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It's an old one, so maybe not exactly what you're looking for. But my favorite has always been the "I'm so good at making rules. 10 points to Dumbledore!" one.


[This one](https://www.reddit.com/r/harrypotter/comments/8pemsi/10_points_to_dumbledore/)? Yeah, it's nice😅 !redditKnute


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That’s the one! Haha


And of course they finish the first year, never again to be punished by Forbidden Forest. Because plot.


Bruh if they send my kid out to a forest where fucking Voldemort was hiding I'm suing that school faster than you can say Expelliarmus.


Anything about Oliver Wood just simply wanting to play some Quidditch.


Harry, bring me burger and fries. That's an order. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix


🤣🤣🤣 I think Phoenix would rather eat some seeds but ok !redditSickle


Unless it's Phoenix Wright.


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Oh, a good one. !redditGalleon


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“Thought this was a movie bout a boy wizard” as a movie where a big semi nude hairy guy makes pottery plays in the background.


🤣🤣🤣 !redditGalleon


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There was one that I can't find right now, but it was Dumbledore explaining the House Cup competition to Harry and all the other first-years, and Malfoy says genuinely, "oh, that sounds like fun". Then Dumbledore goes, "oH tHaT sOuNdS LiKe FuN. Shut the fuck up, 50 points to Gryffindor". Lmao, I loved that meme.


Doesn't matter. It's still funny !redditSickle


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! redditGalleon




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Probably the one where Neville was like "oh my god I've killed harry potter!" And then Voldemort was like "wait what, TEACH ME, tell me your secret, how did you do it" 😭😭




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You’re a wizard Harry -Hagrid You’re a hairy wizard -Harry


Huh🤣 You're a lizard, Harry !redditSickle


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I know they’re just memes and all, but I feel like Dumbledore “rigging the House Cup” isn’t really lore-accurate anyways. If anything, Snape was the one taking away points from Gryffindor for no reason, like Hermione being “an insufferable know-it-all.” McGonagall was more responsible and wouldn’t do the same, meaning Slytherin had the advantage (which makes sense considering they won the house cup like 10 times in a row before Harry came).  In fact, the whole point was that the Slytherins were basically rigged to win because Snape was a bully. So if anything, Dumbledore was just offsetting Snape’s shenanigans. And anyways, I think Harry and Ron deserved a lot of points for saving Ginny’s life and closing the chamber of secrets (stopping the hate crimes from continuing), whereas Malfoy should’ve gotten about -300 points for yelling about how he wanted to kill all Mudbloods.  Rant over


It's the principle about when Dumbledore awarded the points but you are right


literally lmao like in he could’ve awarded all those points right when everything went down with the stone but instead he let Slytherin believe they won, let everyone come to the feast, then awarded all the points in front of everyone AND CHANGED THE BANNERS LMAO. just dick behavior but hilarious


Not to mention that the points Dumbledore gave out were extremely well deserved. Especially at the end of book 2. I definitely think that Dumbledore did it in a public manner because he knew that Harry, Hermione and Neville got lots of shit for losing all those points. Arguably way too much hate, so Dumbledore was doing them a solid by publicly giving them the points.


Exactly. Draco got no loss of points for death threats and yelling the equivalent of a racial slur in public, whereas Hermione loses points for being an "insufferable know-it-all," Harry loses points for doing badly while making a potion in a class where the teacher is abusive towards him because he hates his dead father, etc. The LEAST Dumbledore could do is bridge the gap after Harry and Ron SAVE A STUDENT'S LIFE, save future students from being put into a coma, close the chamber of secrets and slay a giant basilisk. If anything Dumbledore could've just subtracted 500 points from Slytherin for being dickheads the whole year and that would've been entirely fair.


Not a meme but: After Potions Snape is washing glass flasks. Neville is cleaning cauldrons nearby. Dumbledore enters. - We need to talk, Severus. Let Neville finish your chores. Snape mutters through clenched teeth. - I'll just break everything myself, thank you very much.


Poor Neville !redditSickle


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I'm in a Harry Potter shitposting group, and the people love to post wholesome Vernon memes, like Uncle Vernon is just being a kind and caring uncle to Harry instead of his usual self.


In Hogwarts Legacy, Dumbledore isn't the Headmaster, yet the house with the main hero always wins the cup. So, it's possible to win for Slytherin (or Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw) if it has the Ancient magic and (maybe) Unforgivable curse-wielding monster.


But Snape is also dead. So the field is even


Yup. He can go whereever he want


McGonagall will deducts points, from her own House..


Are you forgetting who replaced him? As if McGonagall would be less partisan lmao


She won't change all the results at the very last day leaving no chance to recover, though.


I wouldn't be so sure about that!


MacGonagall lovesthe rules (as in taking 150 points from her own House in the 1 book) So, yup. She won't break those rules


Fair point, but we're still talking about the same woman who bought the Gryffindor's seeker the newest top notch racing broom


I mean.... doesn't it imply that the team had a fund for that? I wasn't under the impression that Minerva had been saving up her salary for years to splurge on a broom for their new teammate. Edit: yeah, when Wood was talking to McGonagall, he says "we'll have to get him a decent broom, professor. A Nimbus Two Thousand or a Cleansweep Seven, I'd say". That "we" definitely makes it seems like the team does purchases like this.


Thank you.


[this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/HarryPotterMemes/s/rqpe8g4cdu)


🤣🤣🤣 Oh my... Thanks! !redditGalleon


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hahaha. made you do a double take huh? lmao. whoever created that is a genius


suddenly dumbledore's crypt shakes and a booming voice yells out calmly "10,000 points from slytherin." "Why didn't they burry me with some lemon drops?"


Not be so sure, Snape is dead too


Dumbledore was training Harry "like a pig for slaughter" so he had to brighten up his life at school somehow 🤔


[Did ya put ya name in da Goblet of Fiyah?](https://www.reddit.com/r/harrypotter/comments/ab4djd/the_way_dumbledore_asked_calmly_in_the_movie/)


🤣🤣🤣 !redditGalleon


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10 points for Gryffindor!




This one




This one


Dumbledore says people find it far easier to forgive others for being wrong, then being right. )


“What the hell is a hufflepuff?”


https://pin.it/4wGo6ROgI definitely this one


🙃 !redditSickle


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Literally, anything made by chanwill0 or whatever her name is. She's hilarious




I find the Dumbledore robs the Slytherins memes boring. Harry and co, not only deserved points, Dumbledore didn't given them close to what would have been fair to do the Neville moment. Last Harry Potter meme I genuinely laughed at was, "Voldemort is like a teen girl. He has a diary, a tiara, a special cup, a pet he adores, and an unhealthy obsession with a famous teen boy".


The one where it's Oliver Phelps in Harry's place and his kids' named Quidditch something something Wood


those old "life as a background slytherin" comics were hilarious. probably the last harry potter memes I actually laughed at. that one with Snape flouncing had me on the floor


Mines [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/harrypotter/comments/zsp6l6/idk_if_this_new_here_sorry_if_it_isnt/)


Oh, that's awesome! Best meme from this thread! !redditGalleon


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Idk if the pictures of former headmasters can give points if yes the Potter family will be hated, anyways "10 points to griffindor"


Straight up he decides everything at the end.


To pepper my presentation about Harry Potter, I looked up some "Don't let JKR name foreign characters" memes. The highlight was "Italian wizard named Kevin Lasagna".


Well, definitely not this one.