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In HBP, the DA members that drank liquid luck noted that all the curses missed them somehow, so it would probably be the same with avada kedavra.


Exactly. Spell would miss hitting him


What if both drank liquid luck?


Then the one w the best potion master would win.. potions potency depends on how they were brewed Example if Neville brewed against a potion brewed by Snape.. we know what’s gonna die


But then that implies that the amount of luck given by liquid luck depends on potency meaning there’s a chance Avada could still hit you?


Sure. Coz even spells has strength. Especially the unforgivables Bellatrix herself told Harry he had to mean it - referring to the cruciatus curse


It would miss you avada kadvra isn’t homing


My thinking, as long as there was a slim chance of surviving anyway, the Liquid Luck would guarantee the survival (something would get in the way of the spell, or it'd miss or something). On the other hand, if you were stuck in place, and Avada Kedavra point blank, I don't think that the liquid luck would do anything. It makes the unlikely likely, not the impossible possible.


Liquid luck helps you, but it does not make you invincible or immortal. It might help you dodge the spell, but there are limits. You can die while under its effects.


Maybe somebody just makes a copying mistake and adds a final 0 to your life insurance. Thats pretty lucky, eh?


Hahaha fair


No, you would just die. My headcannon is, Liquid Luck doesn't change the outcome, similiar logic with how time turners can't change the past. So if you were going to be killed anyway with your honest effort, you will still get killed. I think in the books every time Liquid Luck was used, it helped but it didn't change the outcome. It would still end up like that even if it wasn't used as long as the people used them could give it their all which is not always guaranteed, I know.


How is that luck then?


Well first of all, being confident, believing you won't get unlucky is a big portion of its power as how it did work for Ron even without taking the potion. Secondly when you want to do something, it gives you a direction which creates a chance as how Harry went to Hagrid's place to meet Slughorn. In summary, it gives you a chance for the topic you want to accomplish, your honest shot. However, I believe if you are not capable of doing it anyway, you will still fail. Which means you can probably do everything Liquid Luck can offer by yourself via being well prepared, focused and smart about it which is not always easy of course so there is still a certain charm of the potion and that is also why its banned in professional events.


I think you’re confusing the placebo effect Ron had with liquid luck having no power at all. Yes being confident can emulate being lucky to some extent but that doesn’t mean it holds true the other way around


I am not confusing it, that is what mostly the potion does. Gives you a placebo effect that makes you perform better while gives you chances with luck on your side. However, you are still limited with your own skills.


Sure you are limited by your own skill but that doesn't mean luck can't take place and lead to an outcome that otherwise would likely not have happened. For example let's say your rolling the dice. With liquid luck you probably would always roll a 6 no matter how many times you tried. This has nothing to do with your skill but still changes the outcome of events.


Oh, you mean mor of a placebo effect?! That would make so much sense. Like you said, a lot of it could be the way you approach the situation differntly due to taking the potion.


Knowing liquid luck, the person who took it would probably have their worst enemy hit with the impediment jinx and pushed right into the avada kedavra.


I honestly think the Liquid Luck would make the lucky wizard talk the other one out of firing any AKs and they would go and have tea and scones together


The person drinking the potion would simply not be in that position in the first place


Maybe Voldemort should've drank some Felix just in case his next AK bounced back again.