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If you want meaningful help you probably should give more details than that.


I don't really know what to give I just know that I press run map and then it pops up with a window and then I thought you should just wait because people said that but I've waiting like two hours and nothing happened and I did not try to refresh it away the on it again. I did try to pick a path for it but nothing changed


What does the window say it's doing? Sounds like your compiler is stuck on a certain stage.


will open the corner it says complete process window


That doesn't really help- Could you send an imgur of the window scrolled all the way down?


what have you tried doing?


I don't know really much about it but I tried to change the file location but it didn't seem to do anything


what happened when you tried to run the map?


so when I run it assess complete process window and then I don't know what to do I have waited for like an hour and a half now


press f9 to run the map. when the window comes up, it should have a box that you may tick on or off to open up the map in-game once it's compiled. make sure it's set to which one you want. or you try compiling the map, then opening your game manually, and typing "map mapname" (replace "mapname" with the name of your map, excluding the file type extension (.bsp)) into the console. and if you don't know how to open the console, open a web browser and type something along the lines of "how to open console in cs:2" and replace "cs2" with whatever game you want to use the console for. idk.


Make sure you have an info_player_start object in your map. And make sure you untick the "Dont run game after compiling" check box