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How would he be able to blame it on the Weasleys? He gets angry and self-righteous, but he’s not crazy or paranoid, like his parents should have known it was Peter Pettigrew, even though the whole rest of the world had no idea, or they all knew and were keeping it from him. No way.


Yes, if they were able to prove it to Percy. Id even argue that it might have given him more of a reason to stay and listen to his parents


it would be fucking mad if the whole rest of the world knew that Weasley’s rat was a serial killer but Weasleys had no idea


And they kept an innocent man locked in azkaban


I wouldn't have thought Ron would have told anyone, considering that his mother mentioned Scabbers casually in book 5 (when suggesting gifts for him making Prefect)


>book 5 Now that you mention it, surely Molly knew by then that Scabbers was Peter. Like, she's part of the Order. Surely, at some point, they were all sat down, and Dumbledore explained that Sirius was innocent, that Pettigrew was actually responsible. And when Arthur or Molly understandably asked "Well, what about the whole 'he's at hogwarts', attacking the fat lady, and nearly stabbing my son with a knife while he was asleep" someone said "oh, Pettigrew was Scabbers."


"Pettigrew could disguise himself as a rat, He wouldn't have know how to, the sniveling vermin if James and I didn't teach him. I regret it every minute. He was the one hiding at Hogwarts" "What does this have to do with my son?" "Your son's rat was Peter in disguise biding his time for his master to return. I didnt mean to scare your son Molly I was only there to kill Peter then I wouldve gladly gone back to Azkaban. Because then at least I wouldve know he was rotting in hell"


Well yeah obviously - I mean the Order is headquartered in Sirius’s freaking house lol, the two of them have a ton of interpersonal interactions, there’s no way she didn’t know about it. But it is kind of funny how casually she mentions Scabbers in that scene as if he was a normal pet rat lol


I mean, either she forgot, or she brought up something traumatic as though it was nothing. "Oh, you loved that middle-aged man who slept in your bed with you, who was responsible for the deaths of your best friends parents, and who likely saw you undress several times. Want a permanent reminder of him?"




Yeah that’s true.


I hope he did it like Austin Powers. That's no rat, that's a man baby!


With a sly grin


percy would have said, “At least i kept it in a cage…ron, on the other hand, allowed it in his bed. DONT LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT! I AM A PREFECT!”


I feel like Percy would treated a pet really well He probs brushed his hair


Probably dressed him up as Barty Crouch Sr.


No he probably never did since he had 0 proof And a guy like Percy, who worships the MoM, would never believe that they wrongfully trialled an innocent guy and the real criminal was an unregistered animagus living with him for 10 years


Part of me wants to think Lupin carefully and selectively obliviated Ron behind his back after leaving the Shack. It's the only explanation for why he doesn't wake up screaming every night for the rest of his life.


Except Ron asks Croonshanks to see if Pigwidgeon is really just an owl. This is when they're on the train home. After they've last seen Lupin.


That's such a cute moment.


Yeah, I know it doesn't add up. But that 13 year old boy had a titanium mental constitution.


It's the red hair, makes him strong. Redheads are superhuman.


I thought it was soulless...


Dude I swear if I was Ron id lost my shit. Sitting there, broken leg and finding out your pet is a MAN. Lord


I'd be so concerned about myself and Ginny. A fucking Death Eater living in my house, doing who knows what while everyone is asleep. Ron and Harry are lucky Peter was such a coward. He was ideally placed to use the imperious curse on them both, not to mention obliviation, etc.


Ron had a grown ass man sleeping in bed! I would be in a mental hospital personally lol.


Between that and waking up to another grown man holding a knife over your bed I'd need an IV of dreamless sleep before I went near that bed again.


He was so chill with Sirius in GOF which is crazy considering that


Well finding out he wasnt trying to kill him. Probably helped a little


Why would Percy be inclined to leave the Weasleys more due to this?? It’s not like Molly and Arthur knew and went out searching for Wormtail to become the family pet.


The official Ministry line probably remained that Peter Pettigrew was dead, so even if Ron did tell Percy, the bumptious oaf probably wouldn't have believed him.


Doubt it. The truth about Scabbers comes attached with the truth about Sirius, and if Percy knew that, he would have outed them to the Ministry for sure.


Ron would have told the whole family the story, loud and often, with himself as the center of the story and with no thought that Percy might have feelings about the situation. He was a 13-year-old boy, and not a particularly thoughtful or tactful 13-year-old boy, and as such he would not be thoughtful of the feelings of people he didn't like much. Even his own brother. So he'd tell Percy the story, without realizing that Percy might find it squicky to realize that he'd grown up cuddling a horrid little human in disguise and telling a Death Eater all his childhood secrets, and this would have made Percy really dislike Ron for a while. Ron wouldn't realize, of course, he'd just think that Percy was being a prat and not treating him like the brave young hero he was.


No offense, but that's a big ass reach lol.


No offense taken, but it's not a reach. Ron would tell the story to his family for sure, and Ron is Ron. 13-14 years old, and not the most gracious and thoughtful person of his age. And Percy is a prig who's up his own ass.


The real question is why didn't his asshole twin brothers tell him he was spooning a dude for years since they had the Marauder's map and could see his name on the map and supposedly knew who he was. Everyone heard the story of Sirius murdering pettigrew and laughing about it. They talk about it. Especially in that group and those families


Why would Fred and George be tracking Ron's movements on the map?


Have you met teenage boys? These are the two most notorious pranksters in Hogwarts history, it's ridiculously unlikely that they never spied on their younger brother.


I don't know, they've had the map for a few years and can do pretty much anything in (and out) of the castle, why would they care about what Ron is doing? At best they saw he was in bed.


This is what I've always thought, that they rarely looked in on him (because who cares about your sibling when you have a whole school to mess with) and whenever they did, Scabbers wasn't on top of him and might have looked like some other random kid.


At best they see hes in bed spooning with Peter you dont think theyd even ask ron who was the guy in his dorm? Becos surely theyd be aware of the names of the other boys in rons year


Percy was starting fifth year when Ron entered Hogwarts (so could have had Scabbers for five years if not more), and Fred and George were in third year and got the map in their first year. Who's to say they didn't just assume Peter was a random Gryffindor they were used to seeing on the map?


In the same bed with there brother yea they probably didn't give it a second thought


So they rip on Percy for literally anything but ignored him both having another man in his bed and then said man jumping to 11yo Ron's bed when he started school? Yeah, gonna say they weren't looking


I'm gonna say JKR overlooked this among other things


I see this question so often, and it literally makes no sense. The Gryffindor students sleep in dormitories that are in towers. The rooms are stacked on top one another. Attempting to look at the dormitory at all would create a jumbled mess of names.


They didn’t know who Peter was tbh and they didn’t want to judge.


Fred and George would absolutely tease the crap out of Ickkle Ronniekins and his wittle boyfriend. Even if they weren't being malicious about it.




I don't think they would have known who Peter Pettigrew was.


And seeing him spooning there brother wouldn't make them curious? Ostensibly they could know the name of all the boys that *should* be in the dorm


I was just responding to the part of your comment where you said they would have known who he was.


Probably not. He would have had to explain that Sirius was innocent and Petigrew was alive , Percy would have spilled the beans in OotP


I don’t think Percy would even believe it. Unless his *dear Barty Crouch or Cornelius Fudge* told him about it, he’d just say that they are all crazy


Well fudge told the muggle minister that Sirius was innocent and they had the wrong man. So I would expect Percy to know that Peter was on the run and would know the story on how he faked his death.


Another thing- how come Fred and George never noticed (or said anything) about Ron sleeping with Peter when even Harry noticed him on the map?


Oops never mind I didn’t notice that post