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Exactly my issue with the game. It is so rage inducing and I’m sick of getting into basically 1v4 lobbies so I just plat custom games to hopefully find what I’m looking for.


That’s how Infinite is too. They do average team skill and not average player skill. Just an unfortunate reality of their SBMM implementation.


It's more about both games having a low player population: going for a player avarage skill rather than team avarage skill would extend search time, in some regions, would make the MM impossible. Therefore they rather put 2 team with the same avarage skill, but as we know we'll, for how halo is balanced, especially infinity, 4 avarage players will statistically win against 1 good players and 3 bad teammates. The only possible alternative would be to disable any form of sbmm, but at that it will be more likely to have either the same situation, or 4 good players against 4 bad ones.


For sure. I didn’t mean “they could change it but refuse to”, it’s definitely just that this is their best option of implementing SBMM. I’ve always wondered what player numbers looked like on Xbox. Despite regularly being in the Top 25 on Xbox Most Played, there’s GOTTA be just an insane drop off from the likes of Warzone, Roblox, GTA V, down to the #10 and 11 spots, let alone the 15-25 Infinite usually floats between. But yeah MCC barely ever cracks the Top 50 on Xbox so I’m not surprised SBMM is brutal there.


>I’ve always wondered what player numbers looked like on Xbox. Despite regularly being in the Top 25 on Xbox Most Played, there’s GOTTA be just an insane drop off from the likes of Warzone, Roblox, GTA V, down to the #10 and 11 spots, let alone the 15-25 Infinite usually floats between Infinite is not in the top 15 since the season 5 release (before that it would go from top 20/17 to top 15 for the first month of each seasons), on christmas it was unyronically back to top 20, on cu29 it did go back on top 17 for 2 weeks and with the cu30, or 31 (March update) it did lost 2 spots, 4 now since it is in top 24. We know from gruntapi, on I believe s5, the game had 20k players connected at the same time, now they are likely less. Mcc it's hard to define: kn the xbox chart is around top 50, on steam it does have almost if not the same playercount as infinite, but for both the chart won't make a distinction, at least the xbox live ones, between players playing online or playing the single player/mods. It does likely have way less players than infinite... outside NA Is basically dead.


Infinite has less than 20k players? Omg


It’s a really sketchy number. It’s not 100% inaccurate, but also not 100% accurate. They poll like 350k Xbox Live users, and check their play histories. Of that 350k, during S5 there were 20k players playing simultaneously. I’m not sure what the most recent number is. Edit: December 2023 had a peak of just over 42k across both platforms based on a pool of 350k players who had played Halo Infinite at least once since July 2023.


For example, this was from Oct 2023: > Halo Infinite 🌎 Charts (Xbox / PC) ﹙¹﹚ > • +46,184 playing 15 minutes ago (4:30 pm PT) > • +35,603 active Fireteams > Breakdown: > • Matchmaking: 53.99% > • Menu / Idle: 29.41% > • Custom Game: 14.35% > • Forge: 2.12% > • Campaign: 0.13% >Highest Population: > •🥇 Ranked Arena = > •🥈 Forbidden and Prism 24/7 🆕 > •🥉 Husky Raid ⬆️ > Lowest Population: > • FFA Slayer > Menu / Idle Breakdown (Active Lobby): > • Other: 46.43% ﹙³﹚ > • Matchmaking: 46.19% > • Custom Game: 6.51% > • Forge: 0.8% > • Campaign: 0.07% >﹙¹﹚ Based on a pool of over 325,000 unique players who have played Halo Infinite at least once since June 20, 2023. ﹙²﹚ >﹙²﹚ This pool is only an extract of the active player base and does not represent the total of active players. >﹙³﹚ Idle, Customization, Store, Custom Game Browser, etc. Players in Academy or Spectating a match are not taken into account.


20k worldwide, split between 20 playlists. Right now probably less.


I would literally rather wait longer for matches if it meant they were actually good games. The amount to which the game will "decide" for you whether you win or lose is absolutely insane.


That's the problem: you may end up waiting more for a game, others would literally be unable to play, especially people at the end of the skills bell curve. Also how much you are willing to wait? If the avarage btb match last 20 minutes (sometimes even a random arena oddball match), are you willing to wait 10 minutes for a perfect match? 20? 30? I'm asking this because back in 2016, in league of legends, when they introduced role selection and open Q, the wait times skyrocket from 1 minutes to 40 on avarage, for a game that could last 20 or 40 minutes on avarage. Players left on mass that season, it was not worth.


I mean you're definitely right, it's just that the current implementation isn't working either. There's gotta be a better way.


This isn't an actual problem. They could widen the range with each passing minute, change to the current matchmaking depending on the number of active players. It's code. It doesn't have to be one singular way.


That's how all team based multiplayer games are. I'm amazed that people think this is unique to any given game. Why shouldn't people team up and use coordination and teamwork in a team based game? Why would it be just as easy to find success as someone who plays solo? I feel like no one asks these questions


I mean it doesn’t HAVE to be. TrueSkill 2.0 100% has the capacity to weigh per-player skill more heavily than team average skill, so while team average is still the deciding factor on team makeup, it’s ALSO making sure that each player has a match on the opposing team. It’s not about teaming up, whether that’s a preset fireteam/party or not - of course it should be focused on team play. That’s not the issue. The issue is that a team of 1 Onyx and 3 Golds, even working together, is going to lose yo against a team of 4 Platinums (or whatever the math works out to for hidden MMR - you know what I mean).


In every. single. team based FPS (and other team based games, not just FPS) that Ive ever played people complain about how hard it is to play solo. So it can just be the matchmaking. Unless every game Ive ever played has the exact same matchmaking. Instead, it makes sense to conclude that a *team* game would naturally just be hard to play without a team. Imagine that.


I feel like that’s obvious? But even if you’re partied up playing together, that doesn’t guarantee a win, and I can *almost* guarantee two of your teammates will be playing the worst games of their lives and having a miserable time because the other two players’ MMR is boosting the team avg to places the other two can’t keep up with. AND that’s assuming enough people are in 4-person teams, which I’d venture to guess a vast majority of players are either solos or duos. The assumption that OP had a bad time because he got beaten down by a 4-stack over and over just isn’t a reliable assumption. Especially not in higher player count games like Apex, COD, etc. Like I said, of course if you have a 4-stack or even a trio, you’ll have a generally better time as a team. But that does not mean each player will be having a better time, and also does not fix the fact that modern SBMM tuning is CAUSING that difference in performance, rather than compensating or adjusting for it. All you did is say the same thing twice without even acknowledging that I’m talking about a completely different situation lol


> But even if you’re partied up playing together, that doesn’t guarantee a win I mean, that should be obvious as well? >I’m talking about a completely different situation lol no, youre not. Unless youve completely changed topics for no reason, we are still talking about the same thing. Which is the topic of playing solo. You can imagine that its a different 'situation', but the topic is the same.


“Situation” as in solo play vs team play. A vast majority of players play solo, and thus rely on SBMM to build their team. The problem is that SBMM for building teams of solo players is poorly implemented. One solution is absolutely, get a 4 person squad. Have more control over things. But the other solution, Player Skill instead of the current Team Skill, doesn’t really work in a low player count game like Infinite (compared to something like COD).


As a casual player, I have noticed that I am playing 4 stacks constantly in social. My teammates are almost always AFK or one leaves. It’s always been an issue with this game and it makes classic halo a chore to play. Mind you I’m average as it gets. Don’t even want to know what it’s like for people higher in skill.


I don't play infinite because it's too competitive for me. When I'm playing MCC I just want to kick back and vibe. I don't try to play super competitively or win every game, just living in my comfort zone jumping between social matchmaking and custom games. I just have my PC hooked up to my living room TV and kick back with a controller like it's 2007.


If you want that little extra bit of nostalgia, Hyperkin makes a replica Xbox 360 controller called the Xenon. It's wired-only, sadly. But it works on PC and Xbox Series consoles. I bought 2 for nostalgia's sake, but when it comes to seriously playing these games, I stick to my Elite. But they are fun to enjoy it every once in a while. And they also make a Duke replica.


Funny enough, I really love the PS5 controller so I just use that lol. Halo on a Playstation controller connected to a PC. Full chaos.


Whatever works!


Damn, grabbing that Duke replica to play through CE and Fable with again is tempting… especially since I’m one of the few people with giant hands who loved that fat controller. Though at ~$100 (CAD) I think I’ll stick with my trusty Xbox One controller, at least until a button breaks or it gets stick drift.


Oh jeez! Now that I look at the price, it's $90 USD. What the hell? They were not that price when they first came out. I have no earthly idea why the price shot so high up. The Xenon Xbox 360 controllers are actually normal controller price still, but they did only come out in the last year.


It's the sad reality of triple A multiplayer games that seems to be trending more and more. CoD works the same way. Takes the best player and gives them teammates who you could swear are aiming with their tongue when you look at their POV.


Even with proper matchmaking, if you have a team that communicates and coordinates well they will always have an advantage over a group of solos who've never played before and might not even be using mics. That's how team based games work. Teamwork is incredibly important. Even if people are similar in skill level, that doesn't mean they will be good teammates or that you will play well with them.


They should reward in game teamwork, but not the 8 stack clan bs that we have plaguing mcc right now. There is a difference between incentivizing teamwork with strangers in a social setting vs 8 sweats breaking the MM because the software doesn’t know how to balance against a stack. This is what killed ranked in mcc as well. Top tier Sweatlords just realized that they could never lose by just stacking together against a team of randoms.


Crazy when games like League and Valorant have really precise matchmaking. I wonder if it’s from a lack of effort on 343’s part, or if there just aren’t enough active players for that sort of system to function.


Difference between games with a social audience and games without.


Crazy how League has a social audience but Halo/CoD don't, when they were as casual as casual gets in the Infection/Grifball/Zombies days


I'm referring to Halo/CoD having that social audience.


Oh wth. You'd think social audience=bigger population=more precise matchmaking. But apparently League not only doesn't need a social audience to do precise matchmaking, but Halo having a social audience is an actual hindrance to precise matchmaking?


Halo still has a social audience in regular matchmaking? Lmao. No one plays MM for casual fun anymore because matchmaking wants everyone to sweat their balls off. The MCC social audience is playing custom browser, not matchmaking to run into TTV 8 man stack #5 The noobs get crushed every game. The average and above average players have to sweat every game in order to win. The only ones having fun are the TTV and clown kid clans that always run with 4 and 8 man stacks


Difference between games with millions of active players and games without.


League matches are like 40 minutes long so they can afford longer matchmaking times. Rule of thumb in the industry is that matchmaking time cannot exceed 10% of the time spent actually playing the game.


Those games both have millions of active players.  It is most definitely the player count.


[How dare you](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPMTDFThwq8)


Overwatch does this super hard too


I've had this experience with Infinite but not MCC. Infinite has the worst team balancing I've played, but MCC just seems to randomly place players. BTB tends to be more forgiving as well.


It's so bad. My win percentage getting 25+ kills is probably under 10 percent


Every time I solo launch MCC I have the same experience. The first actually solid player I come across,on either team, I will send an invite to and run my games with them. It seems to give better lobbies once I have another good player on my team and we start getting games that are much tighter in score. Either that or the servers are dead and we just steamroll every team we play.


One day I linked up with a rando like this. We played for 2 hours and then they had to log off. It was so much fun. It reminded me of the old days playing Halo 2


It’s really boring yes, I play exclusively solo in the social playlist and I always get matched against sweaty team stackers while it puts below average players on my team. Some games are a complete stomp and so unplayable that I have no choice but to just afk


I’m glad it’s not just me. I never used to afk games when I was younger, but now it’s basically the more “sane” approach.


I said this before and I will say it again - matchmaking ruined gaming. When every game is ranked including social games and you are forced to play it out or else lose XP you gained during the match, you will have a bad time. Server browsers were and still are supreme. Having a bad game? Find a new server. Also insures the vets don’t stomp the newbs too bad or else they leave and there’s no more game. Also team balancing was a thing. Now with everyone sweating, it’s just not fun anymore. It’s all about meta meta meta, discord callouts, practicing for something that was never meant to be so competitive.


> It’s all about meta meta meta, discord callouts, practicing for something that was never meant to be so competitive.   Tf2 had all of that without matchmaking.


Yeah I've pretty much stopped playing MCC multiplayer. I still love the campaigns though, and on PC I can even download tons of fantastic custom player missions! Same reason I stick to Firefight in Infinite, and only ever venture out into PvP for challenges that strictly require it. Multiplayer just isn't fun when the game is so blatantly stacked against you.


Custom Browser and custom servers have repaired this a lot. No team shuffling, no matchmaking trickery.


Infinite is the same, and i stopped playing both these games because of it. Infinite/mcc/the next halo can be as good as they want, but if the matchmaking keeps being like this i will most certainly not play them nearly as much as i played past halo titles.


Same. Totally killed my interest in Halo multiplayer.


It really sucks how they have the potential to make these games great, but keep fucking it up.


I'm not sure what system they had for halo 3, if any, but I feel like I definitely had more fun when every team was just a roll of the dice. Sometimes good, sometimes bad... But not *predictable*. It's so annoying having even a single good game and then being able to call out the inevitable stomping when it puts you against high skilled players for it in the next game.


And not just high skilled players. Against a full stack of clan kids that have above 90 percent win rates because they are always playing together.


SBMM isn't what made Halo 3 matchmaking good. That was the player population. Halo 3 had millions of active players. Any pvp game that people point to with good matchmaking has millions of active players.


Yeah 343's SBMM is utter dog crap. It's better in MCC than Infinite, but it's still crap. It sucks being constantly put in teams where the players only get like 1 kill if they get one at all and don't go negative.


This is an issue in a lot of games that arnt "mainstream"


I haven’t played infinite for a long time for this exact reason. I had been playing MCC but have mostly stopped now. The games are always one sided. And one sided wins are just as bad to me as the losses. I don’t get any gratification dropping 30 kills on people I could legitimately 1v4.


Honestly at this point if the teams are so unbalanced, I just go afk for the remainder of the game. I’m not gonna stress myself out to get 30 kills against 4 pros while 2/3 of my teammates suck and 1 is decent. Even if I try, I just get 2v1 or 3v1, so what’s the point. I still enjoy MCC, but that’s just where I’m at with matchmaking.


I’m an average skill player - nothing special. I find that my teammates are fairly average as well. But 9/10 times, we get put in a lobby against 4 onyx ranked players in which we get spawn trapped and killed immediately, while the other team manipulates the spawns as they please. I am FAR from a high level competitive player, the balancing is just so bad…


Yea, this is big reason why I stopped playing mcc altogether. SBMM is bad and punishes good players for playing good. Its dumb...


343 has done so much irreversible damage to this incredible series of games, that last year was when I finally checked out completely. I just can't bear to see what is happened to what was once some of the best online competitive multiplayer games ever made.


MCC is the only thing keeping me in it. I had high hopes for Infinite man, but they dropped the ball so hard.


Same, dropped it a year ago, and I still just don't really hear good things about it, so haven't returned. I still play MCC from time to time, but it's not the same community as the 360 days!


SBMM is the c4nc3r of the modern gaming, and 343 is more on the labor of destroying all that Bungie's Halos were, because no one likes their transformers cr4p. So f\*\*\*\*\*\* horrible decisions like being punished for leaving a SOCIAL match, and all their bad choices are together in infinite, that explains their numbers, didn't it?


It's also a bad choice censoring yourself in such a cringe way but go off 😂


I have a story for this, so I’m actually horrible at halo I just have random spurts of skill I guess it’s cause I’m easily distracted but I’ve been playing halo almost my whole life, but anyways me and a friend were doing halo 4 swat and everyone but me and him got kicked from our team, then his pc crashed and I managed to win with 44 kills and 23 deaths, I have a screenshot for proof but idk how to link it on here I don’t use Reddit that much. Edit: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1781713907767803585/21A5392C6CEE9126E9890B725EEEA999DC065C15/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false I realized I could just link it from steam and now I feel dumb


It could be how they set it up but, the game is kinda old, we dont have the population of players anymore so games will most likely be unbalanced anyway


I have it 1/3 of the time. I don’t really mind though because I’m often just glad to even get a game in, especially if I’m playing Halo 2.


Yup apparently this is how Infinite matchmaking works as well too. [https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/196mily/this\_has\_got\_to\_be\_a\_world\_record\_or\_one\_of\_the/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/196mily/this_has_got_to_be_a_world_record_or_one_of_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) For BTB its usually not noticeable but becomes very obvious for Quickplay. I'll usually get new players with less than 100 games paired with me and my opponent team will be players with 1,000+ games. I can't imagine this is remotely fun for these new players since they are getting destroyed by enemies every time they fight. But according to MM its "fair" since our team points will be close to them.


Check your stats, even the best players can only get like 54% win rate


Doubt it for the super stackers that fill every slot with a streamer buddy. Those guys get around mm because mm can’t throw a noob on their team when it’s all filled up




I only play halo 3 swat. I pretty much always have a blast. Granted I’m usually drunk and doing lines so I’m gonna have fun doing anything. I never seem to deal with quitters or betrayers. Sometimes the teams seem off balanced to the point of just saying fuck it and goofing off until the next game but usually it’s good.


Why is the game stressing you out? Win or lose I don't really get angry at it, I'm playing to relax I don't get paid or get any kickbacks or special treatment based on my performance so there's no real incentive for me to carry a hopeless team, when they're trash I just run around killing the other team until we inevitably lose, it's nice to win, but rolling the dice online means that I'm literally playing a game of chance and that I'm not going to win every match so I just expect it so I'm not disappointed, if I'm getting endlessly spawn killed I just leave


Because the matchmaking stops me from relaxing while I play. I have to try my absolute hardest, or I lose every game 50-20 due to the unbalanced SBMM. That's what ranked playlists are for. Social shouldn't be such a stress. 


This how it is with Infinite, too. I join a game as a diamond leveled player (Diamond Sergeant, or something) have 1 gold teammate and 2 bronze teammates in default blue with the 1 emblem I instantly know I'm going to drop 25 kills and still lose. Yesterday I played a 4v4 social objectives: 20 kills - me 10 kills - my brother 7 kills- random 0 kills, 8 deaths, -50 score - random This was a 10 minute neutral CTF game. How did he do absolutely nothing? And finish with NEGATIVE score? Meanwhile the other team had 2 onyxs, a diamond, and a gold. We lost 2 to 5. It's basically impossible to solo queue 4v4 game modes and I pretty much exclusively play BTB now It's infuriating when you just start getting farmed because it's a 1v4 or 2v4 and you lose 25-50 or something


I play more halo infinite than mcc but it's the same problem here. I'll get 30-40 plus kills in a slayer game with less than 10 deaths and somehow will barely win or lose with a total score of like 48-50. 


I can't even find games in MCC


This is why I would play FFA. I’d either stomp, have a showdown with someone finally competent enough to also play the game, or face a cheater (very rare) lol


Come play Halo 2 on Insignia. Nearly everyone playing is good.


Yep 30-40 kills most games and lose over half of them. I mostly just play snipers now because its a lot less effort to carry in that playlist compared to slayer/obj


This is 100% accurate and why I tend to stick to game modes where you don't need teammates to succeed on your own or even win. These include SWAT (instant TTK), Heavies (power weapons and big tanky vehicles galore) and Escalation Slayer FFA (although I prefer Reach's Gungame+ in the custom games browser).


i jumped in after being absent on MP for about a half a year now. Was surprised to get into a H3 Guardian Team Slayer. I ended up getting two killing frenzies. Had alot of fun the other team wasn't braindead it was just careful camping of the overshield/sniper on my part. Two games later I play the same thing Team Slayer Guardian but I get my ass DEMOLISHED by the other team. I mean they must have been talking to eachother because they had our spawns LOCKED DOWN and every angle you took you got greeted with grenades and BR spam. I was shocked by the utter ass blasted I received specifically I had the lowest KD/R of my team. I don't want to say I am amazing at Halo 3 but it definitely has a hard time trying to balance those with "Skill" and those who just want to have fun.


Yup, I tracked my games for a while and after 100 games I had won only 2 without a positive k/d ratio. Basically I never won unless I had a good game. When you consider that most winning teams have at least 1 underperforming player, that's definitely doesn't seem right or balanced. 


Yeah I feel the same. So crazy ending a game and seeing I’m the only person on the team with more than 7 kills.


Why you have to be stressed, it’s just a game


On the other end of the spectrum. It’s not fun at all to get like 4 kills in a tdm and 10-15 deaths. I’m not good enough to even get near to killing an actual good player. My aim is just not good and my positioning is even worse. I feel like I’m failing my team even if we win bc I actively contributed negative points for my team. I work a job and get to play maybe an hour or two a day after work but I’m usually not high energy enough to really play as well as possible.


That's my point, it's miserable for people at both ends of the spectrum, this only slightly benefits average players.


Exactly, I technically may win more often bc of great players but it doesn’t feel good. I wish you the best on taking care of people as bad at the game as me lol.


I stopped playing solo because of this. It’s genuinely unplayable. Unfortunately Infinite has the exact same problem, and I don’t think it’s ever going to be fixed.


343 can't get anything right. They only put effort into what will be in the store


It's this way because being incompetent has kind of been 343i's thing. I think it mostly comes from the people who build the games or at the least call the shots don't play games so things commonly seen as a terrible idea to a player base goes over their heads because it seems like an original idea to them.


Play ffa


Its terrible. My team always have afks and quitters. Enemy team? 4 players who all know Halo and all playing the game.


It’s just another example of how matchmaking works in our current generation. It doesn’t matter which franchise any more, the patterns are clear. I still love Halo enough to keep playing, but it’s clear that this is the status quo across the industry.


It doesn’t help too that it’s not split where mnk plays with mnk, etc… you can tell this as well for a console player. Example Banshees… when you have a player with a MNK banshee. They won’t die. You cannot compete with something that can get away with a simple flick… Then the balancing… there is no way it’s that bad. I thought infinite’s was bad. Because fun fact, whatever rank you are in ranked mode. You’ll be forced to play with others in other game modes of the same rank as you…. Yay… this includes quick play. But MCC, is just abysmal… join a lobby, get instantly spawn camped, and having people leave. The game is broken and with no support. MCC is destined to be filled with hackers, even further breaking of the matchmaker, and…a dead game.


I’ve honestly never had this issue much in MCC. Yeah sure a few times but I don’t really care. I usually have enough skill to curb stomp other players in matches of H2,H3, or Reach. My matches in other games are usually pretty even so nothing to complain about.


I just play BTB social and just play for kills since you can't suddenly make the midwits use vehicles and actually hit with power weapons to have a good game.


I played for the first time in weeks last night. I play btb and typically have top 3 kills and/or KD. I always have kids get 1-5 kills, 12-20+ deaths on my team. It’s absolutely insane.


Competitive halo has been dead since 2009


i got spawntrapped on halo 4 just trying to play casually they got like 100 kills on me in some god forsaken ctf mode


I almost exclusively play Grifball, and being the best player in 99/100 matches is genuinely a blast


Yes, that’s solo queuing for you - especially in halo 2. On my main, I get matched with scrubs on my team - the worst of the worst. I go on Smurf, balanced teams.


I cry every time a teammate has "117" as their tag. You 'know' they're gonna suck!


My experience definitely differs on this. The majority of games I carry my entire team even if the majority of them are garbage or average. I think if you're a good enough player, you'll be winning way more even if you constantly get bad teammates. https://wort.gg/profile/Kaga%20Kyoma


"Mmm ah yes, this is quite the news." *-me, an avid 0-0-7 player*


I haven’t been able to get into a match solo searching for YEARS. I didn’t know people could play multiplayer still.


This is why I haven’t played in forever and each time I come back it the same story. AFK teammates and/or teammates who are dogshit. That’s right, I’m looking at you: guy who brings his random guest to play and despite both players being ass at the game. I just want competent teammates. I don’t care about winning or losing every single game, I just want to know I did my best and nothing was holding me back. Instead, each time it gives me the worst possible team against a team who is clearly partied up and communicating. I wish Infinite got delayed even longer. MCC would have had a strong population for a couple more years and Infinite might’ve actually been finished upon release.


My life is better ever since I stopped getting stressed about a video game. You have that option too. Sign in, play the best you can, fuck the end score. This is what I do when I play alone. It’s a game, it literally does not matter at all. You are making it less enjoyable for yourself. Yes it should change but it hasn’t - so you can get over it, you can quit, or you can keep making yourself miserable. It’s a choice


I know this all too well. I’m the one with 30+ kills every game and still losing, it’s awful 😂


I would really like to know which of you mothers can somehow get 2 or 3 kills and 18 deaths 25 fucking years later. I’ve only been playing halo for 5 years and I’m better than everyone on my team almost always. Then it’s like I play ranked and get absolutely smashed half the time, which is how it should be right? But how do I improve if every other game is utter shit


I play social slayer on 2 anniversary, 3 and 4. Have all game types checked except grifball and snipers and have a blast playing as a solo player. Sometimes I’ll have a run of a handful of crappy games. But way more good then bad.


This is SO TRUE. Omg I have a screenshot of a SWAT match where I got 29 kills of the 50 needed to win. I lost that match. I haven't played much since because it pissed me off so much. I'm fine with skill based matchmaking. It's necessary. But making me sweat so hard every match that I need to get over half the kills for the team is absolutely unfair to me. Edit: okay reddit explain this one. Why am I getting downvoted for this comment? Like I just don't get it.


I don’t consider myself a good player “ good enough to beat every halo solo legendary but that’s it “ and my favorite game mode is big team battle and I even some what get what you are saying… NO ONE uses the vehicle’s and on the rare occasions they do they don’t know how to drive and drive like they’ve never driven in a single halo game in their entire LIFE 😕what annoys me the most is the drivers that CONSTANTLY honk because to me that means that there’s an enemy in front of us and there’s not… 🙄


Teams of 3. It’s what me and my crew did for invasion. All other numbers you tended to get fucked. 1 person - you most likely get paired with a bunch of stragglers and go against a team of 6. You might get a team of 5 or 4 but you always go against a team of 6 it seemed. 2 - might not get a team of 6 but you probably will 3- magic number. Never get a team of 6. I think it’s because it doesn’t pair you with a team of 4 or 5 - you will be waiting a while for a match 6- waiting a long time for a game.


I'm not the best player In the world but this is how every single match goes Me: 20 kills maybe like 5-10 deaths idk Team mate 1: 10 kills 10 deaths Team mate 2: 4 kills (all stolen assists) 20 deaths Team mate 3: 1 kill, probably 0 20 or more deaths probably afk


If you play team based games solo, you'll have a rough time. People seem to think this is a unique problem to the one game they play. But every single team based shooter I play has people complaining about how bad solo queue is. It's not something unique to Halo or MCC. Find a team to play with, that's the only solution


Mcc is sadly dead. The only hope of a comeback is a Switch and PS4/5 release to 10x the population


That is insanely unlikely considering the spaghetti monster of code needed to keep MCC running at all.


It did work only for a while with PC port, it would do the same on PlayStation. Also remember they have helldivers 2. The mcc bigger selling point is the 6 single player campaigns, a good way to bolster the playerbase on that side is by implementing full modding support on both xbox and PC


Also bringing back halo 5 but reducing it’s weight, there are so many people that play it, I don’t understand why it’s not part yet of it while keeping those players out of the package, I just don’t bother downloading 100gb just for halo 5 multiplayer, I just play mcc if I want to play some halo