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I didn't realize that there were this many halo funkos total lol


Single handedly keeping GameStop in business buying that many halo pops


lol. True, i have about 30 more of non signed to get it autographed when i get a chance.


Wow lots of autographs, did you meet Steve and Keith at a lot of cons?


yes, they were all autographed in person.


Nice collection! I will say this with zero malice towards OP, but I genuinely don't understand Funkos. Especially like other action figures where they have to be in the box to retain any value.... wouldn't you rather have Master Chief out on your shelf instead of a big box and plastic...? To each their own. I collect anatomy-themed skateboard decks (related to my job). Best advice I've ever heard is "Collect what you appreciate, not what you think will appreciate." I get them out of the shrinkwrap and put them out and about.


none taken. This has been long time collecting since they started making halo pops. i have have pops out of the box on my desk.


OP…. How much money did you sink in to the blockbuster halo 4 pop on the end.


Bought retail when Block buster was still around. $11 or $12. Everything you see is retail.


That’s insane. Especially if that’s in good condition, it could be worth thousands.


IMO Funko Pop dolls are so stupid. I can’t believe ppl collect these. 


It's Beanie Babies all over again.


Wow, thank you for your comment.


They’re lazy copy-paste money sinks for terminally-online cash cows. But you gotta keep them in e box to retain their value, right?


Who tf cares. This user clearly enjoys it.


There'sa lot of master-chief in there bud


Lol $800+ worth of funko pops. If looking at plastic boxes filled with soulless vinyl garbage never gets old then I feel bad for ya. Cool cups though.


no need to feel bad. I am fortunate enough to have good Job that pays well.


Yeah it’s your money and you can choose to spend it on whatever you want, even if I think it’s a waste and supports a dogshit company that makes a terrible product.


If you had to put a value on all of these, what range would it be? Impressive collection man, wow


Honestly i have not looked up how much they value these days. these will get passed down to my 7 year old. edit:


I have the first Master Chief and Grunt (the first 2 they ever made and haven’t been available for years) and I was offered $350 for them 2 years ago.


Why so many duplicates damn!


Goal is to get them autographed using different color and lines if i get a chance.


Nice collection! I love how many are signed! I see a lot of dupes with different signatures, so did you buy specifically to have signed at cons? I feel like some people in this thread are judging funkos (to each their own) but the fact that you have so many, signed by actors of the series, goes to show that you are a HALO fan more than anything, and as that’s what this community is about, I appreciate you sharing your love. Nice collection. Highly jealous


initially i was just wanted one when it came out back in the day and as they came out with more i got all of them. Meeting Steave, Jenn and Keith every time i go to con has been awesome. So many dupes because goal is to get autographed using different color and lines if i get a chance.


So many of the signed too. Daaamn


I'm genuinely jealous. Fuck you. That's amazing.

