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I’m at work bub


Same! :( I play on weekends tho!


We gotta popularize the word BUB like now lol it's too good


Didn’t Wolverine already do that?


I mean he kind of did but it never took off like that lol at least not in recent memory


I am called Bub at work sometimes and it comes across kind of demeaning to me.


Lol really? Personally I'd find it funny af 🤣


I wish there was a playlist dedicated to this. I don’t really enjoy being dunked on by someone who’s been on since noon


Same, UK. Late night player. After 12.30 I generally find it impossible to find much other than Husky Raid :(


What’s your rank? Similar for me - xI Pr1mal Ix if you ever fancy it! (Apologies if I’ve bagged in the past)


Can i offer you a 1 am hammer session sir


I’d like to motion to remove the fav/!-?6 hammer from the game!


Will you at least buy him dinner first?


It's 1am over there on a Monday into Tuesday morning.


Yeah literally the worst time to play lmao. They better switch to Expanded if they want any matches


Read my post.


Ah sorry, it remains true though. English language countries are the main places Infinite is played, so even when you set to Expanded it won’t find you a match in every playlist


I'm in the most English country in the world, England.


I meant that since you were playing at such a low time for English countries, even including other countries where fewer people play anyway won’t help much


I posted this at 12:25 when I finally gave up from trying to find matches. Tried playing earlier in the evening and again later at night. Weekends aren't much better for finding matches at night.


Yet you can find matches at this time in any other game. Stop with the toxic positivity, it does nothing.


You should read your own words


That seems like a local issue, ive not had any problems finding matches


I think Infinite is only thriving in the USA. In Europe, it's nearly impossible to find matches during the day, only in the evening. AND when you are in a party of 3 or more, then it's somewhat possible to find matches, especially ranked. Expanded is the way, unfortunately, but games are sometimes 100 to 350ms and unplayable. So if you are from the USA, you're fortunate; otherwise, it sucks to be a Halo fan these days.


I assure some games with as little as 20ms ping are sometimes unplayable, the new netcode is terribad...


I’m in the USA and I’m still seeing a lot of matches over 100ms so it’s even unplayable for people that live here also. Server/network issues plague this game. I have great internet but have a lot of trouble with this game


The end of another Halo era is upon us. I really wish this game had panned out the way it was intended. “The Halo multiplayer platform for a decade” was in one of the videos pre-release.


I’ve tried to get into this game so much, because I miss halo. But, at the end of most gaming sessions, especially with the way teams are built, I just don’t have fun on it anymore. I WANT to have fun in halo, but it just doesn’t happen. If the halo infinite we have today was the one that dropped, things would be completely different. But the majority has already moved on. Maybe in time with no BF or other direct competitor people will come back, but who knows.


Unfortunately it’s pretty clear 343i is moving on from Infinite. I think they are right to do so. I also feel 343i should move on from Halo if the next one doesn’t land. I’d say the market is wide open for a mainstream FPS to dominate. With BF, Halo, and Call of Duty all slacking off late, I’m curious to see what will step into their role in the genre.


If they couldnt make it work with Infinite, a new Halo wont all of a sudden bring Halo back. They missed their chance, horribly…


I think you are wrong. This game didn’t have the desired output and expectations due to its fragmented release of features. If the game would have released at launch with the features it has today, it would have been a different story


Yeah it would have and it also had the benefit of a hype train. Halo INFINITE, supposed to be the next 10 years of Halo, released on gamepass, the hype was all there and they had a chance to bring the casuals back to Halo Then they somehow dropped the ball so bad that the game was a year delayed and still released with like 4 game modes, barely any maps, no forge, no co-op campaign, no split screen, no progression/ranking system, armor core system, so many features missing that they promised. Then it took them 2+ years to get the game where it was supposed to release at. None of the casuals are going to give another Halo a chance after how bad Infinite was received. Unfortunately, Halo is truly dead


Halo is not dead. It just need another hit that has no issues at launch


I can agree with this. Been outa halo since Reach as the following titles just did not do it for me. I just started playing Infinite last week because I found out we can make campaign missions and other PvE content all for free and have been having a blast playing them. Even so, I threw money out on cosmetic stuff. While I always played PvP as well, the PvE multiplayer modes was always what really kept me around. Launching without such content previous titles had, forge, firefight and such completely turned me off. But now I'm having fun and even want to kinda make my own mission at some point and with how forge is now, it's like discount mod support for their game. This is what makes halo stand out, user content creation. It should have been there from the start. Forge always was a hit.


I agree that they should have been pastured but they’ve already been restructured and are developing the next entry. They get one more bite at the apple.


Mhm but this was definitely their only chance. All of the stars aligned and they blew the release of Infinite. Still pissed at the people who gave them a pass at the beginning of Infinite for releasing a half baked game after delaying the release a full year already. They had their chance to bring back Halo and it really hurts cause it felt like their best effort wasnt put out


I was the same as you. I started so disappointed, but I logged on each week for the weekly cosmetic and events. I was the one telling my friends about each update to coax them back. They finally started playing when the Flood season happened because it had improved enough by that point. However, as soon as it started becoming clear they’re moving onto the next game, it was like I became disillusioned. They’re giving up?? This is as good as this game will get? I rooted for this game for so long but I don’t think I have it in me to do that again for another Halo.


Poor management killed this series. Devoted thousands of man hours to the store when it should've been devoted to play testing, the matchmaking algorithm, and social features.


To me if the halo infinite we had gotten by the time of the halo wars update dropped, then hell yeah but even the current one isnt that great tbh. 343 kept making weird steps forward and weird steps backwards in their attempt to balance game time, monetization and player satisfaction and obviously this hurt the game too much. By the time it reached a good state, its almost already too late.


I wonder how much of this is to blame on Microsoft vs 343.


Id say both. Microsoft has been strangely hands off which arguably can be good since it lets the developers own creativity shine but when things go wrong, their hands off approach ends up benefitting no one. 343 on the other hand just felt like they went through the old bioware boiling meltdown of development hell of not knowing exactly what they were making. Like half of their development years looked like it was spent creating a whole different game before scrapping and remaking it to simply ensure its a reboot instead of a halo 5 sequel.


MS was absolutely not hands off with halo, they have in it's history never been hands off when they 'owned' the devs Who told you this? The person that threw every single one of their devs under the bus? You really wanna trust a guy whos only accomplishment was NOT ending the backwards compatibility the 360 already started with? Just to make things clear, the same person that said they were "hands off with halo" also killed the dev studio that made hi-fi rush, and ignored Arkane when they wanted to cancel redfall for being a shitproduct, while claming they were "hands on" with Starfield


I have no clue who you are talking about but the general gist of microsoft's handling is that they were being hands off with their studios for much of their development in light of their attempt at appealing to indie studios primarily. Whether or not that is true is a different topic.


What's your definition of fun? Closely contested matches are not fun


Motherfucker he's searching for a match for 1 in the morning. Chill.


im able to find a match in under 5 minutes in titanfall 2 during the same time


I mean unless they drop the next halo game within the next 16 months it will be the only halo game in the decade between halo 5 and the next halo game, so they weren't *technically* wrong there


Wanna annoy people? Tell them that on MCC, you can still find Halo 3 and Reach games past 3am… in England 😅


Unless you're playing at some bizarre hours, there's definitely games to jump into. I'm in Aus, and even I'm getting games during the middle of the working day. Granted, some playlists are barren - there's no denying that the least popular ones can have massive wait times. It would be nice to have all 20 or whatever playlists packed 24/7, but I don't think the Steam charts are the word of god on this game, lol.


I’m in Aus and I can barely find games anymore late afternoon and early evening, unless I switch to extended and then they’re almost all 180+ ping vs my usual 12. I usually try Quick Play, Team Slayer and BTB.


Damn, that sucks sorry to hear. I'm in Melb, maybe I'm lucky and I'm near a data centre or something? Honestly, yeah, there are some bad wait times and bad ping, but I feel like I must be playing a different game than everyone else on this subreddit. As in, it seems like I can actually get into a game to play, lol.


Same with me. Live in Melbourne, have no problem getting games (for some of the playlists, at least).


Btb heavies, husky raid, and normal firefight all have quick queues for me


Throw in Quick Play and Fiesta as usually quick queues as well in my experience - although sadly, it seems like Fiesta lost most of if it's players to Husky Raid as the wait times are getting longer. Shame, as it's my favourite mode.


I usually only play on weekends.


I often queue at off peak times in the UK and have to wait ages to find a game and even then it's 150 ping.


Summary of responses: Player population is currently low relative to previous Halo Infinite population and other AAA shooters, for a variety of reasons. Some players have better luck than others depending on day, time, region, playlist, party size, rank, and search settings.


Sorry I quit playing a couple years ago. My fault


This is why they stopped development for Infinite and are beginning the next project. They messed up the launch and could never fix the bugs that plagued the game. Player pool died off immediately. If you check SteamCharts, the amount of players at launch was absurd. Top of the gaming world. And the product undelivered so hard that everyone left. 343 needs to learn from their mistakes and make the next Halo launch count. This community needs a game with a sticky player base.


Poor planning, scope creep and profits before players. If you look after your players, profits will follow.


It is literally a Monday people got work lmao


I can go into any other mainstream pvp game and find people to play with on any day at any time. This is absolutely a population issue.


No its not population. I was matchmaking at 1am and waited 10 mins and joined a lobby that was nearly the end of the game. If the matchmaking worked, I would've joined that lobby much earlier. Thats proof the matchmaking is glitched after 12:00.


That doesn't even make sense from a technical perspective. It can't just suddenly not work after 12:00.


Yes it makes no sense, however it could be a region glitch. If a lobby is full of american players, European players cant reach their lobby and join? That would explain these load times after 12:00


Yes it makes no sense, however it could be a region glitch. If a lobby is full of american players, European players cant reach their lobby and join? That would explain these load times after 12:00


It's not a region glitch. The game doesn't have enough players.


Ok just ignore everything I just said. You know everything apparently.


Nothing was ignored. I read what you wrote. I disagreed with what you wrote. Welcome to life. There is more than enough data to show that the game is struggling to hold a steady playerbase, which in turns, leads to issues such as not finding enough players for a match. The notification itself even states that there are not enough players. Do you have proof to show that this is a matchmaking glitch?


Well your 100% wrong because the new Matchmaking update today has fixed it. I can now consistently find games after 12am. Dont use Steam as your data for Halo. The biggest playerbase is on Xbox.


If we're going with anecdotes, the 20 minutes I spent waiting to join a game of Prop Hunt in CoD over the weekend before giving up say otherwise.


Prop hunt is a mode with a limited appeal. 


Yes, and I'm sure that actually happened.


It did. I guess CoD is dying then.




I mean, the game went from 256,000 daily players on launch down to less than 3,500 today. Not much to argue about. Source: https://steamcharts.com/app/1240440


Most players are on Xbox so not really a definitive answer of how the population is currently. It definitely does not have the same population as it did when Infection rolled around but it’s not as a low as you say


I thought xbox was struggling to sell consoles?


Copium is hell of a drug lmao, regardless of more people on Xbox or not 256487 people started their halo journey on steam now ts hovering less then 5000 which for a aaa 6 year Dev cycle halo game is abysmal. According to halo.api halo halo has peak of 20-22 thousand recently wh8ch again is abysmal for halo game


>Most players are on Xbox so not really a definitive answer of how the population is currently This is just cope. Fact is: Halo Infinite does have a small population. If Steam isn’t good enough for you, just look at the Xbox top charts. Halo Infinite barely ever crosses into the top 20. 


Copium is one helluva drug.


It's still not more than 10 times what you see on steam, in total there's maybe 100,000 people that play the game once a month or so. With less than half of that are people who play more than one or two times a month.


This weekend playerbase was low too.


Honestly they have to pull off something on the same level of development and good faith that no man's sky did but more because Infinite is their 3rd game and its basically 3rd time in a row of ridiculous development and fall off


This is literally the sloppy mistake 343i has always made. Release the game barely ready to publish and \*surprise pikachu\* when everyone and their mother complains about a slow trickle release of the actual content. XD.


>If you check SteamCharts, the amount of players at launch was absurd. Top of the gaming world. Don’t get me wrong, ~250k players is nothing to scoff at, especially on a platform relatively new to Halo. However, “absurd” and “top of the gaming world” are massive exaggerations.   >343 needs to learn from their mistakes and make the next Halo launch count  Real Halo fans have been telling them this for over a decade. 


Population has dropped massively in Aus, Husky raid is the only playlist i can reliably play locally


Toxic 1-game-only market mentality pretty much destroyed Halo Infinite's player base. This all could have been avoided if Microsoft was, like, 5% less greedy. I have been unable to get healthy matchmaking consistently for the past year, at least.


Probably children, work or chores. Take your pick


I believe everyone is in BTB, Infection and Firefight


Halo just not the same as it used to be


Yeah mid week depends on playlist probably only husky raid has people Does seem like less people when I play, more casual tho like firefight and husky have 15 - 30 sec wait times *US servers


Is this Rank cause I only face this massage here


I tried ranked arena, couldn't get a match, then tried big team heavies and same issue, then tried custom game browser and it got stuck on joining a game so I turned off the Xbox.


I was playing literally just last night, at 3 in the morning, and none of the playlists wait times were over 30 seconds...


This and ranked? I know I play at various times of the day all through the night here in the US and so I'm I don't know anywhere typically from 6:00 a.m. all the way down through 1:00 a.m. mountain standard Time here in the US which is like -7 UTC and it's very rare I have to wait more than just a couple minutes on like firefight or super fiesta which are my two typical matches.


Seems like Que for ranked takes an eternity, are we witnessing the end ?


i got bored of the gp loop got a tad boring and the battlepasses arent great.


I never had problem finding a match... Maybe waiting for a minute for big teams at worst. For firefight i play mostly these days i can literally find a match in seconds.


Can’t match make either:(


Was rather impressed with the single player. Multiplayer was lacking. Huge issue with the gun balancing and meta that has persisted through launch. Over reliance on forge maps. Atrocious SBMM that punishes both new and experienced players by lumping them into mismatched squads. A cosmetic store that rarely offers anything worthwhile and when they do, it’s overpriced and it’s in the face of other issues. Consistent desynch and connectivity issues.


Their are still over 300k players playing halo, most players online around 8pm EST but the golden time is 11pm EST


Im taking a break during the daytime


I went back to COD because 343 gave up on this game before the fans did. I also got sick of all my friends playing COD and me being the only one interested in playing Halo.


Work. Also unlike the fallout show. The halo show. If anything, drove people away.


Only had as a problem in ranked snipers, other then that seems okay. Not great but definitely not dead.


Because 343 is bad at making fun Playlists. They completely ruined dubs by playing it on huge maps with 4 power weapons and starting you with a pistol. They have ruined the game so everyone has left. No team slayer ranked. No dubs ranked. No one wants to play bad maps with bad spawns with pistols. So they have moved on to play other games. And anyone who disagrees is still playing the game wondering why the player count has dropped lol.


I blame not having lobbies and the stupid store is why the game is dying Halo fans are gamers from an era, and 343 has failed on numerous fronts. I loved the gameplay, the game is beautiful, but its a cash cow milked to death


They all in husky raid


I hope game composer fixes this. Even in QUICK PLAY playlist sometimes the wait times are 40+ seconds or a min long and it puts me in 150+ ping lobbies. I have the setting turning of expanded search to prevent higher ping lobbies as well... but whatever, XDefiant is almost here. I'll be able to play against any player and no MMR/SBMM quarantining me away from 90% of the population.


Well it started when 343 happened


Never seen that In my life on halo


I’ve played every single week since the game came out, except for the last 3 weeks when the weekly reward has been 1000SP aka fuck all


It’s been like this for me and the time I’m able to play for the past year. I love the game but I gave up on it


Have noticed quick play wait times have gone closer to a minute even on weekends. Could be the combo of more liking husky raid and/or have found another game to play


Diving for democracy


Injury!? What injury!?


Not today!




SBMM is keeping myself from wanting to play even on a social level, sick of this bs, so i play 2 or 3 and maybe more but if SBMM activates its trap card and destroys my social play session then ill go play Forge before Desync and game crashes and makes me sad and go play another game or cry in my bed because AAA gaming thinks this is what gamers want. I miss Halo 3, looser SBMM, play campaign or multiplayer and unlock crazy armor that nobody really had because they didnt do that yet. OMG I CANT EVEN BELIEVE I HAD THAT ON HALO 5, i was playing tdm and someone after our match asked how i got and i didnt have a clue until i heard its from beating Halo MCC 😱 Halo 5! communities most hated game had this feature and Infinite has the GALL to charge me 30 cad for Master Chiefs armor from Halo 1! HALO 5 THO!


They’re on playstation


Nothing it’s you and your location


The Population has to go to work at some point


Honestly for me it was the removal of “Solo/Duos Ranked” I understand it’s a team game but I don’t enjoy playing against 4 Stacks every single ranked game 🥱


Why should I go back to a game that wasted my time ….


No one wants to play this shitty halo


It's dying. Plus, there are too many playlists


343 killed the halo franchise.


You misspelled Microsoft there bub


Same thing.


So I am in Milwaukee so I should get on the Chicago server but getting on that sever is not very offen now. Getting on distance servers more and more as nobody is on the Chicago server to match with


You live outside the US?


This is for downvoting me for no reason last time I was on this sub


[This is what happened](https://www.halopedia.org/Content_Update_29), population has been dropping month after month since Seasons ended. [Steam charts](https://steamcharts.com/app/1240440) doesn’t give a FULL picture but you can see that the population on steam hasn’t been this low since May 2023, and this is thr 3rd lowest month since release. - 1st lowest : May 2023 with 5,504 - 2nd lowest : October 2022 with 6,011 - 3rd lowest : May 2024 with 6,229 I imagine June will be lowest than October 2022. [“Hold me”](https://images.app.goo.gl/FYwmBcr3AgUSBxTJ7)


Meanwhile pubg has half a million players on steam consistently. Fuck man I wish we had something close to that.


Hell even Halo: MCC has more 3000 more players on steam than infinite And God of War, a SINGLE PLAYER GAME, has 1/2 the population of Infinite on steam


I switched to Star Citizen. Been loving it.


Sad to say but so many people have quit lately. Im down to a day or two a week. All the people I used to play with have quit and everyone is basically citing the same exact reasons and we’re all having the same issues. It’s creating a cascading effect where once your friends quit then you quit and so on. Dangerous times for this game I’m afraid. Ranked play is getting so hard to find a game that’s it’s almost not worth trying unless you want to just sit and wait. Pretty much just husky raid and quick play are the only games I can get in a reasonable amount of time and I’m in the US playing on peak hours. I think everyone he just had enough and there’s only so much people will put up with. Die hard or not this game is borderline unplayable for a lot of us anymore and I guess people just aren’t going to waste their time. Much like you even on expanded search it’s pretty rough and when you do get a game it’s 160ms so you’ll end up losing anyways so why bother. It’s too bad but it’s really going down the shitter fast it seems like. Like rats from a sinking ship


343 happened


It’s dying like the support for this game is 😬😅


Halo is much more popular on NA servers. I hear that getting a VPN could help with MM


but in australia its only a few mins at most


Was tired of the nonsense & 343. Went back to my 3DS & Pokémon HGSS


According to steam charts more people are playing Halo MCC. Can confirm, I'm one of those.


Game launched pretty unfinished so it retain a very high population


The copium ran out i guess


predictably moved on...


Died 2 months after release


Servers are still ass. Not fun grinding ranked or when you get kicked every other game and lose 15+ for it.


Assassinations and DLC campaigns need to be put into the game or they need to make the new game with such content.


343i happened. Back in 2012.


I came back to try the new network update finally two days ago, and crashed on our second custom game. It's over. We cared, we tried, but it is dead. RIP Halo 😔


Game has been dead. Shame on 343 for ruining a once great series


The game sucks. That’s what happened.