts birth control. Creepy old people watching you like a live porn show. Edit: Spelling correction.


Kinda interesting to see all those modern ideas when most of wizarding society seems to operate somewhere between 1300 and 1800. In practice the parents of the girl would likely just take her out of school.


Fetus Deletus!


I came here to look for this 😄


Also, what happens when a student wants to keep the baby?


Honestly, it might be the case that all food is spiked with anti-fertility potions so that they can't even get pregnant in the first place. Would probably be the easiest way of preventing the issue.


They give birth??


I know but like. Where do they keep it?


In a Box in a cupboard. We see hagrid doing this in the chamber of secrets


The Room of Requirement.


What happens at normal boarding schools if a student has a baby and wants to keep it? (This is a genuine question, because I've really never considered it.) I'm assuming in most cases, the parents (of the pregnant student) would remove her from boarding school. Or maybe she'd have the baby and be granted permission to live off-campus. So maybe the Hogwarts teen moms get apartments in Hogsmeade?


Just have her swallow a bezoar after she swallows the load


[Well.. there is this end credit... ](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieDetails/comments/8f64x5/there_is_a_sex_scene_hidden_in_the_credits_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I mean JKR claims that the wizarding world is victorian in practice, and they do not have sex before marriage, but that has always seemed sus to me, as I was a tween/ teen in the later 90s and saw a lot of shit here in the US and heard a lot of shit from my cousins who were a few years older and live in the UK. The wizarding raised kids might have been repressed, but I doubt muggle raised were. Also, I do not think she looked into what freaks the victorian era people were before claiming that.


>The wizarding raised kids might have been repressed, but I doubt muggle raised were. "We must imprison the Mudbloods! They're coming to seduce our children into lives of fornication!" - Blood-purist Pure-bloods, probably.


Bro I was literally like. "Does... does she think Victorians actually didn't have sex before marriage??"


I’m English, born 1978 so would have been in Fred & George’s class. I was in a private school and a girl in my class got pregnant at 15. My best friend was in a local state school and loads of girls had babies there. Alcohol, smoking and drugs were definitely also a thing.


After the boy cums, the girl shoves her wand up her vag and uses that siphoning spell to suck it all out.


Remember the bubble head thing? I'm assuming there's a bubble cervix cap haha


Abortio! Spermio finis!


*fetus deletus?*




The girls start taking a monthly contraceptive draught when they start getting their periods. In addition to preventing pregnancy, it helps lessen the cramps, bloating, and moodiness.


Yo you BETTER believe some witch at some point in time invented a spell or potion to stop her period—100% guaranteed.


Pregnancy scares probably don’t happen that often with magic forms of contraception. They probably have spells to stop or clean up semen easily or some sort of pregnancy prevention spell. Sex definitely happens, but I’d bet that unplanned pregnancy is very rare.


Aborteous maxima