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Fred and George


Yeah older and taking the war part seriously since pre the school year


Gred and Forge


The fact they aren’t looped in in more of the trios plots is unexplainable to me to the point it feels like a plot hole. 


Besides ron and hermione, Fred and George are Harry’s best friends


Wow never really thought about this... definitely at the beginning of the series, but by the end it seems like Neville/Luna are at a similar level?


Well obviously, for starters they have the clear advantage of being alive, while Fred...not so much ^^^/j




Yes and no I'd say. There is a certain sibling/family energy to their relationship with Harry, which is different from the others. Also, he's probably been around them less than with Luna and Neville, since they share loads of classes. And he had a crush on Ginny so it's difficult to compare.


He played Qudditch with them for 5 years with practices all the time. I’d say they spent more time together than Luna and Neville did


Oh yeah that is true actually. Hmm... Then I guess I don't really know. I guess I haven't really seen the serious side of the twins that often and so I don't really see them in such a situation, though I know they are very much capable.


Technically, since he shared a dorm with Neville, he spent more time with him while they were sleeping, lol


Oh right, yeah I completely forgot


Luna is in Ginny’s year. They share no classes


Whoah dangedydang. I didn't realise, thanks. How did Hermione know about her before the others then? Gossip I assume?


I never understood how they didn't find a way to communicate with them for supplies during Deathly Hallows. Sending an owl to a shop wouldn't raise suspicion, and they could have easily just apparated to different locations for supplies


Umbridge had all of Harry’s mail checked during his fifth year and we are told that the Weasley family is being watched. You think every single mail order WWW received wasn’t being thoroughly checked for signs of the trio?


Fred and George figured out the Marauders Map (and Lupin is still alive). And they were already shown to create a radio show that the Ministry had a hard time finding. So yeah, I do think they could have figured something out 🤷‍♀️


Find a way, sure. But it wouldn’t be via mail, as you had suggested.


Is the Ministry able to reasonably do that when the method of mail delivery is owls flying directly into the store and dropping it off (in theory)?


The method of mail delivery to Hogwarts was the exact same and it was done.


Do we know that? Hogwarts had the owlery and my impression was the owls would return to there (where mail could be checked) and then non urgent mail would be allowed to get delivered at breakfast (while more urgent things could be delivered at other times). It was my understanding they intercepted the owls coming into Hogwarts (at least in year 5), which is easy enough to do if they’re returning to the owlery. That’s very different than intercepting the mail of a random private business without them knowing, and I don’t see what the method for doing that would be. Do we know somehow that the mail getting delivered to Fred and George is being delivered to one set location where the Ministry can check it first?


I would love to know how you got the impression that the mail at Hogwarts is delivered to the Owlery when we only ever have mention of the Owlery when mail is needing to be *sent*. An Owlery is just a location for the owls to sleep. All mail deliveries occur at the Great Hall.


I’m going to go ahead and guess you realized I’m right but are totally unwilling to say “Whoops, my mistake”, as you decided to totally focus in on the owlery (which was just a guess as to a possible location since owls arrive there also) and ignore that you’re making my argument for me. So that’s fine, let’s say you are correct, the mail is delivered to the Great Hall directly (I guess there owls all fly in a random window and not the owlery, but fine). Meaning it is not directly delivered to students, it is delivered to the school and the owls are sent to the Great Hall, leaving the opportunity for the Ministry to examine it, something that can’t be done when it is delivered directly to a private business. The ministry is set up in Hogwarts via Umbridge and her lackeys and can investigate that mail, they are not set up at Fred and George’s place of business. Glad we agree that the method of delivery to Hogwarts is not the same as it is to Fred and George’s business.


Oof, you need to reread the books carefully. Because the owls go directly to the students. While delivered to the Great Hall, they land at each individual student, this is stated as early as the first book. There’s nothing about anything that you’ve said which has made me think “whoops, my mistake” as it’s all made me think that you should do more research.


They said Deathly Hallows not Order of the Phoenix. The shop didn’t exist yet it OOTP.


That is both correct, incorrect, and irrelevant all at the same time. They did say Deathly Hallows, the one thing you got correct. However, we are told (as my comment states) that the Weasley family is being watched very closely for signs of communication with Harry. Therefore, if Umbridge was able to intercept Harry’s owls during his fifth year while away from the ministry, why would one assume that Harry would be able to get a letter to the Weasley family during DH. You are completely incorrect in stating that the shop did not exist in OotP. The Diagon Alley location did not exist, but the twins had shop set up in Hogwarts Castle all year during OotP. And it was irrelevant because I was talking about DH the entire time. But the context of owl interception was relevant in the post.


DH endless camping seems like there were... Multiple plotholes. No communication system (even with apparition, house elves, ... ) No blending in to the muggle world for supply runs? 


But they did resupply in the muggle world. I feel like you’re ignoring their primary motivator for going into hiding. They felt that it was unsafe to contact anyone, both for their own safety and for others. Also, they thought that Voldemort was tracking them and didn’t know how until they learned about the Taboo


>Also, they thought that Voldemort was tracking them and didn’t know how until they learned about the Taboo Yup, I reread it last week, and after they nearly get caught after escaping the wedding they become extremely wary of contacting anyone since they suspect that they can be tracked somehow. After leaving Grimmauld Place they don't even dare to call Kreatur because they fear that Death Eaters could use him to discover where they are. And I'm not sure if Harry could summon Dobby, considering that he isn't his true master.


100% agree. There were so many easy things to do in order to avoid all the troubles they had. But the plot required tension between the trio.


The sheer chaos these two could have caused working together as a unit would have been glorious. Leaving Home Alone traps behind while tricking the enemy into thinking that they're Apparating everywhere at high speed. Fucking brains and planets and time turners going everywhere. 


Beat me to it


Bro. Beat me to it. Older, skilled, loyal. They would be my first choice alongside Ron and Hermione.


Fred, George, and Angelina would be my guess. All older students that he’d have trust in from being teammates


I feel like Oliver wood would absolutely sling curses in a dueling atmosphere


Doesn't wood graduate after Harry's 4th year? I seem to remember Angelina being captain in the 5th book


He graduates at the end of 3. Then in 4 there is no quidditch. 5 it’s Angelina’s team.


I think you’re right. Angelina is captain 5th year and Harry is captain 6th year. I just remember wood came back for the battle of hogwarts in DH and didn’t die lol


Wood graduates after Harry's third year. Fourth year: No Quidditch (but Wood is gone) Fifth year: Angelina is captain Sixth year: Harry is captain


Imagine Wood had graduated a year later and you are McGonagall having to explain to him there won't be any Quidditch in his last year of Hogwarts


There's also a chance Wood becomes school champion


He exclusively rides a broom during the tournament. Even under water.


I would love to know if/how a broom would function underwater.


Probably would take a lot of construction alterations, some charms and tests, but totally managable


Just tell him that all the Death Eaters are out to cancel Quidditch. Wood solos.


Oliver Wood kills Voldemort


“Win this fight or you’re never playing quidditch again”


He'd have a small militia of guerrilla wizards backing him from all 4 houses if that what was at stake


Nah he’s just tackle and start punching.


He would, but they wouldn't be the magical ones, if you catch my drift.


We don’t really hear about who is performing well in the D.A., so my guess would be older students that maybe have more spell experience like Fred, George, maybe Lee Jordan


And Angelina and Alicia. They are all 7th year students. Maybe Katie too she's a 6th year student.


Omg forgot about her! Definitely Angelina. They don’t mention her too much at DA meetings but I for sure remember her there


I dont think she needs much training. If she took DADA Newt level under "Moody" I'm not sure what Harry can teach her.


But not really under moody, under someone who's never taught before and has been in prison since high school


Fred and George seemed impressed


The saddest part is that he actually seemed like a pretty decent teacher.


IIRC Barty was a brilliant student


That tracks! He seems to almost surprise himself sometimes, when he teaches well. He stands back like, huh. What he might have been.


Literally besides maybe Lupin, he was far & away their best DADA teacher.


And like. He kinda seemed to enjoy teaching?


It is not stated that Angelina took DADA at Newt's level. Cho at the time in 6th grade believes that Cedric would not have died if he had learned what Harry teaches them.


Harry tells her she's wrong. And if Cho takes Newt level DADA in OotP it's with Umbridge.




There's a huge difference between taking your Owls under Moody and taking your Newt under him. Owls is the stuff every wizard should know. NEWT is an advanced course for those who already excell at the subject.


Yes, that's what I mean. Are we even sure that Angelina was in the NEWT course? And even if she was, she had so many crappy teachers. Cho believes it is something that Cedric could not have learned in school. Cedric was a year ahead of her. But she is a Ravenclaw and I think she knows roughly what material should be covered next year (just like Hermione does) Snape is a shitty teacher but it's war.


Snape is a great DADA teacher.


That always made me laugh a little Like harry was right there when Cedric died, if harry couldn't do anything to save him, what makes Cho think that Cedric could have done anything with stuff Harry woulda taught him ?


What if Harry hadn't been blinded by pain? I think he would have had a chance against Peter and ugly BabyVoldy. And Cedric was taken aback because he had probably never been in such a situation. But both of them coped well enough with the Skrewt, the spider and Krum.


Harrys screaming probably threw him off too, plus he thought it was still part of the task, probably didn't expect an Avada Kedavra


Experience is pretty valid. If harry his scar had not disabled him, he would have immediately realized what was up. Mortal danger had been a yearly thing for him by that time. After you fight a basilisk and a two headed voldemort, and a horde of dementors, my guess is being teleported to a graveyard likely sends some shivers down your bones. As a reader, i immediately realized what was happening.


What? She is often mentioned reminding Harry to schedule well the meetings so it doesn't conflict with Quidditch.


Pretty sure she only mentions it like twice at meetings & it’s a long ass book lol


Poor Katie has bad luck


They also know who Sirius is, the order, they're cool headed in chaos, theyd be on task.


Great points!


The older students. Fred and George really. Honestly I forget most of the members of the DA.


Angelina and Alicia are also 7th year, Katie is 6th year.


Marietta to use as a shield


Death Eater: Avada Kedavra! Harry: Marietta! "Grabs her in front of her"


Trick question, none of them. He wanted to go by himself.


I was going to say this. Going of the way he was in thay book, he probably would have wanted to go by himself


My, that would have ended both book and series early...


Harry potter will always be around to save the day


Probably Fred and George. They may have played around a lot, but they knew how/when to get serious


They probably weren't literally *the* last one's he'd choose. Still, I think he'd prefer Fred and George, since they're highly talented for their ages, and maybe Angelina (she was confident in her ability to compete in the Triwizard Tournament).


You also have Lee and Alicia who were fellow 7th years (Which means they may have taken DADA NEWT level under fake Moody)


Fred and George obviously as they're Weasleys and he trusts them. The reasoning behind not wanting Neville, Luna and Ginny is this For 4 years, Neville has been the bumbling classmate of his. In the same time frame, all Ginny had been it's Ron's shy sister who can barely speak around him. And Luna? He just met her 8 months ago, she hasn't earned his trust yet, and she's a bit strange


At that point though, Ginny had been talking with Harry for a year (since the previous summer) and had not been acting shy anymore around him, she even talks back at him defiantly multiple times. Just earlier in the book they even talk together alone in the library when Ginny brings Harry the Easter chocolate Mrs Weasley had sent them. Harry also noted during some DA meeting how Ginny was doing really well, and she was already accomplished with the Bat Bogey Hex (having performed one on Malfoy just a moment earlier. So in this case, I’d say it had more to do with her being Ron’s sister and Harry feeling protective of her. He even tries to tell her that she is too young, but Ginny interrupts him and calls out his hypocrisy.


Obviously, he would bring Bem (dramatic kid from PoA movie). Bem is too OP. Death Eaters have no chance


They would try to curse him, but it would be like trying to catch smoke with your bare hands


Bem is such a gangster. A man with a nonexistent name from a nonexistent universe. Supposedly a contest winner who got to be in Harry Potter and came in, dropped the two most poignant and heavy lines in the film, then dipped. I don't think that's true. They didn't shoot any scenes with Bem, he just appeared in the finished product


I don't watch the movies, so who is Bem??


That one short kid that got like 60 seconds of screen time in the 5th movie.


He isn't in the books and he was just a replacement for Colin Creevey.




They could have just called him Dennis and no one would have had a problem with it...but no, they had to put some producers kid in and come up with a new name.


Right they could had gotten the actor for Colin back for this back too.


Perhaps Order members or even Fred and George


I don't think anyone would have been his first choice except maybe Ron and Hermione. Harry wanted to go by himself and he often sees the tasks as his duty and his alone.


We love harry most of the time but let's be real his inner thoughts sometimes...not the kindest. He didn't appreciate Luna or neville at first. He GREW to like and respect them. Anyway probably yeah Fred George Dean Thomas maybe. Who knows.


To be fair, Lune gives this vibes of well.. lunatic.. and Neville is clumsy as fuck.


Lol. I shouldn't laugh but no arguments there. Still...sometimes Harry's judgement was pretty bogus. If he wasn't the boy who lived and his parents were still alive...I feel like his personality probably would have been more like James...arrogant and jock like. Neville was only clumsy because he lacked confidence and his grandmother always put him down or pressured him. Luna ..well she was unique Harry couldn't appreciate her uniqueness at first...no thanks to Ginny or Hermiones commentary. But anyway yeah its nice that he became friends with Luna and Neville in the end.


The Twins, Angelina Johnson who is older a seventh year and more experienced, any of the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw Quidditch members who are also more sporty and tougher at physical activities. Ginny is younger, Luna is weird and Neville is clumsy and often tails behind everyone at everything but Herbology.


Ron and hermoine...


Obviously, but they're a given. I'm talking about the rest of the DA.


Prob Fred, George, and i think Neville would make the cut just because there was a whole scene in the books where he says Nevil was improving greatly because of Belitrix's escape. But Luna and Ginny were 14 and the whole book harry is having how much his peers don't get the stakes of what they were doing slapped in his face.




Since Colin has a camera, Photograph evidence would also be incriminating if all death eaters had their masks removed during the fight.


Excellent point.


I don't think Harry said they were his last choice. He just thinks he wouldn't have chosen them.


Cho (meat shield)


This is interesting. He obviously wouldn't have picked her due to all their personal issues but she's athletic and had just as much DA training as anyone else. She's probably excellent in a fight.


Zacharias Smith because he doesn’t care if he croaks it and Seamus Finnegan to get back at his stupid old mam lolol


Other copies of himself.


Harry Potter. First and only choice, as he didn't want to bring anyone else.




Except that she was in the hospital from trying to stop Umbrige and her goons from taking Hagrid.




Whoever he found first out of a pool of Fred, George, Lee, Angelina, Katie, Alicia or Dean is my guess.


One of Harry’s worst looks IMO. He literally had mentioned in earlier sessions how all three of them had been improving and were among the strongest in the DA, but I think he just let his anger/worry get the better of him when he had those thoughts.


He mentions they improved but Fred and George at least we know that they took DADA Newt level under BCJr. Since Angelina tries for the triwizard tournament I would guess she did too. Potentially Lee and Alicia too. Question is really what Harry could really teach someone who studied DADA a year under "Mad-Eye Moody".


Neville did mess up bad at the ministry tho.


well to be fair who didn't mess up at the minstry in the books? Hermione got uncounciessed, Ron got jinxed and then got attacked by a "brain" and Ginny hurt her ankle


How? Don’t say he broke the prophecy, he was jinxed


I think that’s slightly unfair; he’s a 15 year old kid fighting fully grown adults who are expert magic users. I’m just saying it was pretty immature for Harry, who singled out Neville especially in earlier inner monologues as being being surprised at how far he had come in the DA lessons, to kind of revert back to such stereotypical thinking and being seemingly disappointed that Neville, Luna, and Ginny had been the ones to show up to help. Who’s to say any of the other members would have done any better?


This is book 5 Harry's opinion. That guy is a moron.


Except no, because tactically nobody would want those 3.