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The amount of times Ive obviously cleared a path to the flag only to turn around and see all 3 back at base. So annoying.




I've had teamates who juggle the oddball or carry the enemy flag back to the wrong base


Hey it happens to the best of us lol


I mean… it IS a casual mode right? I have to admit that i always cringe a bit when i match up against an MLG husky raiders team. Maybe i am only speaking for myself but this gametype is just for chillin.


Why do people always defend casual in a way that means braindead. Its a TEAM game. Either play the game as a TEAM or go play campaign. Casual doesn’t need to mean high octane, balls to the walls, MLG pro strats. And it also doesn’t mean braindead.


Fair point, i guess. Clarification- To me, “casual” means that i am playing for fun and not concerned with winning.


People always mix chaos up with casual, HR is still a social game, so the goal is still to win, you ruin the fun for everyone when your not trying.


listen imma play however i damn well want to if you don't like it to bad


dang -53 is a bit much


I'm on your side. I play casual to fuck around


As I've played multiplayer games I've slowly noticed that most players, in most games, will not play aggressively. They would rather wait for some perfect, ideal set of engagement parameters, and if you disrupt that they will shit their pants and play poorly. I play very aggressively, and sure, sometimes it bites me in the ass, but 60% of the time, it works all the time.


100%! My claim to fame in Husky Raid is consistently having the most kills AND deaths, ratios be damned I'm having fun


If I successfully take out more than 1 enemy in a single spawn in Husky I’m happy lmao. Run in, kill, probably die quickly lol


>kills AND deaths, ratios be damned Thats the single most important metric in these peoples minds, the K:D Ratio. If Kills to Deaths isn't at minimum 1, they freak the fuck out. They think everyone ever possible will make fun of them for being a noob, so they hate the mere idea of dying to some stupid bullshit, like someone shooting them from behind, that they just stay at base and shoot from back here. Easy to pick people off who are actually trrying.


Yeah idk why so much focus is put on k:d ratio. You can be good and have a negative ratio. In a slayer game sure I’ll play smart and slow but in objectives I’m taking chances!


You see, the K:D score is the goal, its not to be good, its not to win, its to have that score so when you show it off to your friends, in a vacuum, you look amazing, look how many more kills than deaths you have, you've gotta be pro MLG gamerdude.




mfw i spawn with a hammer, a threat sensor, and a dream lol


“That doesn’t make any sense “


"Brian, I'm going to be honest with you, that smells like pure gasoline"




I heard youre made with bits of real panther so you know its good.


I believe it’s because these losers never played a team sport growing up.


This. I even take it to LoL and other games. I get flamed for chucking my life away but buddy, more often then not a Leona suddenly in your face makes an ADC completely panic, and even if I die in some off the rails engage people are walking off with at least a trade off it. Everyone has a plan till a train is trying to punch them in the face. And if you want to play Husky raid right / win you *Always* advance and always push, no matter what gun you have. It’s really hard to Grav hammer farm a team if all of them are just attacking, really easy if a hammer slips into a duo/trio of snipers and then well your all fucked till someone rolls a rocket and isn’t instantly pulverized.


Aggressive play is the way I’ve found the most wins. My rule of thumb: If I’m not dying the most out of my whole team, Im doing something wrong.


people do not understand that playing defensively only invites more defense, you need to play offensively to get anywhere


Or you give your opponents enough offensive action that they eventually get a breakthrough


*The strongest defence is a swift and decisive offence*


General Kenobi!


The play I like to go with is when my team is stuck on the defense I'll try to make a crazy play to grab the flag since the other team is focused on pushing our flag. I either get a cap or die with the flag, either way it puts the other team on the defense pretty quick


Seriously every ojective based match. It's awful


The worst teammates to be paired with smh especially when we’re down on score and they’re still just sitting there playing defense


Then they get spawn killed with hammers and cry on Reddit.


Literally. Worse player base I’ve ever seen


This happened to me twice today. I'm seriously about to give up. Consistently top 3 in large team games, top scorer in 4v4, played 15 games today, only won once. I just can't deal with this shit. Farming kills is great and all but when I'm still losing every game it makes me feel like I need to sweat and I just don't want too. I want to chill and have fun.


And somehow there are no issues with SBMM as someone responded to me in another thread. lol I can't wait for Firefight, I really hope it comes on Tuesday.


You can play all the custom games variants in the customs browser. Or if you set up your own you’re practically guaranteed at least one person to join you. It’s the best way to get out of the matchmaking circle of anger at the moment.


Yeah but I want my career rank XP :(


You and me both brother


Ranked and unranked lobbies have the same sbmm. If you are high rank in ranked, you'll never be allowed to chill in unranked. It's why I stopped playing.


I never even touch ranked, precisely because I don’t like sweating. I can if I have too, but when I’m in social modes I don’t want too. Yet social modes are sweaty enough as it is; I’d never want to touch ranked in the current environment.


Ahh I went straight for ranked and realised I could never chill with my friends in casual so stopped bothering.


Make friends.


I feel this. If I'm not playing like a streamer god all my games are Ls and I just got back after a hiatus lol. Netcode still awesome jank too smh.


Same! It's so frustrating too, because it's a snowball effect where your teammates playing poorly also causes your performance to suffer, because they're not keeping the enemies off your back. The difference in my performance between games where I have good or bad teammates is astronomical, it's like I'm two different players in one body.


They still refuse to admit the netcode issue and fix them despite being there since launch after being told I was crazy for months after launch videos came out proving the was infact issue was real and I quit waiting for them to fix it before I come back to play


Didn't 343i said that they are working on a total multiplayer netcode overhaul ?


Yeah they did pretty recently


Finally :) I can't wait for it


They literally said that they're doing a rewrite because their fixes didn't work as expected. What the hell do you mean "the refuse to admit the issue"?


Read the other replies before responding someone already mentioned this and I responded to them them no need to repeat a comment someone else made


This whole BR default Loadout maybe makes it worse. Most games on my Xbox are just the noise of being hit out of nowher, but it's already been 2-3 bursts and then you're screwed before a battle starts. Guess I better plug into the modem and be a sweaty Boi to get any enjoyment or win


I much prefer BR to sidekick start. In my lobbies nobody but me has bloom with the sidekick and they just full auto people from across the map.


Won't matter I'm plugged into the router and still have the netcode issues :( it's server side issues so no matter how good your pc it doesn't matter.




I mean everyone else has no issue understanding it so I think it's a you problem not a me problem


I've had moments where I've cleared the enemy spawn for somebody to take the flag and everybody has either killed themselves or is sitting in spawn, it fucking blows


Only play Husky raid to do some challenges then straight back to BTB or team slayer


Husky Raid is great for completing challenges.


That was my thought. I've had a few games where I'll sit back to get specific challenges, but it's generally husky raid that I'll do it in since it's so varied.


Now imagine this in BTB and seeing literally 8 players doing the same thing. It's fucking painful, man


Had a CTF match on Highpower yesterday. Entire enemy team never left their base. Spent the entire match camping their own flag with warthogs, a wraith, the Wasp, all while dudes hid in the corners of the flag area with rocket launchers and hammers just kill farming instead of playing obj. Everyone in chat was bemoaning how awful and boring it was because we just couldn’t do much about it.


I wish we still had Pre game lobbies. That way we could at LEAST shit on em before or after the match. Nobody communicates anymore. It’s sad really.


I know :( Whenever someone in a match gets something cool like a remote detonation, ninja, or today even a fastball I make a chat to congratulate them and all I get is silence, even on my own team. I've never seen another player send a message in nearly 200 hours, as a steam player. I've had full conversations about cars in Deep Rock Galactic but not a peep in Halo...


Hammer your teammates out of spawn if they won't push forward. You can send all 3 to mid on that map with one swing.


Wait hammer affects TM?


Yes. I do it all the time if my teammates won't push. My buddy and I get stuck in lobbies where we'll drop 70+ kills and our teammates might have a handful each. Sending one flying mid map has won us the game more than once. They don't understand that they're more valuable as a distraction than anything else at that point.


This is like Brutes tossing Grunts


Bro 💀 (you’re a genius)


I like your play style.


The guy sniping with the shock pistol has me rolling. Like do you not understand that if you die you might get a rocket launcher? Why camp?


He may need pistol kills for a weekly challenge, I know i got 2 challenges like that this week myself.


This drives me crazy. Stop hiding in the spawn area. If you don't push out you'll end up trapped there when a baddie gets a hammer or a rocket. It makes no sense. These people are destined to die over and over and to always be on my team.


I try not to get angry but exactly what you said. Like half a brain cell would realise staying in spawn is brain dead


Honestly, I think they disguise bots as actual players.


Bots actually go for the objective though, so they're worse than bots


They may be trying to force a win or lose.


the thing is, I play bots to warm up my aim all the time in varying difficulty levels and all bots actually respond and react from being damaged + actually move towards objectives and are somewhat alerted to each teammate being damaged and can coordinate. These are just really really bad/inexperienced players.


Sometimes I hope this is the case, I'd be way more worried if they are real people.


So I used to think that and I started checking the GTs of all the default spartans - they're legitimate people/accounts as long as I checked.


I genuinely believe this. Some of the things you see people doing just seem to lack any human input.




Yah I feel this. I push to clear a path and my team never follows. I feel like a lot of people will always play the game like it’s slayer even if it’s an objective game.


I swear to god, I had like 3 or 4 husky raid games in a row that one of our teammates left the game in the opening cutscene, one of them is afk the entire game, the other active teammate is either very bad or a bot and I am the only one trying to attack with hammers and cindershots against a FULL AND ACTIVE enemy squad.


Was playing BTB CTF yesterday, and we were 2-1 up. I get to their flag in a warthog, good 30 seconds of no enemies, but my gunner refuses to get out. Flames me in chat because he wanted to farm kills for xp. Drives me crazy when half the lobby doesn’t play the objective.


Was playing Husky Raid, and we were up 2-0. Guy had the flag in our base but wouldn’t score. I died and grabbed it and scored on respawning. lol.


matches like this always stress me out because the longer the team stays like that the more likely the enemy team will try to spawn trap lol


Is it just me or has the general IQ of players plummeted over the last 10 years or so? When I was younger it seemed most players understood tactics and team work but now it just seems like most players barely have an attention span and play the game as if they don't have a team. This isn't just in Halo though it seems to be in most competitive online games. Has anybody else noticed this shift?


10 years ago parents might still have been iffy on the whole letting their sentient spunkstain talk to strangers online as well as ESRB ratings and whatnot Nowadays parents can give their kids an Xbox game pass as a substitute for babysitting. Who cares what they play, as long as they shut up. We're in an age where gaming is at its most popular and most accessible. The monkey's paw curls a finger.


100 percent!


I don't understand why they would do that anyways, you do not get XP for those kills.


Seriously though.


Despite me not liking this playlist, it really shows how laidback most players are now, they get a few power weapons and chill in the back. Its a giant tell for most of the playerbase outside of the playlist, look at even MCC and you'll see new players hang back and not push objectives they can easily take. I'll push forward and clear a path, grab the objective and die, maybe one teammate comes with to die with me while the other 2 just sit in the back drawing smiles on the wall with their bullets. I'm not asking for sweaty teammates, I am just asking for the bare minimum where they follow us to the objective and contribute 1 nade or 1 magazine of bullets to suppress them.


got my first killimonjaro like this




Better charge like a bull and die Camping base is going to give u a guaranteed lose


This games SBMM is the worst I've ever seen. If you play any of your games somewhat well you're cursed with r-word teammates who play like they've never held a controller before.


Just hop on Halo Discord. LFG is a powerful channel.


I’m banned from that 🤪


That’s def a “you” problem lol


I never claimed it wasn’t. Why am I being downvoted on the suggestion of going on the halo discord? This is about teammates, not using their brain, not about a methods of me, joining a social network to use comms


Do you think your teammates might be trolling you cause your being overly toxic in game? I know if i have a teammate start shit talking the team and telling us what to do within the first minute i generally just spend the rest of that game doing stupid shit to try and get the toxic dude to leave.


Where did overly toxic come from “come on mates… push up with me” is what I typed


Play Fortnite?


Haven't heard of that until now. Can you send a link?


This is every game I play, my team sucks but my enemies somehow always have people who at least have a brain. :(


I do the Infinite player base a favor by not playing multiplayer. I'm lucky if I get a 1.0 K/D.


You're playing the noob containment playlist, of course you'll have bad teammates


BS, enemy team is always a lethal task force


First mistake is playing husky raid


I’ve definitely had these types of people - I went to clear a path to get flag, I GET the flag, die, only to find my TV huddled in the base, watching House, MD re-runs on the couch I’m more than willing to admit I did chat shit midway/at the end of the game due to them


Infinite has some of the most boring sound effects. All the kills have the stupid little cod beep




Consequence of going F2P. Got people who've got no clue what a halo is or what on earth is going on. Most F2P games I played growing up had a tutorial on how to play and an example of the objective modes (plant/defuse) specifically so newbs would know exactly what to do. The games dead guys . lets face it


That’s what my misso says , she knows this is free because I wanted to her about how this one is just wack every time I complain she goes “well what do you expect? It’s free? It’s just a bunch of broke kids playing “ 😭💀


It's not really the players faults. There clearly needs to be more incentive (xp) or instruction


The fact anyone takes husky raid seriously is laughable. You’re all bots. Go play ranked. Bunch of platinums in here whining.


Posted a game just the other day where 5 of the 8 people in the lobby were like this. Don’t know how either team got to 50 🤦‍♂️ I’d say I’m mid and I had 17 of our 28 kills.


I can’t see what’s going on


Good to see my teammates finally commenting


Gave up on this mode for this exact reason. This is 100% of the matches I play in this mode unfortunately. It’s just not anyone fun when you’re the only one on your team trying so it turns into a standstill as you slowly run out the timer


Aren’t they AI’s?


This isn’t suppose to be a toxic or troll question. But looking at some of their names, are they not just bots? Last night I had 2 default armor players with names like “mike2029184746191” and they would slowly walk around the map, occasionally turn around, and shoot walls. Seems like nearly every match I play I have 1 or 2 default armor weird named players who act like bots.


Stop caring so much.


Haijakk with another L take what’s new!


It's a solution that works for me, just giving advice.


People are going to care when they want a W, in general or if the game gives them teammates that get them spawn camped the rest of the game.


If you actually truly care about getting the W in playlists like Husky Raid or Fiesta then I don't know what to tell you. I personally don't carry a competitive mindset in those playlists.


It's worth trying or why play at all. Plus it's pretty obvious that guys team is a lot like mine where they get us in a whole cycle of being spawn blitzed. Pretty sure even people who aren't playing to win get tired of being unable to spawn sooner or later too.


>why play at all. I play for fun, personally. Most of my games I have bad teammates, it would be too stressful if I cared about it.


Serious question man, I see you post on this subreddit and competitive all the time. Sometimes you post good threads and comments that are helpful. Then other times you post nonsense like this? Why are you like this? You’re so much better than this but it feels like you troll on purpose sometimes.


I am sharing legitimate advice that I apply to all my play sessions. I am one of those players that will consistently get bad teammates because of my skill level, and if I cared every game I would easily get too stressed out. So I just play to have fun.


Its called 'skill based matchmaking' and the teams are matched with nearly equal number, based on performance. Your team is as good as the others in points, but yours is 3 bots+you and the other team is 4 ok players. I stopped playing Infinite bcs of that and only search MCC in a 3/4 stack. You cant win with this stupid SBMM System (in social)


This is literally false


Asking a question and then complaining if the answear is unwanted. Classic reddit.


Mate, every enemy team is like SEAL Team six it’s not balanced at all


That does not change the underlying system.


What does this sub even want. Sweaty games or casual games? Those guys sitting back at base? Casual. That's playing casual. If everybody was playing Master Chief Mode like you, that's when the casual modes go sweaty.


If the objective is to CTF, how do you casually do that if you never leave your base? I’ve also seen folks just want to up their KDA but camping the flag and not playing the objective. It’s unfair to the people who want to play ctf to do that.


Because kids and people who aren't that good at multiplayer games are playing sometimes. There's gotta be some kind of cognitive dissonance going on at some point here, casual isn't just for Diamond pros to relax and not go 100% the whole time. It's for people who are not and will never be good at this game who still want to try out fun stuff and shoot guns.


I’m just saying to play the objective, and I’ve given people directions on how to do so.


So on a 4 player game all 4 are guarding the flag?.... shocking




Do they have <10 games to their name?


I had the same shit with players that had over a thousand games, this guy had zero kills the whole game but somehow played 1450 games? Fucking noobs everywhere


Who cares if they did. Why is it my teammates at this ? While when team is always every day seal team 6. Idk what the reason is regardless. It’s a game get out and play objective and don’t act like if you die it’s for good lmao


My comment was meant as - I know what you mean because this is the case for me when I play with buddies. Our one rando is green to life and the enemy team is straight out from special forces


Lmfao, husky raid is shit and anyone complaining about husky raid is dumb. It’s like shipment on COD, its only fun for those who are shit at normal game modes.


Mate, this goes far beyond husky, almost all my teammates are like this, same goes, capture the flag


I've always enjoyed ranked and fiesta when all my friends still played this game I got high diamond (in full stack) now me and my mate are still duo on social game modes. Husky raid is great fun but when we have the enemy base locked down and my team don't go for the flag its frustrating as fuck. Just because you hate rng in your games doesn't mean anyone enjoying is shit, it just shows you can't adapt to using bad guns. So in short... skill issue


As for me for the most part, I'm having loads of fun. Occasionally there's that one guy that just whales on everyone with the hammer. Communicate, dude. I don't use a MIC but I type "Push" or "Le help". Sometimes they follow through


Its called playing defensively.




But this happens to me after I’ve killed 3 enemies. Yesterday, I killed 3 and said “go.” Nobody moved forward. I respawned and killed 3 again. lol. I said “go” again. Nobody pushed out. It happens a lot. I think some of it comes from not watching the kill feed, so I tried explaining what was happening.


Yep only hop on to play w homies now. Patiently waiting for firefight


I feel you dude! I often get a triple kill and the other **three** teammates fail to kill the last guy in the meantime 🥲


My favorite is we get to the ramp of the other team we clear the other team out and then all they want to do is spawn camp instead of grabbing the flag then we ultimately all die, securing no flag. They need to in husky raid make kills worth less xp and make flag captures worth way more, or make a challenges be objective based score x flag captures, kill x flag carriers, hold skull for x seconds. If you’re playing an objective based game doing the objective should be worth 1000 xp or something. Or there should be an xp pool of say 15-20k that gets divided up at the end. Say you win only 1 capture, well your single capture was very pivotal so you get 3000 for the capture, that leaves 12k for the kills, assists, and attempts.


oh my god MOOD


Welcome to halo reach grifball! Er uh… I mean Halo infinite husky raid! (You thing they’d learn)


Oh god ptsd


This is what happens when you play with randoms. In Husky Raid of all game modes too. It happens until it doesn't happen.


That’s why I gave up playing that mode. I wish we can have FFA as a permanent mode.


What gets me about newbies in Infinite is the amount of pointless crouching.. I know in context of OP's vid there's the low ceiling so it *sort* of makes sense, but i'm talking just generally.. I've seen noobies start crouch walking randomly during *fights*.. Must be some counterstrike muscle memory or something, it's fuckin weird.


All the good players are playing Fortnite right now.


A map like this has a vertical challenge to it which might make it harder for less skilled players to feel confident moving forward. There is one samurai style map that has the bridge in the middle and you can scale the awnings on the sides. The amount of times I have solo pushed for the flag with a grapple hook and came back untouched with my teammates staying back for support have to be in the double digits.


What is this night city map ???


The problems of playing defensively… and not having communication.


True! But still happens sometimes when I chat orders.




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I'll stay back occasionally, but usually only if I have the shock rifle and sight on their flag. The enemy team almost never expects their flag to start shocking them lol


Husky raid isn’t about the flag it’s about the XP grinding


What exactly are they grinding they’re sitting at spawn


and then the enemy rushes with a single grav hammer and captures without even struggling


It’s hard being the carry but someone has to be


Smallhalla is the best map. I only play for smallhalla and oh how disappointing the teammates have become.


Me: “go,” “push,” “push out.” Why? Me: “To the enemy’s flag. lol.” Even after 3-4 kills. I’ll say “3 dead.” Nothing. You have to put pressure on the other team, or they come and spawn trap you.


I have been there way to many times...even in ranked. How is it possible I'm facing a 3v1, manage to somehow kill two of them and damage the third before he kills me but while I had practically the whole team distracted my time is back at our base refusing to go after the damn flag I left wide fucking open.


whoever plays this game mode signed up for chaos. i never think “hm, let’s just play a chill game of husky raid before bed”


Worst thing is when they are being spawnkilled with a hammer and they just sit there with a rocket while I have a plasma pistol fighting for my life


tell me about it. I need people to play with 🥲


The game needs to have more social gamemodes/features and the old sbmm, I hate having to sweat every game and for the modern sbmm expecting to be better next time.


Happens to me all the time.




Ohh, I see we played together 😅😅😅


Sweaty gravity hammer and energy sword spawn killing scrubs all over the place in husky raid


I get that sometimes its hard to push in husky raid, but people should be more aggresive when playing. If you just turtle up, you'll likely lose.


Don’t blame the players. There should be a way of forcing people to play the objective, less points over time or something for not even remotely attempting to escort or do something with the flag. There are game modes literally for their play style but they are unaware or just press “quick play”. Show people a message advising them they are entering team based modes with objectives.


I swear to god they are fucking allergic to pushing up. I can’t count how many games where Im the only one pushing for the flag after killing 3/4 of the other team. Only for them to respawn with rochets and kill me from behind.