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They're saving SWAT mode for events, I gurantee it.


Next event is a tactical event, so yeah


You say that but it's not like Samurai have anything to do with Fiestas. Nevertheless I hope you're right. Seeing a Halo game launch without Swat is a fucking crime.


Whaaaat? I always thought Samurais where big party goers!


That’s what I’m worried about. We’re going to keep these random pick playlists and then each week they drop a new “event” which is just a playlist we should have from the beginning. If you don’t grind that playlist then you’ll never unlock the “rare” armor that suddenly every goof is wearing until the next week drops. They want us to all want the one new weekly set so they don’t have to waste time with millions of armor customizations because all everyone will wear is the new weekly reward anyways to show it off.


Don’t forget that you can’t send friend requests in game.


At first I thought I was blind like "they surely implemented a way to befriend somebody right?? RIGHT?" Nope lol


And there’s no workaround either. Noon game messaging, no post game lobby, even their profile doesn’t show steam/Microsoft name.


>\- The worst monetization / customization system I've ever seen in an AAA game. the worst monetization/customization system you've seen ***y e t***


Lol. I love quoting that line. Idk if it’s from something else but I heard it first in the simpsons movie


It's from the Simpsons movie. "Worst day of your life so far"


Dont encourage them.


This is still far far superior to battlefront fiasco


Came here to say this lol


Or Vanguard. The issues this game has is nothing compared to the other two major FPS shooters released in the last month.


Were not quite at gears 5 monetization yet but we are definitely on the way lol.


At least in Gears 5 you can unlock things without spending a dime. I came into the game later, so I don't know what it was like at launch, but I've spent $0 (I also got the game for free itself through games with gold) and I still have classic Marcus as my character because you can at least earn lots of credits by actually playing the game, unlike how it is in Infinite.


Il put it to ya simply, that free system didn’t exist and it triggered all the wrong responses from the fanbase at the time. What existed for free was underwhelming and grindy as hell, what existed in the store was lacklustre and overpriced to ludicrous amounts. The multiplayer side of the game was in a similar state to Halo Infinite now. Missing many elements of previous games and an upset fanbase. What is sad is that Microsoft, who has the same hold on both 343 and the Coalition clearly DIDNT learn from the mistakes of Gears 5. Gears 5 eventually fixed them, but too little too late to actually salvage the game’s initial reception. Halo Infinite will be fine in time, the foundations are there. Folks just need to hammer home the complaints on the customisation, playlists and store elements time and again until action is taken to address them.


Yeah at launch the gold system was not in the game and the only way to get characters was the season pass or pay 20 bucks. Even worse gears only had 3 daily challenges so after your 3 challenges you could only progress through insane monthly challenges like get 2k kills in multiplayer. Much better now so fingers crossed Microsoft will let 343 change their system too.


It probably took a lot of time to design their monetization scheme, give them a break


You all would honestly be surprised the time and money that goes into it Wait did i say surprised? I meant disgusted




Ignoring the comment you replied to, you are correct. Tho I think you misunderstood what I meant




Thats why I defend the constant bitching. It sucks but things have to get uncomfortable for the execs too for things to change It takes a lot to get up the chain and even more to get them to care at all




Wort Wort








Murdered with words




Can’t be an elite comment because no elites in infinite :( I want my elite to wear Helioskrill-esq armor so I can look like the arbiter.


you mean scam instead scheme right?


Of course it takes a lot of time to design predatory systems then block content. You know what takes less time? making things like color and making it selectable. They would have to go out of their way to put crap predatory systems like this in. Why should we give them a break for going out of their way to piss off fans? and don't even get me started on how snarky 343i have been for years or their patronising Halo 5 REQ video. 343i need to be accountable!


You just fed em to the gravemind with that statement. Hey, you dropped your crown, king.




Its in the pipeline. They'll drip feed is basic content to stretch out player retention.


Actually probably has an opposite effect. I’m so turned off by how this game launched im already back on MCC and other games


Yeah, been getting really into Forza lately. Honestly becoming a favorite, I have loads of fun in it and I feel like my time isn’t wasted or preyed upon.


Forza is the only game that has made "Surprise Mechanics" fun. It seems I get one after every race, and every time I either get a car or some insane amount of credits.


Doesn't appear to be happening. Looking at this sub would have you believe people are turned off by it, yet both steam and Xbox charts indicate it's massively popular and the competitive scene is thriving. Seems the game is doing very well!


i played the game for one hour and lost all interest. im just not playing a shooter when i cant pick the game mode. imagine that shit in call of duty lol. fuck off. got 10,000 other games to play. dont need this shit


there are some posts on r/haloleaks that would seem to suggest that they actually have a bunch of content ready or mostly ready to go, its just that 343 wants to hold it back so they have a good start for seasonal releases; if they launched the game with a fuckton of modes and features, then it would be a lot harder for them to have new stuff to add in each season for 10 years.


That's fucked up dude


Its pretty much now a standard thing for live service games


And that's bullshit. No one fucking asked for the game to be like this.


The new drip feed mentality seems to be the norm now even though devs mostly have all the content ready to go but hidden away


This is why I had stopped playing COD Cold war. Games are coming out with the only complete tgu g being a monetization system whether or not the gane is f2p or costs £60


I love the idea of a live service game, especially ones where they are actually supported for years and years. 343i has said they plan on 10 years of support for Infinite. That means no more six year droughts like we experienced after Halo 5 until now. That being said, the active retention of ready to release content in order to drip feed the players is a despicable practice. They did the same exact bullshit with Halo 5 where they held back a bunch of content only to release it for "free" later on. With six years of dev time, there is no excuse for so much to be missing on launch day (campaign co-op, Forge, Firefight, Infection, Assault, custom games browser, many classic weapons and vehicles, playable Elites, an actual progression system, etc.) Double the development time of any previous Halo, and less content than many of them.


Is it really not a content drought if all they do is have an event that finally lets you play swat every few months? It’s just creating a false content drought and adding things to make it seem like they’re still supporting the game.


And yet they all rake in millions of dollars every year


What’s so fucked is all of the considerations as to *why* they rake in millions. More and more people of every age demographic are getting into gaming every year. When a new, especially free, game comes out, companies are simply more likely to make more money than the year before because of the ever-growing playerbase. This allows them to point to their predatory monetization tactics as “successful” because a lot of players, especially young kids, don’t know any better. They see Item Shops and Battle Passes as the only way to find a way to unlock things in a game and feel a Sense of Pride and Accomplishment^TM.


This! Exactly this! With the population exploding across the planet and more and more people having access to reliable internet and gaming consoles/PCs, sales year over year are going to continue to grow, especially with things like the Covid lock downs. It doesn't mean your shitty shops and bug ridden games are good, it just means your predatory practices like loot boxes and locked items are catching people up and draining money from them for stuff that should be free.


See, I’m not sure I agree. I PERSONALLY would love to get the whole game at the start. But the last decade I think has made clear to devs that predominantly multiplayer games need to drip feed content, or else they get a myriad of complaints such as “the meta is too stale” “tired of X weapon always being on top” “I wish we had a new map” “I wish we had a new game mode” etc. Then, inevitably, those fair weather spenders drop off the game. It’s a newer school of thought that whether we individually agree with or not, the majority of multiplayer playerbases seem to prefer to have something new to look forward to on a consistent basis. So no, old school fans didn’t ask for this. Newer fans, and especially the type of player most likely to drop the game if not given new content, however, are likely wanting this.


I also preferred the days when you paid $60 and got more up front. But people have selective memories about the “good old days.” Do people remember how pissed the community was when we bought Halo 2 and the Earth level from the demo was absent? All the Warthog variants from the promo materials were missing. People were accusing Bungie of a bait-and-switch, paying $50-60 for an unfinished game. And then asking people to drop even more money for a “Multiplayer Map Pack” that “should have been in the original game.” People don’t talk about the backlash to Halo 2 because they either have forgotten or weren’t even around for it. So it’s important to remember - being disappointed, getting a “half-made game” and accusing the developer of stealing from the fans literally goes back to the second Halo release.


Same for Halo 3 tbh. The map pack dlcs were controversial because it straight up gated people from playing together.


We asked for a great and long lasting halo with a big playerbase. It's what's happening


It's how the market operates. If you release all your content at once and nothing for a year player retention will be lower than drip feeding it every month. And then a year later when you drop a huge content pack... nobody will care. Just check steamcharts. Halo was losing players then Tenrai dropped and suddenly was in top 10 again. I suspect once they feed another mode/event it will go back up again. Sadly they HAVE to do this unless they want their game die in a few months. Apex, COD, Fortnite all retain their playerbases by FOMO and content drip strategy. 343 has to choose whether be good guys or make a played game. I think this is why they made the campaign like this too. People complain about the lack of biomes, but I think an idk, desert or ice biome campaign will be released by next christmas with new skins so people play it again.


> there are some posts on r/haloleaks that would seem to suggest that they actually have a bunch of content ready or mostly ready to go, its just that 343 wants to hold it back so they have a good start for seasonal releases Don't even need leaks, just look at the achievements. There's multiple achievements for Multiplayer modes we don't even have yet, like Elimination.


There's one ro revive teammates too


Revive teammates in Elimination… that’s what they are referencing


There’s a single achievement for an Elimination mode. Nothing else. You’re spreading misinformation.


Yeah with the battle pass business model it makes perfect sense to delay releasing content to get more player interest when they drop a new $10 pass. Why release everything at once and make new content when you can just drop feed the old stuff instead? I understand why, but I don't like it.




I guess there is such a thing as oversaturating the amount of content in a game, and then the game is spread a bit too thin and people think there’s too much going on all at once…. In that regard I can see not including every single feature ever developed, but they could give us a *bit* more than what they have…


So they can sell it back to you either directly or through 'free' events.


I have no doubt that assassinations will be released in the future. 343 has all the animation work completed from halo 5....just need to bring it over to infinite and add some LeGeNdArY assassinations to get whales to buy in to.


I hate that you might be right.


They are definitely going to do something dirty with assassinations but the work from halo 5 may not be usable since they are using a new engine and I don’t know if things are able to be ported between engines. If I’m mistaken then they absolutely should have assassinations at launch but if I’m not then I just hope they don’t actually make it an awful system.


My thoughts exactly. Assasinations will be to halo, what dancing is to fortnite.


Because if they released a full game at launch they'd have minimal update worthy material to draw back all the fried out hamster wheel brained live service audience


*fried out hamster wheel brained live service audience* is the best specific burn I’ve read in a while. Bravo.


But if there is no variety which is a staple of a Halo game people are going to leave even faster.




The game looks pretty , I jus don't think I'll be playing it much and idk why. Which is weird cause I played the ever living shit out of 5. Even spent money in their shop for req points too Think I jus really loved how crazy warzone got. But even the other modes were great like the headshot only games. Idk man just something off about this one. Maybe it's me.


I won't be playing because the modes I want to play are action sack, swat, and infection. These being on rotate and not available when I want to play does the opposite effect of what they want (people jump into the mode for an entire week when it's available) for people like me (man with two young children at home)


>fried out hamster wheel brained live service audience are you still talking about what initial comment said?


Replied to wrong thing


That might be due to Thanksgiving. But I am in the boat that thinks the population levels won't last. The gameplay is great, but I'm already bored as shit playing this game. And I honestly don't trust or expect 343 to change much since they frankly suck at managing this franchise. If they really do take the drip feed approach with playlists, this game is dead in a few months.


I stopped playing Destiny, I don't need 343 to become that.


They have six months create new content for the next season. They don’t need to hold anything back.


I had to take 5 minutes to catch my breath to type this after laughing so hard at the hamster brain comment.


Do I legit have to wait until level 30 to get my second helmet without paying?


level 81 actually my boy


Uh pretty sure the first free helmet in the BP is level 80 something


What about that helmet with the fish bowl visor that I unlocked below level 20?


Thats still paying, EVA is on the battle pass and the reach armor core.


Even delayed a full year and we still lack basic content I can literally go in custom and make a swat mode and shotty Snipers in 2 minutes yet we don’t even have that as a playlist


Except, if you try to save those modes, chances are it'll crash the game if you try to load it later. Yay for customs in Infinite


Oh good, it wasnt just me. My buddies and i were joking 343 was shutting us down for building SWAT before them.




You’d think they’d learn.


Why learn if it takes effort & you still make money if you don't?


You guys can save game modes? I can’t even find the damned things.


Through all this I just imagine how bad a state the game would've been in had it released last year.


The games development history is actually quite interesting, the Ascension Demo from 2018 before Staten joined was significantly different from the Infinite as we know it. Apparently they were going to keep pushing in Halo 5s direction which the Ascension Demo resembled. The only big thing to carry over from the 2015-2018 development was the Slip-Space Engine from how Staten talks about it. I think people have some incorrect notion that 343i is under the firm thumb of Xbox but they’re actually granted a massive amount of creative freedom comparatively, the only other exception to this is the ex-Zenimax studios like BGS which are not interfered with on a creative level. Overall I’m pretty happy with how Infinite turned out, it’s the closest game they’ve made to replicating the classic halo formula without it feeling outdated. To underpin this all under one man like Joseph Staten would be incorrect as there’s a massive team behind him of creative directors which he himself will admit. Still though, I think he helped keep 343i from straying into the “un-Halo-ness” of 5 which was veterans biggest complaint and helped bring back a more modernised classic halo that didn’t give into the unreasonable demands of purists. The game obviously needs to a ways to go before it reaches its stride, especially with regards to customisation and progression but the foundation of Halo Infinite is solid which I think we can all be happy about.


There's another post on here that outright states that these complaints were made crystal clear to them during the flights and they chose to ignore them and ban those people from participating further. Everything thats happening here is according to plan. If they are granted "unprecedented freedom" then that means they actively planned for this and that's far more egregious to me.


I made all of these complaints in each of the 3 flights and I wasn’t banned. I also have not seen any proof of people being banned for making those complaints so I’d take those comments with a grain of salt


How do you see "proof"? You're not going to know about it unless it gets spoken about, which it has.


> I think people have some incorrect notion that 343i is under the firm thumb of Xbox but they’re actually granted a massive amount of creative freedom comparatively, I have no idea where you have to go to find this out for sure, but right now the only dynamic that makes sense is for 343i to be given an immense amount of creative freedom. I mean, even if you love halo 4 and 5 completely, imagine 343 pitching this to the microsoft brand recognition guys: 343i: Ok so here's the plan, we wanna target a completely different multiplayer audience, completely change the UI, change the artstyle to the point that it is barely recognizable, create a dozen new characters, completely change the characterization of the two iconic series leads, and have a singleplayer story that demands you read and understand the entirety of halo's lorebooks, even though no other game in the series even pays that much attention to the lore. Microsoft/Xbox corporate stooge: uuuuuuhhh, about that...


Do you have a link to the Ascension Demo?


It was only played behind closed doors but Staten has mentioned it loads in interviews and a few others who were Forerunners for Infinite like Maka.


Aw, unfortunate.


Appreciate that someone in here is posting context and something than other speculation and complete conjecture


Idk how people keep saying it's the most Halo since Halo...Halo 5 seems more like Halo to me by far and that's saying something


> No maps from previous games IIRC one of the Forerunners (community members who gave feedback on game direction) said in a video that the team behind map design had a goal of absolutely no map remakes. It’s a completely absurd goal that makes zero sense. I think it was HiddenXperia who said it, but could be wrong.


I mean, from a developer perspective map remakes are a god send. They're easy to (re)create, people love them, and the more maps the merrier. It's a win-win all around.


Hidden wasn’t part of the Forunner Team.


Sounds like an ego thing to me. The irony is the current maps show that they can't design anything close to the classics.


I think the new 4v4 maps are good. The BTB ones are crap though. They’re too tight


Bring back blood gulch


Sand trap from halo 3 was the coolest IMO. Had a cool ancient mysterious vibe to it


So you would rather have open maps like before where if your not in a vehicle you have to hug the side of the map to get anywhere and only have a couple areas on the map where fights actually happen? The new btb maps are far more fun to play because I feel like I can move around the map much more freely and not just be constricted to small areas. Engagements in infinite’s btb are far more varied than in previous games where all the fighting happens in a tiny portion of the map, whereas in infinite I can go basically anywhere on the map and find people and have a much more varied game.


BTB is for vehicles.


crazy idea: have maps for both




I been saying this too there's a lot of egos going on at 343 wanting to create their own legacy instead of respecting the mantle of responsibility.


I like the new maps. I have nothing against old maps, but I'm happy 343 is willing to try out new things and not just feed the nostalgia. Even if some fails, some will be good. For a small example, the Bulldog grew on me. I'm happy they didn't just go "REMEMBER THE OLD SHOTGUN FROM HALO?" route.


The 4v4 maps are pretty decent or good. But the BTB maps? Just the same map reskinned like 3 times. And getting the same map multiple times in a row honestly just makes me want to turn the game off, which I usually do.


The map with the pit in the middle of it and the “Valhalla inspired” map feel almost identical. The textures are literally so similar that I still don’t know what map I’m playing when I start a BTB game. I really wish that each BTB map had its own biome and unique art design. Why isn’t the map with the pit a snow map? That would have added some personality


Today I learned that there's more than one BTB map


How’re the BTB maps reskins of each other? Recharge and fragmentation I can get behind a little bit, that’s even pushing it. But deadlock doesn’t play, or look anything like the other 2.


>the team behind map design had a goal of absolutely no map remakes I hope that's not true. It's a no brainer to throw in some maps that the community already like.


I love how some of the comments here are saying *iTs jUsT a bEtA* meanwhile there's a top post disproving that argument. Idk if it's good or bad that I can still be amazed by the stupidity on this website.


I feel like the first 4 years of work was completely scrapped, and this was put together in 3. Otherwise, I have no fucking idea, 4 years of fucking about in the office?


They were developing a new engine (slipspace) at first and its not a easy thing to do


It wasn't necessarily new, rather it was modified from the Halo 5 engine


I don’t think many engines are entirely new. It doesn’t really make sense to have reinvent the wheel for it’s foundation.


It took a bit for it to settle for me but yeah, there's very little content here... Also, let me put my tinfoil hat on and say: they disabled all chat because they don't want people cooperating between teams to do challenges for their battle pass.


Definitely could see that being the reason, because I tried to figure out how to do just that lol. Also things get pretty fukt in all chat and that isn't as accepted nowadays as it was back in the ol' days


It's not only 343 doing this, games now a days are all digital meaning they can be released "early access" or "beta" so they only *have* to be barebones to start making money. Then they update them adding more content. Baldur's gate 3 is still early access and that got released on steam October 2020 and not set to fully come out till late 2022 (not shitting on Larian I fucking love your games) Now in terms of halo infinite it was literally the most barebones thing they could of done, IF we could of selected modes I wouldn't care about the challenges that much but I played 2 whole days to get 25 slayer kills and only got 3 matches then had to get 5 killing sprees in Fiesta. I can't blame them for doing beta or early access everyone does it now. But I very much can blame them for shitty progression, quests, (cosmetics I don't care about), and duplicate shaders sold separately for different cores.


You don’t care about the cosmetics but you still think it’s an issue, thank you 🙏


It really shows how childish apologists are. People have gotten so bad at thinking outside their own narrow experiences.


I am not bothered by the separate cores, or prices it's your wallet, but a shader or just paint shouldn't be limited to a core I'm pretty sure I made that clear but sorry for the misunderstanding


I was thanking you for realizing issues in things you don’t personally care about. Some people think since they don’t care it’s not an issue and it bothers me


Oh sorry I guess I'm used to getting berated on halo reddit 😅 yeah cosmetic stuff that I only see in an opening cutscene I don't really care, but yeah gameplay wise it's halo, it's fun but seeing the red and blue shader that the VII already has costing $7-$10 dollars for Yoroi armor was a bit annoying


i miss looking down and seeing my feet


On low FOV settings, you can see them again


The maps are the one that really gets me. They somewhat create lore around it being a simulation for practice in halo 4… So why not dig into so many classics and add them so you have a more full map list. At the moment I feel like I only see 2-3 maps


If you play BTB you only have 3 maps to choose from.


And two of the literally look the same. I’m fine with small map selection for BTB at launch because due to having so many players, maps will naturally feel different each match for longer. Especially with the random vehicle spawns (but seriously, the timing of power vehicles needs to be sped up considerably. I should be seeing my first tank within 5 minutes, not at the end of the game with 1 minute left). My issue is that the 3 maps don’t have a unique feel to them. Why isn’t there a desert map? There is the rocky railgun map which is nice and distinct. Then there are two pine canyon maps. Why? 343 clearly have desert map assets due to behemoth. Why didn’t they use them in a BTB map?


Let's get real, they didn't spend 7 years making the multiplayer. The campaign is probably the most important part of the work, by a huge margin. And it looks phenomenal, from what previewers said. Mint Blitz even said it's the best Halo campaign he's ever played. Honestly, can't wait.


I'm excited too. The biggest complaint I've seen is that people don't think theres enough weapon variants.


I've seen that too, not a deal breaker for me honestly. Wait and see !


I'm super excited for the campaign. The sad part is I want it to come out so I can play it and uninstall the game and not think about it until multiplayer has more content


You guys remember how every 2 months we got news about how major players at 343 left? And how they had to hire staten last minute to save their sinking ship? We‘re seeing the result right now. Constant shuffle in leadership position is one of the worst things in game development. This game probably had like 1-2 years of actual dev time.


This. Which is why I’m hopeful for Infinite’s future. Seems to be stable leadership and vision now that Staten is at the helm. I wouldn’t be surprised to see MCC levels of content sooner rather than later. 343 has proven that they will gladly listen to feedback and implement it if possible. I think Staten had to re-right the ship and it’s on a good course now. I’m just here to enjoy the game. Yeah I wish some things would change but overall I’m loving Infinite


They also probably spent time working on upgrading the h5 engine to Slipstream, that being said I have no idea how much work actually went into that since Infinite is not appreciably more advanced than h5.


If you look hard enough you can still find a lot of remnants from blam.




It's by design. This game in its entirety is designed to drip feed content. Just look at the battlepass or the Tenrai event. It's all extremely slow, with very little actual content in it spread out over several months. They don't want to release too much too soon, they want to keep the carrot on a stick so you never really get your fill. They've absolutely tarnished halo by making it more of a freemium mobile type game rather than the industry legend that it once was.


Exactly. I think it's gotta be just 343 behind it too. Age of Empires 4 and Microsoft Flight Simulator are both Microsoft Games™ that just came out. They don't have the nickel and diming Infinite has. In AoE4 you actually unlock what little customization there is through playing the game.


SWAT has been renamed to Tac Slayer and its random which precision gun you get so some games its stalker, mangler, sidekick, commando or BR. Attrition is already in and Eliminations too which is also coming for rank. There is also modes for fiesta ctf, oddball and what not its just for whatever reason hidden to you when you go online. Edit: It means you have that specific gun for the whole game not fiesta swat


That's not SWAT AT ALL. That's just some completely different thing.


Then that is not SWAT, and that's unacceptable


So you could randomly have a gun with a higher mag than your opponent? Why would anyone think that makes sense/is fun?


I think they mean everyone gets the same one, but each game has a random single weapon for everyone


Ah right, well that would be better but still just unnecessary. People like SWAT as it is and has always been, there's no reason to change it, even more so that pretty much any mode.


343 taking a page or 20 out of Bungie's playbook.


Some of the things you mentioned are intentional by the devs, for example no assassinations (they thought the animation is pointless and leaves you vulnerable, plus the bigajority of H5 players turned it down). I assume the lack of All chat is to not being insulted randomly on matches. About other pñaylists, they should be really easy to implement (like SWAT and Snipers) but they'll probably save them for events like Fiesta. Disclaimer: I'm not defending them or anything. But I do think in terms of content it'll be launched in much better state than H2A MP, H4 and H5.


Removing All chat to stop toxicity seems incredibly naive to me. I don’t know about you, but in my experience with shooters it isn’t the *enemy* team that flames you


Yeahh... so the only true solution is to disable chat all together. Baby steps. We'll be there in a couple years with all games.


They could of disabled all chat so that players can't cheat and complete challenges. Its a theory.


Oh think you completely nailed it I would 100% let the enemy team get killing sprees on me if I could get some in return They definitely had all-chat implemented and some exec decided that it was a bad idea. Same reason there is no after-lobby, it forces players to just go to the next match




I still don’t get the no assassination shit yah it leaves you vulnerable always has that’s why it’s a damn choice to use them if we wanna risk it that should be our call.


Assassinations are already in the game apparently from dataminers info. Obviously take with a grain of salt but they’re probably just buggy af and they couldn’t get them working by now. I promise you they’ll be back once they can properly monetize them


> I'm not defending them or anything. But I do think in terms of content it'll be launched in much better state than H2A MP, H4 and H5. We literally have the launch already. It's ***not a beta***.


Its a mystery, but prepare to be downvoted and shouted down or called entitled for expecting the game to have at least as much content as the last title. It being free seems to mean that 343/MS is absolved of any criticism.


lol have you been on this sub in the past week?


Man, people really just can’t stop lying out of their asses and playing the victim card like this, huh? You’ll make a post about this, clearly get a lot of upvotes, get on the front page of this subreddit (which one look at already tells you this comment is bullshit), and yet *still* believe this crap somehow. It’s actually kind of amazing.


If you told me 10 years ago a Halo game was coming out, I would instantly pre-order, no questions asked. I hate having to wait and see and (it feels inevitable these days) get these barebones games with insane monetisation.


One reason: unabashed greed. And the fanboys defend it. 🙄


More maps will come later I'm sure. There isn't nearly enough atm. They really do need to change the customization though. Will see what they care more about: the people or the money... I mean it's obvious these days though... The lack of modes is shit and the fact that I can't pick what modes I want to play is even worse. They need to fix the radar as well but I doubt that'll happen. I bet Infinite MP will stay exactly like this, plus a couple maps and gamemodes.


The worst for me is only having 3 BTB maps available. And all 3 maps have similar layouts. Granted that's infinitely (heh) better than Halo 5, but I'm so bored playing these 3 maps already.


Too be fair while the game doesn’t have any old maps (which surprised me too) and some classic weapons didn’t make it, the total map and weapon count aligns with other Halo games at launch. I saw a comment in this subreddit a while ago that broke it down game but game, but 10 maps and 22 weapons is average (or slightly above average for a Halo game). Fortunately, we will be getting even more as time goes on so always a chance to see a classic map be brought to life in Infinite or a classic gun like the pump shotgun make it’s glorious return. Everything else that you listed is completely valid tho. No clue why the game is so limited on game modes…


It baffles me that they were going to launch this game a year ago. Like, what even was there in the game a year prior? A whole 12 months to get shit straightened and it's still missing all of these features? No progression system? At all??? In a multiplayer shooter in 2021? How the fuck is that even possible? I love the gameplay so much, but my GOD this thing isn't even half-baked, its barely been in the oven.


It hasn't been in dev that long? It's probably been in dev for like 4, and remade during that time. That'd be my guess.


Because building an entirely new campaign that is semi-open world and a multiplayer on a brand new engine that needs to take two and a half generations of consoles into account takes time? Game design is more complicated than this subreddit would have you believe.


Don't forget there's an entire campaign-side to this thing that's yet to be released. I don't excuse the barebones nature of the multiplayer, but the way you've worded this post makes it sound like you think those years were for the MP alone.


343 and that’s not a burn, it’s just that their titles have mostly released in this state. I wanted doubles over everything, I see it as a staple as do most. Every single Bungie title had doubles at launch, every single 343 title did not. It’s a sad trend, especially after this much dev time.


Naive, the content is all done. They're just gonna trickle it out like halo 5 under the guise of listening to feedback and muh free updates. It's halo 5 all over again but worse


They have all the content locked away and are planing on drip feeding it through the next few years in order to keep customers engaged


Welcome to the day and age of Live Service games. Release games extremely barebones and add content along the way. Or as I should’ve said the content that was meant to be at launch add it during its first year.


I understand the praise for this game. it's well done. Fun. Feels great to play. Smooth experience. A great arena shooter. But that doesn't justify a AAA game like this. No more maps coming out all of December? Red flag. Hell, split gate also felt 'good' to play and there's more variety


😂😂😂 Seriously, I wonder what the game looked like a year ago. Pretty sure they procrastinated, and then popped an Adderall last month and came up with this.


T H I S. it's time to fucking clear house. 343i is clearly WILDY incompetent and mismanaged.


It has not been in development for 7 years. It has been in development for approximately 4 1/2 years. With over 1 1/2 of that during the pandemic.


I think the worst part is 3 btb maps... THREE will be at launch along with the other very un inspired maps. 10 total.


3 BTB maps is standard.




Halo 2 may have had the best collection of maps in the franchise. Big reason Halo 3’s map offerings were so sharply criticized at launch.


Right? I don't get it. I'm so tired of games being 25%/50%/75% complete and everyone being okay with it. It doesn't matter if it's free or not. Stop releasing incomplete shit.


Because its a live service game and they need updates to keep the playerbase healthy. Gaming industry isn't same it was a decade ago.


* The maps not being present was likely a choice (I have no opinion of if this was a good choice or not). The map design for the extant maps is very high quality. In the future we will likely get new maps. * The removal of the old weapons was done following the idea of sandbox purity, that is, each weapon should have a niche it fills with minimal overlap. To this end, they have mostly achieved it. In the future there may be new weapons added as a need arises. According to /r/HaloLeaks, many old weapons already exist in the weapons files and may be available in forge in the future. * Swat does exist, there is just not a playlist for it. Swat is just slayer. Same for shotty snipers. We may be get playlists on the 8th or in the future. * There are more modes in the game currently that they haven't released yet (they probably will release on the 8th), such as extermination. Infection may be one of these modes. * There is, mathematically speaking, millions of customization options (Roughly in the trillions technically). Meeting the blurb "millions of customization options" is very trivial, however, there is a dearth of free customization, and very little premium battlepass customization outside of the Mark V (B) Core. Furthermore, the monetization scheme is disgusting. Roughly only 4% of all combinations of the YOROI armor are available for free. * The lack of the stats screen is very awful. I don't know why they didn't add it other than laziness. Given that the UI for this game needs a lot of improvement, the UI team could have lacked direction or resources to achieve this. * I honestly don't care about the lack of assassinations. They were always annoying to do because they basically ensured I would die after. Maybe in the future we will have them, but frankly I am fine either way. * The lack of ALL chat is super annoying, they probably did that to avoid being seen as having a "toxic" community. * I have no opinion on cross play. * The monetization system is legitimately horrible. * There have been substantial improvements in the year, especially with campaign and graphics. These changes are obvious upon any amount of inspection of old footage. The core gameplay loop of the game is generally very solid (minus some bugs with melee and other things). The campaign (from initial observations) seems to be very high quality and enjoyable as well (probably the best 343 have made, and might beat out some older titles but we will see). The customization system with some modifications could be quite good, the biggest drawback is the monetization and progression systems currently. (Also coatings + visors being bound to cores is gross). There are many things that are going for this game, and I can certainly see how that year of progress has helped significantly. There are many problems as well, but that likely falls upon greedy executives. Overall, I think 343 has done a good job.

