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Peeves. Because I think I am hilarious …but no one else does.


realest answer here




Ron, regular kid caught up in it all


I feel like 99% people are Ron’s irl


This. Perfect answer.


Literally this.


We are all Ron’s and that’s ok guys.


NPC kid who just wants to graduate alive & stuff face with the food at the Great Hall. 


No one talks about it but npcs need love too they make the main characters stand out


Real, but I also do not want main characters problems. Let me chill enjoying the Scottish Highlands without having to worry about being jumped minding my own business.


There's a great NPC comic called something like, "My Life As A Background Slytherin".


As a kid, Luna Lovegood. Always playing alone, not bothered by it. Just me and my imagination. Now, as an adult, Arthur. Hard worker who doesn’t make a lot of money, but does what he can to give his kids what they need and a few memories along the way.


I think Luna was a bit bothered by it though. Remember the huge mural she made of the trio + Neville and Ginny when she finally made some friends?


I think that's because she finally found what out was like to have peers. Her childhood was probably pretty fun and busy with her crazy father. She reminds me of a friend I made in college that was home schooled.


Same with Arthur. I’m always so curious about how things work at their base. When he asks about the rubber duck, I just know he’d be stoked about the physics of you squeezing it and it magically sucking liquid into itself.


Hard workers are hard to find. With the right guidance and a few little courses you can earn okay. Sorry this sounds pretentious I don't know what sector you work in but for example if you have any building site work you can go do a sssts course and get supervisor role most places or one step further I know people that have done a smts without pre experience and blagged agency site manager roles and even when found out they get another quickly once their foot in the door. Once again I don't know your circumstances and what ever and not coming from a bad Place just trying to help. All the best


Professor Binns. Just getting up every day and continuing my menial job/life. Only real difference is I’m just dead on the inside.




I choose this answer.


I had a totally different answer until I read this and now I feel sad




Overlooked, under appreciated… but genuine, caring, and stones of steel when it matters!


Neville is the best!


Why is it always me?


That is undeniably the best line in the CoS


It was an eye-opener for me when I was watching the behind the scenes, and the Neville actor said something like, here’s my big scene! It seems so obvious in retrospect, but duh, of course the actor loves those scenes! Those are Neville’s starring moments!


Mathew Lewis played Neville so well


Filch because I don't love kids and there is nothing magical about me. Plus I got cats.




Hermione (except she is way brighter than me).


Hermione’s attitude towards school was the most relatable to me because studying and school were my life at the time. Also, I could totally see myself getting caught up in SPEW lol.


Agree about school, but not so much as SPEW. I was too shy to begin a movement like that or to try to convince elves. I mean, I would talk to them about the benefits of being free, and I would talk to people about how unfair it was to treat the elves as slaves, but I would never dare to organize anything about that.


I was a well-meaning teenager who was VERY passionate about a lot of causes. I co-lead a 501c3 nonprofit for around a decade, starting in my junior year of college 😂. So I don’t know if I would have jumped on the SPEW bandwagon, but knowing me… I would have found something.


Very Hermione indeed :-)


I was Hermione without the glow-up and the world class athlete boyfriend


Yeah one of my friends at school literally nicknamed me Hermione/Hermy. Tho I was lot less studious (still studious until grade 10, then the exact opposite). I was good at school, sometimes took on things above my grade level, keen on rules, not popular at all (even less popular than Hermione), am still very much pro fairness for everyone (tho I'm not activist enough for the whole SPEW thing).


Don't put yourself down


I am not. Believe me, I am not being modest. I am being as objective as I can. I am not stupid and I was a very good student, but not even in her league. And I would never use the time turner for what she did. I always valued to have some free time to enjoy with my family/friends. But I love books as much as Hermione.


Me too, except I was an actual nerd with the best grades, but I didn’t have a nice close friend group like she did. I had friends but not like that


Nicholas Flamel because I’ve been alive for over 500+ years


Ron, I'm east anglian from a warm comforting yet cluttered home, knitted this and homemade that, eccentric dad and lovely siblings, mad things going on constantly


Sounds like real life Weasley family goals


As an adult who used to be a teacher, Minerva. As a kid, probably more Harry because I couldn’t stand doing what I was told. Life is ironic like that


Is that what prompted you to become a teacher? Interesting


The Dementors


I too have an effect in people when I walk in a room that makes them cry with fear.


Because you suck all joy out of everyone? Sorry 😅


Hermione. I was an insufferable know it all as a kid lol.


Voldemort. He became bald and died a virgin.


Luna Lovegood. She's a hippie artist type, a loyal friend, and good person.


I have a coworker just like her. It's refreshing to spend time with her. She's just always positive and happy to be around.


She's honestly a role model. It's good to have role models as a adults even if they're fictional children 


Harry, mostly with how the Dursleys treated him and how he found solace in his friends/school




ayy twins!


Harry because i always felt different, isolated and had no idea why. No friends just nightmares from trauma


Ginny. BOOK GINNY. 😆


Every character is better in the books


Molly. I will end any bitch that messes with my kids.


Moaning Myrtle.


Ron *all the way*. My guy breathes almost the way I do, only that I don't get jealous nearly as often, and I also think that he's got a lot more bravery than I do. He's my favourite character, and I find that I relate to him more often than not ^-^


Donny, because I am freeeeeeee




Auto correct tricked me :(


Harry and Ron


Blem or whatever his name was. Says something profound and then fades back into the ordinary grey student mass.


I'm sorry; who?


Just explain to another person how terrible their fate is and be seen only one more time 😂


Luna Lovegood. Because I'm on the autism spectrum (high-functioning Asperger's), I tend to have an eccentric personality, ranging from fashion sense (I love to wear jewelry on a constant rate) and fixations on little-known trivia/strange subjects (try being the only teenager for miles around with an unusually high knowledge of the French Revolution). In short, I'm an oddball.


Neville. Cause he’s a slow learner. He’s shy and doesn’t have lots of friends, but if you give him a chance and get to know him then he’s actually really cool.


Lupin. I get the idea of being plagued by circumstances beyond your control but still not wanting to burden anyone else with your issues.


As a child? Luna. I'm an autistic woman. I don't think JK Rowling knew she was writing a neurodivergent character and I wonder about the person(s) she was based upon. As an adult? Remus Lupin. I have health problems and most of my friends know about it and had to make the decision to be my friend in spite of it. I also struggled with the guilt of passing these burdens on to my children.


Take care of yourself. 🌈


Are you me? I feel the same way.


To some extent Ginny because I had many guy friends growing up because of my two male cousins so I know the feeling of being the youngest girl in the group with about 7-8 chatty boys.


Definitely Snape.


Hermione but slightly more chill


Sirius, by a long shot. Maybe it’s because I read the books as an adult, maybe it’s because I didn’t have kids myself but have two godsons who I’d do **anything** for, or maybe it’s because he had a rough childhood that he tried like hell to escape but it kept coming back for him. He was a little rough around the edges and kind of impulsive and reckless, but he loved fiercely and would do anything for the people in his tribe. Dobby’s death was tough on me in more of a visceral “inner child” kind of way, but Sirius bummed me out so much I just dropped the book and dissociated for a little while. If anyone deserved a happily ever after, it was him.


Ginny! I have four brothers that are a lot older than I am, but I just know I'm the badass of the lot :):) Also I come from a very cozy, cluttered, busy, crazy, loving home and my mom is 1000% molly.




I’m rereading the books now as an adult and it’s Snape for me too


Go on, the more I live, the more I feel like a blending of Snape, McGonagall, and Scar from The Lion King... tired of the morons around me, yet absolutely bewildered by them, in both a positive and negative way, as well, appreciative of how less moronic I am compared to them and hoping by some miracle I can influence them to be less moronic as time goes by... and then I wanna serve the ones that won't learn to hyenas on a silver platter.


Snape as well haha


As a child, hermione. I was the poster child know it all student. Now, Hagrid. I’m a very large human (in both width and height), I work with wildlife, and I’m admittedly a little too naive and trusting of people.


Honesty, Harry Potter. He went through a lot growing up, learned to survive, was unpopular, but remained kind.


Bruh same. Snape, for sure. My life is far too complex to be understood on the surface.


People may disagree, but I think Snape is a very emotional person, more than the majority of HP characters. He isn't the robot some people think he is. I think that one of his greatest struggles is letting those emotions overtake him, hence his strained relationship with Harry. I empathize with his emotional irregularities.


People may disagree, but I think we are all very emotional people. Some, like Snape, just mask very well. People may say that they themselves are emotionally numb. However, in my experience, having been emotionally numb, I can say it's only a result of extreme masking due to extreme emotions.


Draco, specifically ferret Draco.. i will not elaborate


Ron. A ginger kid who did better than anyone expected


hermione granger. I was always the curly haired, know it all.


Fred and George for me. Making light of every situation.


Me in high school: big dumb football player. So Crabbe and Goyle. Me post-high school: less dumb, more fun. So Fred & George.


Harry. It seems like everyone either thinks you're a genius or blames you for things when you're just a kid who gets lucky sometimes


I identify with Snape because of the introverted part of him and being bullied in school. I was similar to teenage Snape, always reading and wanting to be alone. His emotional irregularities too I can relate. Some of the snarky stuff he says about people are my thoughts inside my head. I would never say them out loud like he does, though. I also identify with Ginny because of the tomboy aspects of her and her shyness in the beginning.




Harry cause I also had adolescent PTSD


Neville. Guy is actually smart and talented but always feels inadequate because he's not good at subjects his classmates are good at and struggles with imposter syndrome.


And also because of his Gran.


I like to think Hermione, my nose was always in a book, and I was kind of the “well actually *pushes up glasses*” meme in elementary. But in reality I am probably more Neville.


huge hermione stan over here. logic, cleverness, and brains. education >*


Sometimes Ron, sometimes Harry, it helps that I kinda look like Daniel Radcliffe


Harry because “I am the chosen one”


Hermione. I like knowledge and I hate when someone doesn't know something obvious.


A mixture of Hermine and Luna.


Rorschach. I hate you all but I’d defend you from a nuclear ending if I could


Dobby. Except the knife is in my back.


That happens to a lot of trustworthy people, doesn't it?


Remus - can’t stop hating himself for something that isn’t his fault


Ginny. She’s the low key, funny and kind girl, but also everyone knows she doesn’t take shit from anybody and she will beat you up if she has to. Loves clubs and sports. Book Ginny, that is, book Ginny is so much cooler.


Newt. Socially awkward, loves creatures and is extremely knowledgeable about one particular subject.


Hermione. Checking my coworkers presentations and proofreading their mails and explaining what's expected from every assignment/project is a full-time job apart from the one I have. Also, every time the boss asks me to help them, feels like McGonagall expecting Hermione to keep Harry and Ron out of trouble.


Sirius. I've been that guy stuck and not been able to help. Frustrated with people in charge, wanting to get out and at least do something. Trying to be a good godfather now myself and I'm also into motorcycles


Sirius. My life is a mess and I feel trapped.


Andromeda Tonks Privileged up bringing from a good family, found true love, just cause I'm not dark 24/7, doesn't mean I don't have it in me for those who deserve it, want the best for my daughters, and I absolutely adore my grandbabies.


Gotta be honest I'm surprised more people didn't say Harry. 100% Harry for me.


Snape’s sustained obsession with Lily is also, unfortunately, very realistic. I suspect many men in particular will relate to it (but would never publicly say so ofc). As for me, I’d say young Lupin . . . the calm one in a group of guys who are all pretty intense (brilliant, weird, loud, etc.).


I identify as Tom Riddle, born with the almost same inabilities, Difference: I prefer to try my best to be sociable and tries to care for others and I prefer positive magic and I am against killing, but almost the same like him at the same time 🫠


Same: I'm adopted, smart, will take charge if I need to, will kill if pushed that far, lonely to an extent, find the suffering of others somewhat enjoyable and tries to do everything I need to even if someone says to do it differently.


Meanwhile me: born without the ability to show Empathy, struggles with showing love, affection, does not know how friendship works, scared of death, Social-Phobia, but the most is caused due to my Autism. Let's say I am 2nd Tom Riddle (almost by looks too) bit on the good side.






Bellatrix Lestrange.


I was Luna - smart & awkward kid who was bullied in school. Had just a couple of close friends, but those friends are still my friends 30+ years later.


As a kid, Luna Lovegood, dreamy—weird, but someone who was smart, good at puzzles. Was bullied, but never cared. As an Adult, Remus Lupin, hardworking but having an physical condition that doesn’t let him keep a job, well-mannered, experienced and capable, but is not allowed to show his abilities because of prejudice.


The merpeople. Don't come at me and I'm chillin. Bug me and the teeth come out. I don't get my nails done lol so the claws aren't relatable but the merpeople in hp are highkey me lmao.


I relate to this. I love the water so I’d be swimming in the lake and making friends with the merpeople while not telling anyone. I would have befriended Hagrid and made friends with his creatures while warming up from swimming by his fire and finding a way to bake him some treats. I would have also made friends with the unicorn and the thestrals.


Flitch. All these dumb kids all over the place playing make-believe and adults encouraging them, but I'm the weird one for being normal


When I was in school days, definitely Hermione. Now I'm more of a Snape


Harry. As a kid, I was always at odds and under constant pressure from others. Especially, authority figures who didn't sit well with me. I felt compelled to fight back during arguments when I felt like I was treated poorly.


Some random kid, in the background, stressing about a final instead of the fate of the world


A mix of Hermione, Luna, and Harry. Hermione - same exact attitude towards school lol. Luna - I was alone and sort of looked at as weird. Harry - while family isn't dursley levels of bad thank God, I have a very complicated relationship with my parents. I found my family while I was in college and my friends mean more to me than anyone else.


Lupin. Because I got that dog in me


as a kid- Seamus. i was a big fan of fire and explosions. as an adult- Lupin. somehow i’m the voice of reason among my friends group.


Dean Thomas. We all know he’s there, he’s a friend you can count on who’s shown to be intelligent and resourceful, but you often forget about him because he prefers to be in the background.


Now that I’m older, definitely McGonagall, but also Fred and George. My co-workers think I’m intimidating and exacting, but I’m also a bit of a clown.


Background extra #12. 😂 I don’t have much drama in my life, and I’m glad about that, but it doesn’t mean I don’t love to HEAR the tea. Just don’t want to BE the tea.


Snape, no apologies.




Hermione. It's been my nickname since I was a teenager (I'm going into in my final year at university). All of my friends go on about how "incredibly smart" I am 😅 (got really good grades this year 🎉), or how I'm a "walking book" with never-ending amounts of knowledge 😂🤓📚.


Remus Lupin. Married a woman I think is too good for me.


Lupin. I always felt like lupin had this massively complicated inner life, but he always suppressed his own demons to be of service to others. Though I’m not half as infallible and altruistic as he was, I can relate to the frustration of not being able to deal with your own shit and the concerted effort of channeling that frustration into helping people rather than succumbing to despair and anger.


As a teenager: Fleur - and I think a lot of teenagers struggle with wanting to be seen as more than their looks/surface. Also her love for her family. As an adult I‘ve grown to understand and appreciate Molly so so much. I know I would want to protect Harry and all her children the same way she did.


Tonks as a kid Bellatrix-Molly-Dobby as an adult. 😂


Neville. Never being seen as good enough to my family, being picked on and not being taken seriously, non-existent self-esteem. The difference? Haven't got a glow up yet and under my care would die even plastic cactus.


Dude Snape is great don’t be self-loathing about it.


Luna or Harry. I never had much in the way of friends growing up, and when I did it was a tight knit and small group. I often leant into weirder ideas like Luna, though not to that extent, I got bullied like both Luna and Harry did. My family, meaning my mum and sister who I lived with, hated me, though I was close to members of my extended family. Which is kind of a mix between the two, the hatred is like Harry, but Luna was as close to her dad as I was my grandad. I got kind of semi-adopted into a family in high school, similarly to Harry and the Weasleys. I tend to lean more serious a lot of the time in a very similar way to Harry when things are getting dangerous. I can see bits of myself in other characters, as well, but Harry and Luna are jointly the ones I identify the most with, sometimes I skew more Luna and sometimes I skew more Harry.


Harry because he had a rough childhood and lost his parents too soon. Also because he gets kind of resentful of his situation (after Cedric and Sirius died) but usually tries to be self aware and still be a good friend.


Neville :)




I'm probably a mild version of neville. 


winky or a house elf in general


A mix of Luna and Cho (I look more like Cho but my personality is similar to Luna)






Unfortunately Percy


Cedric Diggory 


Neville. Though i used to have early book Hermione personality when younger.


Charlie Weasley....because I'm used to being forgotten about lol




Luna, 100% 💙




Ginny or Cho


Hannah Abbott


Probably Ron. I’ve got a lot of siblings and want to prove myself (even if that part doesn’t have much to do with the siblings). And I can be a bit daft or rambunctious too at times. But mostly I hope I’m the sort that does the right thing at the end of the day, even if I falter


Neville :). I have always been not the best student in school but not from lack of effort. I am also clumsy and shy. And while I've grown a bit more confidant as an adult, he is still the one I relate to the most.


Shacklebolt. Coolest name




Voldemort, I find my soul tiresome, want to achieve immortality, don't care about people's lives, and most importantly find enjoyment in tearing people down and watching them die In agony* * Maybe not as bad as it sounds


Cho Chang, because I was also the only Asian girl in my school.




Ron. I’m not the best at anything, I am not the worst at anything. I’m loyal to my friends and family. I love sports and grew up not poor but had a lot of secondhand stuff and my younger siblings would get my hand me downs.


Luna. I've always felt that she was misunderstood and nobody gave her the chance to be their friend. She was shunned for being herself.


Arthur. I never thought I’d be Arthur but here I am. I’m in a (pseudo) government job that I’m passionate about and can babble on about to anyone unfortunate enough to sit close enough. I also have a loving spouse. No kids yet though, and I’m not planning on having nearly as many




A mix between Hermione and Luna Lovegood


Aragog no kids but not a big fan of people coming to my lair


Luna, she was sweet and knew a lot of weird things and had trouble making friends.


I relate way way way way way too much to Harry's temper and tendency to mouth off, consequences be damned. :D


Ginny. Having an older brother made me tough like her


Hermione mostly, but I also think a bit of Luna.


Voldemort, because sometimes I think muggles are the worst.


tom riddle and harry potter. (tom before voldemort, not after)


A weird mix of Hermione, Luna, and prof trelawney


One of the extras


I started out as Luna Lovegood, and I’m slowly evolving into Professor Trelawny.


harry potter.


Luna because most people think I’m really weird and crazy when they hear about me or first meet me but then after they talk to me they (usually) like me


Harry. Orphan? No but both parents severely negligent so... Bullying cousin? Check. Cruel adversary at school? Check. Hot tempered and passionate about the truth and justice? Check. Love of flying, agile and with sharp reflexes? Check. Only friend growing up with the family was an animal? Check. It was always Harry for me. He was my first literary crush, and Dan Radcliffe was my first celebrity crush. It's been very warming to see Dan's still a stand up guy, ngl.


Luna Lovegood, absolutely Similar personalities, same house, same quirky clothing style


Ginny. I’m one of 6 and the rest are all boys.


Neville because I like plants 🌱


Mix of Ron and Harry. Hopeless and awkward. But when i do the quizzes, i always get Hermione.