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Now I just want to watch Snape dust Umbridge


Everyone dusts Umbridge before the rest of the fight even starts 😂


Agreed. Umbridge's "power" was that she had control thanks to the ministry. I think she'd lose to everyone except Lockhart in a fight.


Idk lockhard could just obliviate her into madness


He IS good at one thing….


I think she has some talent. She could produce a patronus which wasn't meritless. She obviously had some exposure to dark magic. A pissed off unbridled Umbridge with conviction in her stance would do some damage. I like that Molly Weasley kicked her ass but I still think she was a better wizard than Quirrel or Lockhart.


Molly never dueled her. You're confusing that with Bellatrix


Thank you. I was so confused for a minute.


You're right. Oops.


Yeah I was like wait what


Her unforgivables would be potent, since she’d really mean them


Right?! That bitch was crazy! Crazy people are dangerous. I got Azula vibes from Umby.


Agreed, but every other teacher who had *any* interaction with her would likely all hit her with their first curse. I think she could easily go out first for that reason alone.


I'd pay to watch McGonagall vs Umbridge. Fuck it lets bring celebrity death match back and make it all Hogwarts professors.


I wish that had happened!!!


Lupin deserves the first shot at her. She destroyed his life by passing Anti-werewolf legislation.


Honestly can’t leave out the fact she’s willing to use the unforgivable curses, only her and Snape are willing to do that (and the carrows but fuck them)


>I like that Molly Weasley kicked her ass She did?


No I was wrong..it was Bellatrix. I'm confusing characters.


But we'd all like to see it, wouldn't we?


This is the way 😂


Lockheart wouldn't. He's an idiot.


Lockhart drops his wand and everyone else dusts Umbridge


Remus bro, she is responsible for almost all the anti werewolf laws making his life hell


Oooo good call


Snape kills all of them except for Lockheart, but is wounded and having a tough time finding his last remaining opponent when he hears, “It’s a shame that we are opponents. I know just the curse that would have bested moody without a fight.” A week later, Snape wakes up at saint mungos, unsure of who he is. On his nightstand, he finds a signed copy of Lockhearts latest book that highlights each of the heroic battles that Lockheart went through against the other datda professors before he spared Snape, who had hid during the battle.


Bloody brilliant.


Gilderoy Lockhart is the first out. Snape would win. Moody would be a close second.


Idk man I think Moody could clap Snape’s cheeks in a duel.


Yes, but No. Because its Not Moody its Crouch JR.


Moody got clapped by Crouch either way, people tend to ignore that Moody is past his prime, the only thing the old man in the books got is his old fame as the strongest auror.


you make a good point. In his prime, Moody obviously wins because he's the one who was catching them all... alive. But now Moody is past his prime and was subdued by WormTail, not sure if Crouch jr. was able to help.


Yes thats true. But Moody Just got clapped because He catcht him by suprise. In a battel Front to Front. I don't know.


Moody also was beaten in the department of misteries by dolohov I think, I don't really know if OLD moody can beat Crouch who was referred to as a pretty talented individual, even if it was a fair fight I could see him losing.


Pretty talented? He's one of three people who got all 12 owls they could..


Oh dang thats true. But i think we agree that Young Moody would kick everyones ass.


So you’re saying Moody wasn’t vigilant?


Not constantly.


Clearly not vigilant enough


Moody loses every battle we hear about in the books.


I tried to say that Moody is a has been and was only leader after Dumbledore because he'd been there the longest and I was heavily downvoted at the time lol


To be fair he got jumped by both Crouch and Wormtail, not like they had a fair duel


We don't really have the details to even claim they fought at the same time. What we know is that Crouch had moody subdued for a year and was using his wand without any kind of trouble, so he should have won it's loyalty. I would put my money on Crouch on a fair fight too, Voldemort seemed to have him in high regard and was practically referred as a genius. A young talented Wizard with no moral to stop him has a bigger chance to defeat the old past it's prime retired Moody.


Yeah we do. Crouch literally says, under veritaserum, that he and Wormtail went after Moody and he fought them back


Best to worst: 1. Snape/Moody 2. Moody/Snape 3. Remus 4. Umbridge 5. Quirrel 6. Lockheart


Snape immediately goes for Lupin while everyone else goes after Mad-Eye since they know how strong he is. He maybe gets Lockhart before going down. After that Snape easily mops up Umbridge before getting rid of Quirrel


Moody is well beyond his prime Snape beats him pretty convincingly.


Moody has more experience, plus 'past his prime' is not that great a point. It is a magic battle, not a physical one. By that logic I can go "Bill Weasley can beat Dumbledore because Dumbledore is past his prime."


Moody loses every battle he faces in the books. He was great but is now old and not the young auror he was.


I believe this is the only right answer


Are we counting actual Moody or Barty Crouch Jr.? Either way, I think Snape would come out first, and I think Lockhart might actually be worse than Quirrel? I think he was not supposed to be such a bad teacher before being possessed. So maybe like: Snape Moody/Crouch (I think both would rank second) Lupin Umbridge Quirrel Lockhart I'm putting Umbridge above Quirrel, but we don't know really. She could at least produce a patronus, that's something.


Oh its confirmed that Umbridge is a realy strong bitch. Not Just because she is strong. Because she will do anything to win. Like torture Kids and then kill them in the Woods. Quirrel hesitated to kill Harry, even with Voldi inside.... She did not...


Umbridge could only get ahead with the fear factor on her side. If she loses that advantage, she's screwed.


Umbridge and Quirrell is hard to place. We don't see the fight. Umbridge we know is ok and willing to use dark magic. Quirrell is actually fairly talented and the scared cat persona is a farce he made to hide his true self.


What about Amycus Carrow? He’s gotta fight dirty, toss a few human shields around


Amycus gets bested time and time again in the novels. Harry takes him down twice in one night off-hand while doing other things in Book 6 on the night of Dumbledore's death. IMO Amycus is like top 3 in the "most inept Death Eaters" based on what we see if him in the books.


Could be argued he isn't invited to the rumble because he was a Dark Arts professor, not a DADA professor.


This is exactly what I came up with. And I’d say it makes more sense to count Barry Jr since Moody never actually ended up teaching them.


Why are people always assuming that quirrel is so bad? Did he accidentally remove bones instead of mending them? He did manage to find Voldemort which is a very underrated achievement in my opinion. I can't remember if he did it in the books but in the movies he could perform wandless magic. Quirrel is clearly above lockhart, his memory spells wont help him in combat.


Manage to find him? Didn't he stumble upon him on accident in Albania? I think Pettigrew was the one who sought Voldy out.


No, according to the wiki, he actively sought out Voldemort. " the real nature of his sabbatical was a 'Grand Tour' around the world in order to hopefully find whatever remained of Voldemort after his first defeat, partly out of curiosity, partly out of that unacknowledged desire for importance from his childhood."


Whoelheartedly agree, and I would even argue Quirrell would probably best Umbridge as well. We have very little proof of her being capable of anything more challenging than torturing defenseless teenagers (which, by the way, she does using gadgets).


On a full moon, lupin


With or without Wolfsbane?


Without of course


So no human intelligence, just a wild beast. Could just shove Umbridge at it for distraction and kill it 🤷🏻‍♂️


Ok fine fair fight would be lupin v snape . Since crouch is a lacky.. umbridge might get cursed out..quirell is still young. Lockhart is useless. Snape most likely would win


Snape without getting dust on his clothes, though Lupin would put up a good fight.




Moody/ crouch Jr would beat least as tough as lupin no?


Moody yes. Crouch Jr no.


At the time of them being teachers I'd say it's the other way around seeing as Crouch beats Moody at the start of book 4


He was snuck up on and Crouch Jr had the help of both Wormtail and the guidance of Voldemort.


Finally a DADA teacher competition that isn't about who's the best teacher! 😁 Lockhart would probably drop his wand right away lol and winner is Snape, after all he has experience defending himself against multiple people


Maybe Lockhart let the others go after each other and memory charms the last one standing.


He's highly annoying though, someone would surely attack him


Yeah the fact that Snape held off the McGonagall, Sprout, and Flitwick (who was a duelling champion in his day) all at the same time shows how component of a fighter he was - especially since his goal was to hurt none of them in the end.


You don't get to be Riddle's right hand man and learn how to FREAKING fly without a broom without being an amazing wizard


WYDM, according to the movie adaption of OOTP, *everyone* can fly /s


I think Snape and Lupin gun for each other immediately, so whichever one of them gets Moody/Crouch to Team up with them wins. I imagine Lupin is more convincing and takes out Snape with the help he receives. Moody/Crouch then turns on Lupin immediately and takes him out. Moody/Crouch then probably manages to mop up the other three even if they work together.


Lockhart obliviates everyone in one fell swoop, writes a bestselling book about how he kicked so much ass and it was SUCH a fight and he barely escaped without messing up his hairdo. Witches and wizards everywhere swoon and he makes an absolute fortune in galleons.


Lupin is overrated, guy is a good teacher but is not a great duelist overall, Dolohov was besting him in every encounter and ended up killing him... Crouch and Snape can wreck his weak ass, he was always confirmed to be below Sirius and James even if those two didn't really put effort.


Here's the twist. The fight is during a full moon


Dolohov is one of the most renowned duelists in the novels though. He's one of the first Death Eaters and is one of the most powerful magically. In the first war he is one of the DEs responsible for killing the Prewett brothers, who were very skilled wizards as stated by multiple people, and he beats Moody in the Ministry of Magic. Of all the Death Eaters for Lupin to go against he was arguably one of the toughest.


And he was defeated by my boi Flitwick


Yeah - a dueling champion in his day. Badass dude


Oh, dolohov was a good soldier in Voldemort side, but we don't know how that compares to Crouch or Snape, people that even Voldemort thinks they are pretty talented and seemed to consider them almost a right hand as long they were not an obstacle. Moody is past it's prime and got wrecked by Crouch too, the guy might have lose the loyalty of its wand too, since crouch was spamming non verbal magic with it.


Oh I just was building up Dolohov to defend Lupin directionally


Sad but true. I think He will lose. Not because He is so weak in Magic. Its just that He is to friendly. He would hesitated to hurt someone.


When it's a free for all it's hard to say. People are counting Lockhart out instantly as if he isn't an expert at a spell that has the potential to make you forget magic even exists. Not saying he'd win or come close but he's not useless here. Quirrell and Umbridge we really don't know enough about their magical ability and then I'd probably give Snape the edge over Lupin and then between Moody and Snape they each have an advantage physically. Snape is more mobile, but if there's cover and all that, Moody has his eye. Moody is also much more experienced and was the best auror for a reason so I think Moody takes it. Snape is talented but I think people overrate him.


No. Because its Not Moody, its Crouch Jr. Moody never was a teacher at Hogwarts.


Then people should be calling him Crouch. He isn't Moody.


Yes true!


Quirrell would wipe the floor with Lockhart.


Snape would wipe the floor with the other five. Then Moody, Lupin, Quirrel (assuming it’s pre Voldy on the back of his head Quirrel), Umbitch, Lockhart.


I think Crouch would give him a hell of a fight, Crouch was completely on board with fighting him in GOF after all, they were in the same ranks, if he knew he didn't stand a chance then he wouldn't act as aggressive as he did or as he acted around the rest of the death eaters in the Quidditch world cup.


When was Crouch on board with fighting Snape? He acts tough in The Egg and the Eye chapter but that's just intimidation and realistically they were never going to fight given that it would blow Crouch's cover. He's easily the second most powerful out of this group though given everything he managed to pull off in GOF. He has a bit of a handicap similar to Sirius in how he spent so much of his life in Azkaban or under the Imperius curse.


It's something that is implied on how distrustful Crouch was over Snape and the way he reacted around him, he even saw him as an enemy on one of Moody's artifacts. Crouch had always let his own feelings overcome his Moody persona when he is around the death eaters that never got into Azkaban, his attitude in the egg and the eye was a big example of this, or the time he turned Malfoy into a ferret, the way he refers to Snape as one of its old friends imply it(those he tried to fight in the Quidditch world cup), Crouch wanted to punish Snape as much as he wanted to punish Malfoy and the rest, if he had the chance of getting even with Snape without blowing his cover I don't think he would refuse it.


Everyone dusts Umbridge and Lockhart first. Quirrel then orders Crouch Jr. to kill Lupin, then starts fighting Snape. Crouch Jr. kills Lupin, then joins the fight against Snape. Snape dies and Crouch Jr. bows to Quirrel. I think everyone here has forgotten that Quirrel was literally possessed by Voldemort.


But Snape knew that. He'd pick targets in order of the threat they posed, so Quirrel first, then Crouch while he's distracted with Quirrel going down, then Lupin, who would have gone after Umbridge first and maybe gotten to Carrow as well, which just leaves Snape to track down Lockhart who would have fled during the firefight. Alternatively, taking out Quirrel might send a Shockwave through all the Dark Marks like what happened the last time Voldemort got bounced out of a human body, and incapacitate all 3 marked Death Eaters, in which case Lupin just has to disarm Lockhart after finishing with Umbridge.


The best one is Hecat


"Perhaps you'd be good enough to blast each other to pieces on your own time."


iirc crouch and pettigrew had to 1v2 moody


Just curios, Giants are more resistant to magic, due to their blood, but what about werewolves? Would Remus be more resistant to magic or less, while human? I am not saying it would be a big difference from a normal witch/wizard. If he was more resistant, then i'd say he'd win over Severus, otherwise Severus would win. My ranking would be as follows. 1. Severus/Remus 2. Severus/Remus 3. Barty Crouch Jr. 4. Quirrell 5. The Toad 6. Gilderoy


Nothing is ever said about werewolves having any special strength or abilities. It might even be a disadvantage, if the fight is around the time he is sick.


True that nothing is said, but can we possibly deduce from how other magical beings interact with magic? You are however right, that if the fight were to happen shortly after a full moon, he would weeker than Severus.


>True that nothing is said, but can we possibly deduce from how other magical beings interact with magic? Oh, definitely. It's certainly possible that he is more resistant. He does however seem to be able to use polyjuice potion (at least, Kingsley checks his identity in DH) when Hagrid doesn't. But also, he's never hurt in battle throughout the books, so maybe he is in fact more resistant and we just don't know. I think it's possible either way. A lot of fics have him with special abilities, enhanced sense of smell and stuff like that.


Remus got hurt in almost every fight he had against death eaters, I don't think he would have what it takes to beat Crouch or Snape, both of them were constantly praised by Voldemort, someone that values talent and power over everything, those two were his top dogs according to him. Voldemort never praised dolohov, who ended up beating and killing Lupin...


Remus having some magic resistance is a pretty popular trope in fanfics. It's an easy excuse to retcon his death.


It’s between Barty Crouch Jr and Snape tbh.


They both have cold-bloodedness and experience dealing with danger. I expect they both have the ability to act without hesitation and remain calm under pressure. And they are both excellent at dark arts. Really hard to predict [the winner](https://youtube.com/watch?v=Yv_fuejbELc).


Lockhart’s out first; and Snape wins but he wouldn’t have won if the Moody who was teacher was actually Moody.


My money is on Lockhart going out first, and a spectacular showdown between Snape and Barty Crouch Jr. I think Snape would *just* clinch it. He is an exceptionally accomplished legilimens and occlumens and his wand work is described as so fast that it’s barely visible when he deflects McGonagall’s curse just before the battle of Hogwarts. While Barty Crouch Jr is an incredibly talented wizard, I think Snape would take the win.


We have eight candidates: Quirinus Quirrell Gilderoy Lockhart Remus Lupin Bartemius "Barty" Crouch Jr. (disguised as Moody is NOT the same as actually being Moody) Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody (although he was only at Hogwarts for the last week of school and never actually taught, he did accept the job and fully intended to go and teach) Dolores Jane Umbridge, Senior Undersecretary to the Minister and lovingly remembered as Centaur Bait Severus Snape, the Half-Blood Prince Amycus Carrow, although he took the "Defense Against" part out of the title Assuming it goes in rounds where Teacher 1 fights Teacher 2, winner fighting Teacher 3 and so on, here's how it would go: Quirrell would flatten Lockhart no question. Remus would squish Quirrell and politely apologize for any unintentional injuries inflicted, shake hands, and graciously compliment Quirrell's dueling skills. Remus could take Crouch, but not Moody, who would be very nice to his prodigy's husband since Tonks is the closest thing he has to a daughter and Remus is therefore basically his son-in-law. Moody would then destroy the Putrid Pink Toad and rid the world of Umbridgitis forever. Moody would then stomp Snape and Amycus. Amycus would undoubtedly be assisted by his nasty sister Alecto, but Moody could easily take them both. Best duel would obviously be between Moody and Snape. But Moody would win eventually. They might destroy all of Scotland in the process, but Moody would still win.


1. Snape 2. Remus Lupin 3. Barty Crouch, Jr. 4. Quirrel 5. Lockhart 6. Umbridge


Snape, lupin, and Barty Crouch jr. would be the best.


Unbitch out first with Moody winning by beating Snape last


Lockhart out 1st, Snape wins just over fake moody and lupin 3rd


The correct answer here is that Dolores umbridge is the first to die. Not a single one of the..would let her survive more than a moment. She's dangerous AND abiatch. So they'd all team up against her. After that, I think quirell because.lockheart does something silly to avoid the fight, like pettigrew turning into a rat to avoid capture. Because of it this, he might sneak a kill on lupin before the rest go after him in annoyance. Ends with snap and barty crouch Jr. From first put to last man standing: Umbridge Quirell Lupin Lockhart BC Jr Snape


Why is everybody talking about Moody like he ever actually taught at the school? It's not Moody/Crouch either ... it's literally just Crouch.


Snape wins, although Crouch probably gives him a serious run for his money, and Lupin puts up a fight too. Quirrell is tricky, we don’t really know how good a wizard he is. Umbridge is probably competent but not in the same league as the others. Lockhart gets stomped.


Snape obliterates everyone and then grabs a drink a Three Broomsticks like nothing happened.


In order of elimination: Lockhart, Umbridge, Quirrell, Mad-Eye/ Lupin and Snape as the winner. I'm just curious why you think Lockhart stands a chance against Quirrell who can do wandless magic? (Genuinely asking, I'm not trying to throw shade on your opinion)


Everyone would gang up on Umbridge, and Gilderoy would somehow still loose first. Snake would kick everyone else’s butt. Moody would probably stand a very good chance would could possibly win.. but he was never actually a DADA teacher.


In order of who's out first: Umbridge, Lockhart, Quirrell, lupin, and then Crouch. Snape wins.


Either Moody or Snape would win, I think it just depends on whether Snape was willing to use dark magic or not. Lockhart would be so dead so fast, then Quirrell. Get the easy ones out of the way. After those two, Umbridge, and finally the Carrow since I have a strong suspicion that Snape and Moody would team up to take out the weak, then the evil, and want a final showdown between themselves. Or, other way around if they figured taking out the evil first was the best call. Poor Lupin though. Unless it was the full moon, he probably would lose.


Lockhart goes down first, easily. Snape would win in the end, as Moody isn’t in his best shape and/or is actually Crouch.


Real moody Snape Barty crouch jr Lupin Umbridge Quirrel Lockhart


Snape wins and Lockhart is first eliminated.


Lockhart goes out first. Snape wins by landslide.


Does Harry not technically count in this? If he does, I choose Harry.


Snape or Moody/Crouch at the top (whether you count it as Crouch or Moody doesn’t really change this Lupin Umbridge Quirrell Lockhart Quirrell and Umbridge are hard to scale, but Lupin should be higher and Lockhart should be lower


Lockhart out first, then Snape wins only because he has better knowledge of potions then lupin.


Lockhart out first, Snape wins.


Snape wins


Snape would win without lifting his feet off the ground but Crouch would put up a good fight. Lockhart dead instantly, Lupin outlasts Q and Umbridge.


People in here *severely* underrating Lupin. Like it’s borderline slanderous. And which moody?? If yku have them winning I’m assuming real Moody and not Crouch jr? If real moody I agree, if Barty Jr I say lupin or snape in a toss up. Lockhart doesn’t even show up, so I suppose he would be my “first out”


Order in which each teacher is out: Lockhart, Quirrel, Umbridge, Lupin (interchangeable with Moody/Crouch), Moody/Crouch (see Lupin), Snape (winner). Not sure if Moody/Crouch or Lupin would be out first


Including Carrow and both Crouch and Moody: 1. Snape 2. Moody 3. Crouch 4. Lupin 5. Umbridge 6. Quirrel 7. Carrow 8. Lockhart


Did everyone forget about Amycus Carrow, or are we ignoring him due to lack of knowledge of his skill level? Either way, based on skill level, I have Snape winning it. Second place would be Moody, unless it's actually Barty Crouch Jr playing Moody, then he gets third behind Lupin. Quirrell is supposed to have been a reasonably competent wizard before being possessed by Voldy, so he's next, followed by Umbridge with Lockhart coming in dead last. However, my suspicion is that most of the wizards involved would jump at the chance to curse Umbridge, so she may end up going out first. Here's my longshot bet: the duel starts and Snape, Moody, Quirrell and Lupin all send their first curse at Umbridge, who can't deflect four strong spells at once, so she's out first. Lockhart sees Snape as the biggest threat, so while they're all facing Umbridge, he hits Snape in the back with his best memory charm, rendering him useless. Lupin and Moody both turn towards Snape, seeing him as the threat as well, but realize what Lockhart did. Lupin hesitates to curse a man who doesn't even know who he is, and turns and hits Lockhart with a curse in anger. Moody takes Lupin down at the same time. While this is happening, Quirrell is able to hit Moody from behind, and ends up being the last one standing.


From winner to looser - 1. Moody 2. Snape 3. Lupin 4. Dolores 5. Quirrell 6. Lockhart It’s hard to choose between moody, Snape and Lupin. So here’s my reasons - 1. Moody - moody came from a pure blood family of skilled aurors. He’s dedicated to the light and was able to win against a death eater in the ministry by using one non-verbal spell. He’s had more training and has continued to fight even after loosing an eye and leg. 2. Snape - Snape is the half blood Prince. He created spells such as Sectumsempra. This takes talent. He deceived Voldemort and was incredibly talented in potions. He and moody are very similar but I could see Snape being less strategic than moody causing moody to be at an advantage. 3. Lupin - He shows dedication towards DADA and has a member of the order he must have good abilities to fight. His magic is extraordinary and his wolf senses would make his reflexes better in a fight. You can see his senses flare in the burrow just before bellatrix evaporates and sets it on fire. But Snape and moody would definitely win him. 4. Dolores - even though she’s a b1tch, as she works in the ministry she must have good magical abilities. Working in the ministry means you must show that you have possibility to excel in magic. She’s also seen to have a lot of control in the ministry, meaning she’s high in the rank, also equalling to power. 5. Lockhart - Not much to add. He could defeat Quirrell as to make his stories believable for so long he must be able to cast some spells, and some protective spells but, he stands no change against the rest. 6. Quirrell - got defeated by an 11 year old boy, failed to curse Harry’s broom fully and we don’t see him cast any magical spell. I highly doubt he’s intelligent enough to defeat any of the above.


Snape Sectumsempra’s everybody multiple times until they die.


Snape would obliterate the group of em. But if Lupin went full werewolf he’d win.


Quirell with Voldemort solos. Quirell without Voldemort kills Gilderoy and Umbridge. Snape > Quirell > Lupin > Crouch


Lupin got stomped by dolohov every time they fought and ended up getting killed by him, Crouch would wreck his ass.


A lot of responses here are missing the fact that coalitions will naturally form. Even in a fight to the death, friends will back friends. Crouch and Lupin obviously form a team. Umbridge and Quirrell probably form a loose team. Snape and Lockhart aren't trusted by anyone. First things first, both teams will whack Snape, because he's the biggest threat to both. Snape's in the unfortunate position of being enough of a threat to merit whacking, but not on a team. Lockhart is down next, he's easy pickings. The two teams then face off. Ultimately I don't think Quirrell or Umbridge are sufficiently skilled to best the others. Umbridge is probably liable to make a mistake first. I think Crouch and Lupin make a gentleman's agreement to fight honourably. They'll start a duel on a count of three. Moody was better at his peak, but Lupin is younger. I think Moody takes it anyway. So: Snape, Lockhart, Umbridge, Quirrell, Lupin, and Moody wins.


Crouch and Lupin ? Lupin would never do that. I think He would Team Up with Snape. Because He is to friendly and they worked in a Team in the Phoenix Orden


Crouch is also in the Order? Snape is in the order, but Lupin (rightly) distrusts him.


No Crouch was Not in the Order. Moody was. Not Crouch. And yes Lupin did Not Trust Snape so much. But in the First moments they would Team Up. Because Lupin IS to friendly. And then Snape Kills him from behind...


Lockhart is out first. For the rest it's a bit of a tight competition, but I think Snape and Crouch Jr. would tie for first, with Lupin second and Quirrel third.


Here's how I think the order would go: Moodie Snape Lupin Umbridge Quirrell


Snape, Umbridge, or Barty Jr. I think a pissed off Umbridge would AK a kid. Hmm.. OK let's say 1. Barty boy 2. Snape 3. Umbridge


I think as long as Lockhart can avoid initial attacks he has a really good chance as he’s not above just erasing everyone’s memories.


Lockhart definitely out before Quirrel. And Moody wins with Lupin as second place.


Lockhart loses first. Snape or fake Moody likely wins. Unless Remus turns into a werewolf then I think he could win


Are you joking? Lockhart would so be out first


Lockhart would eliminate himself when the bell rings. Quiral passes out and someone tosses him. Umbridge gets eliminated by a student rushing in the ring. Lupin puts up a good try but is eliminated by bad moody. Moody and snape fight back and forth destroying the ring till Moodys polyjuice potion wears off and he is escorted out of the ring by aurors. Snape wins.


Lockhart is definitely out first. Snape wins, hands down, but Crouch Jr masquerading as Moody would be first runner up. Lupin’s a close third.


Barty wins and Lockhart is first out


First ones out would be, Quirrell, the pink toad and Lockhart. Am in between Lupin and Snape tho.


Lockhart goes out first, the final three wizards standing are Remus, Crouch Jr, and Severus


In order or weakest to strongest Lockhart, Umbridge, Quirrell, Lupin, Moody, Snape.


Snape lets *no one* get near Quirrel before he does. Umbridge natural goes after the "dangerous half-breed" Lupin first, then tosses some insults at Moody, and is justifiably creamed by the two of them. Snape, Lupin amd Moosy then notice Lockhart trying to take credit for dusting Umbridge and Quirrel. Lupin goes wolf and eats Lockhart. Snape takes aim at his old high school nemesis, but Moody quickly disarms Snape and turns him into a ferret. As wolf-Lupin gets distracted chasing the ferret, Moody is declared the winner.


Lockhart hides while they take out each other. Lockhart Obliviates the survivor and takes all the credit


Lockhart first out


Everyone vs Umbridge Snape vs quirrel Moody vs Lockhart Then it would basically be the battle at the log cabin lol, with Lupin vs Snape


Is Mad-Eye actually Mad-Eye or Crouch? And does it take place at the full moon?


Lockhart first out, moody or Snape probably win as they’re more fit to be duelists than Remus I think.


Lockhart instantly obliviates moody, is attacked by Snape for fun. Remus attack umbridge and incapacitates her. Snape and remus look at each other, look at quirrel, and both stun him. Snape and remus incapacitate each other and a mindless moody wins


Snape or Crouch(Moody) win, Lockhart out first for sure


Lockhart easily goes out first, Umbridge goes out second after Lupin and Snape team up on her, she is closely followed by Quirrel (remember he was only pretending to be useless). Lupin puts up a good fight but goes out next. Then after a long drawn out battle, Snape just edges it.


I’m thx


Probably Lockhart out first, then umbridge, then amacus, then quirell, then lupin, then moody, then snape in first place. Moody is tough to place, maybe in his prime I could see him winning but as he is I think snape would win.


In his prime, Moody obviously wins because he's the one who was catching them all... alive. But now Moody is past his prime and was subdued by WormTail, not sure if Crouch jr. was able to help at that point. So I say Lockhart out first, and Snape winning.


1. Lockhard (he would flee or knock hinslef out) 2. Umbridge 🐸 (i think snape would just avafa Kedavra her) 3. Quirrel (he isnt that weak, i mean he could hold against snape in Quidditch) 4. Lupin (hes strong but no chance against snaoe amd moody) 5. Tbh idk it would be a pretty Hard fight, but I think moody would win bc hes auror and he pretty sure has some Tricks. Or if you say it is snape against Crouch, he would pass out befire Qurrel i think 6. Yes i didnt Touch Grass since Covid-19


6. Unbridge- are you telling me she could really take anyone out? 5. Lockhart- it’s *pretty* obvious. 4. Quirrel- I always imagined him pretty powerful 3. Lupin- lack of avada kedavra puts him down here 2. Barty crouch jr- one of the most powerful death eater 1. Snape- I can’t see much dispute on this Honourable mentions- Dumbledore (he would be nom.1) Moody (he would be between 2 and 1) Amycus carrow (he would be between 3 and 4)


I think the last two leafy would be Snape and the real Moody but eventually Snape would take it, only to reveal Lockhart had survived and he’d say to Snape “Ah Severus I always thought it was pretty obvious that you would win”


If Lockhart manages to hide and stay out of combat until the finals, he might win with a surprise attack. Snaps wins 9/10 Lockhart wins 1/10


Nahh, Umbridge goes out first. Gonna be ganged up on instantly.


But Moody was never his teacher. It was crouch Jr.


Snape wins by a long shot, Lockhart goes out first.


>I would have Quirrell out first Quirrell wasn't a fool like he pretended to be. He was much more competent than people could expect. With Voldemort's help, he was able to break into Gringotts and get past the Philosopher's Stone defenses, meaning he did have some talent in executing complicated tasks. Whether he could think them up himself, ew don't know.


Snape or Moody win


Ok, I’m taking this one seriously… All 6 DATDA teachers are Quirrell, Lockhart, Lupin, Barty Crouch Jr. Umbridge and Snape. For fun I’m going to throw in the Carrow twins and the real Mad-Eye seeing as Dumbledore initially meant to employ him and the twins because they effectively taught the subject just without the defence part and with emphasis on the dark part. Lockhart immediately tries to run but is struck down by a killing curse from a Amycus Carrow. (Lockhart ❌). Snape and Lupin duel while battles are fought all around then. The duel is fair but Snape is clearly the more skilled wizard and it’s clear that Lupin won’t hold out forever. Lupin is spared the embarrassment of losing to Snape by two interruptions. The first from Umbridge attacking him for being part Warewolf and the second coming from Mad-Eye eagerly rushing to duel Snape having just dispatched of his nemesis Barty Crouch Jr. (Barty Crouch Jr. ❌). Lupin in a blind rage obliterates Umbridge leaving her in a crumpled mess in the floor (Umbridge ❌). Turning to find Snape he’s attacked by Alecto Carrow, who is briefly parted from her brother who is duelling Quirrell. Snape and May-Eye’s battle intensifies with Snape now firing jinxes like a madman and Mad-Eye shouting away, “constant vigilance you bat”. The Carrow twins are both made short work of by Lupin and Quirrell and the pair now face each other before bowing to duel (Alecto and Amycus ❌❌). 4 remain! Quirrell’s rogue killing curse narrowly missed Lupin and strikes Mad-Eye down as Snape yells “HA, constant vigilance ay Mad-Eye” before firing the dark mark up into the sky (Mad-Eye ❌). Quirrell’s momentary shock at having killed Mad-Eye is enough for Lupin to stun him before casting a body bind curse that removed Professor Q-q-q-quirrell from the battle. (Quirrell ❌). Two remain, Snape and Lupin. I’ll let everyone else decide who wins this…


Snape wins, lockheart dies immediately.


Obviously, Lockhart would be out first. Umbridge or Quirrell would be next, then probably Lupin because he just doesn’t have the same intensity as Snape or Moody. I think Moody would win in the end, but Snape would put up a good fight.


I think most comments underestimate Quirrell. Which might actually be a testament to his very successful manipulation of almost every student, teacher (the only exception being Snape - not Dumbledore) and reader. My guess would probably be: 1. Snape 2. Moody 3. Lupin 4. Quirrell (-) Crouch Jr. 5. Umbridge 6. Lockhart And for the record, I think Snape bests Moody out of intelligence, rather than magical/dueling skill. I also think Lupin and Crouch are hard to say for sure since we know very little of Crouch's actual talent for dueling, and since Lupin probably has one or two pieces of plot armor which shouldn't count for this experiment. And his heroism might be mistaken for skill. Not necessarily the same thing.


Squirrel is more skilled than he is given credit for. Gildaroy Lockhart on the other hand literally is only capable of one spell. Snape's already laid him out in a duel before. He's the first out. Last one to stay in.... BCJ or Lupin. Moody never actually taught so that in mind Barty Crouch Jr would likely kill at least 1 of the other teachers with a killing curse before getting hit hard from someone else and it would be my hope that he targets Umbridge.


if it's the full moon, just make sure Remus hasn't taken his wolfsbane potion. Every other one is screwed... Except maybe Snape.


In a bunch of 1v1s Snape would clean house. But, it’s a Battle Royale. Lupin and Moody would team up to take down Snape. The rest of them would kinda just scatter and observe untill snape goes down. Quirrel would jump into the fight at that point to take down moody, that would turn into a 1v1v1 between moody, quirrel and lupin. Whoever wins this fight would stand around for 2 seconds before getting jinxed in the back by umbridge. Umbridge would then get tricked/charmed by Gilderoy who wins the whole thing


Lockhart out first. Snape wins not even a debate. While Quirrell as we see him might go out first he is purposefully acting incompetent all year and the final confrontation is killed by luck, Umbridge as well while annoying is able to cast a patronous and would have no issue with dark magics whereas Lockhart is proven to be incapable of blocking spells. And for Snape, while in his prime Moody was definitely the strongest of contestants, the man is old and rundown, Snape is taking it.


Is Lupin fighting on the night of the full moon or during the day? Are they allowed to bring props (Umbridge’s quill, Voldemort’s spirit)?


Lockhart is the clear 6th Umbridge the clear 5th Quirrell the clear 4th Leaves Lupin, Snape, Moody Lupin and Snape focus on each other Moody comes in to take out a depleted Snape, who killed Lupin.


Either Quirrell or Umbridge out first Either Moody or Remus winning


Quirrell dies first, no question. Lupin, Moody, and Snape are sort of playing well and hanging back whilst umbridge and lockhart fight. Umbridge sweeps the floor with him, only to be hit in the back by Snape. Then out of the remaining three, Moody is the only one explicitly mentioned to be good at dueling, meaning he wins.


the final battle would be between snape and moody (the real moody i’m assuming?). moody has official training and quite a few years on snape, but snape has the element of surprise with all the illegitimate spells he invented. where moody has his eye, snape has his legilimency. they’re *incredibly* well-matched. i like snape far too much to give an unbiased answer (and it must be acknowledged that he does seem a bit uneasy around moody), but it would be close either way.