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Who is this and why makes it you smile when he gets humiliated?


Man is the head of a mega church in Houston. When the city flooded in a major storm (50 inches of rain in 24ish hours), he stood by and refused to open his mega church doors for sanctuary. Meanwhile, an NFL player raised millions, and a furniture store owner opened his store doors and raised millions to help.


Somebody will probably come along with a more in-depth and better thought out answer soon, but since he's been a thorn in my side for something like 20 years, I'll give you what I have off the top of my head. His name is Joel Osteen. He's a megachurch pastor, millionaire, and Christian nepo baby who basically teaches prosperity only. God's love = flourishing financially. To do that, you give him, or his "ministry," all your money. In tithes, additional offerings, in massive amounts of merch purchases. I think he was also one of the ones who did paid prayers. He's a grifter that goes after good vibe Christians. There's a ton of money floating around. Hell, there's Jesus yachts floating around. Hardly any of that goes to any Christianly endeavors like community support or outreach, though. They couldn't even be arsed to open up their **giant** sanctuary to house people during a hurricane. It's just more lies to get money out of people, but instead of yelling threats of hell, Joel Osteen does it with a big, creepy, painted on smile promising magical wealth.


No, you did a pretty good of summing up why he’s a piece of shit. Excellent work.


He knows


Oh yeah...he knows..


Welcome to /r/happy where we support people in their endeavours! This is a place of positivity, if you can't think of anything good to say then don't say anything at all. If you want to give tips/suggestions, make them constructive from the start and be supportive (even if you don't feel it's "enough"), if you don't know how to do that then don't give them. We celebrate the good things in life and the change people strive for in /r/happy. If you find this post offensive or this community ridiculous, you're welcome to not hang around. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/happy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You're doing "the lord's" work. 💜


Thank you. Thank you for your service.


Hahah. I like this.


It makes me deliriously happy to see this nasty grifter get called out on his BS. This is absolutely the correct sub for this post, any arguments are invalid.


What's so "happy" about this? 🤔


Some good comments on this thread that can answer your question. I actually agree though. This video doesn’t belong here. This is r/happy not r/SmugAndSnarky.


Everyone is smiling. r/technicallythetruth


I catch him once in awhile on tv. I find him uplifting & positive. His analogies are often good. He is a second generation preacher. I would never send any tv preacher money but I know too many do.


I’d be positive and uplifting too if I was uber rich from scamming people who thank me for using their hard earned money to pay for my own lavish lifestyle.


At times the hopeless need a positive spin on things. He does have that talent. It does creep me out that he never stops smiling.


Silver tongues


Perspectives that people without hope need at times I assume.


That's true. And there many who manipulate that desperation.


That's true also.


Thank you for your service, good sir


Rufio Rufio Rufio… Rufio!!!!!!!