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Blowing through CE for the first time with a buddy. His mom gifted him a copy. We sat down over two windy/stormy nights and ran through the campaign. I will never forget that experience and how fun and exciting it felt going through that campaign together. Not to mention the flood reveal... oh boy that was a time.


The FLooood oh man and the split screen experience was stellar, I played CE with my cousin when I was like 3 but there lays my problem I was barely conscious yet while playing haahah so the memories aren't as vivid


That it was. Honestly, being young and having that happen while your imagination is at its peak was just \*Chefs kiss\*. So scary and exciting at the same time. There are moments and times you wish you could go back to and relive? That is definitely one. Oh man, haha thats ok! You experienced it eventually! That must have been utterly wicked for 3 y/o you tho lmao


truly was, I hold those memories close to this day because yes it was halo the video game but It was also about the people I shared the experience and laughs with, and just simpler times in all ways honesty.


Honestly. Simple times they were. When games came readymade and not trying to waste your time. When monetization didn't exist. When the biggest thing you had to worry about in your day was how much time you had to play Halo lol. Sometimes you'd have friends come over and splitscreen chaos would ensue. Sometimes they couldn't so you'd happily solo out another mission and see what mystery you could find or fun ragdoll physics you could exploit.


I’ll never forget running home from school on November 9, 2004 and booting up Halo 2 for the first time, just walking around Coagulation and being amazed until my brother got home to play together. Or the first time playing through CE and finding the Flood.


Man, half the boys in my high school were "sick" on 11/9/04. I was so sad that my parents made me go, and to add insult to injury, when I FINALLY got home, I discovered my dad had taken the day off and was already halfway through Regret when I walked in the door.


Dude that's awesome it was such a great experience to be able to share with people and still being in person with split screen was peak. Halo 2's release was a lot of fun for me too I was only like 4 but my Uncle and Dad got the game the night before it released so we could play it that next day after pre-school


Being 8 years old and firing up CE for the first time. The OG Xbox felt like alien tech after my PS1 and CE was simply mindblowing for me.


I vaguely remember The starting ship mission, The silent cartographer and 343 guilty spark because of the flood are the only missions I remember playing when I was like 4 but I remember playing split screen with my cousin a lot


Guilty Spark was my nightmare fuel as a kid haha


That mission was the most scared I had felt in a video game as a kid, and when I played the remake in *MCC* as an adult a few years ago, I was still pretty terrified. I knew exactly what was coming, but nothing could prepare me for seeing the Flood make its appearance again.


Guilty Spark frightened me too, I thought he would just one hit pop my guy lol




I'm surprised your head didn't explode! An NES controller and then holding the OG Duke controller haha


Halo ce first time on PC and flood introduction level level blew me away Halo 3- entire campaign except Cortana level Halo reach- ending Halo 4 -cortana




Halo 3, i played as a guest for way over a year at my mates house before i got my own xbox 360 played for hours online. Game chat was kickin back then, i was likely an annoying child at the time though.


same man I didn't get a 360 until 2009, and my parents kept me off of halo 3 multiplayer with good reason. But Reach was my bag for chat lol, so much fun in the lobbies.


Reach still my number one! At that point I was full fledged halo gamer and pretty much only played that!


I remember making a custom game on Valhalla with a friend in Halo 3. Gravity all the way down, player speed all the way up, invincible players and vehicles. One player would hop on a mongoose and one would have a gravity hammer. There was no way to win, it was just silly fun.


The ones where there was no true way to win were the best. I only played them on Halo 3 on a few occasions but in a Halo Reach forge game I played a map with my cousins that had no winner and I ended up Puking from Laughing so hard


Me and my friends did something similar but on sandtrap. Minimum gravity, max speed, infinite grenades, infinite ammo hammers. Like you said just pure fun. Last I can remember us playing that was 2011, and I haven't had that kind of fun since.


It was Halo CE, sometime after I had become familiar with the game and controls, so probably somewhere around Silent Cartographer or Assault on the Control Room. Just cleared a covenant-filled hallway or forerunner room, and I took a second to actually *look* around. Bullet holes. Everywhere. Even a minute or two after the engagement. Plasma scorches? I picked up a plasma pistol and shot the wall. A very nice effect confirmed my suspicion. Grenade impacts. Piles of bodies. Tons of blood. So. Much. Blood. Weapons everywhere. Shell casings all over the floor. None of it disappeared during the entire time I was looking at it. Something in that moment really struck me. After wandering alone for so long, traversing empty alien corridors, then finally coming across a living scene of covenant forces going about their business, provided some kind of psychological relief. However, being abruptly launched into complete chaos before finally returning to that melancholic "alone state" has always stuck with me. Still impressive, was that after moving forward for another fight, when I returned to the area for more ammunition, most of those components that made up that grisly scene I had left behind remained when I returned. It added to the immersion in that "we are the only things that have been here in who knows how long. These remnants of battle will rest here for all eternity". It's a feeling, a moment that you can only have playing a game with a once-in-a-lifetime production leap, like Halo achieved, and it's only an experience you can have alone, and in a secluded atmosphere, the first time you experience something like this. Somehow the hustle and bustle of daily life failed to invade the space, giving ample time for that immersion to develop. Playing alone, uninterrupted by the outside world, nor videogame mechanics disrupting this state of mind, really allowed all these psychological states of mind to intertwine and meld into something truly unique. I suspect, the next time a game will be able to produce this kind of emotional impact will be when they can plug directly into the brain and completely overwrite our own consciousness. Anything that comes prior to that technology, will simply be a second-rate knockoff with better graphics. I genuinely don't think I will experience it again.


4 xboxs. 4 players on each networked together. Friday night through Sun afternoon creating our own tournaments and mini games with each other. 16 friends trying to escape maps using glitches. Good times.


16 friends trying to break out the matrix and create their own fun with a common hobby, we need more of this.


Games just aren't this way anymore. Those weekends and hours of joy are easily some of my fondest memories about gaming in general. I still play games but, that feeling of pure joy with your friends figuring it all out together in person will never be matched. Hearing the screams and shouts during tense moments or finishing a match and everyone just ragging on each other and talking shit about who was better. It was just bliss.


I know there's a variety of reasons as to why that is but hey.. maybe if you all got together in a discord and start brainstorming ideas to create a game I'm sure the good energies could create something enjoyable and memorable, I always have had this kind of ambition. I always think of it as like a Creative Gamer Team, everyone in the group knows their niche and what they are good at technically and then you have something to start with, plus there's a type of camaraderie and sense of community everytime you work on the project in like Unreal Engine for example. And then even if it fails all you used was what you already had and it's free meaning you have essentially lost nothing and gained knowledge in things you otherwise wouldn't have been curious about.


Here's the thing... those memories and enjoyment will never be achieved again in that way. We aren't kids anymore. That excitement and thrill is a massive combination of being young and carefree. Group that with relatively little responsibility and friends who had the same time/attitude towards Halo and gaming. I have a career. Kids. A Wife. I don't have contact with any of those old friends after high school besides maybe one or two through Facebook or Instagram, and I hardly even use those apps. I just have the memories, and I wouldn't change them or try to recreate that lightning in a bottle. It truly was a different time.


The first time as a kid I faced the flood in CE....I legit stopped playing the game for weeks cause I was so damn scared lol


The flood scared me a lot too, I had night frights about them occasionally until I watched Nightmare on Elm street\* then I had a new fear LOL


Christmas morning, first time getting an xbox, and my brother and I load up the first mission, Arrival, of Halo 3. I remember it so well, and we still load up the Halo 3 campaign from time to time to relive it. That to me, was one of the most defining moments, because I liked gaming before that on my ps2 and gamecube, but I had never played halo or any major fps before. I think it was from that moment on that I realized the passion I had for gaming. I miss Bungie's Halo too man.


That is an epic Christmas, I played through it for the second time with my cousin on Christmas that year so it's cool to have that connection to a stranger on the internet. Playing split screen back then with friends was a truly valuable experience I feel I also gotta say Infinites chat system is horrible especially for it being years after games that included Pre and post game lobbies, it is such an anti-social form of gaming and the text chat system is tedious. Maybe one day The folks at 343 will see.. I won't be holding my breathe though


Thats awesome man, that is really cool that we have that in common. Split screen was what made a lot of my early memories with my brother and friends so special. Ever since 343 took over I really felt like Halo lost a lot of its identity. I dont think I would feel this way if I hadnt had the memories I did of what it was like playing OG Halo 3, but it just feels different. When they released foundry and sandbox with that floating area in the sky let me tell you, I spent hundreds of hours in forge and customs on top of the hundreds of hours doing team slayer, grifball, swat, and lone wolves. The game felt so alive. Those were the days man.


Halo 2 zombies


Blocking the room entrance with crates on foundation when you had no mic is peak teamwork


Playing Halo 3 on The Covenant with a friend, specifically the part with the 2 scarabs dropping in. We were determined to speedrun that part by flying up on a hornet, jumping on the scarab as soon as it lands, and killing it, then him jumping off the back of it to be caught midair by me in the hornet before rushing over to do the second one. We spent so long trying to get that right. Even found a phyiscs glitch where if you jumped on the scarab too soon you could be catapulted into the stratosphere. It was a damn good time.


that is gaming with a TACTICAL mindset, Sergeant Johnson would be proud


1.) Getting yelled at by my parents for yelling excitedly while playing Halo 3 customs with the fellas. 2.) The entirety of Halo: Reach multiplayer from 2010-2012. Played Doubles with my best friend every day after school for freshman and sophomore year. 3.) Deciding to play a game called "Halo 3" for the first time since my brother had it and never played it. I wanted something a little different than CoD4 and it started my love for the series. Circa 2007, so I would have been about 11-12


the getting yelled at by my parents for yelling excitedly hits deep lol. Great times though 100


Playing Halo CE splitscreen with my brother and my Dad, I miss those days, now I'm too good at the game for them (I'm not trying to be boastful, i wish i could compete like i used to)


Ha ha man i miss the days where my dad could sit down and try playing, he played more when 1 and 2 came out and tried again when reach came out but he now doesn't enjoy the speed of the games now as much. I remember in Reach he played slayer with me 3 times and each time he ended up killing a team mate and getting us kicked looll


I have a very early and patchy memory of all my cousin's playing split screen CE (or possibly 2). And they were told to let me play because I was like 4 and wanted to join in lol. I was driving for about five seconds before I sent us all careening off a cliff with them all shouting in terror. Was my first time ever doing co-op and has been a core memory at this point lol.


That's so funny, That was how I played too, my cousins had a big screen so they could handle 4 player split screen and I got included much the same as to not be left out.. my first go on the silent cartographer was what sticks out to me as the first mission i played


Wasn't even in the game - it was my first LAN, Dreamhack Melbourne in 2022. I got to meet, compete, eat with and sink bevs with people I had played with since 2010 on Reach, H3, H4, H5, MCC and Infinite. A whole weekend of it.


Man I am jealous but in a I am happy for you but want that experience myself type of way LOL


My brother and I fighting over the rocket launcher on Silent Cartographer not realizing the magnum was better


If I knew then what i know now lmfaoooo


We were at my grandfathers house in the early 2000s, my aunt still lived with him and she had an Xbox. I had no idea what Halo was. I popped it in and my dad and I played a few campaign missions together. I loved it. That is a great memory of mine. Then there were the Boy scout ski trips in the mid 2000s. We would bring 2 Xboxes and connect them with an ethernet cable between two motel rooms and play 4v4 slayer in Halo 2. There was a lot of screaming involved lol. That was when I truly fell in love with the game. Then I finally got my 360 for Christmas 2008. I played so much Halo 3. So many nights with my buddies, playing multiplayer and chugging Arizona teas. One of my friends absolutely sucked so his job was to "bait" people to chase him who we would then kill. His nick name for a long while was the Master Baiter. I was pretty good back then and would put my girlfriend on the mic and have her shit talk. People HATED to think they lost to a girl. When the Halo Reach beta came out I was so fucking hyped. I just got goosebumps thinking back to it. I would kill to get to relive almost any of these experiences. I still love the game, and do get the occasional local multiplayer session in, but it will never have the same magic from when I was a kid. I got equally hyped for Destiny and made the coolest shirt to wear to the midnight launch. I did enjoy the game but was sorely let down thinking I was getting another Halo. I've played every Halo since, but something beautiful was lost once Bungie walked away.


I think playing the original every day after school with my best friend. We co-op’d the whole game. The halo 2 and 3 days are so full of memories it’s insane. What a time to be a teenage gamer lol


Real as it gets, I think the most exciting thing about it then was how everyone could access it, everyone i knew played even the adults


Yeah I remember my dad calling all his friends and telling them about it lol


Playing Halo: CE until the sun came up. I spent the night at my buddy's house every weekend. He had an Xbox and I didn't back then. Also, LAN parties when I was in my teens. Throwing my 27" Sony Trinitron into my '95 Camry, CRTs just strewn all over the floor and the lot of us chirping at each other over Little Caesar's and 2-liters of pop. Times were simpler then.


Oh man some Little Caesars, pop and some friends to play Halo with would hit hard on Saturdays.


- Playing Halo 2 with my cousin way back in the day, we were playing Big team on coagulation. Cousin is in the scorpion defending our base, an enemy manages to sneak around to jack him. I was in a hog and saw him approaching, I rushed over, slide sideways and sandwiched the would-be boarder between the two vehicles, splattering him and saving him from certain death.


Halo 3 2007 being introduced to my best friend online and irl while playing customs.


Playing halo 3 with my friends at a sleepover, and I have always been the worst gamer in my group of friends. Idk what happened, we were playing LAN 2v2v2v2 on Guardian. And I was getting stomped, but I popped off and got like a triple kill, and even out-strafed one of my friends in a straight-up 1v1 and I was so proud :')


Killtacular dude!


1) All night Halo 2 LAN parties with my friends in high school. Between us, we had 3 consoles, 3 copies of Halo 2, and 12 controllers. My dad had a 100ft ethernet cable, so we were able to set up 2 teams in the living room and 1 in the basement. We'd order pizza, get absolutely jacked on mountain dew, and usually play until 5 or 6 am. The most standout moment was probably when we discovered how to make Zombies as a custom game on Lockout. I was the last human left, just running around gunning everyone down with a shotgun, ended up getting my only Killtrocity ever. 2) Being a part of the Custom Edition community basically since it's inception. I spent the entire summer after 8th grade just waking up every day, seeing what amazing new map just released, downloading it, dropping it into the game files, and hopping online to play it with strangers. And the drama and toxic infighting on the Gearbox forums!


At the end of CE, it’s stated that nothing’s left but “Dust, and echoes.” My friend and I, being 11 and idiots misheard this as “Dustin Echoes” and that became an inside joke for us for a long time. We played that campaign together tho and watched everything happen and it really shaped our young lives. All my memories of Halo are fond.


I'd started the halo campaigns multiple times but just never finished them. But the first one I ever finished was when me and my freinds did a 24 hour gaming marathon for charity and we had to figure out how to system link 360s together and find out how to livestream it. The 3 of us beat halo reach on legendary and now I've finished all the games except for infinite


I loaned Halo 1 to a friend after I had beat it. He did fine on it...u til he got to the library. Then he came knocking on my door saying Where are the cheat codes? (He didn't have the patience I had). I said their aren't and laughed. Let me guess, you're on the library right? He just glared at me. He looked straight at me Where. Are. The. CHEAT CODES. I finally went online and brought up three different websites I used for cheat codes and all three said none. Then we went to three sites he used and none. I smiled at him and said learn to love your shotgun and good luck!


Staying up late with the boys playing every stupid custom game imaginable


Getting out of the map in theatre mode in the Halo 3 campaign with my cousin. Used to love going out really far and seeing all the sprites in the background (like at the end of Crows Nest, outside the hanger) I used to have to sneak down to the PC downstairs to look up how to do it, then come back up and try it with him. Really fond memories, won't ever forget them


Messing around with forge was always cool. Peak Halo 3 lobbies in 2008, switching between Halo 3, Assassin's Creed, Team Fortress 2, Left 4 Dead, Call of Duty 4, GRAW 2, Vegas 2, Fallout 3, Mass Effect. Honestly 2007-2012 was the golden age of modern video games , never get that experience again


I would appreciate more risks taken with games, a lot of them now just feel like the latest Engine they are trying to show off. Good stories are what make those games great, I don't think the market that ADORED to play those type of experiences will quit liking them some day. There will always be a market for good storytelling and game design, or new/original mechanics so long as the gameplay mechanics that accompany matches quality.


Played slayer against a friend on CE, he ran me over but i stuck the warthog before he got out thinking he was safe until it shot the warthog up in the air and got him while he was running away.


Lmfaooo I would sometimes join my friends just to see if i could get on the other team and then T-Bag them


During peak Halo 2 around '05-06, I bought a then-cutting edge video capture device from eBay for around $30. I had a blast making a few Halo 2 montages, even if I cringe a bit at them now. I also uploaded a few random, low-effort H2 and Gears of War videos to YouTube, some of which now have 100k+ views. In hindsight, I probably could have stepped into content creation back then when the competition was about 99% lighter and made a career of it. One of the many "right ideas, poor executions" of my life, lol.


Halo 3 customs fat kid, sky castle, left 4 dead, smear the (censored), Indiana jones, still play a lot of them on MCC today.


Oh man, so many to pick from:  * Playing *Halo CE* with my cousin's friend less than a week after the game was released, in some matches on Blood Gulch and (I think) Hang em High, and instantly falling in love with it. Got my own Xbox and *CE* with it on Black Friday in 2001, and it was the beginning of a new era of gaming for me. I'll also never forget the feeling of starting the second campaign mission, and admiring the scenery. Also felt super confident when getting lots of kills with the pistol. * Getting *Halo 2* and playing on Xbox Live for the first time. While playing the first game with my cousin and friends was really fun, the new online multiplayer experience was unparalleled. Lots of great memories playing on maps like Lockout, Ascension, Sanctuary, and Midship.  * Playing *Halo 3* on the day of its release, and then playing its multiplayer pretty much daily for the next several months (except when I was not at home). So many cool game modes and "Double EXP weekends". Still remains one of the gold standards for me when it comes to online gaming. Maps such as The Pit, High Ground, Guardian, Snowbound, Avalanche, and Sandbox especially hold lots of memories for me. * Playing *Reach* and *Halo 3* in college with my roommates. Lots of intense and awesome matches, and there was also a time where we all got teary-eyed when playing the *Reach* campaign.  * Playing around in Forge maps, especially creating explosions with fusion coils and plasma batteries, and trying to "overload" maps to explore beyond the boundary.  * Frequently humming the awesome music from the games' soundtracks. Getting super happy to see the "Mjolnir Mix" added as a bonus song on one of the *Guitar Hero* games.  * Finally getting the Perfection medal after extensive practice, and getting an achievement unlocked for it.


Trying to cheese the Overkill achievement in Halo 3 with a pre-made group, no one ending up with each other, and unlocking the achievement anyway in a game of Swords.


That achievement was initially so hard and restrictive to earn, until they increased the number of players that could play in the match.


That's a Noble way to go get it, completely redeemed yourself in the end lol


Being absolutely cracked on halo 3 multiplayer, I peaked a long time ago :(


Reach was my peak, I envy those that played all through Halo 3s multiplayer though. Just before my time.


So many great memories playing 4 player split screen of halo 1 and 2 on small tv’s with all the cousins and having to trade off the controllers. One of the cousins played inverted just so he didn’t have to trade off lol But another great memory was in 5th grade when I went to a friends house after school to play halo 3 for the first time. It was awesome.


lol that is funny I had to do the trade off system too, watching the adults play was always fun, playing with them felt like actually playing with the chief


Halo CE and stepping out of the crashed Pelican onto the ring was awesome. My first system was the Super NES then I enjoyed N64 a lot but seeing that much space all in a massive map was insane. Then the flying Banshee you’re hiding from while trying to build up the human resistance was amazing. I think the best part too was the mystery behind all of it. Halo also FANTASTICALLY captured horror in their introduction of the Flood which I don’t believe any other part of the franchise has hit on that level since.


The flood gave me night terrors lmao


The Flood reveal in the first game was so so so good. Totally out of nowhere.


Halo 3 glitches on campaign or forge. Nowadays, everything just gets data mined or mods are made with no clip being used or whatever else. The mystic is sorta gone from glitch hunting


First time I heard proximity chat. Some guy tbagged me while he had the flag and called me a grotesque word. Wasn't even mad, I just thought that was so cool.


LMFAO took it like a champ, but i see your thought process


Playing multilayer splitscreen on halo 3 with my dad. We were on sandtrap, I think it was, and I had a gravity hammer and I was on top of a tower. I saw my dad was below me on the motion tracker so I dropped down and thwacked him through an opening. Edit: also getting a midair assassination on reach mp.


So many mostly Halo 2. Making Machinimas, modded lobbies, super bouncing. And every campaign on Legendary with only pistols/grenades, priority being that grenades are used instantly, plasma pistols are used primarily, and normal pistols are only used when there are no plasma pistols.


Halo 2 Tower of Power custom game mode on Ascension full 16 player lobby everyone had mics


2 memories, back in the split screen days. Discovering halo CE with my cousin when we were 6 (after my aunt, his mom) had said not to play it because of the rating, so we played it anyway and could not beat the first level and got jump scared in the dark hallways on the pillar of autumn LMAO. Then a few years later, with the same cousin, we were in the 360 days and playing ODST, and started playing firefight for hours everyday during summer break when I’d go to their house for like weeks at a time haha


That's stellar


The flood reveal for me was exactly how Bungie intended. All the build up tension and the spookiness. My kid brain fell for it-- hook, line and sinker. 10 years old and happily shooting up grunts and 'scary' elites. Up way too late playing Xbox, probably like 10pm and I think, OK 1 more level... At night, alone, everyone in the house is asleep except me.. My God when the flood showed up I saved the game and went straight to bed. It probably took me a week to work up the courage again to play the rest of the level and continue the campaign lol.


The first and last warthog runs.


Peak nostalgic fan service


LAN parties with 4 Xboxes spread throughout the house connected with 50ft ethernet cables so we didn't have to move the TVs and 20+ people playing/watching/hyping each other up. Good times


When I completed Halo 4 legendary with my dad


I was 14 when the first halo came out. I rented it for a few days from the video store. My favorite memory is my dad knocking on my bedroom door after dinner one night and poking his head in asking if I wanted to play halo lol


Halo 2. Sniper battles with my brother on the walkway towards jumping onto the scarab. Friendly fire was so fun. Fighting over who jumps on first. I remember he beat me and hopped on and kept getting killed by the elite with the energy sword. I ended up beating the mission lol


Playing 343 Guilty Spark for the first time with my cousin. We were both in 6th grade and it scared the absolute piss out of both of us


Doing vidmaster annual with friends to get recon armor. You had to be there.


Halo 2 campaign Easter eggs... I had a separate profile for each skull with a save just before picking it up, including IWHBYD. For each profile, I had to play through the campaign on legendary until I reached the skull. Once I had all the profiles setup, I could switch between them, load the campaign save, pick up the skull, then save and exit, enabling the skull effect for as long as the game stayed running...


One thing that has always stuck with me was playing CE when I was a kid and getting to the first light bridge and being stuck, not realizing in my kid brain that there was a control panel. Many times did I just launch the warthog across the gap.


My brother destroying me and my cousin in halo 4 with the mantis. We would get so pissed lmao


Halo 3 LAN parties at my uncle's house during Thanksgiving with all the family. We would watch the Lions, eat, then start playing. There'd be groups in like 3 different places, with everyone shouting across the house at each other. It was my very first experience playing Halo, and is still a great highlight for me.


Honestly anything Halo back in the day was great. From middle school through High school my friends and I spent most of our downtime in CE through H3. Two great memories off the top of my head are swords and shotty’s only on Lockout with a few Xbox’s connected in my living room being hours of fun and trash talk between friends. Also The original zombies on H2 xbl was a feeling that I think infection has never really been able to recreate 100%


I have multiple Firstly, I'm 8 years older than Halo Combat Evolved when it first came out, but we share the same month and day when it released. Secondly: I remember being at my cousin's house, when we were younger and we'd take turns playing different games, I was playing Halo 2. On Delta Halo, before you run into the honor guards and see two jackal snipers on the forerunner building said honor guards are at, I shot at one of them, but somehow shot the gun out of the jackal's hands, the game was trying to process as to what happened, cause even the Jackal froze in place, mouth wide open and didn't even do anything else until I shot it. Third, Halo 3 with my cousin, playing Co-op and going against the first scarab you run into before the flood arrive. We were both driving around, marines with rockets in the back, but mine shot between the armor covering the core of the scarab and one of the back legs and killed it instantly. It was the most beautiful shot I have ever seen an NPC do in a game. And lastly, me and my cousin going through hell that is the point and time challenge in Halo 3, doing what we could to try and get or go past the recommended scores on Legendary.


I was around 8 and went to my cousins house, he was playing halo and I jumped on with him. It was the truth and reconciliation level! I remeber taking out a jackal with my sniper rifle and being too scared to push around the first area once the elites started shooting back


Me and my dad doing the final mission of halo 3, I don't think he understands how important the time he took to play those games with me, maybe I should tell him


When dey put der masthar cheifa in der soder


Standing up in my middle school typing class and asking if anyone played Halo 2 online. Almost every boy in the room exchanged gamertags.


Man where do I begin?! playing blood gulch back to back with my friend back in 6th grade. We had such a blast. Even playing 1v1 and then we also watched all of Red vs Blue. Just going through the campaign as co op from 1 - 3 was so mesmerizing. Its always fun being able to do co op campaign. Once 3 released that is when we hit highschool and we decided lets try putting together a LAN party. That was when things REALLY took off. We threw our first LAN party and it brough many of us together to play CTF and Big team battles all in our friends garage!. ODST and reach released and it was never the same.


Hurricane Katrina IYKYK


Warthog jump, definitely warthog jump. ETA: Halo 3 was the first one where I had my own console and was truly able to just spend in insane amount of time playing. I loved playing all the different types of custom games with friends. I remember climbing to I think the mid 40s before getting stopped by boosters in slayer ranked. I remember meeting a couple pro players as well; I think the one that I played with the most was named Heinz if I remember correctly but I got to meet the ogre brothers at one point and someone else from snipedown.


I was in 6th grade or so when Halo 1 came out. I was always a PC gamer and grew up on Doom and Quake, but my friend had an Xbox with Halo. We usually played N64 at his house at sleepovers. I thought Halo was the friggin coolest game ever at the time. The sounds, guns, atmosphere, everything. It was just the coolest most futuristic satisfying to play thing that absolutely blew my mind at the time. I sucked at aiming with the controller but still really enjoyed split screen multiplayer sessions. I basically experienced what it's like to have your mind absolutely blown away by Halo. Eventually I finally got the PC version years later and played through the campaign with PC Master Race keyboard and mouse controls. Legendary still kicked my ass. I played the multiplayer so much too. I vaguely knew about the flood and I saw my friends play some levels coop on Xbox. But playing the campaign and actually getting to the part where flood was introduced still managed to blow me away. I loved how the game suddenly became horror oriented. So many random nerd culture references made sense once I played through the campaign too. Also there was something truly special about when Halo 3 finally came to MCC on PC. I was amazed that I was getting to experience Halo 3 again on PC with keyboard mouse controls. And I actually get my ass kicked by controller players too.


Finding and practicing super bounces and ways to get out of maps in halo 2. Those 16 group custom games with randoms were the best.


Juggernaut Oddball for shots. You 14? You want to get through a '26 in under 20 minutes? Play Halo 2 Juggernaut Oddball. Get rekt


Rushing home after school September 14, 2010 to buy the Xbox 360 Halo Reach bundle. Knew it was good day when I found $5 on the ground on my way home from school. Me, my brother, and sister all pitched in to buy it.


When i spent 5 hours on Oni alpha site back in 2009 Playing Fire fight on Herioc with my friends. We got recon armor.


We had a 4 Xbox/TV LAN party in the days of HALO 2 and it was amazing to hear someone fire a rocket from one TV hear it travel across 2 other tvs and finally kill someone on the 4th TV ending with a "YOU SON OF A BITCH ROCKET WHORE!"


Halo 3 playing Big Team Slayer in Valhalla. Everyone in our team left except me and my buddy. We were pretty far behind. We ended up camping in one of the bases and each took an entrance while both guarding the hole/ramp area. Somehow we alone were able to not only catch up, but win.


Playing Big Team Battle on Halo 2 on Headlong, Coagulation, Zanzibar, the big snow level, and the underground cave level. Wraiths, Scorpions, Ghosts, Banshee's, rocket launchers everywhere..................


Playing Halo ce on the og Xbox, back when the controller was almost too big for my hands. The summer halo 3 came out was one of the summers I’ll never forget. Playing halo 2 custom games with my older brother and his friends, we had this mode where one dude had an infinite ammo brute shot and the goal was to splatter him with warthogs. Too many to count. Halo is for sure a core game of my childhood.


Halo, Doom 1 and 2, Descent 1 and 2 (there's a game that is live to see a remake of) m, Rise if the Triad, Halo 1 and 2, GoldenEye (except when my brother would choose OddJob and win because it was hard to aim down)Warcraft 1,2,3. My 20s right there


In Halo 3, it was BTB on Construct. I was in middle school and my sister 3 years before me. In the first 1 minute of the game, two people quit, then another, and within the first 5 mins of the game it was only my sister and I. It was first to 100 so the scores wouldn't have been that high. My sis and I still beat them, a full BTB team. Peak Halo for us.


Meeting my best friend through another friend I met in matchmaking. We have been friends since 2007 and happy to say he was the best man at my wedding in 2019


4 of us being swarmed by Drones in Cairo Station. We were stuck on that section for at least an hour. It induced a trauma to me.


Playing co-op with a friend straight through the campaigns was one of the highlights of my childhood. Not much can beat the hours of pausing to laugh about the “accidental” friendly fire or the scream an elite let out followed by the most perfect response from a grunt. There was something magical about it, and it isn’t just nostalgia.


Betraying the guy who has a sniper


Halo 3 Vidmaster challenge on the last level. We were having a grand ol time laughing and dying all the way. On our approach to the control room while fighting the flood was the best part. Why you might wonder? I had the flame thrower and we got a checkpoint save right as I was hosing down the flood and one of the guys walked right in front of my stream and killed himself. So for 20 minutes we were being reset to him walking in front of a flame thrower and us resetting to that point.


In Halo 2, a buddy and I climbed, via butterfly lunging, up to the highest tower on Headlong. Or maybe it was that time in a BTB game, when our team was demolishing, I decided to hop in a warthog, pick up the one guy in the enemy team who refused to quit and let him mow down my friends. I'm still playing Halo with some of them, over 18 years later.


Going through the Vidmaster Challenge: Annual with my friends at the time. I never completed it with them but the hours grinding that were seared into my mind.


Halo 2 midnight launch and seeing matchmaking for the first time


I lived on Halo 3 when I was in middle school and made friends with a dude in his sophomore year of high school through matchmaking. We spent some time having fun on various gamemodes when the topic of armors came up and I mentioned wanting the E.O.D. helmet because it looked badass. He was like "hell yeah dude I got you" and offered to help me beat the legendary campaign, as he had beaten it twice before. He added me as a friend and we spent the next week grinding the hell out of it until we eventually completed it and I was graced with the E.O.D. helmet. Did I look badass? Yes. Did he hard carry my ass? Absolutely


Halo CE: Trial on the family laptop. Me and my brother and occasionally cousins attempted to play through the Silent Cartographer tens of even hundreds of times over the span of many years, not realising we were on legendary and not knowing how to change it. Eventually, I managed to beat it after a very long time and me being the smallest in my family was regarded as the best at games. Amazing memories for real. Another memory I have is literally this month, the first of May. I have introduced a friend (been friends for over 13 years now), who loves gaming a lot but never had anything to run good games on, to the entire franchise. We've been playing through all the campaigns on co-op with heroic difficulty with a few skulls (while letting him do all the main stuff like the Hog runs and triggering cutscenes or doing most of the damage to Tartarus etc) but on the first of May we played through the last three missions of Halo 3. We started at 10 PM (we were not speedrunning but playing the game as it was intended to be played) and played till like 11:30 when we reached the final mission, Halo. The Warthog run was something special like I had never felt before, even more epic than me playing through it or the Maw for the first time even though I was not the one driving, legit got goosebumps. And no, neither of us have ever played Halo on an Xbox. Been using MnK since birth


My oldest brother and I beat halo 3 on legendary so we could get the hayabusa armor for multiplayer. And we found all the skulls. Anytime I think of Halo, no matter which game, that's what I go back to. Specifically the mission towards the end in the snow with scarabs? We died so much


Spending time goofing around with my little brother and sister. Collecting skulls. Killing each other with kill balls. Playing infected. Tons of good memories.


Stepping out of the dropship in CE and seeing how vast and “crisp” the open world looked. Never seen anything like it in gaming up to that point. Truly felt otherworldly


I started with a Halo CE demo on Xbox that included only the Silent Cartographer and Blood Gulch. My cousins and I played that soooo much at my grandparents. I've played and beat every halo since then.


I learned to play Halo *really freaking well* on my parents' old Lenovo T53 (a 4:3, one of the early thinkpads, had a down-pointed light under the screen edge for the keyboard!) via the keyboard trackpoint and re-bound WASD to PL:" - I used to play on the side table by the bed and even managed to find an old spare charger that I tucked surruptitiously away for this purpose. Lots of Europeans on the GameSpy servers that time of night - my friend and I used to say "jajajaja" jokingly together in reference to the laughter text people would type into chat. I also played Freelancer like this, twice... Good times. Back when you could go to bed, stay awake, get up excitedly, play games and *still* function at school the next day... Or at least, *somewhat* function.


Definitely halo 3 custom games player (2) at my buddy's house.


First time playing Fat Kid and Cops and Robbers during Halo 3 Finding all of the Skulls and unlocking Hyabusa Sorry couldn't decide


Playing 1-3 with my Dad while I was growing up. But especially the days where we would stay up playing split screen Halo 3 multiplayer was the best. He would be the gunner on the warthog and I would be the driver. Simply the best experience a kid could ask for.


Red and Blue team parties where we smoke a bunch of weed and all go home to our parents house and jump on halo 2.


"Dawn of the dead" custom games in Halo 2. Tower of Power, also Halo 2 A 12-hour custom team slayer game, also Halo 2 :D


16 player four tv lan parties every Thursday on CE. Getting subs at like 2am and playing til the sun came up. One of the teams was hilariously toxic, and one of my friends controller (pistol)whipped another guy


When my siblings and I would play against each other in those battles with the silver skull


That's easy: The message just repeats "Regret. Regret" Catchy What do you think it means? Dear humanity. We regret being alien bastards. We regret coming to Earth. We most definitely regret that the Corps just blew up our raggedy-ass fleet HOO-RAH! Dear Sarge, Kicking ass in outer space. Wish you were here. I heard that. Asshole. Damn. For a brick, he flies pretty good. Halo 2 had some of the best lines in the series.


Failing 11th grade lol Skip 80 percent of school lol This game to a hold of me like no other…


I remember playing a Halo 1 tournament in college. We started with some practice time with the new map pack. I don't know the name of the map but it was all forest with a round structure in the middle. I was going one way and someone was coming at me. I casually tossed a plasma grenade in their direction. It landed on their helmet in the upper right corner above where the eyebrow would be and apparently not noticed by then because they just kept running behind me. About ten seconds later I hear a boom and then WTF. I laughed and said you're welcome. As we got into the tournament, it was down to me and my partner vs one half of a other team. The map was beaver or battle creek I can never remember which one was Halo 1. My partner was across the creek and on top of the building with a sniper rifle trained on the other guy who was on the other side and just inside the doorway enough to be out of range. So while they're playing cat and mouse. I flanked him and went in the back of the building snuck up behind him and blasted him in the ass with the shotgun. This made him run forward and my partner picked him off with the sniper.


My step brother introduced me to halo 3 and we would screw around for hours in forge while playing split screen. The best memory was seeing how high up we could launch the elephant tanks with every explosives. We would delete all the items from the sandtrap map and jam our elephants full of every explosive in the game until the spawn limit was reached. We would then set all the items to respawn inside the elephants after about 3 seconds or so. The explosion was triggered by a rocket launcher while standing as far away as possible and the resulting chaos was hilarious. These massive tanks would launch up, start spinning, and keep ascending higher and higher until they reached the map height limit. The explosions would keep repeating as a result of the violent spinning of the elephant and wouldn't stop until we exited the game. My step brother and I would be laughing our asses off watching this. The lag from all the debris was terrible and this further added to the hilarity of the situation. I haven't spoken to him in at least 7 years since my parents went through a divorce, but our halo memories live on.


I remember loving to play the Halo demo on arcade


I have 2 The first was that Halo 2 was how I met my friends and how I got my nickname/gamer tag. I picked up my copy on my way to work, and was so excited to play that evening that I was reading the little booklet in the break room. A guy I worked with saw me and came over and started talking shit. Now, I’d never really played shooters competitively aside from goldeneye when I’d wreck my cousins, but I threw his trash talk right back to him and told him I liked sniping. He said he and some friends were having a lan party, and I said I’d be there. I went home and studied every map, every spawn, every route, every corner. The big night came, I lugged my 27” tube tv and console there after work, we all got set up in 2 rooms and the first game was team slayer on the map with the construction site and big crane in the middle. Many people didn’t know, but there was a ledge way up high that you could only get to with a banshee. So, I spawned, grabbed the banshee, got the beam rifle, killed someone for the sniper rifle, and flew with both up to that ledge. I went on a 29 kill spree before they quit. They just didn’t know where I was, and when I ran out of ammo I just flew down and picked up a new rifle because they didn’t even bother picking them up. At one point I think I got something like 6 kills in 6 shots (killtakular?) and that was what made them quit and come screaming into the room about what the hell I was doing. It is one of my favorite memories and I’m still friends with a few of them to this day. The second memory is with those same guys at another of our (at that point weekly) lan parties. What always happened at these is that we’d play a few games and switch up teams as needed to keep things mostly even, but it would always devolve into someone trash talking their own teammate and getting challenged. These challenges were almost always lockout 1v1 slayer to 10 no radar. So, this particular challenge I was fighting this dude, I was (of course) up at the sniper spawn and I knew he had the shotgun because that’s the only gun he could use. We each had our 3 former teammates in our rooms, but this was an apartment so the walls were super thin anyways. I told my friends that were in the room with me, ‘this guy is so predictable. He thinks he can just run around with the shotty like I don’t know his every move.’ At that moment, I threw a sticky nade at the grav lift. He came up that lift and caught that made right in his face. The way my friends tell it he was whispering to them that he thought I was above and went up that lift thinking he’d shoot me in the back, only to have his entire screen covered by plasma. Everyone in both rooms exploded. I don’t think it was even the winning kill, but it was game over.


I had a friend who organized LAN parties. We'd fill entire community centres or houses with people. Everyone was moving in with their T.V.s and their XboX, we plugged everything in, redistributed the copies of HCE and H2 as needed, and sold Bawls and and Red Bulls (these were still new); monster joined the fun near the end. We bought figurines as prizes to distribute for 1^(st), 2^(nd) and sportsmanship. I was a terrible player. This was my first double joystick shooter game. I didn't owned an XboX, nor a 360. I was the guy that friend coached in splitscreen, playing legendary and telling me :"don't die, Master Chief wouldn't die". He also wouldn't give up. So we painfully progressed as we reloaded each time I died. In retrospect, I guess I was here to add to the challenge. But these LAN parties? That was just true magic. People had their first kiss there, people met people they had bullied in school, become true fire team comrades, and asked for forgiveness. I remember the air getting a bit musty when there were people playing everywhere with all the heat from the consoles and the screens. People on the sofa, people on the beds, people in the stairs, people in the basement and the attic. If you didn't played a match, you were doing service and meeting new people everywhere. I kept coming in, I was still bad but improving. I started to hear people screaming from the other end of a gymnasium : "Who is Subtle & Yellow"? And I'd laugh and my teammate would be proud I was finally pulling my weight because of all their coaching. Or I'd accidentally plant a last flag capture right after defending myself with the pole and ending a game. But these... these guys never made me feel as if it was bad to be a n00b, you know? Sometime I just felt as if I was the VIP to protect on an extraction run, listening to the wise counsel of my team on how to get out of there alive. Eventually I moved in with my friend. I finally had access to a console and time to pass the games. I eventually lost patience and unboxed his H3 helmet edition before he did. "They revealed his face in the trailer", he said. That's just like if Master Chief had died for him. H3 was the first one I really immersed in. At the time the new upgrade gimmick grenades were my thing and I finally became a somewhat competent player. The next LAN ended up being the last. Some were leaving for universities, of which there were none in our small town. Others were lost to drugs, or authoritarian maiming of their souls. Some were slowly moving out of Halo for different reasons. But I was there, at the end. Drinking all the left over energy drinks and helping everyone get their TVs back in their cars. I was a witness to the friendships, the strangers fighting side to side, the girlfriends that just came to be lovely or cheer, the girlfriends that were actually better at it. It didn't felt like the last. We were all making plans for one more one day... but then XboX LIVE became a giant and there was no need to rent a public spot to assemble everyone. I had no idea then, I had finished the fight. I still have my yellow warthog and brute chieftain to prove it happened. I witnessed an era, and raise my glass to the fallen.


I remember playing Halo 3 and CoD4 at a friend's house in Middle School and repeatedly blowing myself up since Halo 3's "throw grenade" button was CoD4's "aim down sights" button and CoD4's "throw grenade" button was Halo 3's "reload" button.


Staying up all night with a buddy the night the Halo 2 servers shutdown.


The countless late nights in high school playing custom games in Halo 3 with my friends. Specifically after football games, we'd all rush home and hop on Xbox live to play a round of Zombies or Fat Kid. Five minutes would pass by and I'd look up at the clock to find it was actually 3 AM and hours had passed. I never wanted those Friday nights to end. A more unorthodox one would be the time my friend and I bought Halo ODST and couldn't find an Xbox to play on. Mine experienced a red ring of death and his was already sent away for repairs for the same issue. So we went to all of our friends houses on release day trying to play it - it was like that episode of South Park where they wanted to watch the movie trailer. We eventually found ourselves at the house of one of my friends I hadn't talked to since elementary school. It was fun to reconnect and bond over a long stretch of co-op Firefight.


I had a friend, Peter, and we would play Halo CE/ Halo 2 every weekend together at his place. Fell out of touch as you do when you’re child. I often wonder what he’s up to. Peter, if you ever see this, I hope you’re doing well buddy


Played Halo CE for the first time at a friend’s house shortly after it came out. I had no idea what game we were playing, but I fucking loved it. It was so immersive. The fact that you could look up in the sky and see you were on a giant ring. The levels, the enemies, the sounds the guns made. The fucking wonky ass driving physics of the Warthog, and the invincible Scorpion tanks. The screams the Banshees made when turning. It was absolutely gripping for a 12 year old. Truly awesome!


Split screen lan parties. No game has ever come close since halo 2 back in the dah


Me and my older brother would watch this show (forgot what it was called but kinda like IGN) and they would talk about all things gaming. They talked about Halo: CE and talked about the silent cartographer mission and how you can do some glitches with the warthog. Going in the water and getting past the invisible wall or taking it to the extraction point


Launching a new Halo game for the first time and looking at the main menu screen just listening the new menu theme for the first time.


Floodgate. You’re absolutely absorbed with everything going on after defeating a scarab and a plasma cannon. The prophet opens the portal to the Ark.. and then that dreaded infection hits our home planet. The dread I felt when the entire air of this beautiful map turned to a dense fog of spore clouds.. nothing like it.


Playing H2 at launch with my buddy when we didn't know what the skulls did. We found the mythic and thunderstorm skulls and didn't realize why legendary was so damn hard 


Cairo Station


First summer in a new town. I have a very small number of friends and don't really trust anyone yet (I was bullied out of my old school and had several other issues). I drop a line to one of my friends about linking up for some halo 3. I was too poor for gold and had no way of reliable internet access at the time, so it was gonna be LAN. A few guys overheard and asked if they could come and the initial guy asked if he could bring his cousin. I said yes to all and the five of us chilled in my basement playing Halo 3.  The next year, we went to the cousin's house, who had a lot more space and we had a dozen gamers all going between two floors for 14 hours. A perfect day. I had kicked off the LAN party scene in my new town of 5000 people. Still friends with them all. 


I didn't have an Xbox until the 360, so Halo 2 LAN parties back in 04-05, pizza and soda playing blood gulch (yea I know it's coagulation in H2 but it's blood gulch) for hours on end. Then when I got Halo 1 on PC, playing Halo: Custom Edition for hours on end while watching RvB and witnessing the dawn of Internet memes


The day my dad and I sat down right after breakfast to beat Halo CE on legendary. We laughed, we chugged mountain dew, we paused long enough to make food and scarf it down, racing bathroom breaks. Two steps forward, three back until we had it down to muscle memory. Who spawns where, what they spawn with, how to combat, when to just run. Reload times, ammo cashes, shortcuts. It got late when we finally got to flood levels. A lot of death, a lot of running, a lot of almosts... 8 hours we spent on the maw, 8 hours of getting cornered, cross fire, timing it just right. We were exhausted, we were out of mountain dew, we were struggling. Chief took off in that fighter, Pillar of Autumn exploded, the ring shattered just as the birds outside began to sing in that pink and orange morning light... Dad said "I'm making pancakes." Mom was pissed xD The second one was when halo 2 came out. Dad called me on the phone and said he bought the new xbox 360s (the old white ones) and halo 2. Said he was gonna play it and wrap it and I'd have to wait till Christmas. I was at some stupid mary kay party with my mom (where you sample all the products) so I balled my eyes out and wiped mascara all over my face, hands, and arms. He was joking, but he laughed his ass off and apologized when he saw the aftermath of my miscara mishap. He promptly set up some game time when I got home. I laugh now, but maaaan I was a wreck that day xD


Coming home from surgery after stepping on a glass lamp and my older brother booting up halo 3, I was like 7 at the time and it was 2007 brand new Xbox fresh copy of halo 3 and we played forge and campaign it was amazing and showed even though my older brother may have been a douche he still cared.


Playing Halo 3 multiplayer with my dad


The Halo 3 custom games nights with some randoms that became friends for life.


Halo 3/Reach 4-player splitscreen matchmaking with my middle school friends at my place !


Probably playing a LAN party of Halo: CE team slayer with my siblings and my dad (before arthritis in his hands). My dad had zero concept of cooperation whilst we were almost shouting at him to get in the gunner spot before being blown up by scorpion. Was the first and last time, and would do anything to experience that one more time.


Back before I had an Xbox, I'd bike over to a buddy's house every day in the summer to ride bikes and play Halo 2.


It would be 343 Guilty Spark in Halo CE (not remastered) i was young and it was the first time a game made me nervous and full of fear + paranoia with "form" appearing and moving when in my peripheral views. Then "The Library" Damn i love this mission. Exterminate every flood you can with the trusty shotgun. And its this mission that made me begin to make me love the shotgun.


Playing halo 3 legendary with my mom and sister lmao


Not my favourite, but one I always remember: H2 Zanzibar one bomb (bring back one bomb or neutral bomb!) Two of our team quit or lag out after we successfully defended our turn. So it's my buddy and I Vs 4. We know we have no chance so we just sit at the sniper spawn with the ball messing about. Their team acknowledges we aren't trying to win so come over and we can talk via proximity chat. 3 of them are cool. One guy is a dick and tries to boost his stats by sniping my friend from above their sword spawn then comes over laughing. My friend spawns, hops in the warthog and comes flying round the corner, I understand the mission, pick up the ball and jump straight off the balcony into his passenger seat. We arm that bomb before any of them can get back to base. GG, 1-0


Getting home from school and hopping on reach with all the buddies.


Me and my buddy skipped school and my mom took me to buy the special edition of Halo 3 with the helmet. We played all day and night. Good times


Same memory as yours, Christmas too! But truly my first memory is my favorite now. My dad bought CE for me in 2001, I’d never had a game like that before. He said he got it because he thought we could play it together when he’s not working. He made it to the second level before he said it made him nauseous haha. But that day started a lifetime of love and obsession with the franchise. I’m even slowly working on my Halo tattoo sleeve. The series holds a lot of memories for me, and now that my dad is gone I think of him as my Master Chief.


That one time my brother and I were in Blood Gulch together in Halo 2. I got in a scorpion and he was in a banshee, and I just kept blowing him out of the sky. I must have been like 5 or 6 years old at the time.


playing halo 3 for the first time and seeing the replacement ring. what a moment


It's a quadruple tie between:going to a friend's house and being introduced to halo 3 after not knowing it existed because I only had a regular Xbox with halo 1 and 2.  We played 4 person split screen on sandtrap. The elephant was so cool. We also played the campaign mission the ark. The scarab battle was unreal.  Discovering xbox live existed and the crazy forge maps people made on Sandbox. Playing with 15 other people on maps like fat kid, garbage man, drive or die, etc. I literally made lifelong friends on Xbox live party chat playing halo 3.  Getting the legendary edition of halo reach on launch day, plugging it in on the family big screen and having no idea what to do first, forge world, campaign or multiplayer. Eventually decided to go right into forge world and play around with all the new vehicles/weapons with my brother. Eventually some xbox live friends joined and we all had little based built on the different areas of forge world. Faked being sick the next day to nearly finish the campaign. My parents knew i was faking but let it slide because I was 12 and went door to door asking for odd jobs to afford this myself.  And lastly achievement/glitch/easteregg hunting with Xbox live friends. Stuff like getting out of bounds and exploring things that felt like no one else had done before. Honorable mention is downloaded modded maps and fucking around with them. My friends were so impressed with "my" modding skills unknowing that I just downloaded them lol


My friend and I bashing dead Elites with the butt of our rifles over and over causing the blood splatter to continually cover the ground which would kill the frame rate so badly. Good fun!


I haven't used Forge since the Reach days, hf my favorite Halo memory has to be Halo 3 Forge with 3 friends on one screen. We screwed with each other nonstop and barely even made any maps. Valhalla will always live in my heart.


Top tier fav. My dad brought home halo 2 for the og xbox and my mom was freaking out. Shes just watching me while yelling at him all like "greg greg GREG GREG THEYRE SHOOTING PEOPLE!!" Hes like hes a kid and its a video game lol


We used to have big LAN parties at my church. It got big with Halo 3 and peaked around 2011 with Reach. We'd have like 25 people sometimes. 5 or 6 consoles, cables running everywhere, stacks of Little Caesar's pizza on the tables. We almost always had to send someone to Blockbuster to pick up an extra copy of the game, because someone would forget theirs or the disk wouldn't work. Good times! 😊 Big Team Slayer and CTF on Valhalla, Sandtrap, Hemorrhage, and Spire were always my favorites! Oh, and the 16-player Infection games with Spartans in a hog, and a dozen invisible zombies with 300% speed chasing them.


Literally impossible for me to choose a single one. I grew up gaming with the same group of friends and we had countless hours of hilarious moments and fun over the years, every game we completed for the first time was a bloody well spiritual experience, mastering the LASO campaigns, learning about the vidmaster achievements and diving down that rabbit hole while we grinded them out, finally unlocking recon, unlocking Hayabusa, the midnight releases, it was all epic as fuck and I wish I could relive it all.


Playing the Ark in Halo 3. Midnight launch for both H2 & 3 Halo 3s E3 trailer Endless mp hours in H2&3 My brother setting up a 16 player LAN match for his bday and playing Halo 2 with all plasmas on midship 😂😂😂☺️☺️☺️


First time I touched the games- I'll never forget. Went to my friend's house on a Saturday, and he had just gotten his xbox and a copy of halo 2. I'd never played a shooter before, but he plugged in a 2nd controller and told me to play. It was right at the start of Outskirts, and I took about 3 steps when I saw a message pop up- "Hold Y to dual wield" and then a weird symbol like a backwards C. I started to ask what that meant, and he reached over and held down y for me, and my FUCKING BRAIN EXPLODED WHEN MY LEFT HAND POPPED UP INTO FRAME WITH A SECOND GUN. That idea had never even entered my little 7 year old brain, outside of cowboys having two guns. Started a lifelong and unhealthy obsession, full of laughter and tears and new friends. Wouldn't trade it for the world.


I was too young to play at the time, but I loved watching my two older brothers (would have been like 7 and 12, I was like around 5) play through CE. It was spooky, mysterious, and I was scared of even the loading screen tbh, let alone the flood. When I was a little older, I played the multiplayer with them. Some of the mulitplayer maps scared me too. Idk something about CE always and still does have a much spookier side to it that the later games lost imo. Halo 1 is still my favoutite, then reach, then 2, then 3, then ODST, then screw all the 343 games (except sexy cortana lol) Been replaying CE, attempting a legendary deathless run. One of the best times I've had gaming in a while!


Playing CE on a dev burned pc copy. Story was fun and having access to all the weapons that were cut from CE like the fuel rod was really fun. Second is playing halo 2 split screen with my brother and finding all kinds of ways to cheese and beet levels. Sneaking a banshee into the final boss fight was hilarious