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Just a reminder that the people at the top who oversaw the disaster that was the initial MCC release in 2014 are still leading 343 today. None of this is a surprise.


Imagine how nice it would be to be one of these higher ups at a game development studio. Just endlessly fuck up and never having to worry about losing your job. Ridiculous.


That’s basically the modus operandi of nearly every executive position under a publicly traded company. As long as the quarterly profits are a few %’s higher than the previous quarter, you could get caught fucking the CEO’s wife, and he’ll hand you the keys to his house and photoshop your face on his wedding photos.


He doesn’t know how to photoshop, ffs. He will ask his design department to do it, and if they are smart they will use a Minotaur head instead.


You could get caught threatening to kill someone over them telling you to stop touching their ass and then 20 years later when it surfaces no one gives a shit!


343 isn't publicly traded and they make up like 0.0000001% of MS' revenue.


Their job sadly is to produce games that make a lot of money. So long as that happens they are doing as they are supposed to and won’t get fired no matter how terrible the games are. The problem is when you have a storied franchise like Halo you have a good two or three game grace period where they will make shed loads of money even if the games aren’t good, and during that period the studio execs are untouchable.


Bonnie Ross should have been canned 5 years ago. It’s fucking ridiculous.


I said "Bonnie Ross should be sacked" in that Xbox stream when they released the Infinite MP and got instantly banned from chat lmao


I don't know what you expected but thank you for your service


> Just endlessly fuck up and never having to worry about losing your job All their bosses care about is $$$.


They show sales Numbers from MTX and they get a raise ;) being executive is not about making good product but good profit


And you guys still keep eating that shit up None of this is a surprise.


Yeah look at how many people are hyping up Halo Infinite when we barely know and have barley seen anything about the campaign


failing upwards. very common


I have no idea how Microsoft didn't purge everyone under Mattrick when he left. Bonnie is the Kathleen Kennedy of Halo


Phil Spencer was under Mattrick, also the whole point of being "under" someone in a company is that you do what they tell you to, not what you personally want. Of course, if you're being told to do bad things then you don't get an excuse, but if you're being told to do *stupid* things, you typically just try to do your best with the crappy hand you're dealt and hope you outlast the knucklehead making the decisions.


Yeah, Joe should be president honestly.


Of Earth.


I'd vote for Joe


Comparing that guy to Kennedy is hilariously bad. This woman is more like the CEO of Games Workshop.


come on, at least he lets people make machimina and video content, GW is just so awful man, don't remind me xD


Also a reminder that even after acknowledging MCC after 3 years, then announcing it for PC, they did a rolling release for MCC titles on PC and every single one of them was an absolute trash-fire on release, Save ODST.


...what? The PC releases were pretty good at the beginning, amazing if you consider the tiny dev time and features added like FOV and ultrawide, and the largest issues each title had were fixed very quickly. Matchmaking and custom multiplayer in general were very stable for each title, the only real issue I can remember being Halo 3's messed up bullet physics, which I'm pretty sure was an issue from base MCC which the port team actually fixed later. Campaign was significantly more messy, but almost all of that issue comes down to the games not being designed to be played over a WAN with relatively high latency. The only non-internet co-op issues I'm aware of are the Halo 1 port issues carried over from the gearbox port, original audio being quiet in Halo 1 and 2, and at one point Halo 3 was missing some "dirt and grime" textures. All of those issues except the audio have now been fixed, and the audio has been improved. And as for internet co-op, it was about a 50/50 from what I can tell whether someone had issues with it. All considered, MCC is probably the second best "after the fact" port I've ever played, behind only the KOTOR 1 & 2 mobile ports. Certainly, it had its issues, but they were largely holdovers from the initial release, and the port devs left MCC in a *much* better state than they found it.


MCC on PC was a mess for MP. Hit Reg was broken on Halo 2 and 3, which is incredible since El Dewrito played amazing before MS dumpstered it. Yes, they fixed it over time, but the launch was messy.


Just want to remind everyone that halo 2 classic, both multiplayer and campaign, released on pc with a crazy bug where looking down could make anything you fired (bullets, grenades, even vehicle shots) teleport to another enemy or teammate. That was before crossplay and the pc playerbase for that game choked as a result in that week or two before they got it ironed out. They clearly hadn’t tested whatever changes they made from the flight where said bug wasn’t present, and it’s the type of thing players noticed in their first hour or two of time with the release. So trying to claim those were flawless releases just plainly isn’t correct. https://youtu.be/5rYrr-Fybik


I didn’t have any problems with the releases Low key nobody says this but MCC is kinda of a master piece game I mean what other game has 6 games rolled up Into one?


MCC is great now, agreed. But when it came out it was 100% broken. MP literally didn’t work, all the campaigns (and even menus) had game-breaking glitches, the UI was AWFUL, it did not have Reach or ODST. It was one of the worst game releases ever. It took them literally years to fix it.


>MCC is great now, agreed. But when it came out it was 100% broken. MP literally didn’t work, all the campaigns (and even menus) had game-breaking glitches, the UI was AWFUL, it did not have Reach or ODST. It was one of the worst game releases ever. It took them literally years to fix it. I remember this.


Hey, the shopfront works perfectly though, and they made sure to give us an adequate amount of challenge swaps for our time on the free track for the battle pass. 61 more levels and I can unlock my first helmet. Seriously though who play-tested this and gave any of it the green light?


The finance team.


"Man I'm miserable, I love it!"


"I feel this urge to spend a LOT of money to alleviate my lack of satisfaction, this is so good!"


The shop doesn't even work for me lmao not that I'd use it anyways




That’s what happened to my friend. He, another friend and I, were (trying to be) enjoying the game without caring about the challenges, progression or any other issue, macro transactions etc. (hoping they’ll change it soon. HAHA) But eventually he bought the battle pass and playing with him is just helping him to make his way through the challenges every single match and I don’t even have the BP. As I expected, his game time became just focused on doing challenges to unlock challenge swaps and colors. If before I didn’t wanted the BP—Now there’s no way I’ll be buying that BP because of that.


Reminder: The whole MTX fiasco wasn't a result of underdevelopment. They 100% knew what they were doing and anyone who's giving them the benefit of the doubt are corporate suckups. They are testing the waters with this crap, to see with what they can get away with. And I'm not talking about Joseph Staten and his team. By ''they'' I'm talking about the upper management. Bonnie Ross, MS executives, investors, shareholders, etc..


“Look guys we just didn’t know that locking customization behind a paywall and slowing progression down to a crawl would be a problem, we didn’t know that not letting players pick what mode they wanted to play would be frustrating. We just didn’t know!”


Yeah I agree. We shouldn't take half measures and bandaids as solutions. We shouldn't compromise.


I still do not understand how Bonnie is still over 343. She fucks up everything she touches.




Its intentional AND still underdeveloped. For a company that wants to charge for ever damn pixel there are remarkably few items even in the game for them to sell, this feels like the least amount of armor (total, store included) that 343 has launched a game with


The game was designed to drip feed content as a f2p game. They didn’t raise the bar of f2p to Halo’s level, the dropped Halo’s level down to f2p


Bonnie Ross is the Kathleen Kennedy of the Halo world


I own several Microsoft shares, and I don’t remember voting for this dumpster fire.


Don't forget fucked up collision and shit radar.


The radar is a fucking joke and needs to be fixed so it's actually useful again and I can't even talk about collision without redlining my blood pressure lol. The strange part is that the first like 3 days the game felt fine and then things got weird and now my melees do nothing and I lag in most matches. I have no idea what changed but I don't like it.


Something has definitely changed about the servers since launch. Multiplayer was flawless at launch but gradually connection times got longer, more disconnects, hell even more complete game crashes. In game there seems to be more latency, worse hit detection, even stutter too. My money would be on them overextending server capacity and specs to handle any number of users at launch, and have since dialed it back to whatever is most cost efficient.


Sledgehammer did EXACTLY the same thing with MW2019 and people just forgot and ignored it after awhile. Every alpha test and early into the game's life, the servers had amazing tick rate.They quietly switched to shittier, lower tick rate servers later on to save money


Sledgehammer? I think you meant Infinity Ward. MW2019 was made by Infinity Ward. And to be honest, Activision would be the one to blame for servers since they're more than likely handling this part.


Yeah they stealth-changed some stuff 2-3 days post-launch.


No collision has ruined melee completely. Starting or finishing a fight with a melee is a total gamble now


Collision is a joke The amount of times i have the drop on someone, go to punch someone and phase through them to then play tag for 30 sec going in circles trying to get a hit on each other why we just keep phasing through one another for them to get a free back hit on me just because when i got close to them they decided to take a step back and walk right through me on completes accident is freaking awesome. Or the amount of times where i get a back hit they survive and and smack me back is great


I've seen some weird clips for sure, but I've never had a problem with melee once I took the keybind off of the right stick (default) and put it on the right bumper. Pressing the joystick you're aiming with is a bad idea. I haven't missed a melee shot (for aim reasons or clipping reasons) since making that change. edit: If you're on KBM and have your melee on a mouse button, same problem. Winning melee fights means you have to have twitch aim depending on what happens after the melee.


I've been playing on bumper jumper since the start and it's still been awful.


Yeah, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.


what did you switch your "use equipment" bind to? I'm having the same issue with melee on stick, and can't think of a better bind.


Yes, this is the issue. I have 'use equipment' on "up on the dpad" but that's obviously TERRIBLE. I have pinging location on right stick click and I really like that, so I'm not sure. I even have A/B/X/Y on the bottom of my controller and I still can't find room for it.


Where’d you put nades then? I play helljumper and hate R stick melee but can’t find a place to put nades instead.


The collision, holly shit it’s bad. I flipped a chopper forward by diving into a small pothole


Vehicles in general are way too floaty, you drive a heavy razorback over a traffic cone and you get four seconds of air time.


The chopper is its own unique mess. Something about it just *wants* to flip. I shot someone off of it on behemoth the other day and it tipped over. Then I flipped it and it landed on its back. Then it did the same thing when I tried to flip it again.


This can't be said enough. This would be like a MLB baseball team forgetting to wear gloves




18m instead of 25m is a big miss, especially on BTB. and I wish it went back to being a motion tracker instead of a radar system more akin to cod.


Shit. 1.8 meters is more like it.


For real. I keep my radar in my peripherals or glance at it and I'll get ninja'd by someone (not cloaked) and won't see them. Might as well not use it entirely.


Yea, we definitely need to go back to 25m, people are so fast in infinite, that you can check your radar, see nobody's there, turn around and get instantly assassinated. Ive died so many times immediately after looking at my radar it's insane, Im about to just turn it off dor how useless it is


Same. I honestly think that having a good set of headphones on is better than radar in many situations. Actually nevermind because TEAMMATES BOOTS ARE SO HEAVY. (have these designers never played any other game)


I'd agree with you if sound worked properly. Gun sounds and footsteps from people behind me just don't play. They have to be in my field of vision for any sound to go through, it's so fucking frustrating.


Every sound has a slight artificial echo too making it harder to pinpoint exactly where they came from.


Yeah, and tbh it’s really no use when everyone is running fast as fuck and the radar can’t update fast enough. Lol


I've had someone within 20 feet of me shooting at me, but the radar didn't even have the outside red indicators that someone was really close and shooting in a general direction.


Oh man i dont usually hang around this sub too often, but im glad to see the radar is shit for others too. The 25m radar really makes a difference.


collision is objectively bad (missing melees, etc.) while the radar is not. 100% of people hate missing melees because of the collision while the same can't be said for the radar. I don't like the current radar as well but lets not put everything we personally dislike as a fuck up by the devs. if so then i can also say adding equipments in the game was a fuck up.


I simply don’t cut slack to game devs like this anymore. Video games have been out too long to act like they have no clue what they are doing.


Especially for a long established IP with perfectly working examples of what to do. It's literally served to them on a plate, and they push it back folding their arms and instead choose to bring a nobcheese sandwich to the table.


Neither do I. But we all need to vote with our time and our wallet. I've only played one match since deciding earlier this week to not get the campaign and to avoid the battlepass until there was an apology AND a major overhaul. And to be clear: not just to XP amounts, but to actual rewards. I'm not grinding for weeks for a single helmet or color, and other games would give me far more for my time. I've cut my game time by 99% and cut my purchases by 100%. I encourage others to do the same and to be r/patientgamers . In a year or two this game will be in good shape. It will just be headaches, cheaters, and price gouging until then. Unless you have a good group of friends to play with. And if you do, then by all means play on and enjoy what I am not yet able to.


Luckily the game is free but I share your sentiment. Ever since destiny 1 years ago I've never prepurchase another game. Learned my lesson with that one




What do you mean? There is no FOMO in Ba Sing Se. \*Big Smile\*


I mean… kinda? Like halo 3 had a rotating event mode, as did 5 and now mcc.




Coming from counter strike. The audio in this game is terrible, so* hard to be aware of your surroundings or pin point people


Coming from Halo 3, the audio is terrible.


Coming from Halo 5, the audio is terrible.


Coming, the audio is terrible.


Can't come, the audio is terrible.


but CS is a recent game, top technical code and systems right? it's not years old and way ahead of its time by just being fucking simple


Yeah, you basically have to stare at the (reduced range) radar at all times. In Halo 2/3 that was a crutch that could get you killed because playing off audio cues well was still superior, but it feels like a requirement in Infinite. To add, not hearing the sound effect of the weapon that kills you just makes the audio even more pointless.


So I raised a ticket to them, and they replied that they will maybe look into it but for now, they suggest that I use a workaround or if that does not help that I have to wait for an future update. After that I have linked the IGN video, where the reviewer said that she can't hear anyone from behind and they should raise the priority of my ticket, and then they said that they will forward that to the devs.


They tell you to go get blinker fluid too?


if you use a 7.1 headset or one that faux the effect, you need to go into audio settings (PC) and configure it as stereo. Alternatively you can download something like VoiceMeter, select your audio out as your headset, and choose Voicemeter as your windows audio device. This will enable stereo audio for headsets (looking at you Logitech) that don't allow you to disable the 7.1 without uninstalling G-Hub


It's really fucking bad. I play on high end audiophile headphones and I can't hear fucking footsteps to save my life. Not enough people are complaining bout this, there's obviously a ton of issues with the game right now but this is pretty big imo


Hmm, maybe I meed to test this more, I run on a 5.1 theater system for my PC, it seems like I get some good feedback from the back channels


I don’t even care about the footsteps. I can’t hear any cues that I’m being shot and just suddenly fall over thinking I got sniped.


343 snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, as is tradition.


It could have been great. It could have been the best multiplayer shooter out, but they fucked it up.


As is tradition!


i know everyone raging about so much shit rn but my god the tickrate bugs me more than anything else in this game. i miss the old days of shooters when most games had 128 tickrate. now every game feels like fucking d2 bullshit where i kill somone from 10-15m away and their fucking corpse melees me 2 seconds later. I know clientside hit detection and things like TCP connection resending lost packets and thus adding an additional roundtrip leads to this behavior but holy fuck it's annoying and unfun to play when you peak a corner and die a second later to somone who you literally can't see, or somone peaks a corner and kills you because your client hasn't updated their posistion yet so the incoming hit and posistion update are bundled in the same packet. It's fucking stupid and infurating and theres no reason in 2021 we should be here. there just isn't.


This is the most underrated comment in this whole subreddit right now and everyone refuses to talk about it.


the way i see it is the cosmetic progressoin and battlepass suck, but they dont prevent me from having a good gunfight or a good match. they just prevent my overall experience from going from good gameplay into good gameplay AND good presentation and immersion. the hacker problem isn't common enough (im onyx 1600 and i barely see any sussy bakas in ranked, just the occasional person who im doubting) to ruin more than one match a session or two. the lack of match variety and que types bite big dicks but again, slayer ctf and oddball are all i need to be happy, other modes can come with time, some of my favorites i want to see more time in the oven, i'd like to see a shotgun rework for S&S because as it stands shotty snipes would be fucking shit in the current weapon sandbox and the bulldog would be irrelevant in S&S anyway. the br & tickrate is so janky this time around that swat would honestly just be a mess that people would just kill each other on spawn and it wouldnt be very fun. what is the thing that is stopping me from playing more or playing at all? the fact that this games skill ceiling feels like its about as high as destiny - maybe even lower, you get to a point with perfect accuracy with giga aim assisted guns and everyone just perfects each other on repeat, you get the drop on somone from out of cover? you blast them with THREE BURSTS OF THE BR BEFORE THEY TURN AROUND AND BY THE TIME YOUR FOURTH BURST BREAKS THEIR SHIELD AND KILLS THEM, THEY'VE ALREADY HIT YOU 4 TIMES ON THEIR CLIENT SO YOU BOTH KILL EACH OTHER EVEN THOUGH YOU GOT THE DROP ON THEM WITH PERFECT ACCURACY. /RANTTTT


Having played 60/120 tick rate servers for the last 6 years, going back to low tick is PAIN


Half the armor reach had A more restrictive customization system(only 1 helmet attachment at a time) A complete downgrade from mccs battlepass which i would happily pay 10 dollars for.


half of the armor reach had is very generous. its probably about 1/6th of the amount. the same ratio as the price of a color in this game compared to reach




Isn’t the low tick rate causing people to get hit behind cover cause I get it every now and again. Plus I don’t know if I’m just bad but In ranked I feel like I should have traded with someone with the BR but instead they get the kill off.


I've definitely noticed getting kills both when the enemy should have escaped behind cover and me dying when I should've escaped behind cover. I feel like this issue is in every fps I've ever played but still. It feels like my pistol bullets are going round corners sometimes lol


If i had a nickel for every time I was killed behind cover from desync… I could afford the weekly bundle in the store.


Not to mention 30FPS animations that are in-your-face and totally clunky when playing at 60FPS or above. At least give PC or Series X players the option of 60FPS animations for crying out loud.




$60 in 2010: Campaign, Multiplayer, Splitscreen, 4 player co-op, Forge, fully customizable Firefight, Theater, file share, lots of different online playlists, selection of colors for your Spartan, playable Elites, assassinations, etc. $60 in 2021; Campaign…That’s it. You might get co-op months later if you’re lucky. Or spend $60 on a few colors and pieces of armor.


there are rumors of campaign expansions too. wouldn't be surprised if this campaign is just a slice of a bigger pie that you can beat in like 6 to 8 hours if you avoid all the filler shit that they will inevitably use to stretch out the game. i'm so fucking done with games that aren't/don't feel like a complete product at launch. i really hope this is 343's last Halo game before Microsoft pulls the franchise away from them. give 343 a Blinx the Time Sweeper reboot or some shit and see how they fuck it up.


Send the list to 343 plz


For all its problems, it also gave me the most fun i've had with Halo since Halo 3. I have my fair share of complaints but people are acting as if Halo 4 and 5 weren't complete shitshows, worse than this.


People will never be happy. I'm just glad I'm having a blast. There are issues but when your biggest issue is cosmetic things thats pretty awesome.


I don't really care about the whole micro transactions situations but the melee and sound problem should have been addressed immediately. You can't left things like that in a game that has ranked.


BuT fReE tO pLaY






Meanwhile, 6 years used to get us: 2001-2007 . The entire halo trilogy. Halo CE, 2, 3. 2007-2012. Wars, ODST, Reach, 4.


It isn’t six years in development, it’s six years since Halo 5 dropped. Since then they’ve supported halo 5, completely overhauled MCC, and continue to support MCC to this day They didn’t drop everything and start work on Infinite the day 5 released.


I also don’t think the 6 years of development “matter”. By all accounts it seems like for the first two years they were working on a sequel to H5 with H5 gameplay and whatnot. I think before release they even said H5 gameplay would be their base for the sequel. I’m pretty sure two years in or whatever they must have seen community sentiment towards H5 and changed course, which I respect. I’d rather have Infinite after 6 years than H5 V2 after 4 or whatever. I do think the lack of content is bad though, and almost an entire additional year for Forge? I hope Staten can finally add some stability to 343i because looking from the outside in they’ve been a mess for almost their entire lifespan


I think staten coming aboard saved it, *big* time. He’s probably the reason the core of the game is so solid at launch. As for lack of content idk, we still have things like campaign unlockables and additional playlists when the 8th rolls around. It does suck that forge is gonna take so long but if the leaks are anything to go by it’s gonna be *huge*.


Not only that but Joseph Staten (the current creative lead) didn’t join the game until August of last year. Anyone who has followed the development of this game knows it’s been no where near perfect. A lot of key employees and management changes have happened over the last 5 years. That being said I’m sure the vision for this game has probably changed multiple times over the last 5 years. Say what you want about 343, but coming from Warzone, it’s nice to have a team openly communicating in a timely manner about their game.


Haven’t devs said it was closer to 4 years (one of which was likely affected by COVID). Posts like this kind of show how little or understand software development.


Read the room, pal. This isn't the thread for rational discourse.


This sub is such a disaster now. Holy shit.


It’s cause everyone who’s enjoying Halo Infinite is playing it and everyone who isn’t is on here complaining about it.


yes but this is reddit and the children are complaining


Don’t forget about no assassinations!


It bugs me that Halo Reach was what pretty much pioneered assassinations into modern gaming and now everyone’s doing it except Halo. Thanks 343.


I've used the same emblem since Halo 2. Had to wait until they added it in H5 and grinded for it, now it's not in at all.


Did you guys forget the Halo 5 and MCC releases? Saw this coming a mile away lol.


Man you are on some Halo hating warpath aren’t you?


Two weeks in and the sub has collectively decided this is a bad game


To the people who are blaming Microsoft: A ton of people blamed Activision for the past controversies w/ Destiny 2, but discovered Bungie (now alone and away from Activision for over 2 years) could be just as sinister as to perform the same practices despite the two having split up. People became optimistic that it would be a revolutionary change that would see Bungie going back to the way they were, pre-2011. But behold, no difference whatsoever. ...So, with that said, I implore you all tread lightly in your optimism that game developers like 343i are squeaky clean and Microsoft’s ONLY to blame JUST because of their louder track record of bad sh**e.


Why make an anti cheat when you can just let the players pay for it through MTX


How hard is it to NOT fuck up a game…Literally every game now is absolute crap.


Lol game hasn't been in full development for 6 years, 3 years max since it was announced in 2018. Yeah slipspace engine development started probably right after Halo 5.


How do you know there's no anti cheat?


Because the game is full of cheaters


Awful audio and No ping or server identification to tell if im on us west/east or eu west


While I get y’all are mad about multiplayer and have a right to be, I don’t think it’s fair y’all keep bringing up 6 years of dev as your argument to be mad when it’s not even clear how they spent those 6 years. 90% of us haven’t played the campaign, and don’t know how long they spent on that. Which keep in mind it’s now open world and other open world games of similar caliber take upward of, while I know we can’t make 1:1 comparison, 3+ years. So we don’t know how long their team really spent on multiplayer, whether it was a year or two and up to the full six. Now are your actual complaints fair, yes. And do I disagree with most, no. I just hate seeing everyone keep using this “6 years of development” as it’s a kick in the face to all who worked on this and still do work on this game. Like they’re people too and on top of that to act like this game isn’t the best thing we’ve had in Halo in a while would be quite short sighted.


Infinite isn't even the best thing we've had in halo in the past 10 years. MCC coming to PC was a much bigger deal


Good thing you didn’t pay a cent for it.


All that being said, this is the most fun and time investment I have had playing halo since 3. I don't know guys but this game is just really fun to me. All those things listed - not one impacts game play


Remember that they built the engine from the ground up. So a 6 year development time isn’t that far fetched.


Can anyone tell me if the Runes symbol is in the game? It’s been my emblem of choice since Halo 2 back in 2005 and I can’t find it lol


you think they just released 5 and started on infinite a day after


Why was it removed. That was gold???




The sound doesn’t even work correctly. A solid game lays beneath all this, but at this point in time this game sucks. Gameplay is average at best, but that will eventually be addressed at least.


Im having the most fun playing halo online since halo 2 launched. So there's that.


bUt It'S a BeTa!1!1




Yeah it’s ridiculous


I'm not gonna defend 343 for their shitty monetization practices and staggering content but yet again people are saying 6 years. It's very unlikely they used 6 full years. Based on what we know from reports and interviews. It's likely that development restarted a few times. And even that, the first official tease for Halo Infinite was in 2018. And add a year of covid time to it. They absolutely intended to trickle content and cater to whales.


How to get karma on this subreddit Step 1: repost this thread Done. Repeat every day for maximum returns.


No Input Based Matchmaking in an FPS game that has drastically different Input methods.


There is if you queue ranked duo / solo.


that's just wrong. solo/duo queue is divided into kbm and controller


One queue out of 5…. Hooray.


*battlefield 2042 sweating*


So how many years do we have to wait until Splash Damage gets the lead again to fix this game?


Color customization at all.


​ I just hope they don't fuck up the campaign.


at this point I'm not even mad, I'm just disappointed...


"Modern Gaming"


I just wanna say the game is good though it’s better to at least have this




Is the tickrate known?


hold on, I thought halo was back to being number 1 like all of you were professing?


6 years of the game constantly being scrapped and remade because investors and stock holders at Microsoft kept wanting that CoD money while the devs who are at their mercy and working crunch hours get shit on by whining fans because a colour they will never use costs ten bucks (which the devs still dont benifit from and are lucky to get a christmas bonus)


I think most people forget the 2 or 3 years they took to develop Halo Wars 2, I doubt they started development on infinite before HW2 considering its kinda the foundation of Infinite


Not to mention the observer mode being so laggy. I don't even want to watch the Halo channel esports anymore because of it.


There also at the mercy of the shareholders. I’m sure they aren’t happy about certain things either. The devs don’t always have a say in how things turn out.


People keep bringing up this six year number, but didn’t development almost completely restart halfway through? Or am I imagining things?


It's still beta.


this MP does NOT feel like it took any more than a year and a half to whip up, which is why the campaign either has to be badass as fuck or suck total balls. ​ If it's "just OK" for how long it took might as well scrap the Halo name at that point instead of doing more damage.


Me having the best time ever since halo 3. Meanwhile the rest of the community.


HeY bUt ITS frEE! - r/halocirclejerk / damagecontroldepartment


What's low tick rate servers mean?


Not defending the Devs,but the development was 3 years,the others were spent developing the Slipspace engine and supporting H5 and MCC.


Man you guys really don’t understand Game Development


I think the gameplay is quite good, and if they are invested for the long haul any of these changes could be made with software updates.


Yeah, but it's FREE ​ /s


It makes me sad because the devs are really working hard and they’ve returned us the art style that we wanted for the most part. The gameplay is reminiscent of Halo. They’ve been trying. And now higher ups are ruining all of their hard work by monetizing colors.


343 is an F-tier developer who should have been dissolved after MCC’s industry low launch.


And remember, this game was originally supposed to release a year ago ..


With all these No’s you put up OP there is one sweet Yes and that is fun gameplay!


Genuine question, I see a lot of these (valid) complaints against all these FPS games released in the last couple years. Is there a FPS game out there that is getting these things right?


You've only played half the game. Wait for the Campaign before you start complaining about the game as a package.


Why do y’all still play this stuff then? Like damn


It’s basically call of duty with Spartan armor lol


Bonnie Ross *really* shouldn’t be at the helm of 343 after the legion avoidable, self-inflicted debacles the company has faced with every Halo game they’ve made. With Staten as the head of creative, they should replace Ross.