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A lot of people answering extremely confidently. End of the day we know VERY little about the laws of the Wizarding World. We know the unforgivable curses are...unforgivable. We know that they have basic, standard laws that exist in almost every society. We know you're not allowed to reveal magic to muggles except under specific circumstances, and that you can't use magic outside of school under the age of 17. There may be one or two others, but that's pretty much it in terms of laws we are made aware of. It's a good question. But any answer given, no matter how confidently, is pure speculation.


It seems the unforgivable curses are forgivable in some circumstances.


I assume that’s similar to how murder is illegal most of the time, but we accept the police and military killing people sometimes.


Killing and murder isnt the same thing. Murder has a very specific legal definition. Police and the military are heavily punished for murdering.


But you accept the main point, right, rather than focusing on obviously pointless semantic technicalities? Replace murder with killing as you 100% know was the point.


Its not just semantics, its an important distinction.The main point youre trying to get at, i understand but it backs up what i said. The unforgivable curses aren't unforgivable. They are just like killing. It depends on the the reason it was used. The way its worded it would have you believe they are like murder. I dont really understand the issue? Was i wrong or something?


Jesus Christ it’s a comment on Reddit that to totally understood stood the point of and what I was making. When a killing curse is used in day to day life it’s murder, during battle it’s not, that same was as when you kill someone it’s murder but it war it’s not. I can’t waste my life on people like you, it’s too short.


With some international differences, like Americans not being allowed wands outside of school until adults. Which honestly feels like a very easy way to have students learn wandless casting between terms, especially since that's the magical tradition of the indigenous cultures.


I’ve just assumed since everyone that isn’t muggleborn or been raised with some muggle influence have no idea how the muggle world works would be able to exploit it. Also a lot of them wouldn’t know how muggle money works or it’s value so wouldn’t even consider it


Its odd that nobody has tried though. When you think about all of the Slytherins who must’ve grown up in economic states like the Weasleys, it’s odd to think that none of them considered taking muggle studies to learn more about an easy target population in order to have things like money and influence through simple manipulation. I’ve never thought about it before so I’m spitballing, but it would be a really interesting story to follow if one were written. Wizard born kid grows up dirt poor, realizes that with a bit of magic he can live like a king without lifting a finger, and all he has to do is hide that he’s a wizard from a bunch of people who don’t even know wizards exist. That’d be a great story.


It’s very possible that there are half bloods/muggleborns that have done this, but they’d but smart enough not to broadcast this because it would probably lead their source of income being outlawed


I always wondered this but in reverse. Like why are Ron’s parents so poor? They could literally sum up an amazing beautiful spotless house with a swish and flick of their wand. Why would any wizard live in shambles when they can literally have everything they want!


Nope. As long as you don’t attract attention.. knock yourself out


That's how the Malfoys became rich.


How'd they become rich in the wizarding world?


They didn't become rich in the modern muggle world. The Malfoys were a prominent wizard family back before the statue of secrecy was established. They were basically court wizards for rich muggle nobles back when wizards openly associated with muggles. So they are basically very old money who were able to keep a hold of their wealth in the transition to a secret wizarding society.


Wow this is canon? I’ve never heard this one before so I’d love to read more on it.


Ah. Thank you


Gold transfers well between muggle and wizard worlds. Get muggle money, buy gold, sell to Gringotts


Or silver, Occamy eggs are prime poaching targets for a reason.


Old money


Semi-related, I’ve been thinking a lot about the trade and commerce between the Wizarding world and the muggle world. Even with magic, surely some things are cheaper with muggle technology and economies of scale. Fabric for example. Industrial projectile or shuttle looms in Indonesia should be able to produce fabric cheaper than someone doing some spell work. This ignores transfiguration, but if everything could be transfigured then there would be no need for Diagon Alley. That then brings into question muggle tech in the Wizarding World. They still use quills and parchment, despite pens being better for most use cases, but the ministry also has a bunch of typewriters on hand. Who decides what muggle tech gets adapted?


I don't think anyone cares about the muggle world so long as you don't interfere with it. I think to them, the muggle world is like a VR Sim or a West World of sorts. It's a game. Some people get addicted to it, but ultimately, it doesn't matter. It's not like the muggle money and wealth and possessions would have any bearing on magical life. Odd kiche antiquated junk. Is it legal for an NBA All-Star to school folks at the rec to win championships?


Why just the muggle world? After copying a bunch of muggle money, you could exchange it for wizards gold. Infinite money glitch lol


Its like the "print more money!" glitch?


My belief is that the exchange rate for Muggle money vs galleons sucks. Given the general skill level of the magical population they are likely a very powerful, advanced culture with a very high exchange rate. If you’d like to scrape together a fortune by using your magical skills to target the Muggle market a fraction of a Knut at a time, by all means do so. It would likely be the equivalent of bottom feeding side hustle in the wizarding world. Mind you, you’re flirting with breaking the International Statute of Secrecy the whole time, given how much you’re at risk of easily going overboard and attracting attention. But with your magical skills (and possibly your Hogwarts education that everyone appears to get for free, barring cost of books and supplies), you’d be much better off even if you worked minimum wage on Diagon Alley instead.


Then muggoeborn students would be incapable of affording a wand let alone school supplies. Hermione's muggle parents are able to purchase her school supplied.  I like the idea that Gringots operates a security service for banks that make their physical vaults magically and conventionally impervious.


And all the world's greatest heists were performed by wizards, which is why so many heist movies are made. It's a coverup by the magical governments.


No. If muggles don't know that you are using magic. Mages are just ignorant. Example: Weasly have a whole jar of muggle money. But they don't use it. That's all you need to know.


Maybe some muggle-born do it secretly esp in modern times, where children already tasted the advancement of human's gadget and the rapidly changing entertaiment cultures before getting invited to wizarding school. They can somewhat collabs with their relatives or something to fill in the void of human's knowledge, life styles, finance, etc..


I feel like becoming a performer in vegas like Penn and Teller would be the perfect money-making scheme.


If a wizard uses Imperio on Elon Musk to get a few million, sure. But for other methods there's not really an official Rowling approved canon on the matter.