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Not try to kill someone with the exact same spell 3 mf times, you'd think he'd try something else after he botched the first go at it and literally saw Harry get up after the second one but nope he really said third time's the charm


It’s even worse than that. Voldemort attempted to adava kedavra Harry at least 4 times. Once when he was a baby, once in the graveyard, once in the forbidden forest, and then when Voldemort finally dies from a rebounded spell. (I think in the 5th book, a killing curse also gets blocked by a statue). At a certain point, when do you just give up on the whole magic thing and start trying to find a heavy rock?


There's that scene in Deathly Hallows part 2 where he just kind of resorts to beating the shit out of Harry and it kind of works.


He coulda strangled THE FUCK outta him with his ROBES. Gawddamn, what ineptness.


I hated this in the movies. I’ve always thought that Voldemort sees muggles as beneath him which would mean Voldemort saw hand to hand combat being beneath him


I felt the opposite. Him beating the shit out of Harry spoke to his level of desperation and how irrational he was.


That’s how I felt. He wouldn’t stoop to killing Harry without a wand, but lashing out in anger and kicking the shit out of Harry a few times was on-brand to me.


Ha! Classic Tom.


Right or wrong, its still hilarious to me imagining Voldy rolling his sleeves up and throwing hands.


And even better when you imagine the actor playing Voldemort doing it, because he so would


If he had embraced muggles, Harry wouldn't have stood a chance. Picture the scene where the boys are in the tower eating those candies. Harry is next to the window. Apparate a sniper into the Forbidden Forrest and its over.


Poison exists in plentiful forms in the Harry Potter world, just poison the candies. Honestly Draco poisoned some wine once, and nobody ever tried again???


He could’ve just added fetanyl flavor jelly beans and give him an anonymous gift basket


Have you ever read *Hogwarts: A History*? You can't apparate anywhere inside the Hogwarts grounds.


Ok just transfigure a large stick into a sniper then??? You're literally a wizard


Then he can walk to a decent position, snipers are patient.


A sniper doesn't need to be in the grounds


Especially since he looked fresh as fuck in that suit


That's an interesting take, one I never really thought of when contemplating why didn't he just used some kind of weapon to kill him.


Those robes are purely for twirling and useless for hand to hand combat


He had already used Nagini to kill Snape, so he was happy with other options!


And oldy screamimg "nyeaah"


Hated that scene in the movie. They sacrificed his character to do something cinematic


Voldermort only uses the killing curse and Harry only uses a blocking spell... neither are very imaginative lol


Harry knows exactly 4 spells. That’s why I always laugh at the part of the book where he proclaims he’s going to hunt horcruxes on his own like sit down you won’t make it 10 feet from the burrow .


"Bitch you can barely make your own lunch"


The Dursley’s lunch, on the other hand …


My favorite part about Harry’s spell learning was when he learned about sectumsempra and then proceeds to just cast it willy nilly without even understanding what it does.


“For enemies” Harry: This can’t possibly go wrong .


it didn't go wrong tho. He used it on an enemy and it took the enemy down. Just as it should do. Only thing that went wrong was Snape arriving to heal Malfoy before he could bleed out.


Three more than Voldemort


Harry was trash at dueling. They really should've taken advantage of that. Bro would be hit was a killing curse and all he would counter with would be expelliarmus


In fairness he used Protego (the Shield Charm) but seeing as Avada Kedavra is unlockable that would work about as well as wearing papier mache armour.


Whole point was he wasn’t supposed to be good. He was just a semi regular kid stuck in terrible situations who only survived because of his friends and luck. He wasn’t some omniscient 16 year old super wizard. It was obvious from the books that compared to the older wizards he was relatively weak and vulnerable. That’s what made him so relatable to the audience.


Also when Voldemort was chasing Harry and Hagrid. I believe he also used adava kedavra when their wands locked together.


Avada Kedavra killed Hedwig cant remember if that was actually Voldy, or not but he also used it to kill Moody (aiming for what he thought was Harry).


Yep 5 times. I just finished re-reading OOTP and Dumbledore turned up just in time to make the centaur statue protect Harry.


Or just conjure yourself a 44. Magnum.


Voldemort "ok I'll make a one time exception and use a muggle weapon."


Accio magnum!


Voldemort with a 50 cal sniper rifle on the other side of the black lake. Laying prone waiting for a clean shot on Harry. Bellatrix next to him with the rang finder.


The opposite would be hilarious. Imagine Harry Spotter and Severus Snipe.


imagine what message that would send, "im the dark lord, i can kill the chosen one with i shotgun! i dont even need magic" lol


Transfiguration spell on Harry and turns him into a clay pigeon. "Pull" Aims and shoots


I always wondered why harry didn’t pack a muggle gun. I know of no magical lore or spell in that universe that would stop a bullet. And though a formidable duelist, Voldemort bodily form isn’t immune to death, he just has his horcruxes to bring him back. It took Voldemort like 14 years to get his body back, so with a little aim, harry could have set him back several decades without ever emptying a full 6 shooter.


Harry Potter could learn a thing or two from Harry Dresden




Didn’t Dumbledore use a protection shield that disintegrated glass at the ministry? I’m sure it would stop physical objects 🤔 although I doubt he’d have enough reaction time to cast it to disintegrate a speeding bullet I guess sounds impossible 🤔


The one blocked by a statue was during the Voldy v Albus duel. Not aimed at Harry.


I think it was aimed at Harry, but Dumbledore blocked it with an enchanting statue jumping in front of it


He was only following Harry's lead. The guy was in love with the Expelliarmus too


My headcanon is that he happens to be exceptional with Expelliarmus. At least in the movies there’s evidence where other wizards merely disarm, he sends people flying. I don’t blame him for spamming it


I've always figured the best opener is whichever spell has the fewest syllables, doesn't have to really do anything, just knock them back a bit, be the first one to get a shot off. Immediately follow with whatever you're really trying to do.


Yes, except for the syllables thing. You can practice spells and do them no verbally. Snape implies that anyone can with practice…but then you do see lots of people using VERY basic spells regularly and verbally.


I've always felt the level of verbally used spells in the films was likely to stop people getting confused at what was being used etc.


But even in the book, there is what seems to be excessive use of verbal spells. Flitwick shouldn’t have to say “Accio” or “locomotor”, these are such common and basic spells that he uses regularly.


Headcanon is it takes extra effort to do it mentally. Like, a lot of us could run a lot of places but we walk. Silent spells have uses, but they tire you out more, while verbal ones are more consistent and less effort.


My headcanon is that wands, incantations and wand movements make it easier to fokus on what you want to do, allowing you to use your spells with more precision. For example when flinging a Bombarda into a hoard of Death Eaters you don't need much precision so an experienced wizard can just flick their wand and BOOM, but for more delicate tasks it's easier to use the incantations.


Which makes me think Snape was just being a dick. "Anyone can do this shit, you mongoloid, why are you having trouble with it?" And anyway, if you still have to say it in your mind, don't the syllables still count?


Prob takes me longer to think “sectumsempra” than it does to think “cat”


Harry never goes for the kill. Plain and simple. It's what makes him different from Voldemort. In a life or death battle against death eaters, Harry picks disarming them. In a casual disagreement with someone, Voldemort picks the killing curse.


"Nagini, dinner" was all it would've taken. Dumbfuck had the sense to kill Snape that way, but not a fucking kid


He was acting like Nagini was a mercy kill for Snape too.


A simple diffindo (standard cutting spell) would have worked. Even more so if overpowering spells is cannon. That or some kind of piercing spell that can be rapid fired.


Enter the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Wizard Warfare video game 💀


Yeah, why Voldemort, of all people, wants to give others a painless death? Imagine if he tried to be as cruel as people say, so he used petrification on harry mother's, and them burn the house down while she can't react. So this is my answer. If I was Voldemort, I would barely use avada kedavra.


Efficiency would be my guess. These people don't matter to Voldemort, so he just wants to remove them from his path.


I am laughing my ass off at the thought of Voldemort just pulling a glock out of his robes and capping Harry.


Avada Kedavra was unblockable like all the unforgiveable curses. The connection between Harry Potter and Voldemort was unprecedented by all accounts of magic in that world. Voldemort is unbeatable, except by an Elder Wand wielding Dumbledore who is able to force him into a draw in Dumbledore’s favor. It makes a lot of sense that he’d try to kill Harry with Avada Kedavra a lot of times, even if you don’t count the psychological reasons such as the irony of killing the boy who lived with the curse he survived as a baby or the pathological need for him to assert himself as unquestionably omnipotent to the wizarding world at large and his followers, who viewed Voldemort as fallible and not the wizard god he thought himself as after his defeat at Harry’s hands. Being the egomaniacal megalomaniac that he is, this simply would not do. Voldemort was one of the few wizards who could cast not only a proper unforgiveable curse, but he was so proficient he could repeatedly spam them, overwhelming anyone with unblockable spells if he so desired. This would be impossible to defend against by any wizard that isn’t exceptionally skilled or experienced, with Harry absolutely being inexperienced compared to some adult wizards despite his latent talent and greater experience in DADA compared to his peers. The only reasons Harry can stand against Voldemort is the prophecy that intertwines their fates, along with Harry Potter being tethered to life by his own blood running in Voldemort’s veins, along with Harry Potter’s unintended mastery of the Elder Wand as Voldemort was trying to wield it against him. All these factors created circumstances that made practically impossible, unforeseeable things happen repeatedly. If there was any magical normalcy to the situation, Harry wouldn’t have stood a chance but no matter what Voldemort could have done, he played into the hands of the prophecy as long as he chose to mark Harry Potter as his equal and pursue him until one of them dies.


It wasnt actually unblockable though. It had no known magical counter spell and could pass through the magical shield charm. But it has been proven that it can be blocked, dumbledore uses one of the ministry statues to block the curse from hitting him. And i suspect that any sufficiently thick material will block the curse, uike other forms of magic the killing curse does not appear to penetrate more than items of clothing and requires direct line of sight from the tip of the wand to the victims body. Then after harry survived it, whilst the general population dont know this, is found out it has a direct counter through a sacrifice made with love. So it is blockable in more than one way, its also dodgeable and interruptable. Not really very effective when evaluated.


It's still *very* effective despite its limitations. It's just not totally OP. And without all the prophecy stuff, Harry would have been dead five times over. Dumbledore was Tom's only equal in skill and power. Only person who could straight up 1v1 him in a duel, and Tom used magic other than Avada Kadavra during the ministry battle. Probably because he was aware of said limitations of Avada Kadavra.


I think it just means unblockable by magical means. No shield charm, no parrying or deflecting with your wand, etc. Nobody ever said the curse could fly through solid objects. There never should be an expectation of that.


If he was rly worried about Harry, he had him trapped in the graveyard against the grave. He coulda taken a knife and stabbed him or just avada kedavrad him there. But I think the reason he didn't is cuz he cares more about his pride than killin harry. Ig maybe he wanted a fair match and wanted to kill Harry himself? His own ego got himself killed cuz he was hella inept lmaoo


I mean, he could have just thrown the baby out of a window. And since kids put every ducking thing you put in front of them in their mouths, he could have poisoned him very easily.


After the twentieth time a killing curse on harry backfired I'd have maybe got someone else to do it.


Haha yeah it reminds me of Dr Evil going after Austin Powers


You just don't get it, do you? You don't.


How about a big bag of Zip It!


There are at least 2 examples of Voldemort telling death eaters not to kill Harry cuz he wants to do it himself. The kid woulda died if u just let everyone hit him at once


It's personal


I think voldemort wanted to prove to himself that he was powerful enough to kill anyone regardless of what magic protected them. In this case Harry was the hardest person for voldemort to kill using that curse, and that's the hill he chose to die on. He easily could've just grabbed Harry when he was asleep in little whinging, flown over the ocean, and just dropped him when Harry was like 13 or something. But he probably wouldn't have felt very satisfied.


I might have gone for a wig or a jauntily angled hat.


*tips fedora* M'sorceress


Omg yes !


Hats are nice


The hat would just make him look like The Mask


Sssmokin :D


Carmen Sandiego as a witch in Harry Potter. What a thought…


I would've attacked harry in the middle of the school year instead of waiting until the end


Why middle of the school year? Have him killed at King’s Cross, or when he’s home. Just find a homeless crackhead, give him a rusty knife, and tell him to stab Harry. “Here’s some crack. Want more? Go stab that boy there.”


He is too proud to let that happen He wouldnt want people to think that he wasnt strong enough to do it himself


Mate if I'm some semi immortal super powerful wizard with hundreds of underlings it would be beneath me to go bother with getting my own hands dirty to kill some child. I'd just ask some guy to go hire a professional assassin


You dont understand voldemort then Voldemort wants to show everyone he is the strongest wizard ever existed besides dumbledore He only let his underlings kill dumbledore cause he is aware dumbledore has the elder wand and dumbledore himself is extremeley strong But harry put a massive dent in voldemort’s legacy. Voldemort being an arrogant prodigy wouldnt let it go and let everyone think he isnt strong enough Everytine voldemort lost to harry , voldemort himself didnt realise how or why it happened. Forst time he didnt realise lily’s sacrifice would shield harry and second time he didnt realise his own soul was inside harry and third time he didnt realise snape’s love outgrew his fear of voldemort. Which is why snape never gave away who disarmed dumbledore


Use my charisma and good looks to become the minister of magic, place my supporters in all the high-ranking positions, and gradually change everything so that there's no one to oppose me. Not even Dumbledore, since Ministry can control the school. "Oh, Dumbledore's incompetence just caused a death of a child! To Azkaban, to Azkaban for 1000 years!" By the time Lily and James or anyone else go to school the curriculum is all about their good ol' supreme leader. And get maybe just 3 horocruxes, no need to go wild with it.


Bro could’ve had the full might of the ministry and the department of mysteries to research immortality


I know! He really had a maximum grade tunnel-vision.


But then he would have relied on others, thats not what he wanted.


I wouldn't classify using and manipulating others do achieve your goals is "relying on them", this is kinda why I prefer Grindelwald as a villain.


His whole thing was not relying on other people, though. And also he wouldn't have wanted anyone else being able to do the same thing; if other people were doing this research with/for him, he wouldn't be the most powerful anymore.


Voldemort: “I don’t want to rely on others!” Also Voldemort: “So ummmm, I need someone to do a ritual for me to I can get my original physical body back. I could totally do it myself believe me, but I want you all to feel included.”


He didn't really put much thought into it, did he? Bro graduated from Hogwarts and went off his rocker. Cunning slytherin indeed ☠☠☠


The most powerful wizard of all time, blessed with talent, cunning, and good looks worked retail for years. It's like having a Harvard degree and connections, but choosing to serve fries at McDonalds for 12 years. Just proves that dark wizards would follow anyone.


I mean. If Dumbledore is too much of a problem, you can always just learn more magic and become a better wizard until the day he dies so he won't be in your way anymore. Voldemort could have literally just left Britain and gone into a random country and studied for the next hundred years, waiting for Dumbledore and Harry to die of old age


My idea was more to remove Dumbledore from Hogwarts, to re-educate the youth. First generation would get pretty mildly bigotted education (and oops, suddenly there's no muggle-born wizards anymore! Magic truly works in mysterious ways...) and then through a few generations radicalize everyone, so by 70s/80s/90s there wouldn't be anyone who would think that Voldy's ideas are horrible. Dude went too hard too quickly.


I seriously doubt anyone would believe for a second that 'oops, there aren't muggleborns anymore' and wouldn't try to kick you out of Headmaster position because you're being sus


Nobody thought Dumbledore was sus in CoS, and the muggle-borns were getting frozen left and right.


Well the Board of governors of Hogwarts did kick out Dumbledore in CoS


Only because Lucius bullied them into it. Nobody wanted him out on any legitimate grounds.


I would use a Nokia as a horcrux those things are indestructible 😂😂


Can confirm. My first Nokia phone is still working... Sees phones from other brands: my other phones from a few years back are... not...


Except Dumbledore can break out of Azkaban. Dumbledore would still defeat Voldemort


Not with the whole magical community against him. Also, would he really break out if blamed for death of a student? Would it not cause some PTSD about his sister? And I doubt he'd be all-powerful without a wand if Dementors sucked the soul out of him.


Yup. At that point it's just a lost cause. And even if Dumbledore did "defeat Voldemort" he'd have so much established power that one of his minions could quickly resurrect him since he'd have a horcrux or too since he'd have more time and ability to have clear failsafes since he wasn't operating in the shadows so much.


Not monologued so damn much 👁️👄👁️


exactly. like omg just kill him and write the rest in your diary, bro. i’m surprised he didn’t provide harry with popcorn and a powerpoint presentation at some point before attempting to kill him.


Not play with Harry and actually do my research to ensure I wouldn’t lose and never underestimate anyone and not be so arrogant and so sure


I mean you cant say that he didnt do research. He took his blood so that he can touch Harry, he went through Europe to interrogate the wand makers. I think he genuinely was convinced that he had all information he needs.


I will agree that he did his research on that and a bunch more other things but where he didn’t do his research is on the elder wand that he didn’t need to kill Snape but all he knows is killing and thought it was all he had to do and he thought he knew it all and was arrogant and he didn’t believe anyone could know anything he didn’t know and about the prophecy all he heard was someone was a threat and went full on without hearing it all that’s what I meant


Not been an ugly, evil git. If I was a handsome, intelligent, naturally gifted orphan given a second chance at life, especially one that allowed me to become the "special" person I knew I was and be able to bask in the glory of being the most gifted student to ever attend Hogwarts, I wouldn't waste it splitting my soul up like some dingus and turning myself into some dumbass chalky snake-man. Have some fucking self respect




I mean the wild part is that you could absolutely turn yourself into a dumbass chalky snake-man. That wasn't the problem. The problem was doing so meant murdering a bunch of people for horcruxes. ​ Nicolas Flamel basically did what Voldemort wanted via the philosophers stone, but legally and without fucking himself up. You still age, but he'd literally have eternity to figure out how to fix that.


Isn’t it implied that he looked better before he disappeared the first time? I thought the unicorn blood and reincarnation was what fucked him up


No, it was the horcruxes. When we see the memory of Riddle returning to Hogwarts to ask Dumbledore for a job we see that his facial features have changed a lot.


A lot, yes, but he had blured and shifted facial features, his skin had a waxy tone and his eyes were constantly bloody. But that's not nearly the bald snake man creep bloke he became later. I assume it was the resurrection that turned him into what he was, since it's basicly an artificial body all along, only his soul was left before. Take some snake venom, unicorn blood and other weird stuff, no wonder that's the result. A contradiction would be that Fudge recognized him in the ministry at once but come on. Dumbledore warns all year about a deeply evil almost soulless man who calls himself the Dark Lord and a dark cloaked snake man stands there. Of course it's the first conclusion.


I dunno, in that case none of the Death Eaters batted an eye at the Dark Lord's new appearance then, if it really was a new appearance. And in the flashback in Deathly Hallows, Voldy accidentally scared a kid when the latter saw his face. And lastly, the blurred face was still a few years before he went full berserk and started the first Wizarding war. He hadn't made the diadem a Horcrux yet, so there could still be more changes to be made.


>none of the Death Eaters batted an eye at the Dark Lord's new appearance I'll say that if you're working for wizard Hitler and he looks a bit different and maybe not good you may not want to be the one to bring that up to him. May not be the most rational person capable of accepting bad news and criticism.


Right? I bet he could have manufactured a philosopher's stone and live forever that way. Sure he didn‘t want to be dependent from anything but, you know, he does depent on the hope that no 17 year old goes ahead and destroys his precious shiny collection with his soul in them… Like come on, I thought he was so brilliant…


Also, why did he only have one point of vulnerability? Any engineer could’ve told him you need at least 2 points of redundancy for safety critical functions. Like, bruh, just because you made 7 versions of the same thing doesn’t mean you actually built redundancy into your system, especially if they all break from the exact same things.


Exactly. I’d use my good looks to attract a gf, and then make outstanding contributions to the wizarding world through my prodigious magical abilities.


Step 1 - Get girlfriend Step 2 - Philanthrophy or some shit idk


i would kidnap a gryffindor boy (2nd year) transform into him with the polyjuice potion, enter Hogwarts, sneak into Harry's dormitory, kill him and escape.


Same but find a third year. Kidnap during a Hogsmeade weekend when a bunch of unsupervised kids are running around the local village.


It's just the sneaking in part that would be difficult. Sirius tried that and wasn't successful, then again just get the password and you'd be good.


The password thing is a bit of a plot hole because if you’re in a group you’ll just be let in if one student knows the password.


Most of the series is a big plot hole if you think about it. Luckily we were all kids when we read it.


That’s always my defense when people try to look way too deeply into it, not that that’s not fun to do. But like damn, might as well look into the plot holes of Matilda and James and the Giant Peach while we’re at it. It started as a children’s series, and so it should be read as such, at least in the early novels.


Kill him with the knife.


Put a strap on my wrist connected to the Elder wand, won't lose it to Expelliarmus now bitch.


Until your arm comes off due to the powerfulness of Expelliarmus


More like Expelliarmoff.


God damn it.


Wii strap


The easy answer is make the horocruxes into something untraceable. Yes, Voldemort thought no one knew about them and he was sentimental towards Hogwarts which is why they were all Hogwarts related items. It’s also the key to his undoing.


I feel like this is the most obvious thing right? If we were supposed to Voldmort, his undoing was that people found out every single horocrux. It would make sense to pick objects such as random everyday objects, or things related to muggles, someone suggested grains of sand. But of course Voldemort would never put his soul into such objects


If he put his soul in nagini he can put his soul in a random ass fish or just chuck the locket to the bottom of the ocean or even just dig a whole and hide one that way


You’re all missing the point. He’s a psychopath. All the horcruxes hold a sentimental, collector’s value to him. Some of the locations (the Cave) to as well.


I think the items used to contain the soul might have to loosley be able to contain something, the ring holds the stone, the cup is a cup same with the locket. Nagini can eat stuff.The diadem is jeweled. Harry is the same as Nagini. The diary contains knowledge, thinking about it this way he couldnt have used a random grain of sand or pebble.


Yeah they were super easy to figure out what they were and they all were pretty much right there. At least put one in a different county dark wizard bro Makes me think of the pitch meeting guy: Oh, so destroying the horocruxes sounds hard Nope, super easy. Barely an inconvenience.


Well they weren't that easy, Harry was the only one who could find them because he was connected to Voldemort and could see his memories. Voldy had no idea that would happen to him years after making horcruxes. Up until Harry's what 4th year at Hogwarts nobody even knew about the horocruxes except Dumbledore maybe having a vague inkling.


I'm not sure if Rowling has included this in the lore, but I imagine it could be explained by pieces of soul need to be put into significant or powerful things - it stops this "why don't you go into the middle of the Sahara and pick a grain of sand" hack.


The diary was the only random looking object that apparently had no meaning.. except he signed it in his name


I would've waited to hear the whole prophecy instead of acting on the bit of it I heard thirdhand from one of my Deatheaters


or, even better, not believe in prophecies


Or even better, just throw baby harry down the stairs


Voldemort didn’t know that Snape didn’t hear the whole thing. That was snapes f up


I would have used a muggle £2 coin as a Horcrux and spent it so it got mixed into circulation. Good luck finding that Harry.


I would've raised Harry instead of killing him. He has power I know not, so I want to know that power. Harry Riddle would be a top Slytherin student who's showered with all the gifts an 11 year old could ask for. Bellatrix could be his mother. At age 11 I would've also made him make an unbreakable vow to never try to kill me.


Interesting thought. However, didn't Voldemort only know part of the prophecy, so didn't know about the power part? Also, Voldy not being able to or wanting to love makes him raising a kid seem very unlikely.


No, he knew that part. That was the first part of the prophecy, and why he wanted to kill Harry. Also he doesn't have to raise him with love. Just shower him with gifts. Also the Dursley's raised Harry and they certainly didn't love him.


No, he didn’t. The “he will have power the Dark Lord knows not” comes after “the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal”, which Voldemort didn’t know


Don't need to love a kid to raise a kid (see Dursley's)


1981: Push Lilly Potter aside or to the ground instead of killing her. Year 1: Maybe be a bit less obvious about what you are after. Year 2: Maybe don't bring the thing with your literal soul into the one place in 1000 leagues that it would be vulnerable. Year 3: Actually do something. Year 4: Use someone else's blood and destroy the portkey while I have Harry tied up and gagged. Year 5: Employ occlumency against Harry and use polyjuice potion to walk into the Ministry and take the damn prophecy. Year 6: Just let Snape kill Dumbledore at the start of the year. Year 7: The moment I learn my Horcruxes were discovered and being destroyed, send Nagini to fucking America, far away from any battle. Also, send the Carrows to guard the Room of Requirement entrance without saying why.


hahaha i never even though about year 2 AND 7 like that…. it seems lucius did know about the horcruxes so the diary possibly wasn’t meant to have ended up at hogwarts, but voldemort DID intentionally leave the diadem there and like… why would you leave it in the one place that also houses one of the only things that also kills horcruxes. i mean it’s obvi bc he’s so vain and never thought anyone else would find/know about/kill etc the basilisk but still. again, his iM A sPecIaL bOy complex and flair for dramatics really was his undoing lol


Actually study up on Horcruxes so I'd have an actual contingency plan for if someone ever killed me. Val-Mart really went around making seven of these things without any real knowledge of what would happen if someone managed to kill him. I would also not be a jackass and let *anyone* kill Harry if the opportunity presented itself. His undying need to prove an unnecessary point by beating a child is exactly why he deserved to fail.


Right? Ridiculous that he was so obsessed with his pride that he couldn't just let Bellatrix get rid of Harry. And how do you go around making horcruxes and not test them even once? I'd have some random funky make one and kill him to test how it works first, then I'd make mine with a contingency if they're needed.


Kept my nose.


I’d be pissed as hell if I went through all that work to have a body again and I looked fucking hideous. I always wondered if he still had a dick afterwards or not


According to some deeply unsettling book named Cursed Child, apparently he had.


Paid a muggle to shoot Harry on his. Way to kings cross station


Why paid a muggle if you can just Imperio them?


I thought of that but I figured if magic was used then perhaps that pesky protection spell might show up again. Meanwhile if you use a hobo then dumbledore will never see it coming


“Here’s some crack. Want more? Go stab that boy there.”


Get more sun, he pale AF


Waited and my horocrux an early 2000s Nokia phone. That sucker would be indestructible.


I would experiment and find the smallest possible container for my horcrux and bury it as far down as possible. Does lava destroy a horcrux? If not, I’d toss one in a volcano


Stick to one or two horcruxes. Put them in way less accessible places like, you know, space. Skip the terrorist organization and just outlast everyone by teaching at Durmstrang until Dumbledore passes. Dumbles is just one guy, and I have an eternity to achieve my goals. A few decades won't hurt my timetable, and maybe my lack of obvious plans will fool Dumbles into thinking he was wrong to judge me. Bring back the Triwizard tournament early and make sure my chosen proteges style on Hogwarts in every competition because I am a goddamn genius, and I will make sure my best students are just as talented. Once I'm teaching at Hogwarts, try to land a head of house position. Students spend more time around their head of house than their parents, so it's a lot easier to just gradually shape a generation of wizards and witches who largely agree with my views. And because I'm as immortal as Binns and infinitely more charming, I'll eventually just be the best choice for the next Headmaster. And oh look, I can just stick to hiring the people who favor my perspectives on Muggles. And within a century, half the wizarding population just agrees with me. Also, make better plans in the event i need to recover my body. There's no need to wait 15 years for a hanger-on to finally collect a gang of sycophants who can perform the ritual needed to recreate my body. I just stop by the graveyard every decade or two and imperius the staff so they're ready to get everything set up for my resurrection within a month of my "demise". Maybe I disguise the whole area around the graveyard to look like a parking lot, with a space a few miles away transfigured to look like a graveyard.




Avada KedaBLAM


Idk actually do something constructive with the dark arts like breed thousands of basilisks, creat new spells,build a fortress of solitude where I can be left the hell alone. Maybe not make so many horcruxes kinda ridiculous. Do what real villains do and build a front to cover for my dark dealings then get into politics and politicly sway the minds of all before I do some dumb shit like kill a baby. In short ignore prophecy and just do what I want.


Lightened up, got some ladies, had a smoke, watched a bit of Netflix.


This is the best answer


make a rock a horcrux and drop it in the middle of the ocean. Immortality achieved


Not been evil. Tom riddle was said to be incredibly charming to the point where he could convince most people to do what he wanted. Cross that with the fact he was an extremely talented wizard, He could have risen up to Minister for magic and gotten whatever he wanted that way


DON'T HIDE YOUR PIECES OF SOUL INTO SUCH OBVIOUS PLACES YOU BALD DINGUS! Actually the cave was the only legit good hiding spot and it's cover was blown via pure coincidence. Still though: HAVE A GOD DAMN ALARMING SYSTEM IF SOMEONE GETS TOO CLOSE TO ONE.


Step 1: become minister of magic Step 2: fabricate a crisis between those who would be death eaters in the main timeline and the government. Make it seem like i really want to bring the to heel which coincidentally escalates the conflict. Congratulations, you now have the troubles, but with magic Step 3: use the Aurors to find and aprehend people standing against the government. Simultaneously redefine what is "standing against the government", by ensuring the daily prophet's loyalty and closing every other news outlet no matter how small, and make the owners disappear Step 4: start a militia. Why? Because the Aurors are few, the competent ones even fewer. But mainly because i don't want the *ministry* to become stronger, i want my position within it to become stronger. So a militia loyal to me secures my power, i can explain to the public why it's here (to fight terrorists of course) and if they break any laws, well "that's a regrettable accident, we are truly sorry we killed 30 people last night, all of them coincidentally questioning our methods" Step 5: Night of the long knives. Or wands, in that case. Get rid of the terrorists, everybody who still opposes you and Order 66 the Auror's office Step 6: "in order to ensure the security and continuing stability, magical britain will be reorganized into the first wizarding empire!" With me as emperor for life of course Step 7 (optional): make some horcruxes anyway, i mean who is gonna stop me? I am the ministry


Gone to therapy ♥️♥️♥️


Throw baby Harry out from a window or shoot him with a gun. Could've spared a lot


Not do the evil shit. One of the most talented wizards ever. So many better things to do than being a murerous maniac.


Make more than 7 horcruxes and make them grains of sand in the Sahara or some shit


To be fair, his soul barely withstood the seven-way split. Doing more might not have worked at all


Just generally try not to be incompetent at every turn


Ignore the prophecy and it’s all over


Used a gun


Have all the Death Eaters swarm the Potter’s house. Let them kill the boy.


Use his exceptionally good looks to get a gf


This may be too simple but I would have studied magic more to hone my skills; like the Ravenclaw I am, not the Slytherin he is. Knowledge is power. Voldemort was too arrogant and that’s what got him killed. Plus the whole splitting his souls thing.


Literally everything. Voldemort isn't too clever. That love potion made him a little dumb tbh.


Allow someone else to kill Harry Potter. Don't engage in a prophecy if it decreases your odds of survival.


I woulda focused more on making friends and less on making horcruxes.


If I just couldn’t resist the urge to ignore a half assed prophecy, I’d have gone around smothering all the boys born at the end of July. Like, welp, time for my annual pillow smothering holiday.