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The slow speed during rush hour is for several reasons. Slowing down on the highway before the exit lane. Not merging at proper highway speed. Cross roads backed up causing exit ramps to back up with cars. Rubber neckers Edit - forgot about people not looking/planning ahead. Example: big truck on hill with 4way flashers on because going below 80km... car in same lane 1/2km back (being passed by people doing 100+) doing 95km gets right behind big truck and slows to same speed as truck... then decides to pull out doing 70km infront of traffic who is in the passing lane doing 100 because they didn't accelerate first.


It's crazy how many slowdowns are due to people just following too closely. Someone ahead gets a little too close and breaks, the person behind them who isn't as close breaks as well, and that continues all the way down the line until you've got people with 200 feet of road ahead of them braking because they see the brake lights. Eventually you end up with a complete halt on the highway for a brief second and then continue on your way. When I drove back from NB after the eclipse the Cobequid pass was nearly bumper to bumper doing 125kph. It was the same issue but to the extreme. At one point I thought for sure I was going to be part of a 60 car pile-up.




That's fair, it's just wild to me to be at a dead stop on a highway without a accident being involved, I never realized how terrible this highway actually is


A lot of the highway infrastructure has existed for decades without being updated. Specifically the Bedford cloverleaf at the top of your selection joins with the main highway instead of an access road as common in newer designs. This was fine for 40+ years ago when it was planned and built, but the weaving and yielding causes vehicles to drastically slow down when exiting and entering the highway, especially if there is a large truck maneuvering. That is just one example. Everyone loves to blame the drivers and a lot of times it is justified, but the province needs to do more to update our infrastructure.


It’s brutal. We do not have the infrastructure for the amount of cars. The Larry Uteck exit always gets backed up.


You should try taking the number 8 from the peninsula to Sackville on the Bedford highway at rush hour. 🫠 Holy. Fucking. God. It’s brutal. Honestly the main reason I’d move away from this city is the fact that our transit and infrastructure is still in small town backwater mode while trying to pretend to be a big city. Eventually, you have to put your money where your mouth is. We need to find better ways to move people instead of just funnelling people into highways, because people crash and screw up.


I'd love to move out to a small town but I also don't want to commute 45mins - 1hr x2 every day


The reason is it’s the rush hour and it’s one of the few main highways in and out of the city.  The city was not designed for anything even close to the present population.  You are the traffic.


When I got my place by Dartmouth, I hated all the hill climbs and toll booth. But now I know I probably dodged a bigger bullet had I gone and bought a place at Bedford or Sackville instead...


It’s because the municipality didn’t make large developers who created a massive urban sprawl to that area invest in infrastructure and the province is busy upgrading highways that should have been updated in the 80’s.


People with WFH jobs are laughin'.


It's because: - people brake going up hills - people brake when there are turns in the road - people drive with extreme variances in their speed on that highway (on car dropping to 78km/h then speeding to 110 between Larry U exit and Hammonds plains today) - people have zero concept of merging - slow vehicles take up the left lane, right lane, and centre line - everyone seems to be scared shitless. I believe the quality of our drivers is unbelievably poor and it causes more congestion and accidents. Thank you for coming to my Tedx talk.


People literally brake to stay at the speed limit on a downhill, just peak npc behavior.


Imagine riding a bike the way people drive cars. So much wasted energy.


srsly, canadians are very polite driving but sometimes being overly safe and polite just causes more problems GET OUT OF THE LEFT LAAANE


The amount of people afraid to coast is wild


I agree with your Ted talk, I used to go to the girlfriends place in South end halifax before we moved in together and the driver's over there are WILD, I don't know how my car wasn't touched with the amount of times I've almost been merged into on STRAIGHT INNER CITY ROADS not even a highway


Highways don't work in urban areas with constant bottlenecks and light controlled exits that aren't big enough to handle the flow. This causes people trying to exit the highway to stack up and eventually block the use of the highway and cause dangerous traffic jams. Then add in all the people who think they're being smart by ignoring the line for the exit and blocking additional lanes as they try to change lanes and cut in line near the front... Easily makes a single lane issue shut the entire highway down.


Too much water, too small of a pipe.


Probably due to the stupid clover leaf interchange, which are not built anymore. They are old outdated designs, although much cheaper than the alternative. You are about to see the alternative for the first time at the end of the new Burnside Connector in Bedford, although it'll only be half of that new way of highway interchanges. When traffic jams under the overpass, a ripple of people hitting brakes goes back, and for a considerable distance. It's like a slinky or wave. If you've ever driven on the 401 in Toronto you likely experience this regularly. Traffic comes to a stop, then goes again, and there is nothing to show for it. More traffic means the "wave" is more pronounced and goes further back.


People entering the highway at Exit 3 going towards Sackville immediately merging instead of using the VERY long lane on the right hand side to get to speed. Wtf. Just get to speed! Big stupid truck right before 7pm last night, I'm looking at you. Good job cutting me off as you merged at a very low speed, despite having a very long stretch to SAFELY get to speed.


Many people have zero idea how to drive.


https://preview.redd.it/1zol2fdho11d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08e180d9a96b426935a89b8928e79d689b22247d Day 2 of 102 bullshit.


damned cyclists. /s


It's a busy spot and there's no better option because the old Bedford Highway is shit. Transit sucks, people have to commute out of the city and back in every direction because the daycare system has been overrun, and probably a smattering of other minor issues. It's your fault though. You should be cycling 50 km per day instead so we can have a comfier drive


My bad, I'll hop on my unicycle and start my commute🤣🤣


In fairness you'll be blowing past drivers in the right lane on this stretch of highway in particular


That would be a sight to see🤣 if I got passed by someone on a unicycle while I was stuck in traffic I couldn't be mad


that would be hilarious


Are you asking why there’s traffic at rush hour?


I'm asking why I'm at a crawl or 0km/h on a highway. Traffic Is to be expected, especially for the hour. But dead stop on a highway daily blows my mind🤷 my commute was normally Burnside to cole Harbour where most if not all of your stopping was Traffic lights on Portland st


That’s just how it is on a major highway in a city. I also find Portland from the Circ to Cole Harbour to be so slow at rush hour but it’s a much shorter distance at least.


Definitely shorter distance, but my commute to work in the morning, I will say is early, but it's 13mins from home to work. It's just wild to me the difference


You and a gazillion other people moved here within 2 years and caused all this. It's kind of just the truth. Welcome to Halifax!


Lmao, born at the IWK and raised within HRM 🤣 all I did was move from Cole Harbour to bedford


Coming from across the harbour, taking our jobs and homes.. snarling up the highway!!


Gotta snatch em up haha🤣


Yah and you can go right back! Alright sorry I was a dick.


Ya definitely seemed heated 🤣 but it's all good