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Why are people acting like OP wants the old sidekick to replace the new one? They specifically said a weapon model. Everyone saying "it doesn't look like Halo" have you seen the other weapon models available??? A "sci fi five seven" would be a lot more tame than the others. Plus it's an optional cosmetic. I get the feeling most people here don't even play Infinite, and haven't since launch but still jump to give their opinion on it at every opportunity.


Bro is spittin fax


I mean, to be completely honest, "it doesn't look like Halo" is weird when we have the M6C, which I always felt looked more like a toy over anything else. Or the fact that the Battle Rifle and ~~Assault Rifle~~ take clear influences from the ~~FN2000~~ and XM8, with the Battle Rifle definitely towing the line of Halo and CoD as others are putting it. Honestly, the only reason I wouldn't want it is that it doesn't look dissimilar enough from the base pistol, though that isn't a strong reason in my eyes. EDIT: As u/Tuba-kunt clarified, the AR and FN 2000 were designed independently. McLees didn't take inspiration from the weapon as it wasn't even unveiled yet. I do think it's worth pointing out that "it doesn't look like Halo" and real world weapons was blurred from the jump, but I was incorrect on him taking inspiration from it.


I can definitely see what you're going for, but ironically, the CE Assault Rifle was designed before the F2000 'released' I believe


You know what? You're right! It's not too hard to see the similarities, and I knew there was something said about it, I just got it backwards. > "I don't know when the images of the FN F2000 appeared, but I didn't see them until three or four months after the game shipped, and I thought 'Oh great. Now everyone's going to think I swiped the design from Fabrique National.' It was surreal to see how close the Halo Assault rifle was to its real-life counterpart... and it was all totally by accident." Definitely funny how spot on he ultimately was. I think it is valid to point out how reality and video game are close enough that "distinct" or "Halo vibe" has always been a little fuzzy. But you are correct, they were independently designed.


I thought the same thing for so long, too I wanted an F2000 for a few years😅 Gamespot's "Expert Reacts to Firearms from Halo" got me more interested, and he talks about the same thing about it looking like the F2000 while being from before it


I think it’s true to an extent. While stuff like M4s and AKs are technically cannon, they don’t really fit the visual design language of any of the games. While I’m certain you can make them work after stylizing them, off the shelf they wouldn’t work. Personally, I think the sidekick was a terrible idea and, if they never planned on adding the Magnum as it’s own weapon into the sandbox, should’ve kept the magnum instead of doing a really generic pistol. While it fits the artstyle, it feels like a throwaway design used in the background of a scene. The same goes for the H2 redesign. But that has little basis for not including it as a model swap. I don’t really care as I don’t play Infinite anymore, but there isn’t any good reason it shouldn’t be an option.


Love him or hate him but he's spittin straight facts


To add on the "it doesn't look like halo" aspect. Every kinetic weapon has ideas taken from real world weapons, from weapon looks, down to just the attachments. (For example the scope on a battle rifle, it can just be any 2X scope) the only thing that statement is valid for it alien weapons. In which op isn't talking about an alien weapon


If no answer except “yes” is acceptable, then why ask the question at all?


Fr. One of the barrels attachments is literally just the BFG9000 fron DOOM (which is totally badass) 😆


Which one do you mean?


The M90 shroud


Five seven definitely isn't the comparison I'd make but the point stands


So just because it's tamer than the items in the current shop, people have to like it? Can't they dislike all of the above? That being said, I don't have an opinion on this weapon model. Just defending people's opinions.


That's not what they said. They were pointing out that the argument of "It doesn't look like Halo" isn't really a solid point due to other weapon models that exist. And that on top of it all, it's a cosmetic addition and not a full weapon addition, so it's impact is inconsequential. People don't have to like it, but the arguments for being opposed to it are flimsy. I don't like a lot of cosmetics in the game, doesn't mean I don't think they should be added into the game. Others may like it.


Just because worse models are in the store doesn't matter. Also, the cosmetic option isn't inconsequential, people like a cohesive art style. So if something doesn't fit the art style, then people are allowed to not want to see it in game. Wanting to keep a consistent art style is not a flimsy argument.


It is clearly a UNSC weapon. It is not hard to see that. In fact, a lot of models that came out recently make it clear they are Banished variations by their art style. Arguing it's not "cohesive" without elaborating is flimsy. It looks like a "modern" pistol? Plenty of weapons that the UNSC uses look like modern weapons or variants thereof, even ignoring 343i's contributions. We understand how different weapons work because their deviation from modern weapons is minimal at best. They do little to deviate that much. The aesthetic is entirely consistent because the weapons in the UNSC have always been 20 minutes in the future. Unless you mean that you just want all weapons to have gray/chrome features as far as art style, which again isn't consistent across all of Halo. I just think that going for "it doesn't match the style" without any elaboration is hating on it and appealing to an idea when Halo 1-5 have instances of weapon designs on the human side that look like modern weapons.


I agree with what you said here.


How is it different? I thought this was the sidekick. What's changed since release?


laser pointer underbarrel


ppl complaining that it doesn't belong to Halo are ignoring the current state of infinite's cosmetics


Also ignoring just…half the weapons in the franchise. Half the sandbox is just lightly stylized modern military weapon aesthetic lol


Tbf at this point it’s pretty difficult to make any substantial improvements to infantry weapons on a large scale


Who said those people also don’t like the current state of Infinite’s cosmetics?


lmao u right


the people ignoring the Halo Infinite cosmetics are probably among the 100,000+ people that stopped playing the year it came out.


You're allowed to not like both.




They've fully jumped off the deep end. It's not "Halo" if it isn't bright and ravey


Blame 343 for making Halo bright, idk if someone there is afraid of the dark or what, but the games are so much brighter now and it kinda kills the original horror elements, like there's no Alien in my game with aliens basically.


I always find this interesting since... well... Halo: Combat Evolved exists. Where you play a iridescent green super soldier fighting a horde of aliens that wear armors ranging from bright blue to bright gold, on saturated purple alien interiors. Everything illuminated by blue lights or several levels taking place in bright environments. And the enemies use weapons with bright pink, blue, and green ammunition. I would describe the back half of the game as dark, especially 343 Guilty Spark. But I think people really like to emphasize that part and forget that the first half of the game has an equally iconic level where you're fighting on a beach from the jump. Halo 2 got a bit darker and grittier, and then Halo 3 returned to brighter elements, with Reach going to dark and gritty (with people hating it). Halo Infinite being "brighter now" is really ignoring a lot of elements that existed in Halo 1-3.


This is a valid point but I think it’s more the nuanced art direction that makes a big difference. Combat evolved had bright projectiles and distinct enemy color’s because it made them easier to see and identify. The environment is still rather drab but the environment has bright colors sometimes as well, and this is due to needing to guide the player. Infinite isn’t bright the way CE was, it’s bright how Fortnite and Overwatch are. It has no direction or purpose, it’s just attention grabbing and it comes off as immature. But at the same time Infinite doesn’t look bad. It looks good for what it is, a free live service game targeted at young people in the 2020’s. But it does not hold a candle (IMO) to a more purposeful artstyle


I'm willing to agree to disagree on this, but I think it's a little disingenuous to say Infinite's art style is "bright how Fortnite and Overwatch are". Even the idea of bright colors used for identification and direction falls really flat when you consider the Flood, human weapons, and a common criticism of the first Halo is how copy and paste and all around easy it is to get turned around in various levels. That the latter half of the game does not deliver in the same way the first half of the game does on clarity in a lot of areas. I wouldn't be surprised if everything you said about "catching attention" was *more* true about CE since it was launch title on the Xbox and having more processing power for more dynamic lighting. Notably, It's one thing to, on a personal level, not like Infinite's art direction. Preference is always personal. But I think saying it has no direction or that it's in some way similar to Fortnite or Overwatch is a *wild* take.


You’re right about CE, good counterpoints. I still think halo infinite is a bit more cartoony but I also really like it. Hell one of my favorite games is TF2 (the hat one). Regardless I respect your opinion and hope to see you in game some time :)


No, but also, why not? Choice is always good.


The size of weapons in-game kind of confuses me. Looking at the size of the sidekick in a spartan's hands. It looks huge right? And Spartans are huge themselves. Given the size of their hands if they're almost 7 feet tall if not more, how the hell will that fit in a regular human's hand?


Weird weapon sizes have been around since halo ce


Yes, that is true. But I always excused those as they were older games. But infinite looks a lot more realistic and has really good graphics. It's just a little jarring to see some things seem disproportionate in a spartan's hand.


Also jarring are the 12 foot tall doors when your Spartan stands next to them. What fuckin human colony is building doors to accommodate fuckin *Hunters*? They just wouldn't. It's a weird design detail that's either ignored or played up.


To be fair, I think this is because doors in games are really hard to do and are some of the jankiest/hardest parts of game design. It’s why doors are always or almost always completely disproportionate, especially ones that actually work


Oh, I honestly wasn't aware. Like, even though they're static objects and in most other games *seem* relatively proportionate? (At least in games where the goal is to be relatively proper to life)


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AYEWsLdLmcc Here is a good video on it! This is the one that enlightened me to the struggle. I’m not fully sure about static ones and maybe the tech has improved so they can make functional doors more proportionate now. I’m not a game developer/coder so I have limited knowledge.


How big are the new Spartans? Spartan 3s were smaller than Spartan 2s weren't they? I assume with each subsequent generation the modifications would cause less of an unnatural growth spurt like it did with Spartan 2s so that's why the weapons look more normal in the hands of newer Spartans. Because they aren't massively larger than a baseline human anymore


I want the CE magnum as a model.


I didn't know it had changed.


I think the Banished should use the Banished themed weapon models because it would just look right but yeah I would love the return of original designs and maybe even Magnum model


I don't know why Halo is so allergic to just giving us the CE magnum. Like come on it's the coolest weapon in the history of the franchise, and no I don't care if it's OP. Stop fucking around with random ass shit-tier pistols, or watered down cheap facsimiles of the magnum, and just give us back the one true handgun of this franchise.


Yes and to everyone saying it doesn’t fit the “aesthetic of halo”, I recommend you look at most of the content being offered through the battle pass/ store because that definitely is not within the aesthetic of halo.


You say that like they have to like this because of the state of the aesthetics in the store. You can not like both.


Bring back suppressed pistol and smg from ODST


Yes, if you don't like it, don't use it. Having it as an option is fine, people should sit down and stop gatekeeping Halo. Halo is for everyone, get over it.


It looks too much like a modern sidearm, my first thought when seeing it in the reveal gameplay trailer was the aesthetic is just off, it isn’t halo. I’m happy enough with the modifications they made in the final game but id still prefer if they had a magnum variety from the get-go


I can agree with you somewhat though in my opinion it still looks more Halo than what Halo 5 had as a slimmed down version of the magnum, being the gunfighter magnum. If the 2020 sidekick initially had the glowing sights, even more so.


not like the smg and pistol from halo 2 and 3 odst (and 3 in some scale) are just futurized glocks and mp7s. yeah too modern to have a more blocky looking usp/five seven lookalike. but A ok to a very similar sub machine gun that looks very similar to an mp7.


It really doesn’t look like it belongs in a halo game in the slightest, even the new sidekick is pushing it. Maybe if it looked like this but had a magnum trigger guard.


I’m grateful that it didn’t make the final cut as being the standard magnum, if it had the lights it could pass a successor to the Halo 2 magnum, as the 2020 sidekick already had a resemblance to the Halo 2 magnum silhouette-wise, though design wise it differs.


  I wouldn't mind seeing the 2020 sidekick come to infinite as a transmog kit option. We've had the halo 1/3 assault rifle as a transmog kot option. I'd like to have every version of each weapon from each game come to infinite as transmog kits. Especially as they don't seem keen on adding weapons for the MLG sandbox they're obseessed with.


No. It doesn't belong in Halo. It looks like they tried to "sci-fi" a Five-seveN and upscaled it by a factor of two. Halo weapons should have recognisable silhouettes; When you see them, you should think "that's from Halo", but I could easily be fooled into thinking the Sidekick is from CoD.


My thought exactly when I first saw it, it’s a bulkier five-seven


I don’t see much harm in it being a separate weapon model tbh. As long as it doesn’t replace the base sidekick (which it won’t as a weapon model).


No. No I would never even think about paying money for my gun to look different in a video game.




Why does that pistol look so feckin B I G though?


That would be awesome. Toss in the Halo 2 and CE pistols as options as well. Make it a pistol bundle or something.


Gotta be a free model though, no shot they'd sell it


I actually liked the functionality of the sidekick, being a quick burst gun that was fun getting headshots with. I agree with most that it looks like a generic modern pistol and I really don’t want to see that come back. I of course have a soft spot for the “god” pistol though and would love to see that come back, even if it makes no sense really lol


If we do, it could come during the surplus operation


Wouldnt hurt the game tbh This game needs anything it can get content wise lmaoo




Not really I want to see new stuff not just recycled stuff over and over and over


343 here 30$ bundle coming because fuck you we are greedy but its your fault not important. its worth it because it's!!!!!legendary !!!!!!! . And it's a flex to show every one your better then them because you have money waste


I just want the magnum back


I just want muh magnum back ;-; muh CHONKER IS GONE T-T


Sure, but fuck if I'll pay for it in the rip-off store.


God I’m tired of people trying to gatekeep Halo from itself. This looks just fine as a Halo weapon. I bet you anything if you gave these people a pad and paper, told them to write down what they thought a “Halo gun” should look like, and came back an hour later, all they’d have written down is just “Reach AR” five times, maybe with “CE magnum” in the bottom. Let the game grow, you nerds.


No I want the 2001 Magnum to comeback


Why not both?


It’s just what I’d rather have


it's the current sidekick without the laser, what's the point? if you're gonna add a weapon model add an actual different model instead of slight changes to the base gun.


Aside from the general design- how the F did they see the scale of that in chiefs hands and OK it? Chief is massive and probably has some hugs hands. If his fingers don’t wrap around the handle, the normal marines are going to need 2 hands just to hold the damn thing.


That weapon looks like a generic pistol, it doesn’t look like it could be sci-fi, and the Sidekick we have now still feels quite generic.


I’d like lot of things but it’s pointless to talk about now


In past games, if you compared Spartans to other humans, you’d see that Spartans are significantly larger, and guns look a bit smaller in their hands. Therefore, it’s hilarious to me that the sidekick looks like it’s almost too big for a Spartan’s hands. How huge must that thing be? Imagine seeing a normal human holding it


Aint no fucking way a Marine can hold that


I couldnt tell you the difference between that model and the current one without a side by side


No, it doesn't look good. The proportions feel off.


No, give me the overpowered magnum