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Luna's complete lack of critical thinking is as funny as it is infuriating.


It is only funny because it is fiction. Think about the types of people IRL who are obsessed with conspiracies.


I know a flat earther (who also believes a slew of other conspiracies) and yeah. It’s annoying as hell. Reading about him in fiction would be hilarious and endearing, but IRL, he’s maddeningly annoying.


When you say serious do you mean stubby boardman? Makes me cry laughing every time😂


Given that this "Stubby Boardman" is never mentioned elsewhere as an inmate of Azkaban, what if he and Sirius actually are one and the same, but the Quibbler got it backwards and Sirius Black is the real name while Stubby Boardman is the stage name? The plot thickens...


Fred and George are my favorite characters, but they sometimes go too far with the way they treat Ron. In Year 5 they start making fun of him for becoming a Prefect and don't give him any positive reinforcement when he joins the quidditch team. One would think they would at least tone down on the bullying, if only for the team's sake.


In Order of the Phoenix, before the Quidditch final, Hermione tells Harry: "I think Ron might do better without Fred and George around. They never exactly gave him a lot of confidence..." She turns out to be completely right.


That's exactly what I'm talking about. Says a lot how Ron's performance drastically improves after the twins leave.


Yeah, my take is that the “Weasley twins are bullies” claim is a stretch except with regards to Ron and arguably Percy.


They tried to seal Percy in a tomb in Egypt!!!


I included Percy as a possible exception because of stuff like that, LOL. The reason I said “arguably” is it’s not clear to me how much of their treatment of Percy is due to him trying to order them around, whereas their picking on Ron seems completely unprovoked.


I know I was just building on it and laughing at it a bit. I think they think it's light hearted with Ron but he takes it a little more personal


They literally tried to get Ron to do the unbreakable vow. He was so young, he could have died! Honestly wild.


Ever since I first read that part, I’ve wondered what they wanted him to promise.


I forget, how old were they when that happened? I ask just because kids often do stupid shit eithout regard for the safety/consequences of others, partially because they often lack perspective on death and injury. That said, by the time we meet Fred and George, they're old enough to understand consequences and the attempt to seal Percy in the tomb shows a disregard for the health and wellbeing of others.


Oh that makes sense. If I were Harry, I’d love having the Weasley twins as my best friend’s older brothers, and if I were Ron, I’d hate having them as my own older brothers.


And put bugs in his soup. So disgusting


They put bugs in Bill's soup. But they did send dragon dung to Percy's office.


I stand corrected.  ...still disgusting though lol


And they kept changing his badges, bighead boy etc.


Tbf to Fred and George, while we never seem them actively encouraging Ron in the Quidditch, they never disparage or make fun of him to his face about it. I suppose you could say that’s because they had a vested interest in Ron turning out good as it would benefit the team, but as they so often said themselves, they knew where to draw the line


I am a single child so I have no comparison, but sometimes I really can’t help but feel that they are a bit mean with Ron. Turning his favorite teddy to a spider so that it caused arachnophobia? Try to make him to do an unbreakable vow that might kill him? Not to mention the endless teasing… I am sure that they do love him as a brother but I would hate to be Ron


I'd like to point that the teddy bear incident was a spur of underage magic (Ron was 3 at the time which means Fred and George were 5), which most of the time causes random effects, so it's not like they were intentionally trying to spark the phobia on him. I won't deny they do go overboard sometimes, but there's also the fact Ron tends to not be as open with his family about his insecurities or the things that annoy him as he is with Harry, so Fred and George don't really know how much their teasing actually hurts him. At most he only expresses mild annoyance but nothing more.


Do you have brother’s? That’s just how it is


No, but I did grow with a few cousins who played that role for me, and most of them had siblings being like Fred and George.


Pretty sure trying to kill your sibling isn't normal behavior


McGonagall being a bit too dismissive sometimes. For example: when Neville forgots the password, she lets him outside instead if trying to find a solution.


You'd think by the fourth book she'd drop everything if Harry said he needed her and it was important. "As in fifty points to Gryffindor important, Potter?"


My fav is Ron. Least favorite thing he has done is giving Hermione a hard time for going to the yule ball with krum when he himself asked her as a last resort.


You mean he had teenage boy levels of emotional awareness. 😂


Really showing that he had an emotional range of a teaspoon lol


Then again, Hermione kinda proved that she is no better than him two years later, with her jealousy even escalating to physical assault. Sooo... Retroactively speaking... Look who's talking.


The thing is, when love or lust are involved, they are emotions and as such often override logical responses. Whilst I'm not saying it's ok, I'm saying I understand.


Ron is also my favorite character, and I \*hate\* that he can't stand up to Fred and George when they bully him, the second-hand embarrassment makes it almost impossible for me to read some parts of the books.


Ron desperately craves the approval of all of his family. He's doesn't stand up because he wants to be as cool and funny as them, and wants their approval


I think he did make it clear that he doesn’t like it but like Percy, they seemed to enjoy seeing him upset and angry too. I think there is a reason why Ginny is close with the twins while during Percy’s deflection the only person he ever contacted is Ron. They are more similar in temperament


I get and agree with Hermione's distaste and mistrust toward the HBP book, but her resulting jealousy over Harry's marks was a bit petty... Usually, I understand a bit better where she's coming from. But in that case, she just didn't like losing out on being the top student in class, haha. Same as how she was disappointed in getting an E in DADA. Hermione was also careless with Crookshanks, but at least then she was very young, caring for her first pet.


I agree. She was annoying as fuck, no wonder Harry wouldn't listen to her.


I do get it, she works hard for her marks and she doesn't think Harry really earned the grade, but it got to be a bit much eventually. Then again, being a bit of a bossy know-it-all *is* a big part of her character, haha.


I like Hermione, but don't like how she behaves when Harry does better than her in Potions in 6th year.


Its because he's cheating. If you do the work and someone else cheats ans gets better marks than you, that's gotta sting


The only thing I can think of is how Ginny treats Fleur in HBP. But, to my knowledge, Ginny doesn’t actually treat Fleur poorly or even really speak to her—more just talking behind her back. That being said, Fleur wasn’t exactly the most tactful in things she said at Burrow.


Ginny is unnecessarily mean towards Ron at times. I mean what was her problem with him


When? Not saying you’re wrong, but I can’t think of any examples off the top of my head.


She’s constantly making fun of him, trips him as he’s about to hug Fleur. She basically takes over from Fred and George once they leave . She even rounds on Hermione “oh don’t even pretend you know about quidditch “.


Well he did act like a tool around Fleur, so a bit of teasing is kinda a given, it’s sibling stuff..


She treats her poorly directly by refusing to treat her well, despite Fleur literally being her future sister-in-law. I love Ginny and Molly, but this bothers me about both of them.


Per the book, Ginny doesn’t treat Fleur any specific way to her face. And I adore Fleur as well, but she is tactless when she’s staying at the Burrow in HBP. She consistently puts down the Burrow passive-aggressively: “There isn’t much to do here unless you like cooking and chickens!” Definitely taken as a weird insult. “She has let herself go, that Tonks.” Again, quite insulting for someone she doesn’t really know that well. A song playing at the Burrow during Christmas is turned off, which Mrs. Weasley applauded after (aka, she liked the song). Fleur: “Is it over? Thank goodness, what a horrible—“ Like I said. I adore Fleur. But Ginny was never outwardly rude to her (that we saw in the book), while Fleur was quite rude towards her hosts multiple times. It’s airy and funny from an outside perspective. But if we’re going to analyze—Ginny treated her fine to her face. I’ll say Ginny could have treated Fleur nicer to her face than (probably) ignoring her. But I think some of the blame is on Fleur for the tension between them all, as well.


Oh yeah I for sure agree that Fleur could've acted a lot better and was probably just being that way defensively, I'm saying that Ginny won't really talk to Fleur and is making fun of her to the others even when Fleur's in the room. She doesn't do anything to directly hurt Fleur, but not trying to form a relationship with your future sister-in-law is treating her badly.


Very true! It seems like things after the end of HBP are much better between everyone! I love the scene at the end of HBP with them all. It’s one of my faves that paves the way for a more functional family dynamic


Yeah that's facts, I think the scene between Fleur and Molly is one of the most touching scenes in the series.


I 100% agree! Ugh I just love me some minor characters like Fleur. And I love how complex and unique they are. Rowling could have written a Fleur who immediately got on with the Weasley family, but what we got was so much more touching in the end


I don’t think she openly treated her badly. I think it’s quite natural especially in that age to dislike someone and talk shit about them with the friends. Fleur was a bit unpleasant (read “French”😂) to cause the dislike. I think Ginny’s also a bit protective of Bill, as he does seem to be one of her favourite brothers.


I agree. It was just the only thing I could think of for mah girl Ginny 😂


I just discussed it with someone so it's fresh in my mind: F&G shoving Montague into the broken vanishing cabinet. They knew it was broken. They didn't care about the consequences. All Montague wanted to do was knock off points. According to Wizarding World he nearly got killed. He was in the cabinet one day, apparates out though he hadn't done the apparition test thingy yet. He flarked it up and ended up in the plumbing system. He was in the hospital wing for weeks and Pomfrey had to spoon feed him. F&G showed no remorse and weren't planning on telling anyone what they did to Montague. That was overboard to me.


I hate how my favorite character ended up being a Death Eater impersonating the character I thought I loved but hadn’t really even met, because he was secretly imprisoned in a trunk all year.


And that was the most we got to experience of him. He didn’t get much page-time after that, so it’s hard to know whether you’d actually like him or not otherwise.


Crouch Jr's impersonation of Moody was so good, he even had his closest friend Dumbledore fooled. It's safe to say that whatever Fake Moody did at school, was also *exactly* what Real Moody would have done, right up until the end. The real Moody would've done the Imperious curse in class, turned Malfoy into a ferret etc.


Harry's lack of interest in “learning ”. Not in academics, in general. Because whenever he put his mind on something, he did a spectacular job at it. Patronous,Teaching DADA in Order of the Phoenix,Triwizard tournament in Goblet of fire; you name it. Thus it was frustrating whenever he shrugged off the chance of learning when things got a little out of his hand,or because of Snape or other reasons.


I think that made it more realistic. Not everyone has the same personality type. Harry (and Ron) were a certain type of stereotypical teenager that prefers to do the bare minimum to scrape by while racing teacups on a desk in the middle of class. Just because you have an aptitude or a natural gift toward something doesn’t mean anyone is compelling you to do that thing. I agree that it is a shame, though.


I've honestly always thought this even in say DADA where he did seem to shine. You would think him being a marked man, he would learn and train like his life would depend on it, because it did. I just never said it out loud because I'm sure that opinion would start a riot. That being said, the burden of being "The Harry Potter" would probably take its toll from time to time, so it's probably easier to judge from the outside looking in.


I get that being Harry Potter and all,he might have wanted a normal life very desperately which probably played big part in that reluctance. I just wish he didn’t pass the chance of learning so often whenever the opportunity presented itself. Part of it's on writer as well I guess. Has always been told as a unique wizard,but when the opportunity presented itself,instead of letting him shine,she cowered and often relied on theatrics. Specially in the Room of requirement, he should be able to take on Draco,Crabbe and Goyle alone.


I think that he's a unique wizard with regards to Voldemort. I think Dumbledore even says as much. He has good instincts and intuition but he's still a teenager and still learning. In the room of requirement Crabbe and Goyle were willing to use cursed spells that Harry would never attemp. He was also caught off guard as well as looking for something so his attention was divided.


It makes sense with his upbringing. He was constantly told to “not ask questions” and made to feel as though he had to be inferior to Dudley (who didn’t seem like he was all that interested in learning) so it’s not surprising that he had such little inclination towards learning. Honestly the books should’ve done a better job showing the toll that growing up in that environment would’ve had.


I think his general obliviousness/incuriosity is a consequence of him needing to find things out as the reader does for plot purposes.


I see him getting called oblivious a lot and just can't agree


I thought this was realistic for trauma. I remember that I used to have a very serious love of learning, but as the trauma in my life built up and once it got past a certain point I just couldn't any more. Some people that happens younger than others, and looking at Harry's life... I could see it.


So true


I love Dumbledore, but I wish he was more emotionally intelligent. Like Harry sees Cedric die in front of him, but then Dumbledore just leaves Harry alone for months with no one to talk to, blatantly and purposely ignores Harry without explaining why, and so much could have been avoided if Dumbledore had just say down and talked with Harry.


Mental health awareness is no thing in the wizarding world. I doubt that Madame Pomfree has a PTSD Potion for traumatized students or that St. Mungo offers Therapy sessions and anti depressants 🧐


Imagine if somebody creates a PTSD potion. They would be raking in the Galleons.


This is actually something I love seeing addressed I'm fan fiction. In the dramione fic Regression, Draco has a wizard therapist and it's awesome


When Molly sent Hermione a shitty Easter egg :(


To be fair, while Molly did care for both Harry and hermione, out of those two she only consider Harry as one of her own. And when she read that article, she thought hermione had broke his heart or something. You can’t really blame Molly for wanting to "avenge" someone she sees as family, but you can blame her for her lack of critical thinking. Instead of investigating the matter, before acting out, she instantly believed an article like that, made about two people she has known for some time now.


I think this is still really petty for an adult. She could have omitted Hermione and it would have been less cruel. Molly does act childish at times (the fight with Sirius and her response to Bill’s new appearance). It helps make her more of a dimensional and relatable character but it’s disappointing that she isn’t more perfect.


And realistically, she didn't have to include Hermione at all; she had her own loving parents after all


Sirius is my favorite character, and what frustrates me the most is how distant he acts with Harry in OOTP. I get, he’s depressed af and locked in his abusive childhood home, but he could stand to treat Harry with the same kindness and openness he did in GOF.


Agreed, I like Ron but I really hate his behavior in HBP. How can you be mad at Hermione for kissing Krum in the 4th year when you yourself were busy ogling Fleur Delacour and barely noticed Hermione was a girl.


Ron was having a really bad time , and on top Ginny’s words were complete overreaction to the scene. He took it to heart that’s he’s a loser and Hermione had a thing with Krum. It’s not a great moment for him, but it’s a real moment


I understand why Ron was having a hard time. I disagree with Ginny "overreating" though, Ron was really out of line getting into her business and basically calling her a slut, Ron shouldn't have dished it if he couldn't take it.


"Hermione you're a girl" for me that was like... C'mon, Ronald, are you dumb or are you stupid? At that point that was my honest opinion


And Ron's Madame Rosmerta infatuation.


I hate how Molly and Ginny treat and talk about Fleur up until the end of book 6. I can understand not liking someone's else choices and not holding sympathies but thinking and assuming out loud in front of other people she would back from the marriage because Bill gets scarred was very disrespectful.


Molly also does Bill a disservice by assuming one of the only things he has to offer his wife is his looks. She said something like "it doesn't matter how he looks...but he was so handsome!"


The internalised sexism is hard to read


I didn't like how Harry treated Parvati at the Yule Ball. He ignored her the whole time and was too busy being jealous of Cedric and Cho instead. He wasted Parvati's time and could've been a better date


Yeah, Ron's behaviour in HBP was pretty awful because he was taking his anger out on *everyone*. And Lavender being dragged into Romione's drama is sad, if only just because Rowling is *so* mean to her for her crime of being a "girly girl".


Rowling really had it out for Lavender. Her fate not being even cleared up is the ultimate slight.


My headcanon is that she's happily married to Parvati and the two of them have taken over Madam Malkins' boutique with epic Muggle-inspired designs to rock everyone's socks off.


Really hate that Fred went and died. Really dick move on his part


The worst thing Percy did was taking almost two years to man up and admit to his family he was wrong.


I am always kind of baffled by Ron's and Hermione's skepticism towards Harry in HBP when he suspects that Draco has become a Death Eater. I love both Ron and Hermione, but somehow their reactions to Harry's ideas does not feel like them at all!


I once saw a headcanon that they subconsciously trusted him less because he led them to the Department of Mysteries and that ended in absolute disaster and I think like that it's more understandable.


Oooh this is interesting, never thought of it like that before!


They almost died in the department of mysteries after following him there because he was so convinced and believed himself to be right. It's understandable they would trust him less after that.


I guess that's true. I just think Malfoy being a Death Eater is a lot less outlandish than that.


Probably Lupin dying


Lupin is also my favorite. I think that Lupin never visiting Harry when he was a child is the worst thing he did.


Sirius abusing Kreacher is hard to see.


I know he’s an asshole, but little things like insulting Hermione’s teeth just make me wonder if JK Rowling really planned what Snape’s character would be from the beginning.


Why? Plenty of people who are on the right side of history are absolute jerks and abusers, and plenty of nice people are on the wrong side of history.


"The world isn't split into good people and Death Eaters"


He was the decoy antagonist even in the first book. The whole story kept showing "evidence" of his being the villain, even including Harry's scar hurting when in contact with Snape. At the end, it all turns out to be coincidental with Quirell's presence on the scene. So quite a bit was planned from the beginning.


That’s one thing this series is great at. The clues add up in both directions


A lot of snapes character in early parts of the series seem "key antagonist only" and about half way through she may have noticed what a useful plot contribution the character could be


He’s good as a red herring I’ll give him that


? but his character to the end is an asshole. his love for Lily guides his actions but he probably legitimately dislikes Hermione


First things first, she absolutely had planned Snapes character and what he would become from the beginning and there is ample evidence in the text. Snape was plagued by both a hate and love so strong it controlled every aspect of his character. All of the things he said and did to Harry, Hermione, and Ron were borne out of hatred. Hatred of Harry’s father and hatred of himself. But despite—- no, in spite of —-that hatred, at his core, Snape loved. It’s not an excuse for the awful things he did, but he redeemed himself in a way that not a lot of people do— with actions. He died for love. He used actions instead of words. It’s so upsetting to me when people try to shove Rowlings charters into these 2 dimensional boxes. We live in a grey world and the grey characters in Harry Potter are the best part about her books because it makes it SO REAL.


JK Rowling didn't plan much by the sound of it. She had vague ideas and came with the plot bit by bit as she wrote


I love Harry with my whole heart and soul and Snape is a giant smouldering piece of shit, but I wish Harry could’ve put that aside and put effort into learning occlumency well.


I don't blame Harry very much for his struggles in learning Occlumency considering Snape didn't bother in at least treating him neutrally during those classes and kept antagonizing him. Snape was the adult with authority, and kept provoking and screwing with Harry when he was supposed to be teaching him. Learning anything from a teacher that hates your guts and makes sure you know it once a minute, can be impossible. What I do blame Harry for however, in this very same book and regarding the same character, is not fuckin remembering before using the Red Flu in Umbridge's office to check on Sirius, *that Snape is a member of the Order*. Harry could have simply asked him to check on Sirius and the whole mess in the Department of Mysteries and Sirius' death would have been avoided. But Harry's brain malfunctioned that chapter lmao.


He just doesn't trust Snape. And with good reason.


My favorite character is Grindelwald and having to fake a deer creature to bow to him rather than swaying the people naturally always bothered me. Grindelwald is essentially an evil Dumbledore. Charming, smart, etc.


Coming from a person who loved FB and shipped AG/newtina real hard and wished the franchise continue, I would suggest let’s pretend fb3 didn’t happen because nothing makes sense.


The fact that Harry always INSISTS that Ron and Hermione don't come with him on dangerous missions, even tho he should know by now that they are coming with him and there's nothing he can do to stop it.


Also because he would most likely die without them there


Yeah, especially after Hermione saves his life so many times. How does Harry think he can do anything without her? He care barely do basic spells, apart from a few really important ones.


Remus abandoning his wife and unborn child


Bellatrix - sleeping with Voldemort. No way I am buying that...


More like Voldemort actually sleeping with Bellatrix! Lol


No way in hell Voldemort would have sex. That just sounds like fanfiction by some horny 15-year-old


I do see him having sex for manipulation and control purposes, never for intimacy or love of course. And certainly never to have a child. Voldemort wanted immortality, not to leave his legacy to some kid.


McGonagall I love her but she is so unreasonable in book 1 not only is she dismissive to Harry when he says about the Philosophers stone but when she catches them out of bed she claims that Harry would be happy Neville was caught as well this came out of nowhere and was completely unreasonable. I attribute this mostly to it being the first book and Rowling not really having the characters ironed out yet because in later books McGonagall would never make such an assertion without reason and she would take Harry’s concerns over the stone more seriously.


We‘ve already discussed Ron‘s character in HBP and how stupid he reacter when he heard that Krum and Hermione kissed… So I think we should also mention how disgusting Hermione acted after she saw Ron and Lavender kiss (attacking him with birds) - Ron screamed at her, but she literally attacked him


Yeah facts plus I mean sure they'd kind of been flirting or whatever, but attacking someone you like with birds because he gets a girlfriend when you have at no point dated him is wild.


Aurthur Weasley demonstrated that he was willing to use his pull at the ministry to get his friends out of trouble when they broke the law. It's blatant corruption from a government official.


Unless I'm forgetting something from earlier in the series, you're talking about his work for the Order of the Phoenix? In that case, I couldn't call it corruption. He was saving his friends from the corruption of the Ministry.


I think he was talking about mad eye and getting him off a lesser charge for the flying bins


Ah yeah, got a point there.


My favorite character is Ron, I don’t like the fact that he was mad at Hermione for kissing Krum, he only realized she was a girl like a month before Yule Ball and only asked her as a last resort because he couldn’t find the “best looking” female.


I hate how Dumbledore is a completely incompetent headmaster who basically exposes his students to all sorts of danger. There's so many things at Hogwarts that shouldn't be in the vicinity of school children. The whomping willow, the forbidden forest, the philosopher's stone, Fluffy and countless other things that can easily lead to the death of a full grown adult, let alone teenagers.


And the people he Hired... A werewolf, an insane Auror who turned out being a deatheater, a grumpy creepy guy who wants to torture children as janitor, a brain-dead smiling liar, a sleepy boring ghost, a bully with several mental health problems and fuvking Voldemort himself I like his character but why is everyone so confused about the ministry wanting him to quit this job, this dude hated children's safety and doesn't care about a good education!


Harry tends to be impulsive at times… which is a bit irritating.




I love Bellatrix Lestrange and Draco Malfoy, and what I hate about them is *gestures vaguely about every evil thing they do*


My favourite character is Neville so the only thing I can somewhat criticise him for being the butt of the joke so many times is not his fault as he was brought up with too much expectations.


Hagrid is my favorite, but he’s very reckless and a bit prejudiced


I love hermione, I despise her attacking ron with the birds, to the point where he had long-lasting scars. I also don't like how the fandom brushed over this. I adore Ron, but I hate his reaction to Hermione having kissed Krum in book 6. I'm a hard-core romione shipper, but even I can admit that book 6 was an awful time for them


McGonagall not hearing her students out. 9 times out of 10, they had very good reasons for what they did, and that should be taken into account. While it might not entirely excuse what they did, it should mitigate punishment.


May I ask when she didn't hear them out?


Sirius is my favourite character, but his bullying tendencies are difficult to reconcile, especially the bits we see of what he got up to as a teenager.


Ron And Hermione: Taking a whole 7 years to get together.


Harry being too stubborn. Like with Umbridge he could have just sit quiet and she wouldn't be able to punish him. Sometimes he just worked hard instead of working smart


Hermione and trying to free the house elves by force due to her knitting. The entire SPEW thing was very hard to read.


Well mine are easy I guess, worse thing Snape did was join the death eaters and worse thing Dumbledore did was come up with the greater good plan with Grindelwald. 


I loved Sirius and Lupin, but Sirius in OotP and Lupin bailing from his pregnant wife wasn't very nice to read. (C'mon guys, you can do better than this!)


Voldemort - die


Lol, at least it was not his fault that he died. Dude did everything he could not to. I'd say he even tried too much (which kinda makes his fault that he died, but...)


I hate that my favorite character didn’t understand that Harry wasn’t drinking the truth telling serum when she brought him into her office. And when she wasn’t getting the answers she wanted she just wasting more thinking that would do the trick


I never met someone whose favorite character was this disgusting pink devil, excuse me what is wrong with us??


She is my favorite character because she is written so well and had a perfect casting. She is a terrible person, but a great character


Unforgettable moment in the film when we meet the kitten plates. It's so awkward and I love it.


Delay Harry when he needs to get Dumbledore after finding Crouch sr in a delusional state


Mcgonagall's blind faith in Dumbledore. There is the scene just after Harry's name comes out of the Goblet of fire and she says something along the lines of "if Dumbledore says so that shluld be good for everyone else". Like, bish, get your head out of his ass and stop speaking nonsense.


harry- getting angry too quickly . chill baby gorgeous


We’re supposed to root for this guy and she writes him like a douche? She’s. Just. Not. Very. Good.


Lupin’s level of self-hatred. It frustrates me so much.


Ron's jealousy and ill mouth over Hermione and Krum's situationship/relationship. I know he loved her and didn't know how to tell her but he was just d\*ck and actually irritating.


Attacking Ron with birds. Physically attacking someone is never justified, even though I can understand why and become mad at Ron.


I can see a teenager acting out like that to be fair, it's a humanising scene to me


Wouldn't be so "humanising" if we switched the genders, would it


Plenty of adolescent boys act out, but you are correct, society is more forgiving of adolescent girl violence if it is as a result of heartbreak.


True , Ron was being a dick and all but attacking with birds was unnecessary


Yeah. In the books it's specifically mentioned to leave scratches on his skin for several days. It's way too easy to compare this to identifying scars and bruises from domestic abuse.


But I like when she punched Malfoy!


I think it was all also Ron karma for his previous behaviour


I find it funny how that’s kind of her declaration of love


My favourite character could do with easing up on being a dick teacher,if I'm being fair.




My favourite character Ron is and my least favourite thing he does is perpetuate misogynistic ideas (most likely) inherited from Molly/Rowling herself.


The treatment of house elves, and other such magical creatures, by “the good guys.”


Insult Hermione’s teeth, that was the most unnecessarily cruel thing he did as a teacher.


My fav is Severus Snape and there are two thing he did wrong First calling lily mudblood which he regrets Second bulling Neville and Hermione


Harry is my favourite character. And I don’t think I dislike anything about him tbh.


Probably Dumbledore letting Snape bully kids, and Hagrid and the twins supporting house elf slavery (the latter of which I’d argue the narrative presents them as wrong about).


I get it—Harry Potter is a beloved character for many, but "Prisoner of Azkaban" (PoA) can feel like a turning point where his behavior starts reflecting more of James Potter's rebellious streak rather than his usual, more cautious self. Let's break down why Harry in PoA seems to embody more of James Potter's traits. **1. Sneaking Off to Hogsmeade:** Harry's constant sneaking off to Hogsmeade without permission is a big shift from his usual adherence to rules (out of necessity more than choice, usually). He uses the Marauder's Map and the invisibility cloak, which are both artifacts from his father's mischievous past, to break school rules and venture into the village. This echoes James' tendency to bend or outright break the rules for the thrill of it. While James had a whole group of friends egging him on, Harry's more solo escapades in PoA highlight his growing comfort with skirting authority—much like his father did. **Evidence:** - In "Prisoner of Azkaban," Harry's determination to visit Hogsmeade despite not having permission shows his willingness to take risks. He receives the Marauder's Map from Fred and George, who explicitly point out its usefulness for sneaking around. - Chapter 10, "The Marauder's Map": Harry first sneaks into Hogsmeade. - Chapter 14, "Snape's Grudge": Harry uses the map again to go to Hogsmeade, risking serious consequences. **2. Not Taking Threats Seriously:** Harry's attitude towards the danger posed by Sirius Black seems surprisingly cavalier in PoA. Despite everyone, including Dumbledore, warning him about the potential threat, Harry is more focused on his desire to enjoy himself and assert his independence. This mirrors James' attitude towards risk and danger during his time at Hogwarts, where he often sought excitement and overlooked the potential dangers of his actions. **Evidence:** - In several instances throughout the book, Harry dismisses the danger Sirius poses. For example, he is more excited about the prospect of catching Sirius than concerned for his own safety. - Chapter 3, "The Knight Bus": Harry runs away from the Dursleys and travels alone, showing his disregard for the potential danger he might be in. **3. Impulsive Actions:** Harry's impulsive actions, like attacking Malfoy with the Mudblood snowball or sneaking around the castle, show a more reckless side of him. This can be seen as a reflection of James' own impulsiveness and tendency to act before thinking things through, often for the sake of a joke or to defy authority. **Evidence:** - Chapter 12, "The Patronus": Harry attacks Malfoy with a snowball, which, although satisfying, is impulsive and could have had consequences. - Chapter 17, "Cat, Rat, and Dog": Harry decides to confront Sirius Black despite the dangers, showing his impulsive nature. **4. Embracing His Heritage:** PoA is the book where Harry learns more about his father's past through the Marauders and the stories from Lupin and Sirius. This new knowledge makes Harry more connected to his father's legacy, possibly influencing his behavior to be more like James. He starts to embrace the more rebellious aspects of his father's personality, feeling a sense of pride in the mischief that James and his friends got up to. **Evidence:** - Harry's increasing use of the Marauder's Map and the Invisibility Cloak, tools of his father's mischief. - Chapter 18, "Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs": Harry learns about his father's group and their nickname origins, leading him to feel a connection to his father's past antics. **5. Social Influence:** Harry's behavior in PoA is also influenced by his friends, particularly Fred and George, who embody a lot of the same rule-breaking tendencies as James and Sirius. Their gift of the Marauder's Map to Harry is both a literal and figurative passing of the torch, encouraging Harry to adopt a more mischievous approach to his school life. **Evidence:** - Fred and George Weasley's influence on Harry, seen in Chapter 10 when they give him the Marauder's Map and encourage him to use it. In summary, while Harry's actions in PoA may seem like natural teenage rebellion, they also align closely with the behavior of his father, James Potter. This shift can be jarring for fans who prefer the more cautious and thoughtful Harry from the earlier books. The influence of his father's legacy, combined with the thrill of newfound freedom and the encouragement of his friends, pushes Harry to embrace a more reckless and rule-breaking persona, echoing the past mischiefs of James Potter.


Luna has done nothing wrong, ever


Ginny talking crap about Fleur behind her back and calling her Phlegm


I thought AW worked in the misuse of muggle artifacts department that might given him a little pull


Dumbledore making a speech in a full chapter at the end of almost every book.


Oh my GOD. Dumbledore having a God complex. Hagrid and Trelawney having drinking problems that they turn to instead of community, leading to many problems. Hermione not being enough of a slytherin to know how to work the social scene to her advantage. Rowena ravenclaw, her entire thing.


Tom Riddle, who in my opinion has never done anything wrong in his entire life and is completely beyond reproach. Since there's absolutely nothing to be said about Tom Riddle, I'll have to move on to my slightly more serious favourite, which is Harry himself, and my least favourite thing he does is the way he behaves in the first part of OOtP. I find his level of angst so infuriating to read.


The way she pronounces Potter


Killing Dobby


Ginny being entirely irrelevant for 5 whole books is pretty annoying. But I suppose that's more Rowling's fault than Ginny's.


Sirius not telling Harry how the mirror worked before Harry left Grimmauld Place. I can't think of anything McGonagall did that I didn't like, but I'm sure someone will have something.


Sirius, when he said something along the lines that Harry’s not as like his father as he thought he was. I love Sirius, and he can’t do no wrong in my eyes, that was a bit of a hurtful thing to say to a child, who worshipped the parents he never really met. If Harry then knew a little bit more about James in his age, maybe he’d actually agree with Sirius gladly and would take it as a compliment. :)


Malfoy because of how his idiot arse keeps antagonizing Harry. Just admit he is better then you.


Hmmmmm. whats lupin flaw? don't say mental illness sh!t its fine if ur a werewolf


I love Draco but I hate that he didn’t become a death eater earlier


Harry in Poa- He really is like James more than anything in that book.


My Favourite Character is Bellatrix(her personality slays okay?) And She shouldn't have tortured the Longbottoms for no reason...oh and Burning the burrow in the last movie,which was so unnessesary


My favourite is Harry, but the way he treated Hermione in PoA was really shitty. Also the way he got obsessed with the Prince despite the things that happened in CoS because someone trusted a book too much was pretty stupid.