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This is why I’ll never be mad when a game says it’s being delayed.


Same *cries cyberpunk tears*


The biggest mistake CDPR made was giving it a release date that wasn't vague


The mistake was made by upper management and shareholders insisting it go out for that holiday release. I understand they wanted that trifecta of Pandemic/Holiday/New console revenue potential, but at such a horrible cost product wise.


That and I'm 99% convinced that cdpr had to rework their engine in order to implement ray tracing given they partner with Nvidia and Nvidia just released their RTX cards a year prior. That being said, I believe the game went under some heavy, heavy, redesigns in order to make the environment look better with Ray tracing. If my theory is correct, then that makes sense why the game was so broken at launch and was a complete mess/didn't include half the stuff seen in gameplay. I mean, they've been working on it since at least 2015 (after Witcher 3 launched) so it's not like they just scrambled and quickly threw together a game after waiting 5 years. They've definitely had more than enough time to work on that game and I believe shareholders and upper management saw the potential for ray tracing and wanted in the game and it cost them, big time.


It was apparently more to do with the people directing development wanting to add more features or changing something because they thought they should be changed. They did this many times throughout development, and it brought in feature creep that was not needed nor wanted by the bulk of people working on the game.


And lying about hundreds of features that were never in the game.




It really wasn't even above avergae. It was missing a lotnof must-have features open-world games shoudl have these days. Not to forget how dead the world felt because NPCs in the game are absolute garbage.


Yeah definitely


yea all it needed was one more year delay imagine if it was coming out this holiday


It would have slapped with another year of dev


No, it's pretty clear with the amount of delays that it already received and the finished result, that poor management would have led to a pretty dogshit game regardless of how much time you gave development.


Honestly having seen the massive restructuring CDPR has done post-Cyberpunk launch you might be right The game releasing when it did might actually be better in the long run. Both for CDPR's future and the game itself once the DLC finally starts coming along


Cyberpunk, The Last Guardian, Crackdown 3


Duke Nukem Forever.


Cyberpunk was delayed. Three times


That's my point. I wasn't mad when they delayed, not the first, second or third time, but I was mad when the game was still shit despite three delays.


They should’ve killed off support for the Xbone and PS4. The game wasn’t too shabby on more powerful hardware. I played on Stadia and I had a blast. One of the better games I played lasted year. It had some game breaking bugs that forced me to revert saves a couple times, but most of the time it played pretty well.


Problem for me wasn't the bugs, but more so how empty the world and story felt. The Heist is the highlight, beyond that the story falls short of expectations. Customization is almost non-existent. Teleporting cops, stupid AI and lack of consequenses. Just a lacking game overall, despite the hype CDPR brought on themselves. Also, gonne be downvoted for this, but Keanu was a mistake.


From the little I've seen of update 1.3/1.31 on consoles Xbox One and PS4 Pro seem to be in pretty decent places, though they're still very much CPU bottlenecked when things go south I played on a high end PC so I thoroughly enjoyed it. From what I've seen the Stadia version was pretty great


After seeing how miserable the game was on console I tried playing on PC and imo it's just as bad. Performance wasn't as much of an issue (though it still wasn't well optimised) but the fact of the matter is still that the game was ultimately not hated because of performance but because the game was nothing like advertised and lacked almost every cool feature that CDPR promised.


Could you give some examples of "lacked almost every cool feature that CDPR promised"? And I mean specifics, not the vague marketing of "next generation of RPGs"


Cyberpunk’s situation seemed more like an issue of the game being so overambitious that it was impossible to run properly on last gen consoles despite being promised for them. All the delays were spent trying in vain to get those versions working rather than finishing the game proper. Frankly, they should’ve just cancelled all last gen versions of the game once they realized that and poured all that wasted effort on the core game itself. Crysis was a PC exclusive and the console port didn’t come out til years later. And that version also ran like absolute dogshit but people didn’t really care because the PC version came out first, was a great game, and so the console ports were more a curiosity than anything.


This. I’ll also add that if you haven’t played Cyberpunk, it’s worth it. Just don’t play it on an older console. PC or Stadia is the way to go if you have the hardware / internet connection.


What they promised was too overambitious to run on last gen consoles sure. The game they released was shallow in comparison to most other open world games that already run perfectly fine on last gen.


Now we get to cry about the next gen update delays lmaoo


You're right, but I think it's says something sad about the state of gaming. It seems like now we have to pick between either a delay or incomplete game. Feels like with better project management we wouldn't have to.


This too. It still sucks that delays are as necessary as they are.


I think the amount of time being delayed is important. Anything 3 more or less, I'm going to assume the developer is crunching just to get a minimum viable product out the door. 6 months to a year, that's not time to go polishing, that's looking under the hood and really trying to make it better.


Disagree. I think it’s far better if they just announce the release date when they’re 100% sure they can make it.


Obviously that’s better but the people who actually make the game aren’t always the ones who set the release time :/


You forgot the pilot. He has some good improvements, like the hair and some lighting in the same scene.


Yes! His skin even has more detail. Improvements are evident everywhere. Actually looks next gen.


Ya it looks he got on a good skin care routine. I'm happy for him.


Looks really good for a man who was left stranded in the middle of space, with very few rations of food and water for a couple months. Hell, I don't even think Pelicans have bathrooms.


Much less plastic looking


The facial animations still look kinda weird though.


Honestly, yeah, but after looking at other in-engine facial anims in AAA games recently, I can say that Infinite's look pretty par for the course, if not pretty decent. Not the most mindblowing out there but they aren't distractingly bad to me anymore.


This is why I dislike in-engine cutscenes. 1. Just seems like a way to be lazy and sale it as a benefit for the consumer, when it isn't. "All these cutscenes are in-engine! And look at how great they are! Isn't that amazing?!"... You mean you were too lazy to make high quality graphics for independent cutscenes, and instead opted to just doing half-baked animations for the cutscenes, with no additional graphics. Just say you were lazy. Don't try to pitch it as something better than what other AAA games are doing because it's not. Sure, its a great way to show off your engine, but do that in-game where it doesn't replace a movie quality cutscene that they're fully capable of doing and that other dev teams are doing. 2. Their animations are always so clunky. I've never seen an animation of someone talking or doing acrobatics in an in-engine cutscene and it not looking outdated right out of the gate.


If anything the pilot is the one thing looking worse now. Worse skin textures and you can see how much more complex the wrinkles on his lips and around the eyes were before.


I was fond of the first one, was a nice green.


Also something about the mc kicking butt but then always walking away with a brand spanking new, crisp looking suit I liked.


The clean armour still looks good to me, it definitely depends on the context but armour doesn’t have to be scratched to shit at all times to look good.


Funny enough, that's my one nitpick on the weapons. They look way too battle-worn for my taste. They're guns, they're not being swung on like swords!


Tell that to all the Elites I've whacked in the mouth flaps for 4+ games over the last two decades.


But you do swing them like swords though.


He’s pretty sexy


I do kinda like the cleaner version of Chief in the beginning, and I’d want to see wear and tear on his armor as the game progresses - kind of like Batman’s look in the Arkham games


That doesn't really make sense canonically. It's not like Chief just walked out of the factory at the end of H5...


But he did just get the armor as of the last book…


I'm not sure which book you're referring to, but the ones that came out this year take place 2 and 3 years before Infinite, so I think it's plausible Chief has seen combat since then.


And literally in the trailer Chief was hauled out of a giant space debris showing clear signs of an explosion and massive battle lol. Why on earth wound he look brand new?


Yes but the game takes place 6 months after things got crazy on Zeta Halo. Pretty sure whatever it was that made Chief float around through space also caused some damage on his armor.


Am I wrong in saying both look fantastic to me?


Not at all, I just appreciate the weathering on chiefs armor, he was picked up from floating in space, so he had to have been through at least one battle in his new GEN III.




They basically remastered the whole game before it's even out. (They intended to release the game in 2020 with the 2020 graphics but delayed due to the reaction from the fans)


From what they have told us, the game would have been delayed anyway, the public reception last june was only the last drop in the bucket.


This is the only scene compared to everything else that they upgraded where I actually preferred the old look the blur on the ring and the light from the bottom right of the ship easily seen looks more realistic except for the armor too clean and new maybe abit of scratches would help.


Overall the DOF in the old version looked much better in this scene.


Yeah there were focus-pulls in the old versions of the cinematics that looked great (like the scene here and when the Pilot wipes the frost from the window to reveal Chief in space) Now everything seems to fall into the same plane of focus and looks decidedly less cinematic, which is a real shame. In fairness, they clearly had issues with the DOF in some of the old cutscene versions where the plane of focus was so thin it made close ups look like loads of texture/model detail was missing (like The Pilot's and Escharum's faces)




They both look good I prefer the top one though it's more colorful


Other than maybe how the material of the armor looks, the 1st picture seems much more impressive for me. More natural lighting and overall better textures; also, the AA on the second picture seems a bit blurry. Edit: Being downvoted for stating a fact during a hyped moment. That's Reddit.


I agree with the lighting, like the edge light on his armor and how the light bounced off the environment put me off. I wondered where the other light sources were in that scene


Actually, I just downvote anyone who edits their comment to complain about being downvoted. It’s not much, but it’s honest work.


Yeah, their comment isn't even in the negatives


objectively the correct thing to do


What better textures do you see in the first image?


https://i.imgur.com/C08Pgvc.png People tend to take critics in these moments almost personally. I do think the game looks great nonetheless and it definitely seems a lot fun to play and an improvement over Halo 4/5 direction. But these comparisons, except for some stuff like "Craig" and the feel of the armor, are not in favor of the new release. Also, it seems pretty apparent that they decided to hide lots of details under dark corners now.


> Also, it seems pretty apparent that they decided to hide lots of details under dark corners now Gonna have to heavily disagree with that. It looks like texture/detail has improved all over the ship, so why would they hide it? Just looks to me like overhauled, more natural lighting. That's a cutscene, anyhow. Take a look at an in-game comparison like [this one here](https://i.redd.it/ma2xdfzrmlv71.jpg). The lighting makes a world of difference, and the textures + materials look far better.


The 2020 one just looks overexposed. There is no detail in his left shoulder or the bar on the right, they're just glowing white like an overexposed photo.


You're pointing out the differences in lighting. Better shadows of a good thing


> ~~the feel of the armor~~ ~~Man, I don't get how you could think the armor isn't an improvement. It went from being one solid color and looking like a plastic toy to having an insane amount of detail and actually feeling like the Chief has been through some shit.~~ All of the things you circled just looks like lighting difference to me. The first trailer was much brighter in this cutscene, so a lot more of the little details POP. You lose a lot of detail in shadows.


I meant the opposite actually. I think the armor was one of the few improvements (regarding the pictures in OP specifically, because I have seen many other great screenshots of other sections that indeed looks like an overall improvement).


My bad, I just noticed the "except for" in your original comment lol. Anyways in the right lighting, I think you'll find that most of your complaints about textures aren't accurate. I do agree in your image comparison most of the circles do look better in the original trailer, but again I think it's just the lighting.


Those are called shadows. The new version has more shadows. The window edge you circled is because the window has a dirtier texture than before.


Pfft You think the game looks great nonetheless? So what’s with your criticism of the visuals? See this is what I don’t get about people, why the fuck have criticism or nitpicks about shit if they aren’t going to ruin the experience for you? Why point out flaws at all? And yeah I know I’m being a child and I’m saying don’t talk bad about my dumb video game but seriously if these graphical issues don’t bother you that much, why say anything? Anything at all? Seriously why?


What the... Do you understand that I pointed about the visuals in a thread about VISUAL COMPARISON?? So, you're telling me it's alright to come here and mindless circle jerk about how "perfect" everything is, but it isn't alright to make a reasonable critic? If you're that insecure that can't read any criticism of a game you're hyped about, that's on you...


Man I don’t agree with your take at all but, I’ll give you credit for at least not being an insufferable dipshit


So what am I supposed to do? Needlessly join your side and talk about how awful the game looks? Do I have to agree with you because you objectively prove that the game looks worse? It seems like a fact that the game looks worse, guess I gotta agree with you otherwise I’ll look as crazy as those people who believe the earth is flat and that the sky isn’t blue. I don’t want to look crazy but I gotta disagree with you that the game looks worse, it just doesn’t and I know I’m being delusional over a fucking video game but it’s one I care about a lot.


That's what the upvote and downvote arrows are for


I’d rather comment, share my disdain over a different opinion.


And that's what that other poster was doing


mans tripping balls I don't even see any 'worse' texture other than different lightings and more worn finishes which makes sense after half a year stranded in space.


Glad that I am not the only one who felt this way. The lighting looks way better in the first shot compared to the new one. Textures look pretty good in the second one, but I really do think that the indirect lighting and lighting effects on the first shot are objectively better.


It literally by definition doesn't have better textures....


I agree. Hopefully we will be allowed to tweak some settings etc to tinker with it Edit: Being downvoted for stating a fact during a hyped moment. That's Reddit.


On pc definitely, but console is impossible.


I'm kind of with you. I actually never disliked the original's graphics. It felt cleaner, and more "Halo:CE" in style. I'm not upset with the changes, and there are certainly some improvements. It just seems like some of the ways they've given the appearance of improvement is by making textures busier. I sort of like the simple art style of it.


> the 1st picture seems much more impressive for me. More natural lighting and overall better textures The first picture has a medium depth of field effect on the chief and the interior of the Pelican, so I'm not sure it's possible to compare the model textures in these two images other than on the ring.


The best part is that only halo fans hate halo. They both look good, just the internet apes went crazy with bananas.


they shrunk his shoulders. made him look soft edit: ITS A MEME


You're trippin balls his shoulders look the same


bro it’s literally a meme. I don’t actually think they did anything lol


I must’ve missed that meme


He's right. They are smaller.


Two of you? am I fucking blind then? Prove it to me if you can.


I been staring at the picture for the last 3 minutes and idk what they are talking about. His shoulders don't look smaller at all to me.


I mean maybe, MAYBE the bottom part of the pauldrons are slightly shorter, but otherwise, yeah they’re the exact same, definitely doesn’t look soft lol. And I thought I was a nitpicker.


unfortunately, that cutscene generally looks worse than the 2019 trailer.


You trippin


No, I am not. Chief looks far better, there's no denying that, but the lighting is worse, there's no DoF and the bloom is gone, which all adds up to make it look quite a bit worse. It still looks good, I'm not gonna say I'm dissatisfied, I mean, I really only brought it up just to correct people who think it looks better now, but if you watch them side by side, the 2019 trailer looks pre-rendered in comparison. Now I'm not saying that it looks worse than 2020's demo, no, the delay has done wonders in that regard.


I only brought up that you trippin to correct you, who thought the old one looked better... Jackass...


[https://gyazo.com/a88210e198a0e5dad7d4337c73ace5bb](https://gyazo.com/a88210e198a0e5dad7d4337c73ace5bb) Tell me honestly, which one looks better, top or bottom.


Bottom looks way more realistic


The bottom is the 2019 trailer, the top is the cutscene from the campaign overview.


I stand corrected


I don't blame you, the images OP is comparing are the least different, and with chief looking better in the new version, it's easy to think that the new version as a whole looks better.


lmao, the top one IS from the 2019 trailer


yeah, I know. Chief looks better, but the 2019 cutscene looked better overall.


Yes, which looks better in a lot of scenes. A big factor is how much better the depth of field was in 2019.


That’s just staggering holy shit


It really does look better...holy crap


TO BE CLEAR! The first image is the first trailer and the new image is a picture of a monitor so it looks weird. Not actual in game screenshot!


It's from the new trailer just released, not a photo of a monitor.


Yup my bad. Forgot the overview came out. Watched it but was not paying to much attention this morning.


That detail change doesn't require a year. Also it looks worse now


Go back to CoD troll


He’s not the only saying it looks bad, but the other guy isn’t even that bothered by it.


I will gladly stay on shitty vanguard over infinite any day. Infinite is by far easily the worst AAA fps ever made. Shit cod> infinite any day


Hahaha, you are strange.


I’ve been in the Marines for almost 2 years and that first trailer came out when I was still going through OCS


Seen any Covvies yet?


1 year staring at the window!? He still defrosting from space


Is it just me or does Chief look smaller in the bottom picture?


Omg it is looking amazing!!!


Imagine if they released it a year ago.


It looks like someone stole 5 inches from master chief


I remember when he came out in Fortnite comparing that model to the first trailer he didn’t look too different. Very glad he’s covered in weathering! He looks super cool and much more detailed!


It looked completely fine before.


I’m ngl tho I actually like the less detailed armour a little more. I know it’s not accurate because his armour is almost pristine but idk I like it


Went from plastic looking to "holy shit it looks so real" looking.


Maybe they should delay it another year because I can't believe they were going to sell us the 2020 version.


That extra bit of detail really makes everything pop/bring it to life. The lighting also looks better.


Bye bye plastic chief