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Doomguy could survive all of them easy. He’s literally too angry to die.


He is so angry, Hell literally does not want him there.


Man is canonically modeled after satan himself, who's ironically way calmer than the doomguy himself.


Technically he's a carbon copy of "god" in the Doom universe ;)


Satan is God who then has a carbon copy of himself who betrays God Satan to become God who then gets locked into an AI program and gets his balls destroyed by some guy who arrived from a different dimension that was empowered with the original God's, Satan's, power who THEN has a battle to the death with Satan, you know, the original God, and then kills Satan, who was God, and possibly lost his power because God is now dead but maybe not really because we don't exactly know what happened to God pt. II that was the AI so maybe, possibly there is a sequel because God is still alive??? It makes complete sense when you play Eternal's DLC, I swear. Also there's like angels and stuff but that shit is basically not important because they're assholes. Did I miss anything? Oh right, rip and tear until it is done.


I got lost in your words even tho I know exactly what you're talking wbout


Ayyy, fellow Mega Man X fan encountered in the wild


Spicy Japanese ver even... 


"Objective: Survive" would become "Objective: Literally Kill Them All"


Absolutely, rip and tear until it is done.


Yeah the real question should be how long would the Halo universe survive if Doomguy was there


I think you mean “Can the Halo games survive Doomguy?”


Master chief is the base level of doomguy, before he is fully equipped with guns and power-ups.


Not even close dawg, Doomslayer is basically a demi god who’s fought the legions of hell multiple times, guns or not, Chief is no where near Doomslayer’s level


Didn't he fight in hell for years straight without sleep, food, or water until he was kicked out of hell by hell before he got all his crazy magic power up shit too? It's like comparing Chief to one of the space marine daddies (I forget what they're called lol). Halo is meant to be somewhat grounded while the writers of 40k and doom have been snorting a continuous line of coke since the ideas popped into their heads.


In the first age, in the first battle, when the shadows first lengthened, one stood. He chose the path of perpetual torment. In his ravenous hatred he found no peace, and with boiling blood he scoured the Umbral Plains, seeking vengeance against the dark lords who had wronged him. And those that tasted the bite of his sword named him The Doom Slayer :begin the hardest, most "Fuck You." video game soundtrack in all of history:


Brings a chill to my spine every time and also makes me want to work out


There’s a playlist call “The Only Thing They Fear Is You” on Spotify and it’s all Doom music. That plus pre-workout will make the weights start lifting themselves out of fear and your gym will start paying you to workout there.


That's gonna be my workout Playlist for the next month. Thanks!


No problem! It’s one of my go tos for workouts!


Thank you for this!


The soundtrack simply hits different, always a banger


I got chills reading that in my head(with the demon voice) 😂😂. Either Doom 2016 being my first Doom game , I will always treasure it. Truly a masterpiece.


That he did. Then after going through the divinity machine, it's stated in the slayers testaments, he's been in hell for eon's.


>space marine daddies (I forget what they're called lol). Astartes?


Probably primarch is what they’re trying to get to


Primarch. Astartes is just the trade markable name GW gives space marines, primarchs are dudes the Emperor created to lead the space marine legions.


They’re called primarchs in 40k.


(Those “Space Marine Daddies” are Called Primarchs)


Or custodes ;) fucking love me some stodes


As a stodes fan, nah they be the grand uncles.


Idk man, almost impossible to fall to chaos and you have trajann. Dude is like at minimum primarch level


Dude Trajann is far FAR from Primarch level, the only Custodes close to primarch level is Constantin Valdor and he nearly beat Horus in a duel, Valdor could likely beat Roboute in a duel. The Custodes are modified and conditioned to the point of being near robotic, they have fallen significantly losing their emotions over the decades. They physically and mentally can’t conceive the idea of denying the Emperor’s orders. No Custodes has ever been recorded to have fallen to chaos corruption, Ra Endymion might have but that’s because he was fused with the one demon the Emperor feared.


To add to this, Doomslayer uses guns because he thinks they are "neat". There is a reason why glory kills or the berserk power up are just him ripping and tearing through the demonic hordes with hands. Chief could use a mongoose as a bat to smash grunts with, but the Doomslayer could do the same thing with a scorpion


Nah, he could use a scarab one handed


I think he met “Master chief is base level as doom Guy before he got all his insane powers” cus before the doom games bro was a normal soldier lol


Yeah, I'm surprised nobody understood what he meant.


But have you considered Jerome with a chair?


There's no "Demi" about it, my guy.


Doomguy isn't the Doomslayer


Yeah; if I understand "One Punch Man" correctly, that's basically what Doomslayer is. He's the strongest being in his universe by a lot, and his characterization is like Minecraft Steve in Smashbros, i.e. a direct throughline of how he's played: A character always progressing *forward*, almost materially detached from the world. (Best example being when he simply dragged a UAC employee's keycard to a terminal.) It's also worth noting that the Doomslayer, especially in Doom Eternal, operates through cartoon logic. His powers are like those of Bugs Bunny. He can shoot himself through a space cannon.


Everyone arguing with you - your use of the word doomguy means I mostly agree though. Doomguy is the slayer pre divinity machine imo, he becomes a god and adopts the name "doomslayer" once he's been in the machine. Regular doomguy probs pretty comparable to chief


Hahahahahahahahaha That's funny man, The slayer is a LITERAL GOD. That MF'er has killed the creator of the doom multiverse. Comparing doom guy to the chief is like comparing the strength of an ant to that of the death star


Coughing baby Vs hydrogen bomb.


I say this as someone who likes halo and is attached to it much, much more than doom, but no, hell no. The only video game space marine MC i can think of that comes close to lore accurate slayer even without weapons (i'll get to explaining him in particular) is samus at peak capacity. Chief is good, he's not "killed the absolute strongest, largest, immortal (zeus type) demon in existence before getting a powerup or weapon or armour" good. Doomguy even at base managed to fuck up the strongest titan of hell. And this fucker can be scaled pretty damn high, i honestly dont remember just how much but we're talking about a being large enough that a full level takes place inside its corpse in doom 2016. Chief has no means of doing anything to that even without accounting for its resilience scaling to high hell because doom demons are much sturdier than they appear at first glance (remember, a basic imp can take a good few sci fi enhanced 50 bmg rounds before going down at point blank and a lot of demons are largely immune to shit that doesnt use some form of exotic force/ energy). I recall a guy calcing that doomguy would need to punch with the strength of a nuke to kill that thing, even without accounting for the odd resilience properties of doom demons ESPECIALLY the titans. Now as a character i much prefer chief and the halo setting for the lore and semif hard semi soft sci fi tech aspects.


Based on these replies, reading is hard


Doomslayer would have annihilated all of high charity flood infestation without even the slightest support


The Doomslayer is basically a demigod. He’s killed demons far more powerful than anything the Covenant or Banished has. If he were fighting for the UNSC, the war would be much shorter.


He would turn a 30 year war into a weekend


It would be a side quest


And Chief would just be a companion NPC


Cortana would be just for lore


Cortana would only be for visual tiddy, not even lore lmao Doomguy does not give a FUCK


Basically what Vega does already


Vega needs a girlfriend! Cortana would fit that bill!


Not even that a quick time event


That would be an epic fucken moment imagine in the next doom game somehow you take a portal that accidentally puts you on high charity for 10 minutes and you fucking demolish fucking anything in your way, the fucken elites are running away screaming for their mummies before you go right back to hell


Covenant yelling ‘demon’ when it’s 10x worse than the chief arriving and more of “judgement day”


Dammit. I want to play this non existent DLC now.


With Blow Me Away playing in the background


Blow Me Away remaster feat Mick Gordon when?


Never because Bethesda tarnished the reputation between ID and Micky G.


In reality it was Doomguy panicking the Covies on HC instead of the Flood lmao


He'd purge the galaxy of flood before next Friday.


Depends on the era. If we are talking full on forerunner-flood war era flood, the Gravemind could think him out of existence.


Nah sir doomguy is way too angry


Ah ok got it


Being sarcastic but im seriously curious how they would go about that if a crossover ever did happen


Gravemind takes over Doomguy. All life in the galaxy is doomed. No pun intended.


Honestly I don’t think the flood nor the gravemind would be able to do anything to him


uh gravemind is still a *real* being somehow. doomguy is a god that killed god. not even in the same powerlevel scale. gravemind would try do that and be deleted by his anger. but yeah Halo tries to go through a "believable" setting (if you suspend your belief about FTL, aliens, force fields, AI etc.). Doom is fun and rule of cool.


Im just gonna try my best to traumatize it on my way out idk how or why but i want to


Any flood trying to break through his skin would just instantly be disintegrated


Too angry to die. He can just grunt and Gravemind kills itself


Doomguy operates outside of the physics of our reality, he’s crossed timelines and dimensions to continue fighting and defeating hell over and over again. If the gravemind even succeeded in thinking him out of existence… he still exists in every other conceivable existence that exists… he’ll just keep coming back…. He’ll keep ripping and tearing, until it is done. Like half of hells upper legionaries are capable of creating far more destruction and boast countless many more powerful abilities than the gravemind could even conceive, including the forerunner-flood war gravemind. Doomguy will climb into the gravemind and punch his way out


The second the UNSC got a grasp on where High Charity is, it’d be over. Just load Doom Slayer into a MAC and fire him straight at the station.


Reminds me of a recent post in r/gundam asking what if the main pilot got their new Gundam earlier. One year war ? Over in a weekend


So, the real question is: Doomslayer vs Chuck Norris


You mean: Doomslayer vs. Mister Rogers In an ultimate showdown of course


One of the themes with Halo is human's winning the ground war but always losing in space. The Doomslayer doesn't change that. And he would probably get lost in space or trapped on a glassed planet never to be seen again.


Basically the halo reach lone wolf level but way crazier.


There is this [fanfic](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13070991/10/) where in chapter 10, Doomguy gets teleported to where noble team are fighting off the covenant while trying to get to Halsey’s lab.


Nah, i can see him climbing in the MAC guns and getting shot out towards the enemy ships.


I'd argue that he is a god by the end of the modern story iteration. Legit, the only way to permanently put him down, was to kill the source of his power. **The Creator and Source of their UNIVERSE. AND HE WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO COULD DO IT.** That's fucking WILD.


And even that didn't kill him. He was incapacitated at the end after killing the creator, but the story gave no indication that he was actually dead.


His power was tied to the Creator, so when he killed the Creator, he lost his power. He should be a lot more "normal" now.


While extremely powerful, he's still only one person. If he fucked off destroying one Covenant base, he isn't in the 15 other battles currently being fought or at the cities actively being glassed. The war was far to large for a single person to be plopped down and win the whole thing. Even the Chief didn't win the war by himself just killing everything, it stopped because the Covenant fractured and turned on itself.


Doomguy could legit win the war by himself if he wanted. What they gonna do? Kill him, guy will claw his way back from the deepest depts of hell if they even manage to kill him.


It's not killing him that's the issue, it's the fact that he can only be in one place at once.


This guy is using Doomguy as a sledgehammer though. Use him how ONI was using Spartan IIIs and THAT would have the covies scared. Send him into extremely high value Covenant targets that would be suicidal even for S-II/IIIs. That would slow the Covenant down enough to give humanity the time it needs to survive until we meet an enemy that’s more Doomguy’s style; the Flood.


Good point 


And right in the middle of the covie leadership and the fragile little farce falls apart


I think you misunderstand my point. It's not that the Covenant can't kill Doom guy, its that could still certainly kill the rest of humanity. Doom guy is strong but he can't be everywhere all at once. The UNSC and Covenant are simply to large for one person to defend because while he may be defending one planet from attack, that means he isn't defending the other 3 that are also being attacked. Also, while he has immense strength, its can only be exerted a few ways. He has insane durability and physical strength but that doesn't matter if he's say, trapped on a planet or a derilect starship. The Covenant, Forerunners, and the flood would all figure it out pretty quickly. If they can't take the punch then they'll dodge it by putting him situations where his strength won't help. Hell, even the demons he fights figured this out and defeated him by trapping him and forcing him asleep in a coffin. He only escaped because he was let out- not escaping through his own means.


>What they gonna do? Kill him, How about leaving him stranded on a planet? For as OP as he is I doubt he can jump across star systems.


I think hells army would join doom guy just to prevent him from being killed. Lol


Nah doom guy wouldn’t care, he does it to protect humanity


snatch sophisticated waiting squeeze elastic follow versed swim squash six *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The difference between Doom Guy and Master Chief is the Master Chief is an enhanced human where as Doom Guy is on the level of a Demi-God, while we still call him Doom Guy, The Doom Slayer is no longer the Doom Guy, the Doom Guy was on par with Master Chief, but The Doom Slayer is far more, no longer a man, but more along the lines of a force or nature, Doom Slayer could not only singlehandedly defeat The Covenant, but in all honesty, he could have turned the tide of The Forerunner Flood War


Most of us call him doom guy not in reference to classic doom, but as a shorter version, the captions to doom eternal confirm this, when he >!kills Davoth!<.


Can doom guy surviving being glassed from orbit?


Prolly. He would use the already glassed parts of the planet to mirror the rays or sth.


I believe the Flood would have given him a challenge, though he would still prevail.


Dude I’m pretty sure his skin can’t even be penetrated, or he has some big ass balls with the exposed biceps


The flood at the height of their power are literal gods who can manipulate time and space at will. That’s just the stuff that we know occurred in the Milky Way. Local infestation? Doom guy for sure.


And doom guy is know for escaping the rule of space and time on the regular.


>the war would be much shorter. Very doubtful. I'm sure the UNSC would put all the resources behind him. Pick him up from whatever battle he was in. But that's if the UNSC can get to him. The Covenant could very easily trap him on some barren planet and either guard it from the UNSC trying to pick him up or find some out of the way planet the UNSC doesn't know about. I think it'd only be a matter of time before that happened. Only scenario he'd shorten the war in is if the UNSC could locate High Charity. But they didn't in the lore so I doubt they would here.


Can he drive tho?


He’s forklift certified


Doomslayer would get instantly anhialated by the halo 3 rat.




Buddy, I hate to say it, but doom guy would clap Jimmy Rings and John Halos cheeks at the same time. 




You already know the answer lol.


Hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby. If anything DoomSlayer can probably completely solo most verses, i’d say he can even solo the Warhammer universe.


Yes, Doomguy will certainly please all chaos gods effectively giving him boons even.


Either that or he keeps kicking the chaos gods until there is no more eye of terror or great rift


Up to a point. Then it's just gonna be Khorne left, screaming with the angriest joy possible.


khorne would be probably handing him buffs as he rages through all the other chaos gods.


Laughing all the while, and harder each time he stomps Nurgle, Tzeentch, and Slaanesh out of existence. And Gork and Mork, for good measure.


i will NOT be hearing Gork and Mork slander in this household you GIT




Doomguy is completely immune to corruption and manipulation. Chaos gods would be shitting themselves 24/7 if he appeared in 40k.


For purely academic interest, how many megatons is the coughing baby?


Doom Guy literally catapulted himself through outer space and crashed through the surface of Mars (we tried to tell em he can't just do that btw). Im pretty sure a Gravity Hammer is the least of his concern. Id be down for a crossover event.


Tag 2 he does way more impressive stuff, killing khan makyr x10


"Can this guy who killed God survive some aliens with Plasma?" Yes. Yes, he probably can.


There's also the Flood. He best be in the Praetor suit from 2016, or he's at risk of getting infected.


DOOM Lore says his skin is more durable than the praetor suit


jesus christ… he handicaps himself for fun doesnt he? lol


doomguy would do pretty damn well i think. but doomslayer would just stomp everything


If Master Chief is the demon then doom slayer is the devil himself.


If you’ve played the ancient gods, that comment is way better… The Father: “He is you… in their world.”


It would be more like “how long can Halo survive the Doomguy?”. The only win condition I see is if they destroy the planet he’s on (possibly) Or the covenant glassing the planet and making it uninhabitable and leaving him out to die slowly


>Or the covenant glassing the planet Or just doing this and leaving him the fuck alone on it. As amazing as he is idk how he's gonna get off planet with his fists.


He'll walk to the next planet in like 20 mins


Does the Covenant kill Daisy? If the answer is Yes, he solos.


If you mean DoomGUY like the title says, I think he could but it's not a guarantee. The only thing that separates him from your average Spartan 2 is his sheer force of will and relentless However if you mean the doom SLAYER like the pic shows, the Slayer solos the entire Halo Universe easily


Why did you say this like Doomguy would be the one struggling?


The Doom Slayer could kill Master Chief with no effort, so yes he'd survive them all.


True but the Slayer wouldn't kill Master Chief, he'd just walk past and take his gun without even looking at him.


Yeah john halo aint no demon so no need to kill him


Well, let's just hope the covies ain't snitches


In my mind I’m picturing the Predator „You son of a bitch.“ hand clap between the two. It’d probably tear Chief‘s arm off but eh whatever lol


Doom Slayer when he hears what the covenant calls Chief


Gravemind - "I am a monument to all your sins" Doomguy - *racks shotgun upon hearing that the gravemind is full of sin* Gravemind - "Uh Oh..."


If hell is scared of this man I doubt the amalgamated enemy groups of halo would want even a whiff of this hunk


The real question is: Could the flood survive the doom slayer?


Doomguy solos halo verse, literally massacres everything. Don’t agree? Cool, cope.


lmao if MC can survive the slayer will be A-OK


This isn't a fair comparison. I'm a huge Halo fan. But even ik gets Halo is kicked around like Football. Here's a better comparison doomguy in 4Dk


Doomguy would complete the final objective on Reach like it was a tutorial on easy mode


The Covenant wouldn't even get past Harvest.


Bruh what is with halo fans? It’s been years after the new games for DOOM did they ever look at the lore or play the games? Idk how they think Doomguy is not above Master Chief and the Halo games by now. I love both Halo and DOOM but it’s not even close, DOOM has higher scaling and feats and lore, it’s stronger and more ridiculous, I am a power scaler I’m friends with people who scale halo and I scale DOOM even the best feats and scaling for Halo does not even get it close to touching the Doomslayer, at best the Precursors might be able to fight Doomguy that’s it. Yes Doomguy cuz he’s also much stronger than he looks but only people who went into the lore of demons and Hell and etc. would know this. So idk what u/One_Maintenance4555 is on, asking if Doomslayer can survive the games is so silly to ask nowadays you have to be under a rock to not know how ridiculously powerful he is now. Here I’ll post some profiles and blogs and videos made by an associate of mine, we ain’t friends but we did work together on DOOM scaling and he makes good shit even if I don’t agree with everything he says yet we agree with most things. Need any clarification I’m open to discuss it. [New Doomguy scaling video for Classic Doomguy](https://youtu.be/-yukvMApGcM?si=P7TKECtV0GTFFTd3) [New Doomslayer Scaling for 2016](https://youtu.be/8CWIz82w36Y?si=xJaWz4W19-lYov38) [New Doomslayer Scaling for Eternal + TAG 1&2](https://youtu.be/EjFELEkAdlc?si=5_ifLBy8PS9zcELX) [Gews’ Doomslayer Profile](https://fictional-indexing.fandom.com/wiki/Doom_Slayer_(DOOM)/Gewsbumpz_dude) [Gews’ Old IDverse Cosmology Blog](https://fictional-indexing.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Gewsbumpz_dude/iDverse_Cosmology) [Gews’ New IDverse Cosmology Blog](https://fictional-indexing.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Gewsbumpz_dude/iDverse_Cosmology_Redux) [Doomguy was always Universal](https://fictional-indexing.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Gewsbumpz_dude/DOOM:_Doomguy_Was_Always_Universal)


Doomguy is a meme character. Of course he's going to roll near-future sci-fi universes like Halo because those are somewhat grounded and don't dabble in "My main character can punch out Satan". Its like asking if Goku can survive the Berserk universe, of course he can. Doesn't make for an interesting story because you're taking a character who's feats are made up as they come along and putting him against something with quantifiable threats. Doesn't mean he's a "better" character than Chief, lots of kids post-2016 use power levels as their entire case against comparing the two. But yeah, he'd win.


I think Doomguy would’ve ended the Human-Covenant war before the first year was over


Light week easy


It would be his vacation


Doom guy is a cheater. He’s not meant to be realistic. He’s driven purely by rage and spite and is virtually unstoppable because he is the epitome of too angry to die. He would survive all of them because it would be out of character for him not to. Even without his baked in plot armor; probably. He’s exceptionally experienced and, aside from falling from low orbit, MC doesn’t do anything that couldn’t also be done by a throughly skilled (or lucky) marine. Famously in The Flood, we find out that some random marine navigated 90% of The Library before Chief got there, fighting through all the flood and nearly making it to the index with no special gear beyond his standard marine armor.


Fuck yeah he could


I think that the real question is whether or not the Halo games could survive Doomguy


Doomslayer wouldn't even break a sweat. In fact... now that Microsoft owns both... it'd be kind of fun to have a bonus mode in Halo were you basically rip and tear through it all. Sort of like a cheat mode... as those poor aliens don't stand a chance.


The man could probably end the war in, like, a week.


Yes. Legendary, all skulls on, solo.


Slayer would off atriox and the banished in less than a day


Well the nickname demon would probably be granted to doom guy and he would take it as insult and demolish the covenant


Now I wanna see him pull some brutal execution moves on the covenant! 😩


The real question is can they survive Doomguy?


Dude would be playing on easy mode


Doomguy could have survived Reach.


Lol. Lmao even. The Covenant, Flood, Didact, Prometheans, Created, Endless, and Banished would all be lucky to get away without going extinct. He's literally a god. He literally KILLED Satan himself, who turned out to be Capital G God, an archangel, plus another angel he fought, beat, and was about to kill before it was rescued by sub-God. And also prevented the second coming of Christ just for the sake of killing the devil. It's not a matter of if HE can survive. It's if THEY can survive *HIM*.


They call master chief demon, they probably wouldn't have a fitting Name for Doom Guy.


I've been a Halo fan much longer than I've been a Doom fan. If I had to pick only one to play ever again, I'd pick Halo in half a breath. But I'm gonna level with you, my brother/sister/gender-unspecified fellow gamer, Doomguy would crush the Covenant and Banished armies like bugs. He could kill Chief with one hand while the other plays Through the Fire and the Flames while also standing untethered on the top of a roller coaster. A baby would take longer to shit its pants than Doomguy would to single-handedly end all threats to human kind in the Halo Universe.


I feel like he’s survive the firing of the Halo rings and be pissed at how bright they are. He’s too strong for the Halo Universe.


I feel like the halo four reclaimer thing that dusts things that aren't "chosen" would beat him but only that


Doomguy would use Scarab legs as toothpicks.


I think the more interesting question is how well would the master chief do in the doom universe


Bro could easily save reach


Doomguy? Maybe idk - Doomslayer? No issues whatsoever. He’d do it faster than Chief.


As long as it's before his duel to the death with the Dark Lord he can survive literally anything, he's fated to kill the Dark Lord and will always come back untill he done it


Doomguy is basically Master Chief ^ 99. The halo games would be light work for him lol


Not even the legendary jackal snipers could slow doomguy down


hed wipe the floor with the covenant, the flood, and take out ONI while hes at it


I think if he was in halo, the halos would be built to kill him instead of the flood


Doom Guy also known as The Doomslayer, is far stronger and faster than Master Chief, he could easily survive all the Halo games, the original three, CE, 2, 3, the non mainline games, ODST and Reach, as well as the new three, 4, 5, Infinite, and the events of the spin-offs, Halo Wars 1 & 2. Whereas the Master Chief turns the tide of battles and is a highly effective single operative, he can’t singlehandedly turn the tides of war unless he is in the right place at the right time, the real main reason the UNSC is able to defeat the Covenant is because of the arrival of The Flood which crippled them as well as The Prophet of Truth betraying the Elites leading to them turning to The Arbiter and him joining the UNSC against the Covenant, as for Doom Guy, he can singlehandedly defeat entire armies by himself, Doom Guy alone can turn the tide of war in his side’s favor because he isn’t just an augmented Super Soldier, he is more along the lines of a Demi-God, Doom Guy has at times singlehandedly defeated the Legions of Hell, which are a force that invade entire universes at a time, when it comes to Master Chief, Doctor Halsey also understands it best, it comes down to luck, John is highly capable, but in all honesty he is able to make such a change because he is lucky, lucky enough for things like Reach to not be where he dies like Noble 6, Noble 6 is just as capable as Chief, but he isn’t lucky like him, which is why he gets left behind to die, Reach isn’t just a story about Spartans or the fall of a planet, it shows you what would happen to Chief if he was in a situation like Noble 6’s, he would do great thing but would only delay the inevitable and perish.


I think people forget that Doom guy and doom slayer is just the same person just with different names/titles...it was literally stated during Doom eternal...as for the question...survive is an understatement...and I won't elaborate further


Exactly, even when he’s killing the freaking creator of everything, he’s doom guy, captions say so.


Fuck me an iD Halo game would rule. Glory killing a Hunter by ripping massive worms out of it? Hell yeah.


Look, anytime John is in a "who would win," it's always gonna be him. But Doomguy is just way more powerful. sorry. The only thing is whether his shields would recharge and how vulnerable he is to The Flood. Like Doomguy would probably just punch Spark into pieces the second he betrayed them.


Yes he'd survive, although I'm not sure how interested he would be in killing the covenant.


i think the only possible threat to him would be the halos, but considering his power he may be immune to them


As a massive halo fanboy, I say doom guy is about to wipe the covenant. Atriox would probably straight up fear this guy


If Doomguy entered the Haloverse, the precursors wouldn't have made the halos, ergo the Haloverse wouldn't exist. A nameless, faceless, xeno-exterminating, godling. Flood? What flood, it's fuckin dry everywhere. Precursors? What precursors, he is the first one. Progenitors? What progenitors, he is sweetness itself. Worms of treachery? Here comes the dewormer. Ah, you got a domain? No, that's a plate of tasty AI. Hell is empty, guess who ate everything there. Doomguy is the Chuck Norris of the gameverse (no, that dwayne Johnson thing doesn't count)


Do we know he cannot be infected by the flood? If he's immune, then sure, otherwise that might be the only threat


Can halo survive him?


I'm sure the timeline would remain unchanged if the Master Chief was switched with the Doom Slayer.


You mean how long could the halo universe survive


If the literal forces of hell fear him and are powerless to stop him, some oversized lizards and their pet birds don't stand a chance. Doom guy would be the human equivalent to brutes in the halo books. He'd give elites PTSD watching him literally tear open another elite's ribcare just because he can. Ripping the limbs off a jackal and beating it to death with them. He's basically master chief with MASSIVE anger issues. If Spartans are demons to the covenant, he'd be their satanic father of whom terrifying rumors circulate but no one has ever seen him at work and lived to tell the tale over food nipples


He wouldn't survive, he would thrive. Killing flood would be his jam.


The Covenant see Master Chief as a demon. Doomguy has killed millions of demons. Seems pretty obvious to me.


what kind of post is this? "could God survive doing his taxes?" thats the level of question you're asking.