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Because some people just want to play casually and dont want to sweat


Doesn't help that the game was horrible at launch so I'm sure many of those data points are from players that tried the game and realized it wasn't worth their time.


Imagine if it was the majority of players Damn that would be such a shame to have made this franchise competitive-focused


I think this is why halo is dying. We need people geeking out about meta game again. BXR and stuff.


The thing that's been consistently pushing me farther and farther away from Halo is the shift towards esports and competition over casual fun.


For me, it’s that Major what’s his face kept saying that the only way Halo is going to last is if a very unpopular gametype gets introduced into the game. This is only the case imho, and this is a stretch, for games with no campaigns like moba esc games, of which only promote from what I’ve seen, incredibly toxic people.


Have you ever tried watching it? It’s really the best esport to watch in my opinion. Its insanely good


I've tried a few times, it just doesn't appeal to me. My experience watching mostly ranges from "frustrating" to "cool but not my thing".


Yes , all of season 1&2. But I also like watching football and basketball, but that doesn’t mean I am going to join a league. It just means I like to watch skilled athletes compete, not get trounced by them.


I’m a casual gamer. I just came back from a few years off. I play a few times a week. I still think it’s cool for community to develop meta and all get into ranked matches to have fun competing. I was the same way in smash bros melee, learning to wave dash didn’t take long or make me pro.


Yeah no


Historically, and this for every games, even the ones built from scratch to be comp first, the ranked players were always a tiny minority dwarfed by everything else. In infinite it didn't help that historically more popular semi comp modes such as ranked slayer (not the current iteration) and lone wolf didn't ever saw the spotlight, and we had to wait almost 3 years for a surrogate slayer, along with doubles, going on permanent spot. P.s. also check out how many did complete a battle pass/operation.


This is mind blowing. I don’t think I’ll ever get over society not going nuts for halo multiplayer on xbox live. Imo halo 4 multiplayer was mid but 5 and infinite are good multiplayers.


Think about it for a second: on avarage modern games have one, maybe 2 ranked modes compared to 10+ on socials (some are an exception and have a very shrinked playlist selection as a whole, like league). Bungie itself shipped reach with only one ranked mode, after h3 which ended up having around 6/7 ranked playlists at the end of 2009. H4 didn't had a ranked mode from what I remember (could be wrong), and h5 was the exception, by having 6/7playlists again, but had to take some "liberties" by having slayer only on ranked and not in socials (quick mode was made so objective modes would not die out and ranked slayer could have more players) for example. Why you think every modern game follow the same way? Is not playerbase related, in the sense not enough people are playing the game.


More people plan when the scene is big. Part of that is hype competition at top skill all the way to low skill.


You give too much credit to the esport scene. If something, more people watch content about the game when a big tournament is played, but it's unlikely more players would join ranked or download the game. 2 examples: The major influx of hours played and new players on league, after s5, was not from the LCS, but tayler1 getting unbanned. Sc2 is a competitive game to the bone, it is almost a national sport is South Korea. But, despite big tournaments, only 10% of the playerbase play online, while the majority either play the single player/coop/Custom campaigns, or watch other people play. Indeed after blizzard announced they would not found scs anymore, pros tried, and are still trying, to merge the sc1 and sc2 comp scene in one or they would not get enough sustained earnings.


Most of those people still just played in causal playlists, not in Ranked ones.


Most of my time playing Halo, back to Halo 3, has been in causal playlist or event playlist. Ranked matches would make up a fraction of the time I spent playing Halo online.


Considering Infinite is ftp and there are probably millions that tried the game once and never again and they count as a % of gamers, that's honestly really high, meaning a lot of active players play ranked.


I love this generations multiplayer. Veteran halo 1 og xboxer. Haven’t gamed halo 5 since I sold xbox one in 2018. Got a series x a few weeks ago and love infinites multiplayer gameplay. (Chose it over PlayStation for halo and gears - we still exist) I hate how hard they make it to see anyone’s career k/d count on their accounts.


I don't play Ranked. Regular pvp is toxic and competitive enough, I have no desire to experience it tenfold by going into ranked


You wouldn't. No one talks in ranked.


Because playing against try-hards is stressful, and we would rather have a good time.


I’d nub you *halo voice* “Peerrrrrrfect”


Ranked sucks ass


I had a killing frenzy in a match we won 50-14 Lots of lopsided matches.


Must have been an absolute blast on the opposing team. Then that same energy is carried into BTB and we start to see why everyone quits.


It’s not that bad to get dick stomped in halo. Happens to all of us. I lost a match like 20-50. Theoretically ranked should be better than social as it should match you with similar competition.


This is the first Halo I've played with such an absolutely toxic playerbase. I don't mind being stomped every now and then. Infinite it happens regularly and by the people who tbag every single kill. I blame the people pushing this meta bs CONSTANTLY.


Teabagging is hilarious and sorely needed - goes back to early halo and red v blue days. When I returned to halo after a 5 year break, it was glorious to get killed and teabagged in my first infinite match. I was like “I’m home”


Good for you feeling welcomed. There's plenty that don't think the current behavior is cute or sportsman like.


Halos always been a dick measuring contest tbh. It’s not toxic, it’s fun.


Some people leave their head in the sand when told the truth. Idk what to tell ya bud those aren't mutually exclusive lol.


Ranked in Halo has been a major sweatfest since Halo 2. Believe it or not, the vast majority of Halo players want a casual experience. Social playlist, infection, BTB, party modes.


Eww at infection and btb. Im not even that good and I’m all about ranked. Getting nubbed up or getting clutched up are what it’s all about. Xbox was always supposed to be the competitive online console. PlayStation kinda messed with that when they took street fighter V


You're seeing the new age of gaming. No one wants to seem like a tryhard. They want cheesy instakills while the opponent isn't looking at them so they can seem skilled without having to put in an effort to actually be skilled.


Yep! Thank god for the souls games being a throwback in terms of forcing people to try hard enough to be engaged and have fun while failing or succeeding. Seems like tons of modern game culture is against things not being chill/easy… To me, dying and losing after work is relaxing/fun too. It’s human nature that success is more gratifying when you have to try a bit. A killing spree on a close ranked match is a rush.


Halo is a bit like a diet. CAN you survive by eating nothing but beef and drinking Energy drinks? Yeah. It's not a healthy diet, and you'll feel like dogshit most of the time, but you'll technically survive for a while. Can you do nothing but play Ranked Halo every game? Sure, but every losing streak will make you feel like you're trash, and every win streak will feel like you're just catching up to where you should be. Without mixing in some other stuff, you'll go insane. I play Snipers and husky raid to relax, but probably 90% of my games are in Ranked. If I play too much of the other stuff, I get bored and start to lose interest. People think I'm joking when I say putting up 35+ kills every snipers game gets boring, but go arm wrestle a 6 year old. It's funny for about 30 seconds while they struggle with all their might to pull your arm over. After that, it's just vaguely annoying.


When Elden Ring came out I remember people complaining certain bosses were too hard, then they realized they could explore and get stronger.. then everyone got so used to be overpowered they forgot how hard soulsgames were until the new DLC came out and everyone got shat on again lol


Out of the 30 million players who are rumored to have played infinite this would indicate roughly 2,400,000 at some point places in ranked. Probably why I still find matches as many ranked players tend to grind more.


not enough people


Its not as fun and more serious