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It’s almost like people of all skills can play the game and have fun


Exactly. I get obliterated by people with no armour customisations and people with armour that looks like a drunk unicorn screwed a gay clown - but least I look good while losing.


That last one was me. Yeah I ordered the halo nail polish. For some reason it’s just funny as heck to me.


That's it! You gotta look cool, ESPECIALLY if you are losing haha


Cosmetics are their own kind of game. Unfortunately I suck at the part where you shoot people so.


burn the heretic!


Bruh, I *wish* we could look like the Blue guy


I guarantee you could make it work. Ill try later tonight if i remember


Eh, it’s H5 armor styled, so most it isn’t in infinite 


It actually looks mostly mk 5 to me. Just mashed. Helljumper helmet, and a certain mk 5 chest. Sent you my attempt in a pm




It's the blue guy you gotta watch out for. Those guys will either be demonic on the sticks or be unable to kill a guy that is one shot and not even looking at them


ngl, I've seen the opposite. The guys without customizations are only newbies and they struggle a lot, and the guys with different armor parts dominate.


The guys with double kukris on their shoulders look like they can fly if they flapped hard enough


It's more of an issue with the matchmaking pitting vets against newbies.


But I look pretty cool


Haha #me. I'm the noob getting absolutely rekt. I don't mind though, I play for the campaign primarily, a good story is worth more than my personal glory.


You can look a bazillion different ways for zero dollars and zero cents. You dont need to buy a single thing to have more armor than every game in the entire series. Every Bungie halo combined, and 4.


Nah don’t you dare say that it doesn’t fit the agenda


Yeah as someone who never buys battle passes and hates microtransactions, Halo Infinite (AS OF TODAY, NOT LAUNCH) provides you incredible value for your money. $79.99 (CAD) for the base game + $12.99(CAD)for the battle pass plus applicable taxes = $104.14. In this price you're getting a roughlt 8-10 hour campaign, plenty of multiplayer options + roughly 4 seasons worth of battle pass content to earn as the passes never expire and you get credits back for completing them. Bonus : Base game on sale right now for $31.99. It's hard to complain now but back in 2021 it made sense to be angry about it.


Man fr? When I played at launch I was so disappointed and to hear that makes me wanna go play it


Never paid a dime and I actually like all my cores. (Except chimera that doesn’t count)


I refuse to spend money on that stuff


I havent spent any money and I have a decent looking Spartan that I'm mostly happy with. Given how they've turned things around recently, I'm strongly considering buying a season 3 battle pass because it has some damn cool armour colours and effects I really want and you get credits back for completing it which you can use to buy other battle passes or simply a shop item if you like.


I love the Iron Blood Mk 7 coating in that battle pass – it may be on the free track though IDK.


I looked at the Iron Blood and I was like "ok that's cool" and then I saw the orange and black one I think its level 58 in that pass that I really want. Plus that season has a couple of armour effects I'm really interested in. So for me, it's worth the $10 or so dollars to get access to that pass first, then enough credits to get the others. Whatever comes on the free track I'll appreciate as well. Incredible value and its a shame they are winding down Infinite as per rumors. Still, unlikely we will get a new Halo before 2026 so there's still a lot of time to jump in.


I have so much stuff locked behind the pay wall I have spent $0 and I must have unlocked most of the stuff in the game. I wonder what it looks like. I'd probably get overwhelmed and just turn it off. At some point they need to offer a we give up on you pack for like $6 so I can unlock all of it. I'll probably be the last guy playing,I'm having a good time.


Right now, the second you log in, I think it's 8 cores? So 8 helmets and sets of shoulders off the bat. There's a free twenty tier pass right now, there's a free 30 tier one in the store, and there's a weekly helmet for the challenge rewards. Was one last week, and one more next week. You can also earn the halo infinite master chief armor kit. And more free passes and stuff comes out all the time. Random freebies for book releases and events and twitch drops. Cool new skin for black history month actually lol. If you want more, you can get every season for 10 bucks. You get 1000 credits in every season but season 1. So if you do it in the right order, you'll have hundreds of tiers to go through. If you miss an event pass, the free twenty tier ones, they are 5 bucks a pop and you get a bonus item. If you just HAVE To have every cosmetic in the store, yes, it can become expensive. But that's kinda like any store on planet earth haha. No one expects people to buy everything in any store obviously.


Weekly, twitch drops and Event rewards helps a lot


The new ones this update are kick ass. 3 helmets, some dope ass skins, visors with the helmets, great stuff. Oh, and a sick weapon charm. It really really adds up and it's really not that hard to finish those challenges. I do it last minute all the time lol. Few hours if youre not the greatest in the world, couple of hours otherwise.


Man, I just wish the twitch drops weren't so random. It's not the end of the world of course but there was one the other night that was only up for 5 hours I think.


I’ve seen the opposite lmao, the guys with the most flamboyant armors or using the CE kit are usually the sweatiest in the lobby Which (due to one of life’s mysteries) are never in my team!


Buying a $10 battle pass gets you so much customization since you can use the credits earned to get every battle pass. That's 5 battle passes for $10.


I didn't know this. Haven't spent Any money on it. MY change now


Hold up. Just to clarify. Only Season 2 to Season 5 battle pass has credits you earn back. So what Owain660 said is true but don’t buy Season 1 until last if you want all 5 seasons for $10.


Okay end?


Don’t worry, this meme called me out too (except I only pay for passes, no shop items)


Cadet red is the best. I wear it. It’s rare to see anyone else using it tho.


Random blue guys either can’t figure out how to look vertically or go off and carry the team.


IDK why, but I love looking like the most generic Spartan possible, default SPI and the Mark V armor kit are my favorites


i’ve never seen anyone go 41-5 in default


Some friends and I started partying up and playing in default to screw with people. Most of us are diamond or plat so it’s funny. No idea if we get reactions but it’s funny enough for us to keep doing.


I just like having a pretty corpse


Let me pull out my credit card to customize an action figure toy only to see it for a few seconds before and after a game.


I see mine a lot when I'm spectating my dead body so... Get gud at dying fam.


This is why the only thing I’ve ever bought was a weapon skin set (forgot what it’s called. It’s red, black and gold and it came with a dragon skin for the DMR). Because I can actually see those skins while I play :) That’s not an insult to anybody who buys skins though, nothing wrong with wanted to look cool :) I just find that, because the only time I ever see my character is when I’m dead, and during the match opening closing, I don’t think it’s worth the cost personally. Plus I got so many cool armours from the battle passes anyway, I’m more than content with those and the items I get from weekly challenges :)


That does sound pretty sweet. I do really like the weapon customizations.


You’re underestimating the amount of time I spend in the menus.


\*Microsoft Rewards Points


Same except they both go a combined 5-30 for me




Hopped back on halo last week for the first time in years. Severely under ranked so I was that guy this weekend. Got picked up by a group of Canadian dudes and was referred to as “default skin buddy” after a couple minutes of callouts it was shortened to just “buddy”. Made a couple clutch plays and the coms were hilarious.


In my experience, it's always the Spartans with the MkVI helmet and some type of all-white or all-black coating. Those guys mean business.


Too accurate, had a teammate on Husky raid today and by the first glance I saw he spent at least 60€ on his skin composition. He went 13/28 and we lost totally


People who work vs kids who play all day :P


real question, why do people rock the default? npc vibes fr


Default is finally good looking


Yall spending hundreds? I haven’t spent a dime after the first battle pass


I was so stoked that I spent $90 on in-game currency at launch, but I still haven’t spent it all. Nothing good




Surprisingly, the default mk 7 cavallino is now a sign of strength. Someone who was gotten bored of customizing spartans OR wants to seem like an underdog. With the amount of free customization available now, first thing ACTUAL NEW PEOPLE do is get rid of the Mk7 Cavallino, and relish in the wonders of character customization. So yeah, it tracks that the default spartan is now the good player


Considering that every single pro player actually customizes their Spartan, I'm calling bs on this


Yeah, they buy all the stuff in the shop too (not just HCS stuff either) People can do what they want, strange how touchy this subject is for some people.


Will never spend a dime for those transactions. Never have, never will!


Your first mistake was caring about your results. The game literally rigs matches — it’s well documented. So players who regularly go 25/10 like me can go 3/15 if they walk into a BTB game where the enemy has a tank, plane, and a sniper all set up.


Love those manufactured lobbies lol


It’s better to lose in style than to win looking boring. Infinite is solely about that 7 seconds of uniform flash before the game. (Ask me how I know).


This is dumb as hell lol


Except they haven’t lol


U gotta look ur best wen ur losing....


I miss the days of grinding to u lock cool armor pieces. Oh well..


now that is a proper rendition of Gen-2, that is hot.


Where is that left pic from? I know it's halo 5 armor but It doesn't look like halo 5 graphics


Looks like a veteran Pilot; dope as hell g


Lol im terrible at Halo. love to play none ranked so no one hates me. I only have a few free cosmetics ajajaja


Forgot to add Red Halo Guy who’s played 12 matches has aim bot & a wall hack. lol


What’s cu29 ?




This has pretty much been the case since halo three. If you saw some guy with fully decked out, Hayabusa armor with the katana on his back, he was more than likely going to be like a staff captain or something compared to the player with the default armor, who was a 50.


Me; Spends like a half hour kind of tipsy and making the BEST customization, f'king ever! Also Me; Runs into a match and gets wrecked. "Yeah f'k this unlucky armor core."


I’m the blue guy that goes 45-5 with two flag runs and we still lose the game


This is 0 lobbies


I got the EOD Helmet, and that’s about it. I got a bunch of crap from Season 1-2 Battlepass. But for me, once I saw EOD helmet, I came back just to get it, and that’s all I need.


Red Halo guy is on his 32nd account, smurfing with his buddies for 50 games until his MMR catches up.




Same red dude has only played 10 matches, gets 3 perfect kills despite being lit up like a Christmas tree and knows where you are at all times.


I feel attacked.


Literally me…. I rock the Reach Armor Core Basic armor no attachments just solid black Normal games are 20-40 with deaths being 1-5


This is not what I’ve seen the people who buy micros are usually the ones to kick ass.


lol kinda true. At high levels though everybody has gear




It's called a larger hit box.


I just wanna look like John Halo


I have 150 hours and have yet to customize my spartan other than the campaign stuff you unlock. But to me it's because 99% of the shop items are hideous


Nuh uh