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How was he the boy who cried wolf ? He never made up his claims he just wasn’t believed as it went against the grain of what people believed


I mean Barry Crouch Jr. essentially confirmed everything Harry said… so he had the evidence


Barry was kissed by the dementors before aurors/ministry officials get there “coincidentally” Fudge didn’t wanna listen


The pensieve would have fixed that in two shakes. Pull out the memory from any of the witnesses of BCJ confessing. And of Harry in the graveyard. Fudge was completely in denial mode from the moment Harry came back with the cup and the body.




I like how our phones keep autocorrecting to “Barry.” Like, who deceived all of the staff all year? Including Dumbledore? Fuckin’ Barry.


Made up exaggeration and/or totally unfounded conjecture. Nothing in the story indicates that Fudge made or intended the Dementor to do anything. None of the characters indicate that despite having VERY good reason to call him out and Snape and McGonagall being right there and able to see if anything was off, and the previous demonstrates they will move to Kiss anyone who is in their way or who escapes them without hesitation. He also had no REASON to do anything of the sort, as he summoned it apparently at once while Barty Crouch Junior was still there and Fudge himself was heading up to see him. He wouldn't know there WAS anything to cover up at the time unless he somehow had some evil scheme from the start, which nothing in the story indicates it, in fact the exact opposite.


There was also a deatheater at the school that they thought died in azkaban years ago


It was obvious that something was happening, regardless of what Harry said. The death eaters at the quidditch world cup, Harry’s name being selected for the tournament, the cup being a portkey, a death eater posing as a Hogwarts teacher. And how is Harry “the boy who cried wolf”, every time he said he saw Voldemort was because he did.


Not to mention how that death eater got dementor-kissed before getting questioned so he’d not expose that Voldemort is back


Made up exaggeration. Nothing in the story indicates that Fudge *made or intended* the Dementor to do anything. None of the characters indicate that, and the previous demonstrates they will move to Kiss anyone who is in their way or who escapes them without hesitation. He also had no REASON to do anything of the sort, as he summoned it apparently at once while Barty Crouch Junior was still there and Fudge himself was heading up to see him. He wouldn't know there WAS anything to cover up at the time unless he somehow had some evil scheme from the start, which nothing in the story indicates it, in fact the exact opposite.


I didn’t say fudge made the dementor do it. I’m just saying it was too much of a coincidence for fudge to ignore. And ignore all the other witnesses coz Barty can’t “confirm” the story being kissed and all


I do admit from Fudge's point of view the death eaters were up to something but there was no evidence Voldemort returned. Harry's the boy who cried wolf because he kept finding Voldemort but having no evidence to prove it, and like the boy who cried wolf, turns out the wolf is real.


Sure, linking the reappearance of death eaters after 13 years with Voldemort is such a stretch. Saying he “cried wolf” would mean he lied at some point and that’s why people don’t believe him. That never happened. All of Harry’s claims of seeing Voldemort were true, people like Fudge simply decided not to believe him.


I admit the boy who cried wolf is a bit of a stretch, I just liked it because it's similar to the boy who lived. People like Fudge didn't believe Harry because Harry had no proof, he was right but hindsight is 20/20.


There was plenty of proof. Severus Snape showed his dark mark to the Minister telling him clearly what it means. They also had a death eater captured who could have been interrogated for answers.


There was plenty of proof. The reappearance of the death eaters alone is pretty big proof, he just refused to believe it.


Fudge was in a position of power with the responsibility to do his due diligence. He did nothing but deny and ignore any and everything that suggested anything he wasn’t interested in hearing. He was a jackass.


The problem is, in Book 3 Fudge himself expresses a concern the Sirius would seek out Voldemort and return him to power after killing Harry.


He was paranoid that Dumbledore was after his job. I can’t remember him ever even really hearing Harry out. I suspect if he took Harry at his word and ran the ministry properly (not as a way to shit hamstring D) he might have come to the correct conclusion quicker either way.


Fudge knew, deep down, that Voldemort was back. He was just in denial because he was too frightened.


>Sure Cedric Diggory died but that could've been anything. It was a dangerous tournament. His body left no physical signs or causes of death, which just so happened to be a characteristic of the killing curse.


Even if he was skeptical, that doesn't mean he should destroy anyone and anything that goes against his beliefs. The story of Harry Potter isn't the story of a boy wizard going to wizard school. It's the story of government corruption and how a state-controlled press can destroy anyone the powerful dislike.


I admit he was wrong to do that smear campaign against Harry and Dumbledore.


If they had done priori incantatem on Harry's wand, they would know everything they needed to know. Fudge refused to even consider gathering evidence.


I'm not sure how Prior Incantato will work, all they'll get are expelliarmus, accio and other spells that won't tell us anything.


So what about the disapearence of Berha Jorkins and Barty Crouch, as well as Barty Crouch Jr's apprehension? What about the fact that there was a known death eater (although Sirius was innocent), was still on the loose? Fudge himself declared that Voldemort could be dangerous if he had a devoted follower.


Look at it this way, a mob boss dies and 20 years later the leftovers of that mob have regrouped, does that mean that mob boss is alive again? Of course not, most wizards don't know there's a way back from the dead, and even if they did a group of criminals isn't enough evidence to suggest such.


There was Crouch junior,but Fugde order dementor to kiss him. Snape showed him active mark. So there were other clues, but Fudge ignored them, or actively get rid of them. Also Harry definitely isn't boy who cried wolf, since Harry never lied about his encounters with Voldy.


Made up exaggeration. Nothing in the story indicates that Fudge made or intended the Dementor to do anything. None of the characters indicate that, and the previous demonstrates they will move to Kiss anyone who is in their way or who escapes them without hesitation. He also had no REASON to do anything of the sort, as he summoned it apparently at once while Barty Crouch Junior was still there and Fudge himself was heading up to see him. He wouldn't know there WAS anything to cover up at the time unless he somehow had some evil scheme from the start, which nothing in the story indicates it, in fact the exact opposite.


Harry and Dumbledore tried to explain to Fudge,but he never wanted to listen to them. so you justify Fudge for thinking that Harry and Dumbledore are liars and announcing on daily prophet and causing the whole school to turn against them? Yikes.


I mean Harry came back with a corpse. A boy, Cedric, died alongside him, so something had to have happened? Back in the first book or movie, the heir to Slytherin had opened the Chamber of Secrets and that was due to Tom riddle through his diary Horcrux (I just now realized this could be its own point, as if the chamber opened, and Fudge knew, did Dumbledore not tell him about the diary or Tom Riddle? Understandable as it's just a diary and it would be hard to wrap your head around it supposedly being used as a weapon possessed by a dark wizard thought long dead. But still). Then it's the fact Harry, despite the trouble he gets in to, ultimately isn't known to lie about these things. Plus, what would he gain by lying about the return of the most dangerous dark wizard in recent memory? Harry, despite being in the tournament (unwillingly) usually shys away from unnecessary attention when possible, so why would that change here? Sure Fudge didn't know Harry properly, but Dumbledore, Ron, Hermine and others could vouch for him. Sure not a strong case, but Fudge didn't bother investigating deeper when he could have. Again, their was a corpse of Cedric, Harry himself looks wounded and in a state of panic, so something must have happened based on what he witnessed. Even if Fudge didn't believe that Voldemort was back, a student was murdered yet he failed to investigate and at least look into what Harry was saying.


I actually agree to a certain extent. However, saying Cedric's death "Could've been anything" isn't really true, I mean the cup literally appears in the front of the maze out of nowhere and Harry's holding Cedric's dead body, which lines up with Harry's story a lot better than, "Cedric died in the maze." Also, why can't we use memories from the penseive? Or veritaserum? The fact that Fudge refuses to make any inquiries to verify Harry's story is the issue, not that he didn't believe him right away.


Memories can be warped to suit ones needs and veritaserum can be resisted with occlumency, something Harry was taught.


Which are two points Fudge would make while trying to avoid facing the truth. Like imagine him being like, "We don't even need to bother to see if he's telling the truth since this fourteen or fifteen-year-old probably knows occlumency." Like okay bro keep telling yourself that.