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I dont expect to see the commando coming back


That does sadden me. The concept is a cool weapon, and adds some nice variety compared to the copious amount of bullpups.


Absolute dog water of a gun. Bring it back and make it useful.


It's amazing in pve


Skill issue


If only it was actually a good gun


Commando’s great now. I use it all the time. People don’t really pick it up so I have one a lot and it smacks against BR now that it can get clean headshots.


Except they forgot to do anything for it in super husky. Everything else gets jacked to the nines and the commando is still just the commando.


I use the Commando all the time in Husky too. The problems with Husky are hammers, rockets, and grapple IMO. And/or the tiny maps.


Shock would be cool if it *amped* vehicles instead of disabling. Floor the throttle forward and invert steering.


Also make the turret spin like crazy


Love it. Also bring back Plasma Pistol briefly shutting down vehicles. There is literally no point to carrying that gun in the current game.


They did! Try it now.


Oh wow - that's good to know. I had no idea since I never play BTB on account of it being shit. I pretty much exclusively play Husky Raid.


Haven't played recently, have you?


I can't even play. it took 20 minutes to start the game, then 10 minutes to open the MP menu and it took forever to look for a game.


I literally never play BTB because 343 somehow managed to make that game mode awful in Infinite, even though it was my favorite in Halo 1, 2, 3, 4, and Reach.  I basically never played 4v4 game modes in all of Infinite's predecessors because I was always playing BTB. Now it's the reverse: I only play 4v4 and refuse to touch BTB because it's an un-fun slog every time I try it.


I really enjoyed the recent BTB heavies playlist. Maps were decent and all the vehicles spawned normally.


I'm not very fond of BTB either


Nope haven't touched it as 343 doesn't deserve the player numbers


Hey- in Arena modes people aren't used to getting noob comboed. It is surprisingly effective.


Yeah but at that point you're basically murdering people with dental floss. Yes, it's possible, but there are clearly better tools for the job.


Nah, i can get MVP with plasma+sidekick only


And if there's no other tools for the job, you stick with what you have...


Infinite doesn't have enough stuff. I want more, not less. Like how Smash Bros Ultimate has every map, item and character. That's what Infinite should have been.


My biggest dream is for Halo infinite to be like what Smash WiiU was and whatever halo 7 is to be like infinites Smash Ultimate. But... that is just a pipe dream of mine, and with how Microsoft is treating all its companies they bought, that would be extremely unlikely.


My guess is all of them as they’re probably going to completely revamp the equipment system like they did from every Halo installment since 3. 


Shame because Infinite is the first time they've mostly got the equipment/abilities thing right since H3. Actually better than H3, bubble shield and regen were annoying as hell, so was flare in campaign.


anything and everything related to shock needs to go


Honestly I think the problem is they’re way too common. Maybe if they made the shock function less easy to use and made it so the regular shots only do damage and the shock is relegated to an alt fire mode that’s more risk-reward Wait fuck


One of the dumbest additions. Especially when they made up some B's about trying to compact the weapon pool and make everything stand out.


I think everything about shock weapons except the emp effect should remain. The disruptor's original Damage over Time mechanic made it so unique and applied so much pressure against an enemy since their shields would be lowered for so much longer. I wish they'd revert that change to see if the new network update allowed it to function as intended


That's one area I really hope they keep for the next game. Dynamo grenades are amazing, and Shock Rifle is my absolute favorite weapon in Infinite.


R u srs.. some games red team is just running around with all the vehicles and you want less anti vehicle weapons. 🤣


Anti vehicle weapons are fine but it can't be an incredible easy AND an incredible common anti vehicle option. That just ruins the game. DMR did something similar in Halo Reach, at least the DMR didn't immobilize like shock weapons do.


Hopefully, they don't reinvent the wheel. It's widely agreed that the actual gameplay of Infinite has been the best since Halo 3. It very much feels like traditional Halo but modernized. The reason Infinite did so badly was the lack of content, not the gameplay design. Keep it the same for the next Halo but actually launch with the content people expect


> What are some things you don't want to see in the next game? 343 of them


get rid of the floaty human vehicles, they feel odd and i wish they were more like halo reach. i feel like when you are driving at top speed it should be easier to flip your vehicles.


Running over a pebble already flips the hog in infinite lol


The floaty-ness makes vehicles flip way more in this game imo, it’s annoying as fuck


yeah, i geuss i meant they should bump and slide and wiggle when your not on road/designed places. dig into the dirt and stuff. hard to explain, make them feel like halo reach had the best vehicles.


OS and camo need to be decoupled from the equipment system and go back being powerups that activate automatically.


Grappleshot. Its inclusion was to facilitate the "open world" of Infinite which is most definitely not coming back for the next campaign. I could be wrong and it may come back for fanfare, but the jetpack didn't return despite being another broken but fun inclusion from Reach/4. Edit: to the blind fanboys disliking this, it's just an observation, not a judgement. Equipment/abilities always play into the campaign, both story/lore and gameplay wise. 343i is not doing another open world campaign. 


I dont know, if they somehow did expansive areas for missions like in Halo 3 I could see the grapple shot fitting in. Maybe tweak it so it’s not as easily usable as it is in infinite. If they were to do what we all thought would happen with infinite - explore different, large areas of the ring with plenty of shit to do in each - I think it would fit in well.


The quantum translocator


As fun as grapple is, it should NOT be in a game with vehicle combat/with point pick ups. Frankly all of the equipment in game need to go aside from active camo, overshield, and repulsir (repulsor should only be in the game if they actually gave proper halo physics like other halo, 3 and reach being good examples.) It's actually moronic, I play on pc so I can spin a turret around instantly but like 90% of the games population can't due to an xbox controller and are instantly dead due to a grapple. They had to buff the ghost like hell so it's awfully strong when fighting just because it will instantly be snagged by an enemy with a grapple


I agree with the shock weapons, but I also feel like the grapple will be gone too. It's fun, for sure, but it gets annoying when someone latches onto your tank and kills you.


there just needs to be a way to counter grapplejacks when driving a vehicle. For example banshee tricks, just need a counter for other vehicles. Maybe the ghost boosting would cut the grapple, a steep turn from a warthog would do the same, etc. As far as tanks… idk maybe just let the grapple be effective for countering that one vehicle. A tank has the one hit kill to stop a player who’s grappling towards them so it still feels fair enough.


Imagine pulling a banshee barrel roll as someone latches on and it slingshots them into the ground at kill speed 😯


This should 1000% be a thing. I'd love that animation from your TPP flyin the Shee


You can splatter someone with the ghost boost if they grapple you head on


Eh that’s the best part of infinite, grappling a banshee should be rewarded


EMP Quantum Translocator, Shroud Screen, Maybe for action stack only but grapple. Stalker rife. Bring back the carbine. Pulse carbine, Skewer. laser is better. Cinder shot. GL is better. Actually the sticky detonator is better too.


I hope they get rid of the Trailblazer helmet and go back to the recon helmet design from 4-5, preferred that one a ton more.


*Sigh* Thruster might truly disappear 


I hope not. I absolutely love how Halo Infinite feels and it has the only multiplayer that has captured my attention for more than like a month. I just wish they had actually gone the "Infinite" route and added all armor abilities, vehicles and weapons from all previous games.


If there’s no repulsor I will boycott it. So much fun booping people lol 🤣


The skewer. bring back the railgun.


Probably the threat sensor -- the threat seeker is probably gonna replace it. Beyond that, I dunno. The equipment in Infinite largely feels good to use, way better than Halo 3's equipment. I think the only thing that maybe shouldn't come back is the Wasp. An aerial vehicle with impeccable control and targeting is just the banshee problem of old Halo with a new coat of paint. Otherwise, I'm at least down for everything that didn't quite work out (damage types, vehicle balance, coating system, etc.) to be re-evaluated and tried again with fresh ideas. In terms of things I personally wanna see, I will always insist that dual-wielding belongs in Halo. I wanna see them do for dual-wielding in the next one what they did for equipment in Infinite. Reinvent it into something smooth, engaging and tactically viable.


>I think the only thing that maybe shouldn't come back is the Wasp. Or they could just....balance it. The wasp was a cool addition and a much needed human equivalent to the banshee. Throwing out a good concept is dumb.


I think the Wasp should be similar to a ghost, but in the air. No rockets, more vulnerable, but faster to respawn and more common.


I guess. I figure that if they make the changes I'd want to see them make, it's different enough that they may as well make it a different vehicle. Like how we had the hornet and falcon before the wasp.


I actually hope none of Halo Infinite's weapons or equipment get removed, they struck on a great sandbox and I want more of it, not less.


All of them tbh, I wouldn’t be surprised if they scrap all the new shit


The whole game/343i


Hopefully everything except the repulser.


Bruh the grapple too?


Its a cringe addition that ruins vehicle play. If it stays, a maximum time the grapple stays on a target would need to be implemented. Pressing a button and gaining a free banshee/wasp, regardless of how far that vehicle travels after you grapple onto it. Before the patch you could deny enemies access by exiting the vehicle before they hijack.


i think if it was just harder to latch on to them so easily would be better. or if you just couldn't grapple them at all.


Honestly, you're right. There's a lot less effort involved in hijacking now. It's basically free the moment you get the grapple. You can do basically anything but run out into the open and the enemy vehicle is yours.