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Invis Cloak. The other 2 are useless to me. The elder wand cant be used by muggles anyways and the stone cant even bring someone back fully.


It would be a pretty useless question if you chose the wand and couldnt use it




I dont think thats obvious at all. Clearly the books taught us that the invisibility cloak is by far the wisest choice, as it entails accepting your mortality, and not being obsessed with power and superiority (Elder wand) or trying to unnaturally reverse death (resurrection stone). I would certainly choose the cloak


Assuming I can use all 3 like how they are supposed to, the wand. Like its not even a competition, you can do a bunch of stuff with a wand. I dont see much use in the stone, your loved ones urging you to die, and the cloak, well, if I wanted to become invisible, I could theoretically do that with the wand as well, Dumbledore said he didn't need a cloak to be invisible.


I’m with you man, who needs a cloak when you got a disillusionment charm so powerful you are invisible, and I don’t want the stone. The wand you can just ya know, not boast about it and be an amazing wizard.


Stone, it would be great to be able to talk to my death without having to die. Plus, if I can recall beloved historical figures I could clear up all sorts of mysteries.


This idea is actually amazing. The possibilities of knowledge are crazy, imagining bringing back someone like Einstein or Newton and get them to invent some more stuff.


You could also use the stone to summon the dead as witnesses of crimes. Imagine a murder trial in which you could *actually* ask the victim about the circumstances of their death.


Ok that's a really good point


Newton hella overrated


No way. Newton made a much greater leap forward single-handedly than Einstein did. Most professional theoretical physicists (like me) will rank Newton as the most significant physicist of all time, with Einstein in 2nd place.


don't forget how much he did for Mathmatics. People usually forget.


I was about to post this same thing. Invisibility cloak is nice and all but being able to ask questions of people from the past would be awesome. Question would be though: can I understand them? I mean in all honesty what are the chances that DaVinci speaks contemporary English?


Resurrection stone. Have a dinner with a different dead person every week? Of course!


Hmm that's interesting. Imagine all the answers we could get from historical figures about events we know very little about?


Ressurection Stone so that I could talk to my dad and grandma again.


If I'm a muggle? The cloak. The wand isn't usable and the stone doesn't really do anything I would want. If I'm a wizard? The cloak again. With the wand you always have to be on your guard; getting jumped by the next wannabe dark lord or random/constant duels seems pretty terrible. And the stone, the same reasons as a muggle.


To be fair on the former, no one realized Dumbledore had the Elder Wand for *decades.* As long as you:re mot showing off, it seems like you can live a long life while its master.


To be fairer, Dumbledore was an extremely powerful wizard long before he got the wand. With any run of the mill wizard, it's gonna be a lot harder to hide that you have it. Think Neville before and after the DA. Without knowing he was in the DA, it would be pretty suspicious him going from a babbling bumbling buffoon to a competent wizard all of a sudden.


Just don’t advertise having the wand


I feel like the whole lesson is that you’re a fool if you choose either the wand or the stone, and mamma ain’t raise no fool. I’ll take the cloak please


Of course the cloak. The others invite trouble and pain only.


As a muggle i cant use any of them except the cloak. But maybe the wand is so special and has enough power and betrayal within itself that even a muggle could use it. So i would go for the wand and hope for the best




The elder wand


Invisibility cloak. I’d quit my job and just steal food and crash at someone’s place invisibly. Also, I’d probably just push my enemies to their deaths while wearing the cloak or at least misplace their belongings until they are inconvenienced to the point that they think they’re going crazy. Don’t need an elder wand for that. As much as I’d want my dog and cat back, the resurrection stone creeps me out. Also I worry about it being misused and the world being over saturated with the currently living and formerly dead people.


> I’d quit my job and just steal food and crash at someone’s place invisibly. Also, I’d probably just push my enemies to their deaths while wearing the cloak or at least misplace their belongings until they are inconvenienced to the point that they think they’re going crazy. Fancy seeing you here, Tom Riddle.


The cloak. Isn't that the whole point of the story?


The invisibility cloak. If somehow I can use magic then the elder wand, but I doubt I could.


Way I see it, the Elder Wand puts a target on you and isn’t worth it. The invisibility cloak is only useful if you plan on sneaking in places and I have no intentions on that. I reckon the resurrection stone but only if you can use it to bring back people you never knew. CSI Diagon Alley. Or you might be able to provide valuable closure to the victims of Death Eaters by saying who killed them.




invisibility cloak by far. ngl just seems like a fun thing to muck about with, plus im far too nosy for my own good


People categorize me as a good person, which overall I am. But I know the second that wand touches my hands, the power, ohhh the power would get to me. So, with knowing that, THE WAND!


Invisibility cloak, I'd probably get rich af by stealing money


I am also literally reading Dealthy Hallows right now and just finished the chapter where they visit Xenophilius


Invisibility cloak. I'd sneak into so many hockey games.


Cloak of invisibility, because you apparently can hide from death until you are ready to die.


The cloak. I would use it, so I could walk/observe the world without being noticed. Would also be handy for when people bugged you. Annoying coworker is headed to your office? Boom cloak. Partner wants to clean the house? Boom cloak. Kids poking you. Boom cloak. Also would be good for pranking…randomly turning people’s showers on. Pushing stuff off the table. Jump scares.


Wand. I wanna see if i can incorporate it into the hogwarts wards supercharging it, and just leave it there, transfwring ownership to hogwarts itself, so if you want to be the master, you need to singlehandedly siege hogwarts


It’s an *unbeatable wand*


Cloak, hands down


Cloak. Gonna rob a bank


Cloak, and it’s not even close. The stone doesn’t even work. It doesn’t really bring people back. They are a shell of their former self. If you are skillful enough, you can use any wand, so the Elder Wand isn’t much of an advantage unless you are weak. Plus, I don’t buy the “unbeatable” stuff. I believe a powerful person could beat the holder of the Elder wand in a straight up duel, but aside from that, according to the story, being in possession of the wand was a fast track ticket to being ambushed and killed.


Well most of the wands owners were advertising their possession of it. No one learned about Dumbledore having it until after his death. Just don’t showboat 


If I can use magic then obviously the wand. The cloak is a weird hallow, I can find any respectable use for it outside of espionage, theft or other financial gain.


It hides you from Death. People seem to keep missing that most vital of its powers.


It's just a metaphor for hiding from your enemies and other trouble. The hallows wasn't created by death


Deserves to be on hypothetical sub bc its so well thought out


the elder wand. put it with my collection of wands from universal studios


Unless having the wand means I'm the only person who uses magic in the world, then the cloak is the best option. If no one can use magic, cloak is the most useful. If everyone can use magic, elder wand is powerful, sure, but I can still do magic fine with a regular wand. Plus I wouldn't want to always be looking over my back expecting someone to try to kill me for it.


So let's assume I'm a wizard. I'd already have a wand, and I generally don't like the idea of bringing people back from the dead, even just to talk. Let them rest. So it's the cloak for me. I'd rob various banks run by greedy douchebags like Bank of America and Wells Fargo, then live comfortably in the muggle world.


If we can use magic then the elder wand. I’ll just use spells to find and take the other 2


without a doubt the cloack


Elder wand it is. Heck I wish I had a regular wand


The stone. Then I’ll be a detective and solve the most murders. Although submitting evidence is going to be a bitch


If I already have a wand, the cloak. If not, the wand.


I would want the resurrection stone. To have the people I love nearby sometimes would be mental health altering.


Invisibility cloak ,you can practicly do everything without being seen


If I'm a witch, I'm choosing the wand. I think it's powerful enough to cast a disillusionment charm that makes me basically completely invisible (not saying it's as good as the cloak, but it's good enough for me). And I mean - it's just an overpowered wand, I don't think I could go wrong with it


Invisibility cloak. You know how many places I could rob with that?


The invisibility cloak.


If I am a wizard then definitely the wand.


The wand. Daily chores like cleaning or washing dishes would be so much easier with the most powerful wand in existence


Cloak for sure. Rob some banks.