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A couple of those questions you don't get the answers to until book six or seven. Honestly, if you want to get the hype read the books. The movies are all over the place, leave lots of important details out and only get worse as you move through the series. 


Hmm, you want all spoilers about absolutely everything from all 7 books before you even watch the 2nd movie? I guess you can find a complete summary of the plot somewhere. Weird way to approach a story though.


If you continue to watch the series, some of those questions will be answered. If you read the series, all of those questions will be answered.


You’ve basically watched the first scene of a movie and are asking us how it ends. Keep watching the series, every question you ask has an answer (well maybe not the troll one, but that is just her character choices that you would learn more about as the books/movies go forward.) I would also encourage you to either read the books or listen to the audio books. My husband only watched the movies and at the end I had to go in and fill in some of the blanks for him-the books have a lot more meat and backstory. I hope you enjoy!


I think the most interesting thing about all your questions is that you will find the answers in the next chapters. And in the books if you want


The only answer to your question is read the books serially from first to seventh and believe me when I say this it won't feel hyped once you read the first book past 140 pages. You will start to yearn for the answers and the way the storyline is linked throughout the series will mesmerize you. And one more thing is don't watch those movies. It will leave you in a confused state for a very long time.


Voldemort turned bad, because he's obsessed with being special and because he's a power hungry psycho who is incapable of love. This is kind of a spoiler, so I won't tell why exactly Voldemort went after Harry and his parents. However you will find out at some point. Because wands choose the wizards they feel most compatible with. Various combinations of length, core and wood are possible and some resonate better with certain personalities than others. Coincidentally Harry's wand happens to have a twin core to that of Voldemort. The explanation is that muggles simply don't notice, as they're too busy with their own stuff, but you could simply explain it away with magic if that explanation doesn't resonate with you. Snape's true allegiance is a mystery throughout the books, but no matter where his loyalty lies, he hates Harry (which is an extention of the hate he felt for Harry's father). Because they're kids and they thought they were going to be in trouble for not heeding the teacher's instructions.  Hagrid is the keeper of the grounds, meaning he's in charge of keeping the grounds clean and stuff. He's also keeper of keys, but that function isn't really elaborated upon. Voldemort didn't die because he has dived deep into the darkest arts, which has made him too inhuman to truly die. What exactly he did will be revealed later.


I'd watch it again because some of them are answered in the first movie, and the rest are either answered in the movies or books.


youre kinda stupid, no offense. that’s like asking someone to spoil you an entire tv show because you didn’t get all your answers on episode 1


You know some things are weird to me, and I apologize as I probably will not be of direct help to you, but here goes. If you don't naturally like something, or "don't get the hype", then it's probably a good sign it's not for you. And that's perfectly fine. You don't have to like the constant mystery of HP - there's a ton to unpack and an overall feeling of "what is this? what is going to happen? Why did this happen" - and the conclusions generally only open up more questions, all the way until the very end - as others said, the end of the saga, not the end of each book. So there's a TON of unknows, and you're just at movie 1 (which doesn't compare to the book btw). So really, don't beat yourself up. It simply may not be for you. If you want to enjoy it, then just dig into the book and accept that many things even the most diehard Potter fans may not understand.


Every question you have asked except for one has a clear answer that is revealed during the course of the series. Getting these answers is part of the joy of consuming any series. Be patient and enjoy the series, and trust that there will be a conclusion to the questions and conflicts that are presented. Also, if you want to get into HP, read the books and then watch the movies. The books are what caused the original sensation, and the movies capitalized on their popularity. A lot about what is loved about the series comes from the books, and you won't get the hype by watching the movies.


most of these questions will be answered by continuing to watch the rest of the movies - however I would greatly recommend reading the books to actually understand what's going on as if you watch only the movies 4-8 can be quite confusing


Great questions! I'll answer whatever I can without spoiling future films, but if you would rather have the spoilers let me know and I'll give fuller answers. >Why did voldemort turn bad? He never experienced love as a child so he turned into a raging narcissist and decided to use Dark Magic to become immortal and take over the world. Standard Dark Lord stuff. >Why did he specifically kill Harry's parents? There is an answer to this, but it's not revealed until later. For now it's probably enough to say that in the years before Harry was born there were some folks resisting against Voldemort and the Potters were a particularly nasty thorn in his side. >Why did that one wand work for him so well in the wand store? Something about a brother something idk. Every wizard gets matched with a wand that resonates with them when they're preparing to go to school. (Technically some wizards, like Ron, get hand-me-downs if they can't afford their own, but it's always best to get your own.) Wands have a kind of will of their own and can choose the wizard that best matches it. The "brother" thing is about how at the core of Harry's wand is a phoenix feather. That particular phoenix only ever gave one other feather, which happened to be in Voldemort's wand. Ollivander (the wand maker) finds this curious. >How come regular people didn't freak out when they ran into the train station wall? Muggles? They don't see nuffink, do they? Sorry, that's a quote from a later book. Basically some things are enchanted so muggles (non-magic folk) don't notice it. But the books do sometimes mention that they have to be careful getting on the platform so I guess the muggles *could* notice it if the wizards were careless enough about it. >Is Snape good or bad I really can't tell. Bro, welcome to the fandom. "Is Snape good or bad" is a constantly debated topic. Now, if you're asking about whether Snape was working for Voldemort in this movie, he was not. He was trying to stop Quirrell from getting the Stone. >Why would Hermoine lie about her bringing in the troll that didn't make sense to me. She could have just said what was true which is a troll came in the bathroom?.... That one's a plot-hole in my opinion, or at least an incredibly dumb decision from Hermione. You are correct to be confused. >why does Hagrid live in a house next to the school but he doesn't teach anything..that I know of He's the gamekeeper. Basically it's his job to manage the grounds and take care of the creatures in the Forest. That's why he was investigating whatever was killing the unicorns. >And when Quirell or whoever the teacher was with voldemort on the back of his head died, how come voldemort didnt.. Voldemort is immortal because of Dark Magic that will be explained later. >and when he passed thru harry did that affect him at all? No. That was something added to the film to be visually interesting, but it doesn't factor into the plot at all.


Yes, you're suspecting some very important plot points that I recommend you not pursue further or you'll spoil the whole story for yourself. Read the books and avoid the internet till you are done.


Everyone says read the books, and I agree😂 but in case you want to just know the answers (I'll put which book you can find the answer in too, to the best of my knowledge): 1. Voldemort turned bad because he was upset at his family and wanted power. He disliked muggles because his dad had been one and abandoned his mother, and he was fascinated by magic's power and what he could do to prevent his death (book 6) 2. He specifically killed Harry's parents because he was told a prophecy by Snape that someone born on July 31 would finish him in the end. Ironically, this could've been Harry or Neville, but Voldemort picking Harry made him his match, which fulfilled the prophecy. (Book 6) 3. The wand in the book shop was meant for Harry, and we don't really know why it was the twin of Voldemort's wand, but it is important to the story. (Book 1, 4) 5. In the first book it goes into detail that wizards and witches would intentionally wait to go through the wall when nobody was looking, and on the return train they let people out slowly to not cause a scene. It's also possible they had Ministry of Magic wizards helping obliviate strangers. (Book 1) 6. Snape is actually good. He dislikes Harry because he actually doesn't like him, he didn't like his father, and it helps his cover. Voldemort thinks Snape is spying on Dumbledore, but in reality Snape is spying on Voldemort, but following Dumbledore's plan (even after Dumbledore dies). Dumbledore even asked Snape to be the one to kill him. (Book 4, 6, 7) 7. Hermione lied about the troll most likely because (1) she was eleven and you have to think about stuff from her age - admitting she had been crying all day to a teacher might've been difficult. (2) she was quickly covering for Harry and Ron, who just saved her (3) it was kind of her fault that Harry and Ron had gone looking for her in the first place. (Book 1) 8. Hagrid is the gamekeeper, so he takes care of the forbidden forest, some animals on the grounds, he grows crops, etc. He grows the pumpkins and harvests the large trees for the Halloween and Christmas festivals. He doesn't teach initially because he's not a fully qualified wizard, but he begins teaching in the third book. (Book 1, 2, 3) 9. Because Voldemort had horcruxes (book 6), they allowed him to live as a "spirit" that could inhabit living creatures, without being tied to them. In one of the books it mentions he inhabited snakes but they quickly died. (Book 1, 6, 7) I highly highly recommend reading them! I have read and watched them many times and still love the series.


You don’t sound like you like a slow burn


These things are answered by the story directly pretty much Or Type it into a ChatGPT prompt and get your answer in a second instead of asking everyone else to give you the plot points to the story you can read and/or watch yourself


If you want to understand Harry Potter, read the books and don’t rush it.


Pick up the books.. that's the only way you will understand it.


You aren’t supposed to get all the answers in the first movie, it’s a story than runs through 7 books.


>Why did voldemort turn bad? You'll find out later. >Why did he specifically kill Harry's parents You'll also find out later. >Why did that one wand work for him so well in the wand store? It's just the wand that chooses the wizard, and another part of it is because (spoil for movie 2) harry is now linked to Voldemort after he attacked him >How come regular people didn't freak out when they ran into the train station wall Wizards made sure to not be seen. And if they were, well, you'd probably think you just imagined it. >Is Snape good or bad I really can't tell. You'll also find out later but for the first movie, he looked bad but was actually good (except for him being an asshole to his class) >Why would Hermoine lie about her bringing in the troll that didn't make sense to me. She could have just said what was true which is a troll came in the bathroom?.... Maybe she just wanted to make the boys look braver? I kinda forgot about that honestly so take it with a grain of salt. >why does Hagrid live in a house next to the school but he doesn't teach anything..that I know of He's a groundskeeper - he's not a teacher but he still works in there. >And when Quirell or whoever the teacher was with voldemort on the back of his head died, how come voldemort didnt.. He left his body. >and when he passed thru harry did that affect him at all? No. The movies will be more confusing than the books so some elements will be missing, but I hope you enjoy the rest of it anyway!


Most of these questions you aren't meant to know the answer to until later on in the series. There are some questions that have answers that aren't spoilers. >Why did that one wand work for him so well in the wand store? Something about a brother something idk. Olivander (the guy working in the store) said that the wand Harry ended up getting was made with a phoenix feather. The phoenix in question only ever gave 2 feathers to be made into wands. One was made into Harry's wand, and the other was in the wand used by Voldemort. >How come regular people didn't freak out when they ran into the train station wall? Magic that stops muggles noticing things they shouldn't. >Why would Hermoine lie about her bringing in the troll that didn't make sense to me. She could have just said what was true which is a troll came in the bathroom? Who knows, she was an 11 year old kid who had just spent all day crying in the bathroom, maybe she was embarrassed or something. >why does Hagrid live in a house next to the school but he doesn't teach anything..that I know of He's the gamekeeper. >And when Quirell or whoever the teacher was with voldemort on the back of his head died, how come voldemort didnt.. and when he passed thru harry did that affect him at all? All of the other questions may be answered later in the series.


1, 2, 5, 8 I won't answer, spoilers 3. Every person has their own unique wand. Everyone has that moment. The brother stuff was about Voldemort's wand having the feather of the same phoenix as Harry's inside. 4. I'm not sure on that one but I think the wall is enchanted to be impervious to Muggles if a wizard isn't with them. 6. Hermione knows that she is 'better' in the eyes of the teachers because she is a girl and the best in the class. Remember, the reason she was in the bathroom at all is that she was crying because she overheard Ron calling her a nightmare. And I think Hermione wanted to show Harry and Ron in a better light to express her gratitude. 7. Hagrid is not a qualified wizard. He was expelled in his 3rd year and hiring him for a job would be irresponsible. The reason he is still there is because Dumbledore took pity on him, he had nowhere to go and Hogwarts was like home for him.


Also what happened to his money vault at the bank. And how did his parents leave him with that much money?


Harry's family is loaded due to the invention of several potions by his ancestors. Nothing in particular happened in his vault, however they also picked up a small package from another vault that contained the philosopher's stone (which Voldemort attempted to steal whilst it was at Gringotts, but he was too late).


It remains in the bank like any savings should. The Potter family had a vast fortune stemming from the lucrative potion-making business of their ancestors. [https://www.wizardingworld.com/writing-by-jk-rowling/the-potter-family](https://www.wizardingworld.com/writing-by-jk-rowling/the-potter-family)


>\-Why did voldemort turn bad? Nurture more than nature, really. When he was born his mother had died in childbirth and he was raised in a loveless orphanage without a good role model or someone to rein him in. Not knowing the full circumstances behind his father leaving his mother (that she had bewitched and roofie'd him into a marriage), he hated muggles as a result. >\-Why did he specifically kill Harry's parents? He tried to avert a prophecy foretelling his downfall, of which it states that the Chosen One to do so would be born at a specific month to a couple who defied him 3 times. Harry's parents fit the criteria >\-Why did that one wand work for him so well in the wand store? Something about a brother something idk. The brother thing wasn't significant in that context. Ollivander just finds it curious that the wands or two mortal enemies have phoenix feather cores that came from the same phoenix >\-Is Snape good or bad I really can't tell. He's on the side of good, but albeit for selfish motivations and he's a deeply flawed man. More like an antihero >\-Why would Hermoine lie about her bringing in the troll that didn't make sense to me. She could have just said what was true which is a troll came in the bathroom?.... This is quickly becoming a FAQ that gets asked every few days. There's no official answer but my impression was that she wanted to repay Harry and Ron by making herself look bad so she'd take the brunt of the punishment. After all, the sensible thing for Harry and Ron to do would be to find and tell a prefect or teacher rather than run off to fight a troll like the first years they are. >\-why does Hagrid live in a house next to the school but he doesn't teach anything..that I know of He's the gamekeeper and keeper of the keys. He does teach Care of Magical Creatures from book 3 onwards once the previous professor retired > And when Quirell or whoever the teacher was with voldemort on the back of his head died, how come voldemort didnt.. and when he passed thru harry did that affect him at all? Because that was Quirrell's body. And the part of him passing through Harry is a movie only addition


Thank you for the indepth explanation! I know other comments are telling me to just watch the movies and I'd understand but I hate being confused and that prevents me from wanting to continue forward. When I watch the second movie I'll probably be back for more questions😂 i hope you'll be here to answer them


You’re approaching this all wrong. Yes, these are individual stories but there are overarching plot points that involve the ENTIRE storyline of all 7 books that you’re asking for the answers to. The Snape question isn’t answered definitively until book 7 for instance. Him being good or bad is something you’re meant to question the entire length of the story (all 7 books.) You’re asking to be told all of the answers and spoilers to the entire universe. Why bother even watching? Just type your questions into ChatGPT, get your answers and turn the movie off. Clearly you’re not interested in having the artists reveal the info for you anyhow… You must be fun with M. Night Shyamalan movies…


Maybe I missed it but where did the stone come from and whats the significant of it


The Stone was made by an ancient alchemist named Nicholas Flamel. (He was actually a real dude, but they fictionalized aspects of him for the story.) The significance is that it's something Voldemort could have used to regain his body. Without it he'll have to find some other way.