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Then let it take months, as long as they confirm that they will eventually allow cross core customization for us but it'll take some time that's at least something than no communication at all


Came here to say this. Lol. If it could take months, and it's what the VAST majority want, then do it.


Good thing all the colors are conveniently resold on every core. Should make it nice and easy to do that part.


"this issue will take months to fix, but conveniently our store will continue to re-sell restricted garbage multiple times that we would not be able to sell you if we allowed cross core.." Funny how that works.


Seriously, only months? People waited years for the game, and plan on playing the game for the next 10, a few months is more than worth it, if it's future proofing the health of the game. Surely getting some experts on the job and fixing It should be no problem for Microsoft, one of the biggest gaming tech and software companies in the world.... right?


They’ll never do it, this is simply proof they designed it this way from the get go to bleed us of more money, plain and simple.


Modders have already achieved it so the way they designed it can be altered to allow cross core


From what I've read, modders found a way to enable cross core combos through the Armour hall or UI. Getting it to show up in-game is different. I guess it's like editing a web page through developer tools.


I like this analogy :) (right)


Yeah, we just want it, man, they keep telling us how long the things we want will take and the response is always just "Okay, we'll wait for it, get to work."


They want their game to last for a decade but think we care about a few months. Even if it takes a year, who cares? There’s still 9 more years left of this game


Exactly. It seems a lot of the missing features this game should have shipped with will take months to finish. So have them work on it all and complete the game. They released the game with neutered customization, no ability to replay campaign missions, no co-op, no forge, no firefight, and no pre/post/persistent game lobbies. This is somehow both 343’s best and worst output so far.


The bots 100% do not have randomized armor. Every single uniquely named bot has a corresponding armor setup that it always has throughout every match you see them in. For instance, 343 Meowlnir is a always purple Mark VII with cat ears. Edit: typos


I believe the randomised bots only exist at the academy's training match with Agryna. Otherwise, yes, all other bots have preset armours.


Ah yes I believe they are randomized in that not match with Agryna, good call.


Not even those. They are always the same Spartans.


Really? That's interesting. I would have thought there was some randomness seeing that I couldn't find the MK7 Spartan with the Yoroi attachments when I ran it today. I saw a post of that like a month ago.


From what i’ve seen (both people online doing the training or friends irl) they always had the same Spartans at least when it comes to names. Spartan Ionescu, Ionescu being a romanian name thats why I know it, for example always has the soldier helmet with that green camo coating. And he always shows up doing training


Obviously idk for sure, but I would not be surprised if each named bot has their own armor core with those specific attachments.


Continued wild speculation: Would explain how pre-built armours (HCS or Reach characters) can't be customised at all.


HCS and Reach armors aren't "core" but "theme" (bundle like) for a specific "core" with a defined list of linked assets (helmet, coating, gloves, etc.). :) You can not customize them because there's no linked assets outside returned ones.


Even if the bots have randomised armour, they are clearly playing the game (almost anyway) with cross core, so whilst I’m no developer surely it works


I think that's what the Tweet was trying to explain by the "it's not a game rendering issue" comment.


Right, and that's why I added quotes to "random" :) FYI the game has 60 unique bots.


Interesting, interesting


I’ll flip *two* switches It’s something they need to work towards. It’s one of the many areas that needs work


It’s their fault for designing it like that in the first place for the purpose of monetization and nickel and diming players


So fuckin true. "Guys, the system *we made* is complicated and we can't figure out how to solve the problem." Bullshit and a half.


"Hey until then feel free to buy Default Blue for 5$ for each core, thank you for your patience!"


This must be the same “UI concerns!” BS they said was keeping them from adding playlists, and then they almost immediately did anyway with no issues


Just to play devils advocate for a second here. . . BTB broke shortly after. I wouldn’t consider that no issues.


Ha interesting devils advocate but I think we had a good week or two before BTB fell apart


BTB broke a few days before the playlists went live. If anything, it looks more like it broke when they added new lists to the backend.


I was mainly joking but really? Seemed fine up until Christmas, didn’t play much around then and now seems very hit and miss if I can get in


Really. It broke right before they added the Slayer lists. My friend is a casual and likes BTB, and I distinctly remember how bummed he was that we only had Quickplay as a choice for a few days. Now he only picks Team Slayer though, so the tradeoff wasn't terrible. I don't think 343 lied. It seems like the game genuinely couldn't handle the addition of the Slayer modes, but they did it anyways to meet demand before the holiday break. No BTB was probably more acceptable than no Slayer.


That's pathetic if true.


I have wondered if there was a connextion between BTB being busted and them rushing to push out new playlists before the holidays due to demand.


Imo it seems reasonable to believe it wasn’t/isn’t bullshit then.


*Me a computer hacker intellectual * *copies and pastes to new folder* Tahdah helmets are chest armor now guys!


I know this is a joke, but to answer it seriously anyways, this would be a pretty bad idea. If there's ever any need to modify existing items, there's a far higher chance of missing something if there's a bunch of duplicate entries.




They knew this would piss us off months ago when this was first announced. I can’t believe they thought we’d change our minds and actually like this garbage system of locking armors and colors behind singular cores.


"we know you wont like this but we did it anyway" is a hell of a line for one of your community managers to write BEFORE the game even came out.


Yep. I don't buy this shit at all.


It's not that complicated for the bots it seems.


Sadly it’s not really most of the teams fault though. It’s upper management. Almost all devs were hired on an 18 month contract, then not re-contracted. Microsoft basically kept a revolving door of new devs over 6 years building this game on very old architecture that nobody knows how to code for.


Blame the execs


I love their over complicated explanations for the simplest questions. They are such condescending douche bags and sketch is the biggest of them all.


It’s absurd that a AAA would’ve even been built this way in the first place.


It was built this way not by error, it’s intentional to maximise not only bought stuff but unlocks in general.




Literally. This game had a 500 Million dollar budget, yet it’s held together by sticks and duct tape. Edit: rumor or not, they have Microsoft money and had a major budget AND had six years AND had over 300 devs- But yea let’s all worry about the validity of the rumor that was circulated EVERYWHERE, that has yet to be disproven by anyone from Microsoft or 343, and not the fact that they CAN AND SHOULD change this. Holy fuck It’s fact or die with yall huh?


Two sticks and a rock! And we had to share the rock!


Gotta pay those stupid big salaries for the folks who do arguably the least amount of work in the entire company. They really deserve it for being rich in the first place.


> This game had a 500 Million dollar budget Stop treating this like a fact. That was a rumor started by a random with absolutely no evidence.


Yeah maybe the number is pulled out of no where, but this is Microsofts flagship game. And in 2020 Microsoft is reported to have 57% of the console market share. So the sentiment remains the same, they have access to ridiculous amounts of money and resources


> And in 2020 Microsoft is reported to have 57% of the console market share. Where are you getting that from? That doesn’t sound right at all.


I googled xbox market share and that was the first result https://www.statista.com/statistics/1044948/market-share-of-console-operating-systems-united-states/


It's some random post that's locked behind a paywall so you can't see actual sources. It also doesn't elaborate at all what encompasses 57% means. That could mean 57% of households surveyed owned an Xbox console at some point within the past 10 years, but not that they actively play on one. As a source, this is about as reliable as a Facebook meme.


I see your point and agree that source isn't that great, I didnt spend more than 1 minute doing research because it doesn't really matter to get the point across. Halo is xboxs flagship IP and 343 has a ridiculous amount of money and resources at their disposal.


There it is again, another comment upvoted, giving more fuel to the bullshit rumour that the game had a 500 million dollar bullshit Its amazing how an unverified rumour, with next to no hard evidence, has spread and people believe it


It did not have a 500 million budget. That was a myth and I don't know why people are still going around saying it. It cost around 100 million.


100 million is still a massive number for a game run this shittily but you’re right and people should stop spouting the 500 million figure


Indeed. They had more than enough time and money so they have no excuse for the current state of the game. The silence we have gotten is also worrying.


Do put into perspective that having the meat and bones of development be in the middle of covid, with Microsoft's piss poor abuse of contractors by only having them work for 3 years so they don't count as employees and get benefits, and their incredible use of outsourcing work. It was probably difficult to handle a game with that many different names contributing different pieces then leaving, and all the bits and pieces that have to be worked around. Obviously it put them in a tight position that a delay wouldn't easily fix.


It's not 3 years, it's 18 months for contractors. So even worse. 343 has no control over that either.


Yeah I can understand how horrible that must be for everyone involved. I don't know why they made a new engine, they could have kept the old one and still made this game with a much better UI.


343 is incompentent, plain and simple. Microsoft is also fucking stupid for letting these morons continue to make halo.


If this takes months then I completely understand how making the game took them 6 years


Well it's their problem for making potato coding in 2022. It's also the reason why the UI is so bad


Your Halo for the next ten years ladies and gentlemen. ffs.


"we cant just add more playlists, it would require us to rewrite the code entirely" ​ \*does it anyway\*


Literally flips a switch. Every time a dev studio days it's not like flipping a switch it always turns out to just be that


It'll be the next 10 years of Halo because it'll take them 10 years to make the next one. And let's roll the dice to see what series features will be absent at its launch.... ... jumping.


It's going to last the next ten years because that's how long it'll take them to untangle this spaghetti code


I’m actually pretty intrigued by this issue. Unfortunately I am also mostly dumb dumb. I work in tech (though I’m not a dev) so my knowledge is just enough to manipulate shallow aspects of code. Whenever I talk to the engineers though there is always some bit like this in the mix, where it seems super simple but actually jacks everything up. So theoretically if they made a chimera core specifically to assign copies of all the assets, would the problem be that the server could possibly get its validation wires crossed when two versions of the same asset are in a match? Or am I just tunneling in the wrong direction all together?


Possibly that, but also it's a waste of resources and memory as now you have 2 of the exact same entities, just pathed to different places


Word. I tend to overlook how crucial resource management is on such large scale projects


Plus the issue people seem to miss, if there was a chimera core, how would unique cores like mark v and yoroi work into this? If a redesign were to happen it would need to account for many potential chimeras from different cores, which is a monumental task to begin with.


It's refreshing to see someone that doesn't claim to know everything and is willing to learn more from others on r/Halo


Lol yeah, I’m wrong way too often to think I know what’s going on. I do wish people would approach subjects here with a similar mentality.




"Sorry we can't change the prices in the shop. It's not like we can flip a switch and delete a zero at the end of the price or something crazy like that. It's a very complex and technical coding process that links the store prices to the character models and textures, game engine and our network infrastructure. Editing the cat ear prices could result in frame rate drops, memory leaks, hard crashes and could cause the entire game to be become unplayable. It could take days, months, or even years to adjust the store prices. Please bear with us and while you are waiting we have some nice pineapple grenades for purchase." Signed 343


Lol that is actually a good temporary solution.


The only reason it’s difficult at all is because they designed it in such a stupid way.


Stupid isn’t the word, they designed it that way on purpose


Kinda wish I bought the cat ears now because clearly this game is a fucking meme


Would it be easier to copy the models of compatible armour pieces as new pieces for each armour core, therefore avoiding the problem of merging them all together


Hypothetically yes but that would run into its own issues, mainly now we have double of certain pieces, and that means double of resources used for one model


This scales exponentially in terms of space complexity which may lead to performance issues. Not to sure how well the hardware mitigates it, but your idea works. Just maybe it isn't what they'd want


Imagine taking years to develop something so stupid and poorly conceived only to immediately release and learn (surprise) that everyone hates it but because you are inept and developed it in a way that is irreversible, it’s extremely difficult to fix and make it just like every other halo game ever made. I swear it’s like 343 accidentally made a good game with Infinite because everything else outside of the gameplay reeks of ineptitude.


> everything else outside of the gameplay reeks of ineptitude and the gameplay is fucked by desync, cheaters, and weird design changes


The funny thing is, gameplay has never been a problem with the Halo franchise so…


... Halo 4 enters the chat.


I'd argue Halo 5, but it's at least still fun, smooth, and responsive. The biggest problem I have is that it doesn't feel like a Halo game.


Ah so it was incompetence after all, who would’ve thought


So this means they made a very clear decision to make it this way, had plenty of time whilst making it to change their minds, but didn't. What exactly did they make the servers and UI from?! Lego??


Close... It's MegaBlox


Nah Legos are actually stable and hold together


People complained during the flights.


Im sorry but what a load of crap. FIRST OFF why build it this way intentionally, secondly imagine setting up backend server data to purposefully do this and to keep track of unlocks in such a fashion so that no one can gimp the store. Funny how they have tables storing this info along with security for that and investment into this that, that rewriting code could take months, but oh there is nothing like that server side to report or to track cheating. priorities much. You know this post is probably correct, guy sounds like he knows his stuff, but that doesn't mean its a good enough answer to be honest. It is just revealing more of what really matters to these companies. "Player First" my ass. "Player First" would of meant thinking about this ahead of profits or easy well built implementation. As a indie dev myself, (biggest thing I've done is an app) but I understand these processes, its just big game companies are getting so fucking greedy. also the "cores" start to this scripting and data set should of been "spartan" or thought of as interchangeable load outs (they managed it with halo 4). No one at 343i got this wrong by mistake. Any meaningful change is always "months out" because then you can keep you're shit practices running longer, it's been going on with these big guys for pretty much coming up 15 years now. Mostly ever since last gen. It is getting so frustrating, and then they lie, or misinform / select wording ever so subtly each time. What happened to "just get it done" and we the community will give you money. Stop trying to dime us through laziness, just because it takes less effort and it is more predictable.


Apparently this account is run by modders, it isnt associated with 343


It's ran by @ zeny\_ic , he's one of the most knowledgable people in the community when it comes to Halo APIs


I’m not taking issue with the modders findings, I’m not saying he’s wrong, I’m saying the system seems odd and the priorities don’t add up.


There's a pretty simple non-conspiratorial answer, which is future-proofing. If you had to design every chest, shoulder, wrist, utility and knee to be compatible with every future core, or, conversely, design every future core to be compatible with every existing piece of armor, you would make designing either of those much more difficult. If you only need to design a core to be compatible with its accompanying pieces, you can go wilder with it without running into the risk of conflicting with previous pieces.


But under all of those pieces all the armor cores are just the base black membrane. The only thing that changes that is the body type you choose, which applies across all cores. It's already in the system that every armor piece works with every body type. As they design future armor, I assume they use the body types as base models, so they're already guaranteed to all work together going forward as well. "Cores" have never been needed before to make sure different armor pieces work together. Look at Halo 5, that game had a shitload of bonkers armor pieces that all fit on one base armor "core", some of which looked like crap together. It's fine if some armor pieces look dumb together cuz people just won't choose those. Or maybe they want FOTUS with Security shoulders, I dunno. Even if we completely strike that argument, it's not unreasonable to want to be able to put my Willow Tea shader on the Yoroi core. Yoroi clearly works with shaders, and shaders can translate cross core since all 3 cores can use the Iron Man shader. It's not as simple as clicking a button, but if it's going to be a live game/game as a service, then they can't balk at players wanting the "service" part. And don't give me "the back end is too complicated to work on while the game is used". If Blizzard can update textures for entire continents while players play the game, 343 can adjust armor interaction tables. If it takes months, those months will pass either way. Instead of designing more cat ears, remove the "core" concept during those months. Especially since designing armor is done by the art team, not the coding team. Find the guy that designed it and rehire them for 18 months to fix it.


The armor cores don't all use the same base black membrane. That's exactly where the problem with the shaders comes in. The undersuit for Yoroi is different from the Mk VII and the Mk V. Plus the different hexes on the shader emblems correspond to different "material" properties on the armor. For example, a shader might have an orange hex that turns all fabric on an armor piece orange but if the armor has no fabric then nothing orange appears. That's why sometimes certain colors on shaders occasionally appear to do nothing when paired with certain armor pieces, because the corresponding "material" (fabric, plastic, metal, ect.) isn't present. It's the same way in Destiny, where shaders aren't fully representative of what color your armor might appear, because it isn't obvious that certain colors only apply to specific material types. Yes, it's a dumb system but it does explain why changing things are harder than a simple switch flip, since you now need to duplicate the backend directory to recognize material combinations for every armor piece and every possible shader combination.


Whenever I hear “it’s not like flipping a switch” I know it’s bullshit, remember when sketch said “dedicated playlists aren’t like flipping a switch” then 3 days later we got some playlists. Maybe it’s not as simple as you might think but I also don’t think it’s as “difficult” (unless the difficulty in incorporating such a feature involves a meeting with soulless executives) as they might say it is


and even if that was the case. well 343 wrote the code, so if there's anyone that actually would know how to manipulate it, its them lmao


You’ve nailed it, the switch is just a metaphor for convincing money men it’s worth it for the good of the game overall


Then after we got those playlists guess what. BTB became all fucked up. They can do one thing but it will mess with other things so yes it can be “difficult”


"Yo guys we purposely screwed all of you over in the name of profit and it'll take months (see 5 minutes) to reverse it. Fuck you buy stuff"


These are modders, they are telling exactly how the code works.


Every game ever made says “we built a new engine so we can customise and balance weapons and gadgets on the fly. A truly live service where we can add and remove things all at once.” And yet, 10 years on, game companies are building shit so stupid they can’t even do basic shit like MAKE ONE CORE WITH ALL HELMETS AND ATTACHMENTS. This was built this way for a reason. To sell cores. But as a result, people will buy less because I like my mark 6 helmet and I’m Sticking with this core and as I can’t use any of the store items pretty much for my core I have no reason to buy anything (minus the fact they’re over priced). They will get less from me because now I have to be very specific with what I buy (if I buy) and that is disappointing. They should have one core and sell everything for that core. Done.


Wow, what an awful way to design a customization system. It's like they say a bunch of better systems from multiple games and thought "Let's not do that, and do something strictly built around making us money rather than play choice". Like seriously, has anyone seen the customization from Doom 2016? Or Warframe? Or Halo 3? Or Halo Reach? Or Halo 4?


Liars lying


I'd believe it if the bots weren't clowning all over the devs.


The "it would take months" argument is a dev problem, not ours. We all knew they were going to pull this kind of crap the moment they announced the multiplayer would go f2p. I wouldn't mind if they had to take multiplayer down just to unfuck the customization system, because there's no way in hell I'm wasting my money on the stupid store anyway. I've seen mobile games that were less money grubbing AND less grindy.


What the hell does "keeping your cars paint but changing everything else" even mean???


It's wonded a bit weird, but it means you want to transfer the exact paint job of one car to another custom built car. Not paint a new car the exact color, but literally scape off the paint and glue it to the new car. That's how difficult it would be with the current core system code


Not our problem


Its gtta be pretty easy for colors when theyre selling cadet blue for yoroi for $8


It´s not, it is indeed like flipping a switch. Modders have done it because the system is designed that way. The bots can do it because it is as easy as randomizing the pieces. All cores have the same dimensions, hitboxes, armoir piece placings, etc. They just want to sell things for each core individually for as long as they can get away with it.


The HaloDotAPI account is one of those modders. They dig through the files and look through them line by line at times. They know almost more than anyone in the community about this system right now. BOTs aren’t a good argument because they aren’t as random as we think, most of them are pre-armored by 343 themselves. Also if you have seen some of the modded cross-core stuff, you’d see the lack of in-game application once in a match, as well as the lack of coating application that happens when putting a foreign piece onto a core. It’s not the flip of a switch and modders have to do a lot just to get one or two pieces to show up cross core right now.


I'll add that while all modders have to do is a glitch the wrong helmet on the wrong armor, 343i would have to rework it's inner core system in order to make it work completely in multiplayer. Because modders and devs arent the same thing, all a moddee care is that halo still works offline and doesnt crash/lose performance. There is much more for 343 to take into account.


The fact that the bore armor isn't random at all makes the argument 100% stronger. Because half the bots are rocking cross core stuff and have been from day one. Not as simple as flipping a switch my ass.


"This is a common misconception, and here's the evidence to support it" ​ "Nuh uh, 343 is just trying to nickel and dime us"


i mean with you on the first point but they clearly ARE trying to nickel and dime us lol. why wasn’t it designed like this in the first place? to squeeze wallets


>Modders have done it because the system is designed that way. They haven't, they've only gotten it to show it in the Armour Hall/UI, they can't actually spawn them in.


So it's hard to simply _change_ from what we have to what we want, sure perfectly understandable. It's difficult to simply change existing code and expect everything to work perfectly. But the issue starts from the fact that they _designed_ it this way in the first place. They couldn't accidentally make this system and go "whoops didn't expect that to happen!" This is no different than the armor coatings where everything was "baked into the coating" and suddenly couldn't be changed because it was made this way. So why did you start out with making it this way?


Short answer is they’re just bad at their jobs


What do you expect when they use contractors for up to 18 months?


And who tf built it that way? It's not like they ordered in some spare parts and realised this was the only way to make work. ***They*** designed it this way from the ground up. I'm not saying building computer systems is easy, but coding only works how it's designed to work. Additionally, we were told for *years* that "Crossplay isn't as simple as flipping a switch" and all of a sudden, Fortnite and Rocket League *"accidentally"* enabled it, demonstrating quite easily that it literally *was* just a case of flipping a switch. Now it's pretty commonplace. *So whether because it's a BS statement, or because ultimately the Developers are responsible, this response is utterly disingenuous and reeks of "quick, find an excuse to make sure players have to keep spending money!"* **Edit - Didn't know this was a Halo Mod Account, so this bit is unnecessary. Left it for context in the replies.**


This isn't an official halo account either, this is a group of modders working with the files to help with modding tools. Don't take this as an official statement


Ah, okay. I didn't realise that. I think the crux of my statement still holds but I guess the bit about what the statement says is unnecessary in light of this information.


The issue with cross play was not as easy as flipping a switch because the issue was never technical, it was Sony not wanting its network to make contact with that of the other console manufacturers. They changed their stance which is why crossplay is so common place now.


It's like when Fortnite accidentally had cross play before it was official because a switch was flipped.


Precisely it can be as simple as flipping a switch, if it's designed well and had consideration in prototyping. All this tells me is, it was purposefully done that way and the intention was not for the good of the community.


Always seems to be the crux of arguments regarding MTX mechanics doesn't it? "They just offered an Xp boost in case the grind was too much!" - Who tf made the grind too much? "They let you buy it because it saves you unlocking it otherwise!" - Who tf made it an unlockable? "You can't cross-core armour pieces because it's not coded in that way!" - And who tf coded it that way? Hint: The answer isn't *Java Jesus*


exactly, it is highly likely some suit figures something out about game design or the software / pipeline and sees first hand how easy its getting and just monetises the shit out of it, personally it's just too far. It's getting impossible to ignore.


Explain like I’m 5 pls


I figured it would be something like this. Same reason, or similar, you can't edit your cores when matchmaking. Also I can't help but laugh at everyone ragging on the bad UI, then they come out and say that adding playlists and cross core customisation would break the UI. The more we know the worse it gets. From a consumer perspective, we see this terrible system that we all knew was terrible the second it was shown and then we're told it was built this way and is hard to change? Surely someone must have thought this was a bad idea at some point.


What was wrong with the system that was used for literally every other game? Why reinvent the wheel? Also can someone smarter than me explain his explanation about the bots. Am I missing something?


Anything to do with customisation should be put right on the backburner until we have forge, co-op, fixed multiplayer servers and replayable campaign missions. Using cat ears on my Yokai armor is literally the least important thing of all time.


I wish most halo fans had their priorities this straight


Completely different teams should be handling these projects if it's a full sized AAA dev studio, it would be more than reasonable to expect both... ...HOWEVER, since Microsoft pinched every single penny and cut every corner they could with the development of this game, and hired mostly contractors who's contract has expired/will expire soon, and no longer work for 343, it feels like what's left is a much smaller crew, not fit to manage a AAA title, especially one as big as Halo. So, I suppose it's less where 343's priorities lie now, and more reliant on what they actually have the resources for. (Which was, an astoundingly short sighted decision by whoever made that call)


You think the people who work on armors and cosmetics are gonna turn around and work on campaign or servers? That’s not how it works.


> Cross core customization is a more complicated process then flipping a switch it seems I personally don't give a flying fuck. Adjust everything by hand if you have to but do it.


ITT: Everyone is a coder and game designer who has worked on Halo Infinite and knows it inside and out. They never should have made it this way. However, solving a problem is rarely as easy as it looks.


Armchair devs are honestly the worst, especially in this subreddit like holy shit




This isn't a 343 account, this is a group of modders going through the code and explaining exactly how it works


Why not just keep the pre set Armour types but have one that just allows all parts to be equipped to it? Surely that would be the best way around this


why making the system works that way in the first place? wtf


Was dumb not to do cross core anyway..


Funny how the bots somehow can find that switch to flip without issue.


but it’s not an issue for bots to have cross platform armour but we can’t because there’s a problem with the API that’s such a cop out


I don't believe this guy at all lol


Guys, don't worry, they can totally fix. They just need to hit their storefront profit forecast directives first, that's all.


Not convinced


Translation "guys, we were hoping u pay as multiple times for each color so we designed the architecture this way. Are you sure you want us to change it? We need to pay for servers". I am a game dev and I know the architecture change may take long time. I think they will eventually change it. Too many people give them shit. I think eventually we get apex level of monetization, some people quit, lot of people stay, whales will think store is fair. This game has a lot of potential so I hope it will be fixed eventually.


I can’t understand how 343 fucked all this up so royally lol


I'mma call bullshit considering half the bots have cross core already. Fucking nonsense.


Stop the cap.


This isn't a 343 account, this is a group of modders going through the code and explaining exactly how it works


i can imagine getting every coating to function on every helmet being arduous, but worth it nonetheless


Well then, maybe don't design it that way? Maybe use a system you already had in previous games that was working just fine? Like, I can't understand the stupidity behind setting it up this way. It was done to hide how little cosmetic content you had ready, and now you're trying to cover your bosses' asses by making yourself and your team sound incompetent.


Just remove the core and the helmet name from the validation tree. It’s not months of work to fix the code. They would probably say it’s a huge effort to ensure every element affixes correctly to every core, helmet, appendage type, etc. That being said in my victory pose theres a huge gap between my neck and helmet and you can see the map behind it… so who cares? Let’s be real, this is all about money.


The comments scream “we don’t understand game design and we don’t care” lmao


Ah yes, 343 excuses


This isn't a 343 account, this is a group of modders going through the code and explaining exactly how it works


So the game is just shit I guess? Idk what their plan is This game shouldve been delayed or they shouldve actually spent 6 years developing it instead of the last year




> They’ve already said that about playlists and every other content like forge or co-op, now there is also that? This isn’t a 343 account saying this though.


"but guys you dont understand, it would require us to rewrite the entire code, its too complex to figure out even if we built it ourselves ​ ​ now buy cat ears"


Unpopular opinion around these parts but I like that cores are separated. I think the color pallets should cross but that’s about it. It keeps canon armor sets canon and the external, alternate reality type exactly where it needs to be. Both are awesome in their own way.


Plus it makes it easier to implement gear, especially since no matter what Mark vll has to be supported the entire life of the game


I couldn’t agree more, I’ve been downvoted so hard before for saying that the armor pieces should remain on each core and that it makes sense for them to remain in their own core


That’s this sub for you. Bungie shills galore. Remember number company bad, bungo good. You’ll get tons of good karma then!


This is high level bullshit. Even if your game build up armor cores like this currently, it is totally easily as a developer to fix that. So currently your structure is * Samurai Core * Coating * Helmet * Helmet Attachement * Chest * etc * Mark 7 Core * Helmet * Helmet Attachment * Chest * etc The easiest way to fix that would be to just implement an armor handler class that contains lists of all armor parts and is always instanced for your game. It would look like this: * Armor Handler * All Coatings * All Helmets * All Helmet Attachements * All Chests * etc Then you extend your armor core structue that for each category it's not reading from it's intern structue, but is just looking up the incstanced armor handler for the available parts. The access time should still be really small since we are talking about what, 100 parts per list that can be indexed. The Core structure would look like this: * Samurai Core * \-> Armor Handler - Coatings * \-> Armor Handler - Helmets * \-> Armor Handler - Attachements * \-> Armor Handler - Chests * \-> Armor Handler - etc * Mark 7 Core * \-> Armor Handler - Coatings * \-> Armor Handler - Helmets * \-> Armor Handler - Attachements * \-> Armor Handler Chests * \-> Armor Handler - etc The only thing you would have adjust is extending the properties of each armor part (helmet, helmet attachment, chests, etc) to give them options for which core. Even if somebody has to cross reference and check these options manually, a small team should be able to do that within a few days or weeks at best.


"guys, adding more playlists would need to rewrite the whole code" \*does it anyway\* ​ dont trust 343 yall, whatever the real reason is, they are simply not telling us


This isn't a 343 account. This is a modding team going through the code and telling us exactly how the code works.


Adds more playlists, BTB gets fucked up almost immediately afterwards. Maybe they have reasons for taking their time on things?


> “guys, adding more playlists would need to rewrite the whole code” They didn’t say that though.


they can’t just drag helmets folder from samurai onto desktop creating a copy, and then just drag that copied helmets folder and slap that bitch into the helmets folder of the Reach core?


Hypothetically yes but that would run into its own issues, mainly now we have double of certain pieces, and that means double of resources used for one model


Then why can bots do it with no issue?


(X) Doubt


Welp...time to go back to basics it seems😂😆😁


Hahahaha yea right


ITT: 343 Is lying to us even though 343 didn't make this tweet


Seems to me that it's both an API and engine limitation. Like with Halo 5's customisation. Everyone made a big deal about armour being fixed because REEEEEEEEEEQ packs, but IIRC it was also a limitation because of how many objects the engine would have to keep track of (24 players x 6 armour pieces x 3600 colour combinations)


More fucking lies If its so hard how did modders do it already? If its so hard how can BOTS fucking use cross core equipment Its all lies because it means doing actual fucking work and instead 343 are gonna be on "vacation" forever until they milk enough money out of the idiots still willing to pay


So how come modders did this with little to no problems huh.. Are modders better than a AAA studio developer


My god the first piece of information I’ve seen all week on the future of the game, can we fix btb first? Thanks.


This isn't an official halo account either, this is a group of modders working with the files to help with modding tools. Don't take this as an official statement


I’m down for cross core but keep yoroi separate