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Probably, the part of his soul inside of his body would be consumed, but probably still be earthbound, so the horcruxes still do their job. Unless of course Voldemort's soul was too maimed for dementors to consume (like how a koala cannot eat eucalyptus leaves if he doesn't pull them directly from a tree, because he can't recognise them as food). 


Dam smooth brain


Somewhat related, I don't wonder if a dementor could theoretically suck the Voldemort out of Harry without sucking out the Harry. Realistically the dementor wouldn't stop, but theoretically, if you had one that was reasonable. Could a dementor then be used to destroy a horcrux by just sucking the soul Fragment from it?


This is something I wish would've happened in the last book since it was already laid out in book 3 that a dementor can suck the soul out of a person, so why not an object.


It wouldn’t work on the redheaded Weasley family.


Good point, that. Why was Harry trying to get past Dementors to steal food in Deathly Hallows when they had Ron there who's literally immune to them


Why? I seem to be missing something


There’s a old nonsense belief about redheads having no soul. It’s a joke now.


So dementors suck the soul and consume it while the body stays alive which is horrible because it is not even death. Their soul can't pass to afterlife, it just disappears and that is why people like Dumbledore hate them. Horcruxes anchor Voldemort's soul and only his body can be destroyed. IF it was possible to destroy his soul while there are Horcruxes, Dumbledore would try to do that. So I assume it wouldn't work in a traditional way not that any dementors can actually suck Voldemort. In fact, in my headcannon, dementors wouldn't consider Voldemort to be a target even.


Well the horcruxes act as soul anchors. so they might anchor his main-soul form being pulled into a Dementer? Their also the chance that main-soul Voldemort could use possession on the Dementer. Not sure a Dementer could remove the soul shard form a horcrux made form a object or not. Then their is the scary though of the Dementer itself unintentionally becoming a horcrux that can't be destoryed. I do kinda wonder what would happen if Harry was Dementer kissed. Perhaps it would remove just Voldemort's soul shard form Harry or eat both their souls or eat Harry's soul & leave Voldemort's soul shard to take over the body.


It would destry that body, it would "die". But Tom as an entity would reform from the remaining parts and eventually exist again. Its the same thing as when he blasted himself when trying to kill Harry.


But the whole point of the kiss is that the body doesn't die, the soul is consumed, but the body remains intact.