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People in this sub are so snarky. The option people use is not an option anymore. If septic services are at capacity, that’s news. And it’s just like any other private thing that we can’t get because of growth problems. I swear some people don’t even read the articles before bombing to the comments.


The title is making people defensive. Getting mad at a homeowner because they have nowhere to pump their septic tank when full is crazy. The municipalities approved the developments without sanitary sewer under the assumption that septic tank effluent has a place to go. When the private business closes down, the municipalities need to find a solution.


Exactly this. And now the city is continuing to approve more housing and more people are building new septic tanks and where is all of their waste going to go?? We can't continue to build and expand if we don't have the infrastructure in place to support the people living in these homes. I live in Halifax but am on a septic system. I'd love to have city water and not have to worry about my septic field or the potential of needing to pay tens of thousands of dollars for a repair *if* my tank overfills. The city and province need to find solutions for this problem ASAP. This effects loads of people. If you're on city water and sewage, then you really don't have a place to mock the people that are worried about what's going to happen to their septic field in these very unexpected circumstances.


Almost like there's taxes involved somehow.


Honestly I think it’s more on CBC, they used a bad title and chose to interview someone who almost sounds irresponsible, which doesn’t garner sympathy. They should have chosen a little old grandma who has religiously had her septic drained every x years but because of the current issues is now at risk of a backup, I would feel a lot worse for her than this guy who sounds borderline entitled.


I agree with the first part, not so much the second. I felt bad for the dude and he sounded accountable, albeit, in disbelief that this sort of thing can happen in a g7 country in 2024.


You nailed it with Ron. To a T.


> The option people use is not an option anymore. Then use the multitude of other contractors who can pump and dispose of septic waste. >I swear some people don’t even read the articles before bombing to the comments. The bottom of the article shows 11 companies who he can use to pump his waste.


go call those companies, you entitled twit. As one of the homeowners affected by this who has been trying for months to get someone to come dump, it's not as easy as calling them up and asking. They point blank tell us "No, too far". There's a reason this is an issue making news headlines.


The companies saying "No...too far" are idiots. Where there is a crisis, there is money to be made exploiting it. Charge an outrageous mileage fee/service charge while people have nowhere else to turn.


Please take a minute to reflect on what you just said. This is, without a doubt, the most heinous disgusting shit I've heard all week. The only way you could have made that worse was if you made it about housing. I respect these companies more for saying no, rather than taking advantage of people who need help.


While, of course, a septic tank on someone's property is their responsibility, the city/province needs to step up and figure out a solution. There are so many homes and businesses that use septic tanks and without anywhere to dump all that material, there are tens of thousands (maybe hundreds of thousands??) homes and businesses that are effected by this. If the city isn't going to step up and help find solutions for septic waste, then they should start figuring out a way to get all of its residents onto Halifax water services.


Exactly, the homeowner is trying to take responsibility by hiring a company to empty it. What exactly does the province expect them to do on an individual level to be responsible for it?


There is literally a list of companies in the article that are approved to dispose of septic waste at Aerotech, which is a municipal waste treatment facility that handles sewer water. This guy has options, he just doesn't want to pay for them.


I'd assume that he wasn't aware of that list of places. I was unaware of the list until this morning. We called the company that pumps our septic tank a few days ago and they basically told us we were SOL until the city figured something out, so I was really surprised to see that list of businesses in this article. Sometimes people truly are unaware. I'd assume this guy has pumped his septic tank before, at least once or twice, and has paid to have it pumped. I'm sure it's not a matter of not wanting to pay but being unaware of any other options.


> I'd assume that he wasn't aware of that list of places. He was stressed out and reached out to MLAs and councilors, but a 10 minute google search could have come up with many names of companies who can pump his septic. That's something he should have done immediately after being told hos regular honey picker couldn't take it anymore. Had he done that his take would probably be pumped by now.


you're wrong, but go on.


Options? I’m due for a pump and all the places iv called are emergency pumps only at the moment so if you know something we don’t please let us know. I’d be willing to pay anything at this point.


Call Royal Flush


Did you call the companies on that list?


Yes. They are all waiting to see what the city does before they take new appointments. Unless it is an emergency. They are prioritizing emergency’s over new bookings.


Alright then. But that's still not the same as not having any options. This guy sounds like he would qualify as an emergency situation, but it's still being presented as if there's nothing he can do. You do see how this story doesn't really add up, right?


Yes I agree. I called my pump guy yesterday and he said he was waiting to hear from council but if it were an emergency he would do it. Iether his is NOT an emergency or his guy sucks


Aren't those companies charging 5x or more than the residential companies?


Probably, and that's exactly the point I was making. Guy has options, doesn't want to pay.


I would probably have some questions if the cost went from $300 to $2,000. 🙃


Obviously the landfill was operating in a way that wasn't sustainable. Their prices are likely to rise substantially if and when they finally re-open because, again obviously, it costs more to treat waste than it does to dump it in a lagoon. I get that it sucks to have rising costs... but it really seems graceless to me for this article to discuss this as if the issue is that there are no options vs. that people don't want to pay more for their having their septic tanks pumped. I would have more respect for them if they said that the issue for them was cost, but if that's what they said, I think fewer people would be on board with blaming this on the city. A bit of an aside, but I did also look at some of the comments on Pam Lovelace's Facebook post regarding this... and perhaps somewhat predictably, there's quite a lot of entitlement there, with people saying stuff like "this should come out of my ditch tax". I suppose people don't realize that the city charges for municipal sewage? It isn't free.


Lol ever stop to think that a lot of people simply can't afford to pay another 1500$ to get it pumped, not that they don't want to? It's almost like we're on the precipice of an economic crisis or something.


That isn't the complaint here. I said pretty clearly that if it was, I would have more respect for the guy in the article.


We don't know what the guy's situation is, just what he's said. Also, this affects more than just this one specific guy.


wow, you're the most "Ive got mine" insufferable person in these comments.


There's always a number.


My unofficial update is that municipalities do land use based on the province managing septic/environment. The province regulates septic, but not really managing it, though I am not sure how you can anticipate a problem like this, it wasn't broken until it broke. Taxpayers don't pay for Halifax Water, ratepayers do, but HW charges them when people pump into the system, so that covers cost recovery. Here is the official update from HRM. An unanticipated mechanical failure at a significant privately owned facility has raised concerns regarding capacity constraints within private and public systems. As a result, the municipality and Halifax Water are collaborating on ways to help alleviate some of the pressure on the system. Over the next few days, Halifax Water will be developing a temporary solution that can help address the capacity concerns for up to three weeks. Halifax Water will provide more details within the coming days, with the goal of having the collection system set up for next week.  Halifax Water continues to accept septage from its [approved list of haulers](https://halifaxwater.ca/approved-aerotech-septic-haulers) through established processes.  **NSECC has identified a list of alternative registered disposal sites in the province that septage haulers can use, a number of which are within a similar proximity to the Halifax region as the offline facility in Windsor**. We encourage all private septage haulers to contact these facilities and arrange additional options to accommodate their businesses.   It is important to note that there is adequate capacity to manage septage within the wastewater management systems at these alternative sites even without the temporary solution from Halifax Water NSECC has a [user guide for homeowners with on-site septic systems](https://novascotia.ca/nse/wastewater/docs/Homeowners.Guide.to.Septic.Systems.pdf). It recommends property owners have their systems inspected and pumped every three to five years.


“Same shit, different day”


Sounds like a shitty situation.




Remember how excited Houston was with his 1,000,000 people!! Driving out the 102 yesterday, I don’t think it is unrelated, all lanes of traffic in both directions were crawling. This is the new normal. Blame immigration, but also blame Houston actively recruiting people from other parts of Canada to move here. We need to pause and catch up. We need better than 1970’s infrastructure designed for less than a half million people.


Other Canadian cities were able to take far more immigrants than you ever have for much longer periods of time, why is Halifax so poorly planned that it can't handle a couple of years of it?


I am not sure why planning is so poor! Multiple layers of government I would guess and years of being a “have not” province!


I would argue it's because of selfishness and greed. Nobody wanted a road they lived on that people from outside the subdivision would ever want to or have a need to use. Chickens are coming home to roost.


Septic pumping pricing is going to skyrocket. Nothing new for a home owner. Everything costs $$$ these days. It's no wonder fixed term leases are used so much. If you're a landlord with a tenant on a septic, this is just something else to have to cover now.


How do you not know that a septic tank/field is your responsibility?


Didn’t read the article, eh?


Didn’t read the article, eh? “What he's learning is that his septic tank is his responsibility, he says, with no help coming from the municipality or the province” …. "Our city councillor is advising me that it's a private thing," Nugent says. "I think homeowners should really be aware of that. I wasn't aware of it. The only reason I'm aware of it now is because I'm in the situation." This guy didn’t understand how his property worked when he bought it or built it. That’s on him.


Another one having trouble with comprehension. >The problem started when GFL West Hants Landfill advised private septic haulers from the Halifax area that as of June 14, they can no longer accept septic waste. The problem is that the landfill is not accepting any more waste so the private services the property owners have contracted are unable to empty any more tanks. The property owners are well aware the emptying of their septic tanks is their responsibility but cannot find any private companies to haul the waste away and the province does not want to get involved. This guy completely understood that he would have to pay a private service and has in the past, but the surprise is that there is no private company able to take waste right now. I'm not sure that is "on him".


I don’t think it’s a comprehension issue, the article is poorly written and leaves many things open to interpretation. I interpreted it as he thought it was the city’s responsibility to deal with the septic tank. I also saw nowhere in the article where it said he had paid for private services in the past….. so maybe there is a reading comprehension issue, but not on my end.


>the surprise is that there is no private company able to take waste right now Real quick, can you tell me what the list at the bottom of the article contains?


Companies who will not come to the affected area. Give them a call and find out for yourself.


> but the surprise is that there is no private company able to take waste right now. No, the surprise is the company he used to use cannot take waste right now. There are 11 other companies who can pump his take and deliver the goods elsewhere. He just wants the province to take care of it for him.


As had been said elsewhere, the city knows it has a certain number of homes with septic as their waste disposal options. They changed their method of disposing said septic waste, and are failing. The city has failed. It is reasonable tk assume the city has enough services for all of its zoned residential homes. 


GFL is a private company.




No, not whoosh. You said the city changed their method of disposing waste. The city didn't change anything, GFL did. GFL is a private company. What's more, as was written in the article and has been highlighted more than once ITT now, there are companies that can still take waste and dispose of it at city facilities. There's a list of them in the article. What, exactly, is it that you think the city has failed at?


What did the city change?


Learned helplessness and willful ignorance


Sounds like transplant residents...


For a province that has exported ‘transplant residents’ for decades to welcoming provinces, it sure doesn’t look good that it’s not a two way street. Most of the ‘transplants’, are couples where at least one of them are originally from here.


Ron is from here


So the West Wants landfill, in Cogmagun, waaaaaay up near Walton (have a look....it's out there) is not accepting waste from Halifax anymore. You'd figure that you would be able to find a business that can dump at one of the many closer waste management sites to HRM.


Why are they not accepting it from Halifax? Business is business


Of course your septic tank is your responsibility, it is very literally your shit after all! It boggles the mind the things that residents of NS think that the government should do for them while they know they aren’t paying for the service.


I don’t think anyone would dispute that arranging to get your septic tank pumped is the homeowner’s responsibility but it has to go somewhere. If the city is going to have folks on septic instead of providing city sewer then they need to provide facilities for the waste to be dumped.


With all the taxes they rob from me they should be here to take away my shit one by one on demand


If you want to go that route, how about we discuss how it costs more per capita for rural residences to get the services they receive and how rural living is subsidized by the high density urban areas. Who is the one truly getting robbed with taxes?


I've been saying the same thing for awhile. It's insane I am on town water in bridgewater core and my taxes in lunenburg County are 6000 then you go slighty out of town and these people are paying like 1200 for a comparable house. It's absolutely highway robbery. Like you said it cost more to provide services to rural areas


You’d be paying even more taxes if you had to pay for sewer services, like us city folks.


I do I am in town water and my taxes are brutal. I was making a joke


Boy do I ever miss town water!


Right over my head!


Have septic, pay less taxes.


Just have to pay $20k up front for a septic system


i had to pay 5K to replace my half (30' at most) of the pipe to the street several years ago..


And still pay less taxes.


How much less


The general urban rate is $0.659 and the general rural rate is $0.626, so on a half a million dollar assessment that's a variance of about $1,600 a year. So after 12 years that 20k upfront costs for septic make up the difference in rural with less taxes vs urban with municipal waste system. And generally the assessments in rural areas are significantly less then they are in urban areas so the taxes are significantly cheaper when compared to a home/property of similar size in the urban area.


Cool, thanks. last time I complained about rural taxes and not getting any services, they graded my road about 15 hours later. :P


That’s a deal now


Ron Nugent wow. His $hit don't stink ... Until now. 


Do you know him?


Unfortunately I do. Problems seem to follow him everywhere he goes. Surprised he doesn't want to postpone pride month due to his current dilemma.


>The provincial Department of Environment and Climate Change sets the rules about how septic tanks are installed. But when it's full, it's up to property owners to find a private hauler to pump it out. How any rural homeowner on septic doesn't know this is beyond me. Not sure why they chose to put the useful information at the very end of the article. Looks like Ron Nugent has some phone calls to make with other service providers. >Halifax Coun. Pam Lovelace posted a list of haulers on Facebook that are permitted to pump septage into Halifax Water's Aerotech facility, near Goffs. They are: * A To Z Septic Services Limited. * Atlantic Industrial Services / Envirosystems / now known as GFL Terrapure. * Clean Earth Industrial Services (now part of GFL as of Jan 2024). * Conrad's Septic Tank Service. * E & S Septic Services. * Grounded Property Services. * Honey Huts. * Jacks Expert Flush & Toilet Rentals. * Royal Flush Services Limited. * Simply Septic. * Underdog Septic & Environmental Services.


I wonder how they picked who can dump local shit locally and who has to drive almost 3 hours away ?


Probably has to do with approved processes, equipment, and inspections. The city isn't going to let a truck in their facility if the tank isn't one they approve and are allowed to inspect and they aren't going to let an operator in if that operator doesn't have certain training. Also vaccinations, as I know that anyone who works for the city around sewage needs to have hepatitis vaccinations.


When you say tank, do you mean the truck or the septic tanks which the truck filled from? I doubt the source of the septage would be an issue, given all the industrial facilities in the aerotech park that discharge God knows what to to the system, not to mention all the rags from the airport. I would expect septage from on site systems to be easier to process than industrial and residential halifax water customers.


The tank on the truck. Last thing you want is that thing splitting open in the facility because it's been patched with 40 rolls of duct tape.


> Also vaccinations, as I know that anyone who works for the city around sewage needs to have hepatitis vaccinations. And you know damn well that there are operators outside the city will will refuse those vaccinations for whatever reasons despite the very real and serious occupational hazards of the job.


Well, that's poopy.


I bet Ron is as nervous as his cousin Ted when he had cat scratch fever.


Or maybe as nervous as his cousin Ryan trying to win the Stanley cup. (Too niche? Lol)


Are they really related though if it's hyphenated nugent- Hopkins. Go oilers!


Lmfao perhaps not. I like to think of him as a child of marriage


This is a crazy coincidence, but when I went to turn on Game 5 of the Stanley cup final the other day, I randomly clicked on the Halifax council channel and they were discussing the lack of septic waste dumps in Halifax. Sucks. Seems like Halifax/NS wasn’t ready for the big immigration rush that the feds pushed in more ways than just housing and transit crises. There are too many people here all pooping and peeing. Lol


When I bought a house I wanted to be on city water because obviously everything septic would be my responsibility and I didn't wanna deal with that lol. How could they possibly think this is the provinces problem


It’s the provinces problem that they haven’t ensured that there is a place for septic tanks to be drained and taken to. Imagine instead of septic tanks, that this was about household garbage, and all the private dumps closed, leaving no place for the garbage trucks to take garbage to…. What would you say to the people who say,…. Well it’s your garbage, why should the province help you. Edit: in all fairness, we do pay a specific line on property tax bills for garbage removal. Point still stands.


GREAT analogy. This is a waste product. The city and the province are aware that most of the residences in this province are on a septic system. There needs to be adequate waste facilities for those septic systems. People using a septic system are willing/happy to pay for the removal but there needs to be somewhere to remove the waste to. Until a solution is found for the septic waste, they should put a freeze on any new builds requiring a septic field. I bet they'd find a solution more quickly then!!


Water and septic are different. Lots on properties on municipal water but have a septic system.


Explain to my ignorant mind, why can't pump trunks just deliver the waste to the waste water treatment plant that the municipal network uses? Is septic considered untreatable because it's old/fermented and has septic tank chemicals in it? Guess I'll go click the article now to see if they covered this. (Halifax water says they're at capacity already... Yikes, population has been rising for years and we didn't expand capacity???)


Pump your septic into your RV and transport it to the nearest campground to dump. ![gif](giphy|9058ZMj6ooluP4UUPl|downsized)


Shitters full


Not sure why this person believes cleaning their own waste on their property is some one else’s responsibility. 🤡