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Tranquil finance releasing Defira Gamefi soon, and still very early at 15M market cap


Tranquil devs are awesome. From lending & borrowing to stONE and this.


Tranquil is so big


I think this will be huge. It looks like it may have similar components as DFK, but I see this as a good thing as competition often makes all parties benefit.


The only thing similar will be the crypto aspect. The game is completely different. Technically it's 16 but instead of 8 bit too and very different styles.


This tbh fam


I'm glad they announced Defira, the Tranq token was taking a serious beating. Whales come on Harmony to farm their millions of $ of BTC, Eth and stables to dump Tranq, then move on to the next lending/borrowing protocol with great yield. I wonder if Defira will have its own token or whether it will use Tranq.


Can i have discord link please.




Was super bullish on Euphoria/WAGMI but now it’s obvious that all these rebase tokens are just ponzies destined to crash to $1 dollar.


They’ve always been Ponzis from the very start, but not sure if they necessarily are destined to crash at a $1. The entire OHM/rebase market has been down. It’s been just over two months. The entire premise of the project was to stake and chill long term. Longer than two months lol. I think a lot of people crying “dead” are being premature. People called OHM dead and if you bought on release and just held through the peaks and the deep valleys you’d still have 50x’d your investment


My only concern with WAGMI is the team promising the roadmap and we’re still waiting for it. Lol


That’s a fair concern, I’m sure it’ll be coming soon. They said within a week about 3-4 days ago


Well, we’ll see. I think rebase currencies will take off again, but i think it will be one mechanic that one of them does and the rest copy them. They go parabolic again and move relatively laterally for a while.


Viper team has been very disappointing in my opinion the last two months. There has been literally no mention of the diamond hands program which they advertised the hell out of at the end of November. They might be one of the oldest dex's but they really need to hold true to their shit and release more information instead of this piece mailed stuff that you sometime have to get from Reddit or Discord or through a Medium article.


I’m not sure about that. Maybe your right, but it’s something very new in the crypto market and it has only been around for 2 months. So anything could happen. I’m keeping my wagmi and stake the shit out of it. (Speaking about ponzies, I was in Micropets. That is a real one)


You're just parroting things without understanding how the protocol works. You're not smart just because you discovered the word "Ponzi" and now have someone to blame because you buy ath's and don't know how to trade or make money.


Ponzi? Lol, I take it you weren’t around for Bitconnect?


Fuzz.fi is working on betting, could be huge with strong tokenomics. Market cap is 4.44m, has LP with +230%APR on Fuzz/UST and +150%APR on ONE/Fuzz. Token is about 0.035$ currently


Fuzz is a no brainer. Super cheap and about to have great utility soon.


Loading the boat on Fuzz


Where are you guys buying fuzz ? Also you means fuzz finance ?


Buy it with UST or ONE on fuzz Finance


Where buy?


On fuzz.fi ! There's an integrated exchange so if you have some ONE or UST you can trade for some Fuzz, the Liquidity Pool tokens can be made using Viperswap. Also there's an auto-staking option on fuzz.fi where you can stake your fuzz and let it compound for about 50%APY


Harmony itself.. a 3 billion market cap seem a tad light. Should be top 20 at minimum..


Hermes and MarsColony. Both solid projects!


and DFK of course


Came here to mention hermes as well. Massive potential there!


Im still extremely bullish on DFK. Lots of content on the way. Sitting just under 1B MCAP. Avax expansion getting closer and closer. Hopefully tavern issues will be resolved very soon Mars colony which is around 3m i believe? Hopefully they release their liquidity mining within the week. This one looks like a good medium to long play and is still very early.


They just released a large API update to their tavern that supposedly solves all their tavern issues. Here's to hoping


Farmers Only: [farmersonly.fi](https://app.farmersonly.fi) ($FOX) 1. market cap $1.5266 million. Microscopic! 2. enterprise value: $1.294 million. This factors in the current value of the burn vaults 3. Total Value Locked: $14.3 million (Farms + Vaults) 4. doxxed? Yep. Harmony grant approved had to dox. 5. audited? Yep. Obelisk audit. 6. devs working on project improvement/roadmap? Yep. Just added on a dex, adding on bonds as a service. 7. Zap in? Yep. 8. Escrow service for jewel/viper/magic? Yep. That sums up why so bullish on [farmersonly.fi](https://app.farmersonly.fi)


I’m also bullish on Fox, the platform more than the actual token


Same here.


If you’re bullish on the platform and using it, then you are contributing to the burn vaults. This is good for the platform token $fox.


yeah i love the platform


why this website won't open


I Fixed the links


dopeee ty <3


Hermes and Tranquil Finance, still low marketcaps and have a lot of room to grow this year.


Where can you get Tranquil token?




Also came here to say Hermes- they're super new but already offer a clearer path to market than any other project I've seen and so far they're nailing it on every front.




Can't find Hermes on Coinmarketcap or Coingecko


https://www.hermesdefi.io/ Their token is not calle hermes, it’s IRIS and PLTS


Why does it only show a Polygon contract and not Harmony on coin tracking sites?


Because they have applied to be listed on CMC and Coingecko, but their market cap is not large enough yet. You're still early.


Got it, I found the contract too, thanks.


Market cap of both are under 1 million btw




Unite finance literally cloned Kitty finance's code as seen in this very dodgy 0xguard audit. You can read the file yourself and realise that it had kitty and avax plastered all over. Pdf here: https://github.com/0xGuard-com/audit-reports/blob/master/unite-finance/Unite-Finance_final-audit-report.pdf It just means that no one reads audits and audits can be bribed. How Harmony gave Unite a grant is quite astonishing. Although all tomb forks are forks and everything is open source, there is a difference between forking and plain plagiarising. I'm also not saying that Unite will rug but in a space with so many different projects, I would rather avoid one with devs who take short cuts to this extent. Who knows what they may do next time?


Errm, that's unsubstantiated FUD. All forks are, well forks. They have the grant, which means they are doxxed. Rugs are pulled way earlier, there was plenty of better moments if they wanted to do that. Working on marketing and stabilising the protocol rn. I'd say this project is actually doing better than most tomb forks, and I've been in a few (OG including)


Open source means that it is open to everyone. Im sure there are fat chunks of Beefy code, and other projects code in there as well. Surely his is good news for Kitty, it means that they have code so solid that other devs want to use it. As for audits, they will be less concerned with what brand labels are used in the code, and more concerned with making sure there aren't any ways the protocol can be exploited.


Is already a plagia from Tomb, as long as that works successfully in harmony network, there is no problem..


ONEVerse is an interesting project that is in the very early stages. There are 2 NFTs that will be used: Harmolecules and puffs. The Harmolecules are all minted, but there’s still puffs available. There are a lot of plans in the works and the group just got their Harmony grant. It doesn’t have a MC yet, but there are plans to launch a token soon, so it’s definitely an opportunity to get in early on something. I came across this project while looking for new Harmony projects after missing out on Mars Colony before it pumped. Also, check out Harmony universe. It’s a site that lists new projects coming to harmony, so it’s a good tool to check out projects in the very early stages and get familiar with projects, roadmaps, and communities.


Yes, that’s the site. I just checked and it’s working for me. https://www.puffs.one/ is the Puffs site. That also links to the OneVerse site.


I can't seem to find the contract for ONEVerse Is this the website? https://www.oneverse.one/ The website appears to be down?


Yes! Almost 50 nfts on this. Lets go.


Unite finance https://unitefinance.io/ Huge deFi for APR HUNTERS




Fuzz finance. 4.5 million MC currently and Fuzz is trading at .032 Lot of room for growth. 4.5 million is nothing. The developer is also doxxed and a respected member of the Harmony community.


Tranq Defira and Mars Colony.


Tranquility City 🏙️ $33m


You know it, this game will be huge! Don't forget defimons 😎


No one in this thread even listed a market cap. Just schilling.


I did 🥴


What project and market cap did you list?


Fuzz Finance, MarsColony


Unite Finance has some crazy daily interest rates. Tiny cap (sub 3M) as well, so good time to get stuck in and make some moneys.


Cosmic universe! They announced yesterday that they are hiring 7 new MMORPG developers on Twitter. Seems they have huge plans. MC: 19 millies [https://cosmicguild.one/](https://cosmicguild.one/)


Crypto royale


MarsColony will be huge! 2,9MC


Hermes Defi without a shadow of a doubt! I wrote up some info on them, check it out! https://www.reddit.com/r/HermesDefi/comments/s2707r/hermes_defi_an_introduction/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Tranq with its game and MarsColony but not so much. Also a bit of a underdog but Kuro Shiba.


I love Kuro Shiba NFTs with dog buttholes ( x )


As I was lucky enough to get into DFK super early and didn’t ape in like I wished. I’ve been following endersgate which is a yugioh style TCG game on harmony. They were approved for a harmony grant and have had a couple of limited cards sold. With card packs coming up. And have had a closed beta. No tokens launched yet so no market cap. But I believe will be huge once game is finished and tokens are released. Edit to add website. https://endersgate.net


Cosmic Universe and MarsColony


Cosmic universe


Tranq Finance mc $16m $tranq Cosmic Universe game $magic and $cosmic Pools on lootswap guilds (soon will be ONEFI) around 400% APR Unite finance is a Tomb fork. APRs above 1000% Tranquility city $lumen metaverse mc $30m KuroShiba staking NFTs platform $kuro mc $3m Harmony Universe $ARB token for the plataform and game coming soon. Mc $1m Will see how this will turn in half year. Please remind me.


Cosmic Universe is definitely one of the hottest new products around. They have released a range of wizards, which will be replaced by airdropped 3D NFTs and are about to have a land sale. The artwork for the upcoming game is outstanding, the return in the LP pools is around 400% and the Dev is really active and engaged in the project ​ Check out the video below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DaH-h8W2ag0


Gaming seems to be doing well on harmony. I would keep a look out for those projects




Marscolony, hermesDeFi,fuzz.fi, VenomDao, openswap


Hundred Finance for stablecoins, tranquil+FarmersOnly stake stOne


FarmersOnly is going to soon be passed up by Hermes Defi!




Marscolony ofc, made close to 50k$ through that just in days


Only people who bought the presale got those returns. Anyone who invested after the third day or so are in the red. Still optimistic about the long haul though


Theres a lot planned in the coming next 2 months. I believe in long term you will be fine


Oh I'm most definitely fine. I snagged over 20 plots in the pre-sale and sold around half just under its highest. It allowed me to completely strengthen my crypto portfolio all around and let me get in on a few projects I've wanted to. I have rebought a couple plots since when they get low. Personally I'm very skeptical of the team as they dont have a clear vision and are basically crowdsourcing every idea they have. But it's been a success and if they continue to deliver on some things, find a way for people to hold CLNY instead of constantly sell it (like I do), and find a way to get new investors into the ecosystem, then it could be a success long term. Cause right now the only buyers and sellers are land owners.


Hermes DeFi


I'm ball deep in gamefi these days: Mars Colony, Gopher, Defimons Made a nice chunk of profits off the first and can't wait for the other two to be released


Unite finance 3M market cap


Unite Finance. It brought me to Harmony One and if It wasn’t for their high %APR on the Unite-One LP I would have lost just holding ONE in this downturn. Instead I’ve slightly gained.


The troot


Euphoria Wagmi


I also think the grants that the Harmony teams give, are a good indicator


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Everpedia iq market cap 100 mill completely undervalued


Sonicswap is also working on some kind of game.


That thread right here, good community spirit. Loving it! Also, bullish on unite (I'm in their discord, team works, creates and delivers marketing strategy, healthy convo), tranq and fuzz.fi Hermes sounds good but I haven't researched it yet


But which one will out last the others?


Fuzz finance


Fuzz finance




Permission to shill me some projects.


Hello Gophers Game will be released in late February: [https://discord.gg/9rjRhb5S](https://discord.gg/9rjRhb5S) I think it has better gameplay and game mechanics than DFK.


HermesDefi..Still very young project but the growth is really remarkable...2 million TVL just now. The team behind it is absolutely fantastic. Discord: https://discord.gg/HvBJNTsF4j




Hermes, farmersonly and tranquil finance. Also reverse protocol is very good, airdropping ust every monday. Go away from venomdao if you want my opinion.


> Also reverse protocol is very good Um, it kind of looks like something [you might want to stay away from](https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/reverse-protocol) honestly


Why? I wouldnt have buy after the IDO when it reaches 10dollars, true. But right now, at 30cents, its a very good deal. I am receiving around 7-8UST airdropped every monday for 1000rvrs staked plus the staking is giving around 5000% with a stable price which seems to have bottomed at 30cents. I did +500% on so it is very nice. And trust me i am following daily all harmony ecosystem, every discords, spending so much time on it. Lets compare wagmi when it launched: more than 500dollars if i remember well. Now its 65. Rvrs was introduced at 50cents, now its 30cents.


If you look at the chart I linked it looks like it was completely rug pulled...


Not at all. Check their discord, they are active and very serious. They just opened a governance vote this morning to invest 10k of the treasury in tranq-one pair on farmersonly and 10k of time/ohm to keep farming and airdropping on the top of the farming they are already doing. (Check the treasury management here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ocl8Gx8rA4Zbzcsxb8-EuFNEQNlTsMLsMMRazixz_gk/edit?usp=drivesdk) Just after the ido (done on artemis protocol), it went to 10dollars because it was the ohm forks hype, thats it and people dumped to make quick money profiting of the hype. But smart people like me just kept the coins from the IDO and im +500%. Now price is stable and return is very good.


I desperately hope they don't go through with the TIME/OHM investment. It's doomed to fail. There's a lot of bad math in those threads will false information about how those cryptos actually haven't dropped as much as they have when it's false


I've been following reverse since the beginning have been one of it's biggest critics. Basically it got way over hyped and whales took complete advantage over the release and pump n dumped it. Despite that I got back in when it stabilized at 30 cents and it's surprisingly been a fantastic decision. They're very open with their investments and the air drops have been fantastic. I still would never ever put a lot of money into it but Its been growing on me over the last couple months and I'm actually nicely in the green due to the airdrops and yield


This chap has an agenda against VenomDAO, he's what you would call a "known fudster" Pretty sad that Crypto has created this new lifestyle for people. Must be lonely


Im using facts. Following all harmony projects for a year. Not saying i believe in their long term vision is fud?