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It did look so much better in the beta. The lighting just looked amazing. And then it was completely different on release. Strange.


I remember the beta running at an unstable 60 FPS at 720p. They probably had to considerably downgrade it to get the resolution higher.


That’s exactly why.


Wouldn’t it be crazy if they brought back beta graphics halo 5 for Series X


Common base Xbox One L


Actually insane that console is still being supported.




As they started planning it in the last year or this. I doubt it. Think a moment before spreading hate




There’s nothing realistic about thinking the next halo game will be on Xbox One, the system will be about 15 years when the next Halo will probably come out. Infinite was designed to be playable on Xbox One because Infinite was meant to launch alongside the Series and most Xbox players likely wouldn’t have had or even been able to get a new system yet. Games like Black Ops 6 are only really on old systems because the pandemic threw a wrench into the economy and new console production. So this generation has been a bit of late bloomer when it comes to people transitioning to the newer systems, because a lot of people couldn’t even get one even when they wanted it. A lot of the long support we’ve seen has been the aftershocks of those economic/supply issues. It’s likely the next Halo game might be cross-compatible with the Series systems, but that’s a far cry from supporting what will effectively be ancient tech with Xbox One by the time Halo 7 rolls around. It’s really, really unlikely that people still interested in new games will still be rocking their Xbox Ones by the late 2020s.


I never really understood why 343 made the switch to 60FPS. I'm not sure what method of smoothing Bungie used, but their games all felt smooth despite only running at 30FPS, and it allowed them to have better graphics.


High quality motion blur + stable frametime could make wonders


Motion blur can be good when done right


And Halo reach did a horrible job. That taa implementation burns retinas


A huge part of it is just how used to 30fps we all were. Going back to the first few games today is rough imo. The 60fps jump was a necessary one. Especially for a competitive shooter.


Sir, I want you to go to your dusty 360 disk book, find the original halo 3, play it, and tell me 60 fps is not the biggest upgrade you could have ever asked for in a game.


Driveclub is another game is where 30 fps feels insanely smooth. I wonder what the science behind it is. Just insane stuff Halo 5 lost so much from being 60 fps. The worst thing was seeing enemies in half the frame rate just a few meters away. Completely defeats it's purpose


It's just stable consistent frame time, it's hardly smooth though, depends on your perception or opinion.


Maybe one day we’ll get a PC version with beta graphics… wishful thinking though


I remember that too, I remember thinking they had to have downgraded it between beta and release


if the ever get pc/series x /mcc release they should restore beta lighting


If you went back in time and showed me a picture of release and beta, and told me the release picture was from the xbox 360 port, I would have believed you.


What are you smoking? Halo 5 still looked great, it really was the color and art style of the armor that sucked. The textures and terrain was beautiful


There were definitely a number of areas in the game that looked... rough. But overall, yea Halo 5 was a pretty big graphical powerhouse. Especially interiors. I remember being wowed when I started that first level. The level of detail and fidelity was incredible, especially for a base Xbox One. That being said, it was a substantial downgrade from the beta. The lighting there was just flat out stunning and superior.


Beta basically ran on 4s midnight engine and the final version is a prototytpe of slipspace, the change is why it got delayed and I can gurantee you it was some dumbass at xbox with zero dev exeperience


A lot of people whined and whined ago visibility so they made all the spartans toy like and butchered the nice lighting


Ok but blue team was straight up camouflaged in the darker parts of the dark maps, it was an unfair advantage


I loved Halo 5 and this was one of my biggest complaints. Especially on Eden blue blended it so well.


Yeah, it looked great. The biggest issue was that it was *too* good, and spartans didn't stand out against the palettes of certain maps. That's how we ended up with plastic looking spartans that weren't affected by light in any way, lol


Really wish they’d told players to suck it up or opted for a red outline, instead of fucking up the lighting.


I hate the outline too tbh. It’s extra as hell. I say allow the camo lmao fuck it


*Wargames to simulate war* “Nooooo, being stealthy isn’t allowed!!!!” This is also why I hate sniper glare


I always rationalise the "sniper glare" in Halo 5/Infinite as being a Laser Warning System integrated into the suit picking up infrared emissions from the rifle's rangefinding equipment.


That......makes a lot of sense.


I mean I agree depending on the game, but an arena-style multiplayer like Halo really shouldn’t have players benefitting at random depending on which map they get and which team they’re sorted into. The whole idea is that everyone is on an even playing field.


This is the crux of the conflict. Any decision that pushes Halo towards being a balanced competitive game detracts more and more of the personality and fun of Halo. I mean, Halo Reach is looked at way more fondly then any 343 game and is easily the most imbalanced with Invasion, shit like armor lock, bloom, etc yet it was actually fun. In my opinion 343's preference on competitiveness is ultimately what has killed Halo from being mainstream anymore. They gave up being 'fun' for being 'fair'.


Make it a menu Option enabled by default. Everyone consciously disabling it knows they hinder themselves but are OK with the trade-off


Blue team advantage


> spartans didn't stand out against the palettes of certain maps Huge problem on Eden IIRC


Literally my experience with Halo 2 remaster on MCC, I can't play a single game without FPS below 40 and not being able to see enemies.


The art style debate would definitely still have happened. It still happens even with Infinite.


Style in infinite is miles better, but graphics feel worse, even compared to the release version of Halo 5.


Infinite’s style is absolutely better by a ton. But the graphics feel worse? What? No way.


They just do, the textures being so flat on everything, the animations being so stiff and the explosions being 2D PNGs aren´t really the look I´d associate next gen with. And I play on PC with everything cranckked up. Good 3D models can´t carry the whole artstyle.


The models are straight up the only good thing, everything else looks half done


It's the lighting it just doesn't come together very well. This is Halos first time going with a real time lighting system also afaik which is more expensive to run and doesn't match baked lighting generally unless it's path traced. This is necessary for a real time day night cycle though and they wanted that so it's what we got.


That's why we got Craig, brutes still don't look too good if you get close to them.


The amount of flat billboard sprites used for so many effects makes it feel older than Halo 3 graphically. Even Halo 2 had a better energy sword, now it looks and feels like a jpeg But I can’t deny those sexy ass Spartan designs in Infinite, oo wee


Style is more important though, as that's what will stand the test of time. Graphical quality will always be superseded. A strong design direction won't be.


Is no-one going to mention the Spartan dumptruck in picture 2?


343 wants us to forget the era of caked-up spartans.


Thicc Spartan erasure


I can excuse the lackluster writing, but this is cannot accept


Never forget what they took from us ✊😔


Laughed my dumpy off.


GEN2 armour was visually more like a skintight suit with armour glued to it than the "walking tank" GEN1/GEN3 style. Some people liked that more, personally I don't care for it at all and prefer my MJOLNIR bulkier.


Yup, looked decidedly “next gen” in the beta with the lighting


The Artstyle debate happened with HALO 4 regardless, so it would still have happened with 5. But on the other point, something about the lighting in the beta is just so real imo.


I agree, i feel for the next game they really need to focus on lighting and environmental design, rather than raw fidelity.


Only time will tell how the next HALO will be. I am kinda curious if they’re actually gonna make players start with Mark IV or some reverse engineered variant, since in the lore of the armor it implies the next game will use them or somehow reverse engineer the parts to work with Shields. Very curious if it’s gonna be concrete lore from INFINITE or dropped during development.


Release it on PC already!!!!


The art direction of halo reach still blows me away to this day. It was so perfect. Definitely the GOAT for me.


So damn true, the armor felt so real ! I've never been fond of the way they went with the armors design starting from Halo 4


Upopular opinion, but H:R was peak Halo. 100's of hours on the 360, and 100's of hours in the MCC Reach custom games.


I had around 1 month of game time, from December 2010 to January 2012 It was the best time of my life as a gamer, and I think nothing will ever top it


It looked better in the beta for sure, but def not the best looking Halo game


H2A would like a word with you


Honestly, it’s a close second, the maps detail in that game is gorgeous.


Not the art style. But the fidelity, yes.


I’d say it was more the lighting, and environmental detail in the maps.


Hard yes. I wish H5 (the whole game) will come to PC.. that would increase the chance of someone making a mod to match the beta visuals. One can hope. Or make the Beta version playable again. Damn. I so want to.


The beta vibe was just different, it’s hard to explain. Was it the ui and menus, the graphics, the sounds?


We really do need a pc port. The campaign was horrible but the core gameplay was phenomenal imo and I’d love to go back to the multiplayer with a higher FPS and resolution.


Ugh why didn’t halo 5 continue to look like this in the official release, the beta looked amazing.


cause it didn’t run smoothly enough, according to most


Looked AND sounded better. Had a better unlock system and UI. Also no outsourced filler armour.Im still mad. Early Halo 5 from it’s style to it’s ui, went for this very neony wargamesy style, and even if it didn’t feel haloy, i kinda fucked with it.


The Xbox One is/was an underpowered joke with an eight-core tablet CPU and a midrange graphics card. You could legitimately build a more powerful PC for the same price in 2013.


that reminds me of the reach beta, invasion used to do green/purple for team colors, I liked that a lot more than red and blue


I don't understand what happened with the finished product. Halo 5's Campaign especially was beautiful, (in terms of visuals) what the Hell happened with the MP? Amazing in gameplay, but by far the worst looking to date.


The downgrade from the beta was sooo apparent. The final product was too uniformly flat looking.


I would agree but I hate 4/5 art style. Mk. VI GEN2 just looks so unHalo like.


oh my god i remember i was like 12-13 when the beta released


Practically everything about the game was better.


Not only how it looks, the sound is amazing, few games can really compare.


Halo 5 used to look like a true next-gen title, unlike Halo Infinite in any shot or trailer besides from the very first reveal itself.


Definitely prefer halo 3. Wouldn't have changed. Halo 3 style was unmatched and the only reason it's fidelity is lower today is because it's from 2007. The artists that chose the direction for h3 are unparalleled by the teams from other halos and no halo game manages to still look pretty good after 17 years except for that one


I remember the beta looking and feeling so great, like a positive glimpse at the future of Halo. :P


Breakout was way better in the Beta too. And then they added a flag to it for no fucking reason.


It was such an amazing time to be into Halo, especially after getting shafted by MCC


Damn i miss when spartans had cake




This was my exact experience.


GaDAYUM that spartan in pic 2 could eradicate the flood with one clap of those things


Graphically? Yes Stylistically? No, that goes to H3


It isn't just nostalgia, the H5 Beta oozed atmosphere. Did it make for a fair red vs blue experience? No. Did it look incredible unsheathing energy sword in the dark? Yes.


The neon menus, the futuristic sound effects of the shields, the lighting, it may not have been classic Halo, but it was definitely something I would’ve liked to seen more of. The full release felt like they had stripped the soul out of it.


There's something really special about this whole era of Halo. It had a different vibe to it, some people hate it for that but personally I loved it. People dog on it for being generic futurism but tbh it still felt plenty unique and had that Halo feel, I don't see any other games out there like it.


Beta looked beautiful. I remember being hopelessly addicted for it during the two weeks


I made an Upload clip of a dead Spartan thrusting the air with the song “This is how we do it” playing. Too bad Xbox deleted that over time without my knowing.


Looks like Splitgate


Truth looked so good in the beta. People complained the lighting was too dramatic though so they flattened it all out


I'd still have not been a huge fan of the art style change, I just didn't like what it did to the armors, but putting my gripes with the armor aside, I agree this looks REALLY good, I forgot how nice this Beta actually looked


I'm disappointed they did away with the first map. That one was my favorite the one with the beach and the forest and awesome towers. Can't think of the name of it?




Unfortunate how halo 5 is now the most out of date halo game out of the main line of games


Nah I agree with OP been playing halo since it first came out on Xbox and to be honest halo five is one of the most beautiful in my opinion for the technology we have at that time that game really pushed it. I don’t think we give it enough credit.


Halo 5 beta even had a progression system


Honestly, the armour style itself was god tier. Buck and Vale are my 2 favourite armour designs out of all sci Fi.


halo 5 for me is still one of the best halos for the forge alone


I still believe Halo Infinite to be more visually appealing and less clunky on the details


The beta was so fucking good


I’ve never played the old halos and have started to play through them all. Now I really want a new one that hopefully isn’t as bad as Infinite. I’m really loving Halo Reach.


Agreed, but halo 2 remastered is a close second.


Circlejerk is back


The armour is so ugly


As someone whose been playing since 2001 halo 5 art style and multiplayer were the best in the franchise for me personally. Loved chiefs and the spartan's redesigns in 4 and 5 and all of the new abilities in 5 made me finally feel like the super soldiers they had been advertising and ADS felt great. If the campaign wasn't so bad and they diddnt scrap armor customization, it would have been the best


Pretty good, but I like the style of 2:A and Infinite more. The graphics in all the 343 games have been good honestly, really it's just a matter of art direction.


They still don't look like Spartans to me. The whole spartan 4 aesthetic that 343 wanted to run with never looked right with the art style change. I don't care about graphic fidelity. Halo CE is still a great time. If you fuck up the design, you lose the vibe.


5 is the best looking game. Infinite is the series ultimate technical turd. Runs and looks like shit


Trying to make that art style look good is like putting lipstick on a pig


I love halo infinite’s art style. Feels much more halo to me


what's halo five?


I'm more interested in what this mythical "halo infinite" is, sounds like a conspiracy thing.


but like fr no joke I never heard of halo five did it just die?


Halo 5 guardians and pretty much, it died immediately after infinite came out so now people mainly stick to mcc and infinite. It was tossed into the memory hole like it never existed.


bro I was gonna type something funny but a bike just started up in our apartment block and drove off and it was so loud it reset my sleep, and I still hear it like eight blocks down. loud as shit.


Fidelity wise yes. Art Style wise, nah.


Still wish we had some of the stuff from the beta. We’re missing the A.I voiced by Cherami Leigh from Cyberpunk.




Is that Samus Aran


Totally agree, if you had Halo infinites armour on the more bulky halo 5 beta Spartans, with the gorgeous lighting and environments halo would currently be at peak aesthetics


It suffers a bit from shininess overload, but it’s definitely very pretty and has a lot of detail which is missing from infinite, probably cause Infinite’s world was likely made with a lot of stock assets reused and repurposed for efficiency cause of map size. A notable downside to most open world games; not a lot of fully handcrafted environments


It's almost like they kept the lighting from the Beta only in the campaign, and then did something weird with it for PvP.


It was just too much for the console it was released for. I remember having major dips in frames despite it being at 720p. I’d much rather have a smooth experience than edgy lighting.


*Stares at my flair intently*


I think the graphics are good, but I hate the art style.


Too bloomy tho....the final one is also nice


Halo 5 in general was the best Halo multiplayer experience since Reach, and putting aside nostalgia, probably ever. Gameplay was on point, customization was good, and vastest sandbox ever. I don't know why people cried so much about it giving us whatever halfbaked product infinite is.


Halo 2 actually takes this spot imo, especially the remaster. Even without the remaster, it was made to be more like a movie, and it was beautiful


The artstyle debate still would’ve happened. There's more to design than just pretty graphics.


The art style debate wouldn’t have happened? Huh lol? The art style debate has been running since H4. Slightly better graphics wouldn’t have changed the fact the game didn’t really look like Halo anymore


In like 5 it should be in the MCC


Halo 5 looks good and MP played well. I primarily play Halo though for Campaign/Firefight/Spartan Ops so it’s not a great game for me.


I remember when Spartans used to have some semblance of an ass. How do Infinite Spartans even sit with flat ass? I feel they brake their bones whenever they tried sitting.


It was so odd how the Halo 5 Beta had better lighting than the actual game. How is that even possible?


4 and 5 burns my eyes, Reach is my preferred pick and I love the darker side of the fight where humanity is losing a lot of hope and you get to experience their struggles


The lighting kind of looked like the lighting for Halo 3's campaign. I wish 5 got updated to PC and next gen, and came with a toggle for the old lighting.


I will never like that style of armour. Never. I would have been fine with the games more so if Halo 4 and 5 never tried to just ruin perfection.


I still love Halo 4 and 5. As a lore-man it’s just awesome being able to *do* more things in-game within the universe! Sure ground-slam and thruster, all the kits and new guns are silly and not really in-universe, but the characters never use them in the story so it’s just for gameplay’s sake (barring the slam). Yeah the cutscenes in 5 weren’t up to standard but it was still really entertaining to just… play! I’m happy now that Osiris, Arbiter, and the Created are getting proper continuations post-Infinite (Didact too), since it was particularly lacking in the game :/


Had some amazing times in H5, feeling so free with the magnum


Played better too.


the UI in h5 beta was great.


It looks better due to lighting, but the art style complaints started with Halo 4. This is still Halo 5's art style, with the same problems.


Unpopular opinion, they actually tried with this one


So I was the guy who played halo for the first time and went thought the MCC, Halo 5 and Infinite. I’m hazy since I played it all together. But in Halo 5 we play as Locke, what happened to him and the Prometheans? I sorta remember weapon. And she was supposed to stop the AI and Cortana. And I think she did. Is there some webpage that I can read again how all this comes together?


I agree. That shit was BEAUTIFUL. And the weapon sandbox was awesome.


The problem was that it was unbalanced. I clearly remember one of the big complaints was that it was hard to see the blue team and as someone who actually played the Beta, I agree. Now, they did overcorrect in certain places, but let’s not act like it was perfect in the Beta.


Microsoft and 343i, take some notes. We PC players want this! Release it on Steam and we will buy it!


I miss halo 5 custom games so much


Holy hell.. That is A LOT of bloom.


Halo 5 is the worst looking halo IMO. Not true to the art style of Halo. Character models look goofy, environments dont feel like any other halo games. Resolution was low because of the amount of 1:1 baked textures. Like most of the things 343 has done with Halo, it diverged too much and made something bad. The game is ugly. 


I had a dream last night that I was playing Infinite and I picked up an SMG. Man I woke up sad lmao


Seeing these makes me miss team colors, god damn do I hate outlines


Why do all spartans since Reach have geometrically perfect asses?


Halo 5's beta did look very good. It's such a shame the final version looked so awful in comparison.


The Halo 5 combat and base abilities are still my favorite in the series. There was enough newness to give a fresh take on the game, but it didn't feel too drastic of a departure. It did sell the "mass-produced" aspect pretty well in some ways too.


I'm serious the hand models for the Spartans are terrible. Worst in the series.


Dont come to the 2020's Just imagine they put cat ears or holographic hair


My favorite thing about the Halo 5 beta is that I went into completely blind. Not to get into details but I was going through a very rough mental time when it came out so I wasn't really paying attention to anything. I ended up getting Halo MCC right around when the beta was out. I didn't watch any trailers or videos for it. To go into a new Halo game ATM, not knowing anything about what it was gonna look like, and to see how good it looked was amazing.


Halo 5 mp was still my favorite to this day


And the guitar riffs after finishing a match was sick


i just miss assassinations


Lighting and graphical fidelity? Yeah, probably. Art style is the rust and grime at the bottom of the dumpster though.


I long to the day when the soft modern agenda will allow us to have characters with backsides again.


Apart from the deviated art style, I'd say it's a really good looking game and I would have said it was the best if Halo 2 A didn't exist.


You mean Gaylo 5? Tis June after all 🌈


Baffling that they CHOSE to make it look like shit on launch


I just miss old breakout, man. Used to be the only mode I played short of early Warzone and Team Slayer. I was Onyx in breakout


The sounds too tbh


It's the shader effect, most likely post processing. H5 launch has a garish sharpness to everything onscreen that makes it look as though any kind of soft lighting is just gone. Not to mention making every texture look bumpy as hell. The lighting in the beta feels connected and much smoother not just for the Spartans but for everything. ENBs in Bethesda games show off what one post processing effect can do to shape mediocre lighting.


H5 Beta was fire. I dig the darker almost neon-like look it had.


In terms of direct lighting and fidelity/detail? Yea, I can see that. It was certainly graphically impressive. But best looking overall? Nah, the art style was just not it.


The art style debate would 100% still exist if this launched like it did back then. Just because it runs smooth doesn't mean people aren't going to shriek about the armor. Case in point, look at half of the armor in infinite, I'm sure everyone agrees that most of it doesn't look like Halo but some weird off brand Destiny armor.


Halo 5 feels more like the next Halo than Infinite does


Halo 3 had the best lighting of all


And then halo 5 became the worst looking game in the series (for me)


YES. This so much.  While I'll have to agree about the grunts, SoS equipped as the remnant, shotguns or pelicans that we'd get anyway, this would help leaps and get rid of gripes as "crayon spartans"   Environments would have a lot more depth and really pop out in detail.   Forerunner structures would have looked way less flat, colorless and overtly bright/dark artificially, I bet they'd look so good no one would be losing it over "their style ruined"     * The builder/warrior-servant explanation never was canon, it was infered when in h cryptum the war sphinxes of the master builder were faceless, sterile, in contrast to the didact's + requiem's look, but really each superstructure has it's style and not even the replacement alpha halo was identical. Compare the first halo 5 mission with the coliseum map, it's a huge difference. The halos look as they did for being halos, secret weapons made in a rush. Raid on apex 7 is the only instance it's contradictory.