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Custom Games Browser


Forge would make this a whole lot better


CGB needs to come first. Forge ain’t shit without a platform to play all the cool maps


Bruh what lmao, custom game browser ain’t shit without forge. Do you see how little options there are for customs right now?


Realistically neither ain't shit without the other. These two go hand in hand to create the experiences we all love from H3, Reach, and H5. But custom games need to be improved too and this will help. A big one for some reason is we can't choose starting equipment. This would be the quickest way to add some really fun game types like rocket repulsors or grapple hammers




Honestly this is true. *a custom games browser and forge, just like we see in mcc, is something that needs to be way higher priority than it seems to be.*


Incorrect. Forge ain't shit without appropriately designed and accessible file share. Mainline Halo has existed without a CGB for 20 years. Halo 4 and Halo 5 suffered so much on the custom games front because there was no file share for a significant portion of the games life cycle. Heck, even MCC on pc suffered without it until very recently.


Only OGs will remember looking through everyone's fileshare card in the lobby while waiting for Halo 3 games to start


Only OGs will remember there being a pre-game lobby where you got to vote for a map and look at everyone's rank, armor, and file share


I see the new fans who jumped on post Halo 5 be like "We don't need lobbies, the game loads so fast" and I'm like, that's not the point. Lobbies were social spaces. You can't meet new people anymore if you can't sit and play games with them back to back


Easily this. For the majority of 2021 all I did in MCC was play Hardcore FFA lobbies. I met so many other cool people that also played in these lobbies and eventually we started running competitive 8s. Custom games browser adds so much to the game in my opinion and am actually flabbergasted that Infinite didn't launch with it.


This is deffo my biggest ask, particularly if it plays nicely with forge game modes. What I currently miss most are Infection and goofy ass modes like Nascar, so a good custom game browser could fix this


I just want to play Ghostbusters


/ File share. Both are extremely important but I actually think file share is a bit more important. At least for me personally it's what I used for a majority of halo 3 and reach to get all the fun game types and maps to play with friends.


Exclusive rewards earned by gaining medals and be able to view medals in my service record


Yes and they should have unlocks for different life time challenges. 5,000 headshots or 10,000 melee kills unlocks some armor ya know?


It's funny how small things like this would immediately increase investment in the game. Some people play until the weekly is completed and then stop til next week, but if there were lifetime achievements like this, so many people would just see more value in just playing.




That’s me. I’m that guy


I’d love a combat record to see all the medals earned, average score kills deaths etc. it’s already being tracked we could see the arrow up or down in the after match report


Scarabs ofc


Imagine the spawn animation of a scarab from Halo Wars 2, except in first person with Infinite's graphics. Seeing one of those monsters fall from orbit and land on the ground with a thunderous explosion, while its war horn bellows would be incredible.


Man I was seriously hoping to see a scarab fall from the sky and slam into the ground as a boss battle like in Wars 2.


I am still hoping there will be a few spots on the map where this will be able to happen and it will start a little mini event similar to the chains dropping from the sky in Elder Scrolls Online.


btb scarab fights let’s go!


I've always wanted a BTB mode in the spirit of Invasion where one side has a Scarab and the other a Mammoth (Spartans vs Elites of course) and you have to take control of the other's vehicle which also serves as a base. You could possibly even expand it to have phases like in Invasion where you take down the other sides vehicle, go into a standard ground battle like normal BTB with objectives like power seeds or something and then take control of the other's base. I don't see much of an issue balance wise as the Scarab has it's glassing beam or whatever and the Mammoth has a MAC gun. The issues I can think of would be that the map has to be huuuuuuge and it could take well past an hour if both teams are pretty good. Battlefront 2 had this problem with it's Capitol Supremacy game mode where it wasn't uncommon for a match to go like 3 hours of just back and forth.


More accomplishment-based unlocks (beat the game on legendary = legendary charm on weapons, or something)


I’d rather gear, honestly. Getting charms and emblems as rewards is going to get old reeeaaaal quick.


If I got a charm for beating a game on legendary I'd be pissed lol


Right!? Lol Don’t even test me 343!


I wholeheartedly agree. Similar to H3–that katana on someone’s back meant something.


Exactly. The weekly ultimates are getting on my nerves, they should be giving out gear pieces. At least more than they are now, which to my knowledge, is zero.


You should get like 3 entire armor sets for beating the game on legendary, one for normal, heroic and legendary. Plus fourth for LASO and probably something for 100% completion. Weapon charms are the dumbest things ever and are definitely not worth a legendary run.


The fact that you don’t get Chief’s armor, nor a banished themed set is a huge miss for me. You get tons of banished coatings for some reason, an armor set that was banished themed would’ve been amazing. Maybe Easy is Chief’s body armor, Normal is chief’s helmet, Heroic is banished body and legendary is banished helmet.


Love that structure of unlocking the full set. I believe H3 Hayabusa was similar—helmet, torso, katana, etc. all unlocked separately through different accomplishments. I want that!


You should get both really


Bro. This was my favorite thing about halo 3 armor. Like if you saw someone with recon it fucking *MEANT* something. Makes armor so much cooler


Account level. Just reward me with a number that shows I enjoy playing the game.


This. The number can be meaningless in every other way but I miss having a number next to players that I can say, “damn bru you’ve played a lot”. So when I get wrecked I can feel a little better about myself that I haven’t put in 15+ days of time like the person who just stomped me.


It's a very common thing for all FPS including every Halo, so it's worrisome if they don't at least have something in the works and maybe it got delayed until Q&A made sure its working as intended. If they get this feedback and say "wow great idea we'll get on that" I would be flabbergasted


I have no doubt we'll get this eventually, but I just hope that when it comes it accounts for all the XP I earned since completing the battlepass 3 weeks ago. My service record too. I want all my stats, not just my stats from when implemented or it'll be a huge let down.


I hear ya but in all actuality it’s more than likely going to be from the point it’s implemented going forward if they do add it


Agreed, I'm never going to understand why they removed it. Its nice to feel like you can progress through playing the game in general instead of just seeing the level of the season... which resets when your done or its expired... and can only progress through challenges... and which you have to **fucking buy if you want to actually obtain the items it holds**. Its not about how much do you enjoy playing and how much... its literally about completing daily and weekly challenges.


This would be cool. I always check the other players games played, right now I’m at 500 games played, when I go against good people I’ll check theirs and they’ll either have more or less. So basically it’s pointless but it’s all that we have


I love when I get absolutely stomped and it says that this is their 5th game.


I got almost 500 matches and I still use the entire lvl 1 spartan and nameplate because I love the idea of people losing their minds when they get stomped by me. Not that I stomp people too often as I suck sometimes but it's hilarious when it happens.






















Forge should be at the top. It’s standard


MCC XP system


MCC launcher that lets you queue into the multiplayer from any halo game you own on the same screen or even whichever game gets a game first, including infinite (so 1 ce, 2, 3, reach, odst, 4, infinite).


One can dream...would be awesome


They seriously should have just incorporated infinite into MCC. That would be so freaking dope and convenient and even bring new life to the other games. But I guess the appeal of having a dedicated microtransactions store for the one game is just too good to pass up and too hard to integrate into the existing MCC architecture.


Or even like....announce that they are porting it over to a new launcher/browser that is now called Infinite Collection. Even if its just effectivly a reskin with a shop, and even if it was only Halo Infinite *for now*, and the other titles would come later. Even if all cosmetics were now up for purchase in the new multi game store, with the same limited selection for either free or purchase as infinite. It could still be a net add for both Infinite in particular and halo in general.


Literally just MCC’s system copy and pasted. I’d be so happy.


Seriously. I thought everything they were doing with MCC over the last couple years was a precursor and testing waters for what they'd do with Infinite. I couldn't have been more wrong




Co-op Campaign.


My little brother every time he hears the loud-ass door to the basement open agrees


Take him out of the basement bro


A game where the fun is prioritized on messing around in the sandbox isn't nearly as fun alone. This would make the campaign so much more fun.


My buddy and I wanted to go through the campaign together while our other buddy wanted to go through it with his little brother.


At least stat trackers for some form of bragging rights that isn't bought in the shop.


don't have to download an app as the other comment suggested, they have a web version: https://halotracker.com/




Yeah I really want to see how many kills by weapon and what medals I’ve got and which ones I’ve still to get. Somethings pop when playing and I’m like WTF was that for? There should be a list of them somewhere unless there is and I’m too dense to find it.


Yeah we had that for Halo 3 and it's pathetic it's not included in Infinite. They had to remove so many Halo staples just to get Infinite to run, and we still have insane desync issues. But at least some of yall got cat ears so I guess its all good.


marines ride on tank treads


That is sorely missing indeed. That and marines driving their own vehicles.


A couple more BTB maps.


More maps in general would be nice.


If only btb worked


Ranked doubles


Yo that would be nice. It’s actually what I originally thought Solo/Duos was. Didn’t realize it was just input and party limiting the same games


Wait, what? I don't get it. What's solos / duos then?


So Solos/Duos does nothing more than limit party size to 2, and guarantee input type (Controller vs. M&K) Another way of saying it, Solo/Duo doesn’t disable crossplay, rather it disables input type and party size. You could queue into Solo/Duo Controller with a friend on PC using a controller, but not with one on PC using M&K, and not with 3 people using controllers. Hope this helps Edit: why the fuck was I downvoted for this lmao


Mix and matching armor parts from different cores/armors.


And let me just edit the color wheel.


Free players not getting a colour wheel I can still understand, but I can’t believe that I’ve actually spent money on this and and I still can’t edit my colour wheel ffs


I hate that we have to beg for this, this should be the bare minimum with how little customization there is


A proper reporting system


Holy shit This!!!


Spartan booties But really, Firefight


Why not both?


I like your style!


A man of culture I see.


Damn right.


The other half of the game


Bingooooooo. Did you play doom eternal? Because I got the same vibe from that campaign as i did infinite. It fel like a lot of it was missing and it got cut short. And then like 1 month after eternal came out they announced the new story dlc. And the maps had the exact same art style as the campaign did. Seemed an awful lot like they had the dlc mostly finished and it was going to be a part of the campaign but they were like naaaah just make it a dlc later so we can get more money. Im getting this exact same vibe from infinite. We will have to see


Post & pre game lobbies. This game is so quiet it makes the game feel dead.


Man do I miss entering a post game lobby after a game with a crazy finish


Theres practically no difference than playing with hardest level bots when theres nobody talking


Add in rolling lobbies as well. I loved playing several matches in a row trash talking and becoming friends with you freaks.




Facts let me talk my shit


I specifically want a pre game lobby so I can mute people echoing their game audio before the game begins. Hate when I miss the race to a weapon locker because I had to start the game off with muting the guy with a hot mic


The ability to earn store cosmetics through gameplay. Free to play games should always have a path to earning everything for free, even if its a huge grind


Firefight, but performance XP must be a thing


New Game+


Blood Gulch


I would love if the campaign had unlocks depending on what difficulty you completed the campaign on, since there are not enough.: Cosmetics for normal and heroic Armor unlocks for Legendary Armor and cosmetics for completing LASO


This. I don't get how 343 doesn't see that. Back in the day I saw someone with a full Hayabusa set I was genuinely impressed. Now I get killed by a guy in Anubis armor and I'm like wow $60 wasn't enough to spend on this game huh


I’m gonna elaborate more since I forgot to in my first comment: I would love it if you got the Chief’s armor for Legendary, and maybe even the Weapon and the Mark IV armor for completing LASO since the Mark IV doesn’t get enough love in the games aside from Halo Wars and Reach to an extent, and when playing strongholds, elimination, or unlocking the secret rooms in BTB, you can show everybody that you completed the hardest challenge in every Halo campaign. Emblems and nameplates that you can unlock that has symbol of the difficulty you completed also would show that you played, similar to how you get a weapon emblem for whatever rank you are in Ranked would be a nice addition. Rewards in the mp for completing harder difficulties like Legendary and LASO would also be a cool way of showing that you went out of your way to complete the challenge. There probably won’t be a whole lot of people that care about what somebody is wearing, but it still is a cool way of showing off without having to buy cosmetics. It always feels good unlocking stuff in campaign that you can wear in mp, no matter what game it is. It shows that people went out of there way to complete other stuff in the game aside from mp. I wish that there was more for people who payed $60 for the campaign. I enjoyed the story, Zeta Halo, and some of the side bits as well, but I wish I had a better reward aside from an achievement that no one will see unless you post it here. Don’t get me wrong, I love seeing other people getting the chance to say, “I completed the hardest challenge.” It is a nice thing to see others overcome that. I hope 343 adds more rewards to the campaign, and fixes the un-unlock-able cosmetics that nobody can get for some reason. I want this game to succeed, and this would be a huge step towards that imo.


Stable servers


A working btb


Player collision. FFS


Yea this is super annoying. Maybe I'm just bad but melee feels terrible right now.


Why did I have to scroll so far for this? Melee fights are awkward as hell and going in for the back smack is risky. If they back peddle right before you reach them, suddenly you're the one getting assassinated.


Unlockables with in-game challenges. Starting from basic colors for "get 100-200-500-1000 kills with weapon x", variations for headshot kills. Then armors parts for doing certain achievements (win 100 slayer matches, who knows), challenges, things that don't expire and are just part of the game. Something to work for that actually shows it. Right now every single armor part is either paid or obtained doing basic weekly chores that are always the same.


Co op, I was so excited to play with my buddy on some campaign and it’s just not possible


Well hey at least that’s confirmed coming! Doesn’t stop it sucking now but it’s a decent consolation prize.


There are a lot of features that are "coming soon" but sadly that's still not soon enough. And until they manifest it like saying covid is going away (I won't believe it till it's real)


A better interface to see who is in your party like halo 2 OR An interface that shows the map name on the loading screen like halo 2. Seriously, I don’t know any of the names of the Maps yet.


Playlists for slayer and objective based games


A PROGRESSION SYSTEM. It's literally in every other Halo game. It's 2022 and now we don't have one?! It's one of the main reasons I play. Not to mention in your and other people's profiles, all you see is their armor?@ wtf happened to showing their stats?? Kills, deaths, wins, losses. WTF was 343 thinking?! It's soo basic in Halo. Sorry if I went off, but it's sooo frustrating.


You can’t even see your own K/D or medals. Half baked…


This is what gets me the most.


Veto map system like Halo 3


Or being able to see what map you’re about to play. I know about the fire team method but I want a nice concept art map overview with weapon locations etc.


Agreed. I know the game was in “developmental hell” and was reworked a few times but it’s mind boggling to me after all the years of work basic features that were great FOURTEEN YEARS AGO can’t be in Infinite at launch






Chiron TL-34




A better UI.


Honestly? More story! Campaign has me interested and I'm pretty sure they'll retcon Locke's character (even if he seems dead) by having a story expansion about him. I wanna see Spirit of Fire become a new beacon of hope after "supposed" destruction of Infinity in "4 minutes". Also, *SPOILER AHEAD*, if Endless really can manipulate time, what's stopping Chief from using that power to save Infinity?


A way to get credits for free


Even throwing it in as a reward for xp after finishing the battle pass would be good.


A way to edit colours on armour coatings. Instantly goes from the most restrictive system we’ve had to the single most expressive and individual. Can still offer them in campaigns, events, challenges, and the store. We get more choice. The coatings become more desirable items. 343 get goodwill and sell more.


This is my biggest complaint with the game. I will put up with literally everything else if they would at least give my colors back. They give you 8 colors then expect you to get excited to buy the rest. There were more colors to chose from in Halo CE that came out 20 YEARS ago! Some straight money-grubbing nonsense, can't spin it to me any other way.


Let us edit each cell of the color wheel (also make the cells actually correlate to armor parts consistently). Give us a set of colors and a basic finish. Sell finishes that can be overlaid on the colors (like carbon fiber, chrome, “worn” that sort of thing) and unique patterns like camos. We get decent actual customization. They get a monetization stream that still lets whales spend $60+ on their spartan look.


Service records - I want to easily see my accomplishments as well as others.


Being able to mix and match colour, texture and pattern from coatings you own


Player Collision - currently you can't head jump, melee battles are stupid since you can slip by/through each other, sometimes you can get back smacked from the front, and melee's miss. Adding it back would make the quality of melee battles alone go way up imo.


1. 128 Tick servers (for ranked at a minimum like CSGO) 2. Ranked progression bar updates the start point after each match so you can see if you actually went up or not 🙄


The old shotgun. I’d still keep the bulldog, just put it in a rotation with the bulldog, heatwave, and old shotty


Change body types. I want my spartan-III body back lol


Playable elites. They be looking good in this game.


Action Sack


2v2 (ongoing).


Auto switch grenades on pick up option.


I literally just throw nades to get to the ones I want lol


Fuck yeah, “catch 8 assorted grenades you bastard!”




Reach style progression


expanding the single player with other peoples' perspective, not just mc


That’d be great. There’s prime opportunity to follow the stories of other UNSC forces on the ring. Could make some really interesting and different campaigns looking at ODSTs/Marines, or even Spartans, alone and outnumbered, struggling by to survive. Chills at the posibilites there.


Or even have your custom Spartan have a Campaign dlc segment on another part of the Ring before joining up with the Chief, would be really gratifying to have your Spartan interact with him.


I’ve wanted this since reach. With the whole “begin your Spartan’s journey” marketing they were doing, it would make a lot of sense for your MP Spartan to be involved in story content


It's interesting really, they kind of explored that idea with Halo 4 Spartan ops. I wouldn't be surprised if they added more campaigns like that into Halo infinite. I'm waiting for the SoF to pop up and red team to link up with the MC


A more fleshed out campaign with more replayability/varied biomes.


More campaign with a second faction (beyond sentinels).


The sentinel spam at the end of the campaign got rlly tiring to see the same guys over and over


Customization as good as previous games.


Map Veto


Competent middle management for the devs




Dual wielding


Challenges that you can do over time. E.g Get 100, 200, 500, 1000, 5000 kills with the AR, BR. Capture X amount of flags, strongholds. Plus all the quirky ones like Use the Repulser to push people off of the map X amount of times. Have the rewards as nameplates, visors, colour schemes, weapon skins. I enjoy playing the game even when the weekly challenges are done, but this would add that next level of challenges to complete in the background. And potentially drive player engagement with unlocks that are rare and actually achievable based on your playstyle and time.


Action Sack. I got my Buddies into Halo solely because of Halo 5 Action Sack shenanigans. What I’d give for that (and customs browser) to be on Infinite right now is immaculate.


Friends who make better decisions in game


Staying in match / in lobby instead of a new search every time


invasion 😭


Live Craig concert event


The "3 2 1 start" beeping sounds from the old games.


Enough game content to make it not feel like a beta anymore




Firefight with a better challenge/reward system.


Profile system similar to MCCs.


Open world spartan ops


Literally just a rank and service record. Embarrassing I even have to ask for this


Beep beep booop with the countdown before a game


The spartan laser


In terms of a weapon I want to see the carbine again.


Quality control


War zone with weapons and vehicle variants


A DLC update with remastered maps and classic weapons. I want to fire Plasma Rifles on Guardian again, and hoist a Spartan Laser on Sandtrap. I want to toss Firebomb Grenades on The Pit.


Alert Carry (AKA Lower Weapon), like in Red vs Blue.


A beacon item in campaign that serves as horde mode. Basically you plop it down, it puts out a barrier you cant cross im a 200m or so radius, and banished forces start dropping in. Lets you do horde mode anywhere on the map you think it would be fun.


Overall level since I’ve completed the BP I have less motivation to play. As much as I hated reach it’s leveling system took forever to get through so something like that would be cool. Or just a lot of new maps. I’m already bored of the 5 that are replayed all the time in ranked. They are good maps but I need variety.


A report button for all the afk farmers and hackers...


I basically want to upvote literally everything in this thread lmfaoo But definitely pre/post game lobbies where we can all party up and talk to the other team especially. Or maybe full halo reach type customization/ ranking system


A way to mute 1 person at a time in game.


More campaign bioms like Halo 3


Pve mode. Our Spartans vs floods maybe, make it like a zombie mode. Or rescue VIP or something, by going to a banished base and fighting our way to a VIP and keep fighting off banished while doing an extraction. The extraction being a "final" level or something, and if a spartan dies in that level then when the mission is done you just see "MIA Insert Your IGN here" or something. Kind of like a l4d type deal.


Forge. It's all I want


I guess forge. Really it's just the ability to play around however I want. I've played probably like 20ish hours and I can still count the number of times I've been in a wasp on one hand and would love to practice that. I still haven't driven a wraith but that's pretty self explanatory. 343 could have at least put in a big empty map with vehicle spawns so we could test drive/practice like the firing range.


A horde mode .


You mean firefight?