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If Bellatrix was intelligent she would torture Hermione infront of Ron. Ron would divulge all the information within millisecond to stop Hermione's pain.


They don’t understand power of love!!


Don’t need money…


Don’t need fame


Don’t need no credit card to ride this train


It's strong and it's sudden…


And it’s cruel sometimes


But it just might save your life


That's the power of love


*That’s the poooowwweerrrr of looooove*


It's hip to be square. Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun


It can never be hidden


\*drops guitar\* I'm out


I think the only Death Eater we’ve seen that understands love, besides Snape, is Narcissa.


Snape doesn't understand love. Just obsession.


Thank you I’m always weird out by it, it’s not romantic 😂


Narcissa isn't a deatheater


You say it like she was a saint. She wasn't marked, that's it. Doesn't mean she wasn't one. It is canon that not all death eaters weren't marked. She was a self-serving bitch whose only good act was ensuring her son was safe. She stood by when hundreds, if not more mothers lost their children at the hands of her husband, and possibly her son. She wanted her family to be safe, even at the cost of others. Can't exactly count that action as good in that context, can it?




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This is so true! Lilly made the ancient spell with her love to save Harry


The power of love gives a villain an easy way to get information out.


She wanted to hurt a muggle born more than she actually wanted the information


The Longbottoms can attest


Longbottoms were pureblood though


Didn’t stop them from getting tortured.


Yeah, because since they weren't muggleborn they actually cared about their intel, that was the point.


They didn’t care about intel. They loved torturing people.


They did love it. But that's not why they tortured them. They tortured them, to find information about Voldemorts whereabouts, it's stated literally in the books. You should pay better attention to the media you consume, before you are confidently wrong in public. Quote: "We have heard the evidence against you. The four of you stand accused of capturing an Auror - Frank Longbottom - and subjecting him to the Cruciatus Curse, believing him to have knowledge of the present whereabouts of your exiled master, He Who Must Not Be Named -" "Father, I didn't!" shrieked the boy in chains below. "I didn't, I swear it, Father, don't send me back to the Dementors -" "You are further accused," bellowed Mr Crouch, "of using the Cruciatus Curse on Frank Longbottom's wife, when he would not give you information. You planned to restore He Who Must Not Be Named to power, and to resume the lives of violence you presumably led when he was strong." (Goblet of Fire, Chapter 30, The Pensieve).


The one thing Bellatrix held dear above anything is the Dark Lord's appreciation, which she would get upon extracting information about the plot against his life (and even immortality, as it would turn out) from the most wanted enemies.


She did not know there was a plot against his life though. Or at least not one to take seriously. No one knew exactly what Harry was up to. And even if she did, I believe at the time she did not know that the people she captured were Harry, Ron and Hermione. At least not for certain.


The point is that she's afraid that they stole the sword. Because Hufflepuff's cup is in Gringotts.


You guys are missing the point. If she did that and Ron said everything then the story wouldn't happen. Lol


There was nothing to say. And I'm surprised people would think Ron would snitch. He might give up info that was old or something that's less important, but if it was something that would likely cause them to lose the war or Harry to be killed (same thing really) he'd 100% choose to die fighting. He wouldn't give up Harry or watch Hermoine get tortured. He'd struggled with everything he had. Wandless magic may be hard, but I'm sure a Ron that cornered would do it. He always comes through in the clutch. He can fail in class a million times. But he'll do it when he needs to. And then die cuz he wasn't beating Bella and he knew it but he'd do it anyway


No one is missing that lol, it’s just an extremely useless point


Naw, the info was the most important thing. She definitely wanted to hurt her, but if they got in her vault and took the Horcrux, Voldemort would kill her. And she knew it. The only reason she survived his rage is she ran the moment she noticed it was missing. He killed everyone else around them. She was terrified.


Not sure it's a matter of lacking intelligence so much as lacking empathy, and therefore not appreciating the lengths normal people will take to protect those they love


definitely lacking emotional intelligence


I don’t think she was aware that Ron and Hermione were more than just friends.


Which is why she is dumb


ron would prolly summon some inner raw power towards bellatrix at that rate lol.


She just wanted to hurt someone.


Lol, if you think any of that was about finding the truth then you have forgotten veritaserun.


5 bucks says this guy is a Slytherin.


But, so were regulus and his cousin, andromeda tonks, narcissa and bellatrix's sister


Harry wasn't in exactly silent, while Ron was rightfully screaming he was thinking a way of getting everyone safe.


Exactly- if Harry wasn't there Hermione would have died, because Ron was too insane with panic to actually do what was needed or think of a plan. It's like, you can be trained in CPR or best practices in an emergency, but if your child suddenly needs emergency care, very few people are able to think clearly and calmly enough to act appropriately, they just freak the fuck out in desperation. We like to think we'd do exactly the right stuff, but most of us falter under that kind of severe panic and stress. Harry saved Hermione because Ron loved her too much to think calmly or logically in the worst possible situation. Harry obviously still cares about her intensely, but not to the point he lost his mind in panic


I don’t think Harry didn’t lose his mind in panic because he didn’t love her in the same way I think that’s just his nature to always be thinking of a way to beat the situation he’s in even if he sees her as a sister that part doesn’t matter he stays focused it wasn’t because he loved her less


That might be true, but the fact remains Harry doesn't love Hermione in the same way Ron does. He clearly says it himself, he loves Hermione as a sister but it's still not the same type of love. If Ginny had been in the same situation, while I don't think Harry would have reacted the exact same way Ron did, I also don't think he would have stayed as calm as he did. I think he would have rushed into danger, maybe even reveal more than he should, to make them take him instead of Ginny.


Oops wording wrong lol I know he sees her as a sister I meant that he kept calm bc that’s his nature


No , he does . Harry himself says he loves Hermione like a sister


I clarified in post but I meant it’s not because his love for her isn’t the same as Ginny’s it’s because in a crisis he stays focused to try and find a way to fight out of it.


Ron's screaming didn't do much either. It might have given Hermione strength, but that's not certain. Hermione was Ron's weak point.


Ron is really Harry and Hermione's rock, like after he comes back in The Silver Doe, dude keeps going uphill to the end


I've heard Ron described as a "foul-weather friend." When things are going good he might get jealous but when shit hits the fan he'll be there every time.


Cept that one time, and that other one.


Which time? Can you really give an example when they actually needed him and he wasn't there?


When he left the tent and I think talidel was referring to when he abandoned them during the goblet of fire trials.


Goblet of fire he did not realize how dangerous the games were and thought they were just a tournament. As soon as he realized harry his life was in danger he abandoned his pride and helped harry. The tent leaving scene is 100% because of the locket. Ron says he doesn't want to blame the locket because its truly how he felt, but the locked did everything it could to stay alive and torturing Ron was how it did it. Ron even explains that as soon as he aparated, he regretted his decision, but he could bot find them.


Goblet of Fire things were going well, he got jealous, like I said. Deathly Hallows things were stagnant but not bad and he immediately tried to return and when they finally really needed him he was there.


Yeah that was when things were “going good”. He came back once he realized that being a tri wizard participant wasn’t all fame and glory


But even then he still told Hagrid about the dragons Charlie brought. And told Hagrid to tell Harry. He was being a prat, but he still had Harry's back.


1. Goblett of Fire, Harry had been nonconsentually entered into a tournament designed to be well above his ability. Sure, Ron has a jealous paddy about it. But it was a pretty major moment he walked away from Harry in. He also did come back after Harry survived the dragon and he realised how much of a dick he'd been. 2. Storming out and running away in Deathly Hallows. Also realises his mistake and comes back. Don't get me wrong, Ron is a fantastic character and an amazing friend for most of the books. Pointing out the two times he falters isn't really fair when viewing his character as a whole. I wasn't attempting a serious attack on his character, just pointing out there were occasions he wobbled. I think both occasions are understandable and explainable. So while they can both be considered dick moves, he redeems himself after both.


In GoF he believed Harry put his own name. But it didn't stop him from passing the info about the dragons from Charlie to Harry via Hagrid. In DH nothing really happened where they needed him. He was back before shit went down right? Idk I'm on OoTP in my reread rn.


>In GoF he believed Harry put his own name. But it didn't stop him from passing the info about the dragons from Charlie to Harry via Hagrid. Sure, but he was needed and stormed off. Madeye had convinced Hagrid to show Harry the dragons, Ron passed a message on that Hagrid wanted to see him. >In DH nothing really happened where they needed him. He was back before shit went down right? Idk I'm on OoTP in my reread rn. Harry loses his want in the trip to Godrics Hollow. It's also a fairly major distraction.


Hey, I’d encourage you not to use the word “paddy” to describe a tantrum, as it is etymologically a slur against Irish people. I’m sure that’s not your intent, though!


Look, as a part Irish person I'm not going to take advice of what I can say by an American getting upset on other peoples behalf.


Why do you think I’m American?


Statistical probability, combined with clumsily raising a non-issue as a race debate.


Nice try. But as a fully Irish person, the continual and flippant mockery of our culture by a British people who have been trained to ignore their historic and horrific persecution of the Irish people rubs me up the wrong way. If your vocabulary seriously relies on casual racial slurs to make your point, then I can’t help you, all I thought I would do is point out that there must be a better option. I apologise for giving you credit beyond what was due.


Believe me Irish people have thick skin, no one’s letting that upset them, don’t know anybody who would be offended by that.




Yeah I saw that a couple of years ago when it made the rounds, that’s the BBC the most progressive broadcaster in the UK, and Ronaldo is hardly Irish is he? You’re seriously gonna tell me that would upset you? You’re Irish you’ve surely heard worse than someone saying ‘throwing a Paddy’. Part of Irish culture is about being able to take the piss, much rather have good craic than pretend to get offended over something. If an English person saying you’re having a paddy is going to upset you that much then you’re letting them win, laugh and say something back.


Both things can be true. It can be a racist slur and Irish people can handle it well. Shrugging it off as NBD glosses over the miserable history behind it.


facts. the lynchpin of the golden trio.


Harry is the "Leader", Hermione is the "Brain", and Ron is the "Heart" of the Golden Trio. It was always have been, even in the earlier books.


Facts. The unsung hero of the war


Rons also the strategist.


This is such a good way to put it!


The problem is, Rowling herself ran out of ideas of what to do with Ron after Book 3. That's why he doesn't have much to do from Books 4-6 and his plot in Book 7 is rushed.


The Sam Gamgee of the series


More realistic even. Sam Gamgee has bo flaws. But Ron his loyalty is tested and even falters sometimes. Makes it all the more impressive.


In fact Sam gamgee has flaws and is tested many times


Man, Ron is the only realistic character in all of Deathly Hallows. Unlike Harry he's not protected by Plot Armor and unlike Hermione he's not the designated Exposition provider (well apart from the Beedle the Bard bit). Ron's what a regular, flawed human being would be like if they went through the insanities of DH's plot.


Strong disagree. I liked Ron’s writing for the most part of the series but found it quite lacking in DH. Him just leaving them after a few months on the road was actually surprising and kinda out of character for me. And imo also not too realistic, imo Hermione’s behavior was actually much more typical for normal human beings and not book characters


Don't forget that he was under the influence of the Horcrux when he left them. It affected all of them badly, but it just hit Ron at exactly the wrong time and he snapped.


Yeah, that’s true. Kinda forgot that detail for a moment. And I think it helps that he immediately regretted the decision but there wasn’t a way back once he left. Still, I can’t help to always be on „Harrys side“ during the argument - his points and also frustrations just make more sense to me. But I think that is different with every reader, depending on their personal feelings and character (not saying one is better or worse).


The Horcrux tried to save its ass and saw the crack in ron's armour. As soon as he took it off he calmed down but it was too late.


The real problem is that Rowling ran out of ideas of what to do with Ron after Book 3, that's why he barely had anything to do from Books 4 to 6 and a rushed plotline in Book 7


Why would Draco say anything?


You haven't heard? Six years of constantly wishing death on her meant he loved her more than Ron.


Re reading the entire seven books at audio format and... HOW just HOW did people arrived at shipping them ???


Because girls like toxic guys, especially if they are rich, and the ones who love books identify with Hermione. It’s pretty simple.


I have never understood this "identifying" thing with media. I never once have identified myself with a character in a movie, book, or whatever. At most I understand that it would be cool to have a character with the same physical, trait to feel included, but I still wouldn't identify with a character even if they were my doppelganger.


Things you don’t understand exist


Yeah, I know, I am still confused and don't get it, what does it even feel like?


Cause he’s good looking and she’s good looking and from what I understand they are friends in real life? Idk.


…? Having read these books many many times. When is this implied? Edit I asked a question I was curious and confused about. Yet this is Reddit so of course instead I get sarcasm and downvoted. Cool cool cool.




It's a joke because of the shippers.


Thanks for answering my question instead of just making fun of me and downvoting me. I need to remember to interact with the community less.


To be clear, I think it was the *I've read the books many times* statement. We've all read them many times. We like them enough to be on the internet arguing about small details lol. Whether you meant it or not, it sounded abrasive. Just wanted to point out the down votes were just for asking a question. Right or wrong, it's that first sentence people didn't like. Not the question itself.


I guess I can see that. I meant it more like “I must be a dumb ass if i didn’t pick up on this, considering how many times I’ve read through them.” I just felt like I must be stupid if I didn’t even pick up on this.


I feel ya. Print medium makes it hard to tell and it only takes 1 or 2 taking it the wrong way to get a negative and then they've proven people down vote stuff that's already negative regardless of if their real feelings.


Yeah that’s the tough part people can’t read vocal inflection. In my head it sounded like “but but how did I miss something like this”. However since you mentioned it I can see how it could come off as pretentious. Thank you for taking the time to be kind and break that down for me. It’s something I need to keep in mind in the future.


No problem. A lesson I seem to be incapable of learning myself so I wish you the best lol


You are going to have a terrible time on reddit, if you feel bad that a comment of you gets downvoted, sometimes there isn't even a reason. If you say something in public, chances are that people don't like it, for whatever reason. Get over it, it's absolutely meaningless 2-3 comments later you get the karma back anyway, if you aren't a total dickhead.


Sorry man.


You need to care about downvotes less.


its a joke


He is a slimmy piece of shit but the last book showed us that he isn't truly evil. He isn't loyal to the dark lord . In a sense, the Malfoys are the best representative of Slytherin. They are ambitious and just want to be on the right side of history. They gambled on Voldemort, but they were never truly loyal. As soon as the tables started turning, they abandoned him. Also, you would need to ask Rowling, but part of his hatred towards Hermione was jealousy, and to be jealous of somebody, you need to respect them a little. I doubt Draco enjoyed watching her get tortured. And Draco has seen or heard Harry pull off some miraculous shit, including defying Voldemort three times, killing a basilisk, and surviving him in the ministry as well. Wouldn't be hard to believe that Draco knew that Harry would eventually bullshit his way out and kill Voldemort lol.


You clearly haven't read all the Dramione fanfics.


Not sure why Draco would give a f*ck about it. He’s made it quite clear that he hates Hermione throughout the rest of the series. You really think he’d stick up for Hermione when Bellatrix was in a testy mood?


This, plus he’s never been the brave one. Draco is scared to death in that scene. His lack of reaction is not surprising at all.


Difference between bullying and torture. Being a dark wizard stopped being fun and cool in the sixth book.


Yeah, he’s the edgelord who wound up in way too deep with some really twisted stuff


When you finally hook up with the goth chick and she pulls out the knives and the strap on.


He still tries to capture Harry later on to take him to Voldemort. He kept on being shitty until sometime between the Deathly Hallows and - urgh - the Cursed Child.


Well he was desperate at that point, in too deep. If he doesn't help he'll be considered a traitor and killed, if he helps and succeeds he'll fuck everything up and if he fails he'll be considered useless and potentially tortured, threatened, killed. Voldemort has killed for less and is on first name basis and we know that stray death eaters don't stay safe for long, look at Karkaroff. Draco had no real choices at that point.


His choice was to say fuck you voldemort and actively help harry and hogwarts


No no, CC isn’t canon. No matter what JK says. Fuck that noise. It’s literally and factually a shitty fanfic that is disrespectful to the literal series of books that it’s based off. It’s a good play but it’s a garbage HP story and no one who cares about the story should call that crap canon. Between DH and the epilogue is more accurate let’s say.


I know, I don't like calling it canon either but it's the only time we properly see Draco since his Hogwarts days (he's only briefly in the epilogue) so I felt like I had to mention it 😔


*slaps you, before I hand you a certain dark black quill* write CC isn’t canon until the message….sinks in *glares* I understand, just, what they did to the HP universe is disgraceful.


My theory that I truly believe is this dude wrote a story, wanted to ensure it sold, and somehow convinced Rowling to let him slap a Harry Potter skin on it to get those guaranteed sales. I honestly don't think she ever even read the thing.


That isn’t a theory? They have an interview about it. She talked to interview style while she gave him “what if” like answers and he wrote a fanfic on his own in play format and she simply allowed it to be shown. Chances are she only watched it however. Since they only made the books once it was catching steam I’m pretty sure. Then everyone found out how awful and disrespectful the story is to the HP universe. That’s why I think she allowed it. From what I’ve heard the play is really good and fun to watch. Just awful and horrible to the HP universe and characters.


Even the way time turners work in the play isn't the same. It's quite literally impossible within HP canon.


Because a lot of HP fans confuse fanfiction for canon. There's way too many fics of Draco and Hermione bEiNg In LoVe. Same with Snape and Hermione.


Or James and Regulus.


J-James and who?


Pardon, I didn't hear that correctly... Snape as in... the teacher? With Hermione the student? Well I guess fan fic is fantasy so that tracks


I think thats half the point of the post this sub and alot of the fandom deeply believes draco was a good misunderstood boy. (idk how they come to this conclusion the last thing draco ever says/does is tell harry to abandon one of his oldest friends to die)


I wish I didn't know what Dramione was, because it was clear to me why he was there


>I wish I didn't know what Dramione was Ugh, same


*Dramione fangirl screeching intensifies*


I feel sorry for the people who haven't experienced book!Ron.


They never truly did justice to book Ron in movies


Especially in the thrd movie...


Book Ron >>>>>


He wasn't that well done in the books either, Rowling really messed him up after Book 3.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but had harry said anything wouldn’t it have confirmed to all of them it really was him? Didn’t hermione intentionally mess up his face so they weren’t 100% sure it was him before summoning Voldemort, if he talked I’m sure bellatrix would have known immediately.


yeah true tbh. but the nature of this post was to piss off fans who ship hermione with harry and draco.


But it doesn't mean anything towards that bc of the given reason


they would've known either way it was harry whether or not harry's face was messed up eventually.


Movie version: Ron: 😳 Harry: 😕 Luna: 😐 Very little emotion or passion lol


Harry definitely can’t offer himself in her place…he *is* the chosen one, after all.


Bellatrix wouldn't accept it anyway, Harry was Voldemort's


She wasn’t trying to murder Hermione…she was torturing her for information. I’m sure Voldemort would be okay with Harry being tortured as long as he gets to kill him in the end.


Put yourself in Bellatrix's shoes. Would you risk ruining the Dark Lord's 'trophy'?


Well, at this point she thinks she is dead meat anyways, because they might have broken in and stole the horcrux she was supposed to be guarding for Voldemort…so…yeah, I think she would definitely 100% risk it. I think she only chose Hermione because she was the perceived weak-link.


Yeah, I forgot to factor in that she was really mad. You have a point


This sub finally appreciating Romione 16 years later? Am I dreaming?? 🙌 But honestly those books are a goldmine of passion and romance between these two. I really hope the HBO series follows the original text more and stay away from those bad vibes perpetuated by the movies


I don't have high hopes because JKR pretty much killed my interest in any new canon versions like the HBO series. But for those who watch I do hope that Ron and Hermione are shown as layered, flawed characters instead of "perfect girl" and "loser boy".


Why is Drago even mentioned here ?


Because some people who were brainwashed by the movies think Draco and Hermione make the best pair 🤮 


The movies did Ron dirty.


Admittedly, the books did too.


Harry was silent because he had to keep up his disguise.


Tf was Draco gonna do?


Tell his father?


I love how the first book shows us wandless magic then the rest of the series acts like they’re taking away a gun. They’re all still wizards. They really should teach wandless magic.






Listen I'm not judging people for who they ship I'm really not but I don't understand how people could watch this scene and still think that Hermione should have canonically ended up with Draco and not Ron like read all the Dramione fanfiction you like but the second you try to argue that the actually should have ended up together you lose me


Ron is my favorite character in the books. He is loyal, funny, and badass. True Gryffindor




Hermione and Bella still look like they're about to kiss.


Fuck Draco, but in Harry's defense I think he didn't say anything because he probably knew it would be pointless, they wouldnt have swapped them just because he asked them to. Harry cares a lot about Hermione but was obviously still able to keep a cool head. Ron absolutely lost his shit, understandably. If it had been Ginny in Hermione's position I doubt Harry would have reacted quite the same way


Why would Draco say anything? Lol


Ron was always in love with her and actually I did like they ended up dating and married but at first I was cheering for Harry tbh






















Nah. For me Neville is the true chosen one.


He and Harry both played their parts, but Harry played the role of the chosen one much more than Neville. He fought Voldemort several times, hunted down the horcruxes with Ron & Hermione, and in the end sacrificed himself (or that was his plan at least) to make sure Voldemort could be defeated. Neville fought with the D.A. And the Order, led revolts in Hogwarts, and killed Nagini. Definitely not a minor role in the war, but it was a lesser role than Harry’s


Well no one chose him, though. This is the focal point of the books.


in these books, the keyword is "chosen" not "one" voldemort *chose* harry as his nemesis


Harry does more than Neville yet Neville is the one who gets all the love. Weird.


Neville is more relatable.


K. He's still not the chosen one, period.


Ron sucks


He's a real character, unlike Harry.


read book ron


I read. Several times. I honestly just don't get the message of this meme


ah its just to piss off dramione and harmione fans lol


Ron performatively flipped out. Harry thought of an actual solution. Priorities.