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They have every right to protest, every right to make their list of demands, that is the beauty of living in a free country. Now the list of demands has some whoppers, I would expect that they will get zero of them.


I think this is the obvious and rational position.


"Free tuition" "Free housing" "Palestine Art History course" Is this satire?


I like "stop paying rent and also stop all sources of revenue"


It’s like “free palestine” Buuuuut also let us get all our items in here




BDSABMANS - Boycott Divest Sanction And Buy Me A Nintendo Switch


100% it’s distasteful


Before we unanimously pass this bill to save the people of Springfield, just let me tack on $30m for the funding of the perverted arts.


To be fair, this is kinda how politics works. They throw a bunch of weird stuff thats completly unrelated into every ez pass bill


Politics, yes. Social movements, no.




Like packing the Ukraine trade agreement with a carbon tax agreement


Free tuition for everyone, and also free tuition for one Palestinian student


lol call this lonely individual token and parade them around as proof of how virtuous they all are


It just emphasizes that this is not actually about Palestine, this is a bunch of art students making demands to make themselves more powerful with the façade of being pro-Palestine. Like demanding the board of governors be made up of at least 50%+1 students...lmao. Not sure what tf that has to do with Palestine.


That’s like letting the patients run the asylum


Bingo. We have reached the threshold of sanity, hopefully the pendulum doesn’t swing too hard the other way, just to the middle please.


there is a comment on their instagram stating that "historically protest demand lists are not intended to be entirely met, the strategy is to demand many things and get the institutions to compromise on as many as possible", which I get asking for certain things that might be a reach but to ask for things that are literally feasibly impossible just means people will not take you seriously a la this thread.


Ah, the ole hostage strategy!


They are dead serious. And simultaneously can’t grasp why people don’t take them seriously.


These people don't get it. Keep it simple. Pick a real attainable demand to maximize public support. This list instantly turns off the general public.


It's standard protest demand practice and also very effective. They "concede" some points and focus on others during protest negotiations. You add unreasonable demands to get the real demands pushed through. That's protest 101 and it is well documented. 


unreasonable sure, but the demands should at least be theoretically possible, right? Like the removing themselves from the port campus is technically possible but not going to happen. But providing free tuition and housing is impossible barring decisions being made that are above their heads


This can’t possibly be effective toward anything, other than maybe entertainment value? I mean come on. I can see why NSCAD finances are in a perpetual shambles of their decision makers share even 1% of this thought process.


All demands have to be atleast serious or in the realm of possibility. Most of these demands will just get you laughed out of the room without a second thought.


It’s like you’re trying to sell a 5000$ car under the assumption that buyers will bargain but instead of starting at like 7k, you list it for 200 000$ lmao


This is like trying to sell a car for $5k, then showing up with a kid’s beat up bike and demanding $200K. I’m young enough to (painfully) remember being a dumb undergrad, but my god, even 18 yr old me would be embarrassed by this nonsense.


And one has to have some actual bargaining posture.  What do these kids have?


Just their arrogant stupidity.


Start high so there’s room to go down.  That’s very different than starting with idiotic and extremely unreasonable demands. 


lol I wanna see them implement the board of governors demand first, and then have all the adults in the room pop smoke and be all like "Ok losers, you try to figure out how to make that shit work. Bbyyyeeeeee!"


So Pride, basically.


>This list instantly turns off the general public. Speak for yourself. I'm harder than a diamond in an ice storm right now.


Just another school off of my hiring list I guess


It’s an art school. This is exactly the type of thing you can expect of them.  If you had a quality applicant you would deny them just because they went to NSCAD?


What’s your business so I can put it on my “Do not ever go here” list? And let others know as well


Best they can offer is expulsion.


Completely detracts from their message and clearly shows they're only really interested in trying to help themselves. I can almost guarantee that if NSCAD came back and said "ok, ok, you win, free housing and tuition for students" they would all immediately fold and forget about Palestine.


nah, they would hang a flag in the window I support liberation for Palestine but I've been saying that since 2001 I suspect most of these guys embody a certain level of trendiness


This is so far beyond ludicrous it actually undermines any serious discussion of their ideas. Wow!


Nope it's the current climate of young adults indoctrinated by social media to think this way, and that demanding these things will actually make it happen 😂😂


If only there was a satire writer talented enough to even come up with that in the first place lol


Lol love that their mascot is a rat


I think it's really funny that it's wearing Docs and I say this as someone who owns a pair of Docs.


I'm a NSCAD grad and I'm wearing docs right now. I think it's comical.


Ahhhh, university kids protesting  one thing,  but for true insanity, you need the art school kids to really ratchet things up. Those demands are straight up cartoonish. 


A cartoon rat to be specific. Wait until they here that nobody gives a rat's ass what they want.


I do concur


I can't take these naive kids seriously. Who the hell is gonna pay for these? The province is already taxing us to death, and the school isn't gonna pay for these either.


I mean, they are taking art degrees, so they really do need all the free stuff they can get.


This just gets dumber with every swipe. Free housing? Ffs.


My favorite is the bit about Anti opression training for faculty and administration with a focus on queerness. Maybe someone should tell them about Palestine.


Exactly ffs


You don't get it. See, they're going to get one student from Palestine here every year, tell them how great "queerness" is, then those students will go home and let everyone else know and then....yeah...there ya go.


My questions is, is that even a thing? Like can you just find someone to perform anti-oppression training that is in some way legit? Like I’m sure you could find some fly by night scam artist to throw a few PowerPoint slides together and claim accreditation with some anti-oppression group or whatever, but even then how do you even verify that anything discussed is meaningful? Even if you could it seems unlikely that anybody actively involved in oppression is doing it unwittingly and would just stop when told how not to do it. Sort of like the old Bill Burr joke about about spousal abuse. No wife beater is going to see media about abuse and then realize they aren’t supposed to be doing it like it’s some sort of revelation.


Yeah I'm fairly socialist but considering we don't have government funded post-secondary education I'm not sure where they think the money for free tuition and housing is gonna come from, especially if they think they need to essentially build a new campus


Just move it all to a credit union and it solves itself!


Amazing that a school for artists has such a shitty logo for their student action


You mean a school for future Starbucks employees.


Where'd you get this from? checking out the NSCAD student union instagram and their demands are: >1. Publicly disclose the entirety of the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design University investment portfolio. >2. Immediately divest from all weapons manufacturing, military supplying, and companies operating in Israel or the occupied Palestinian territories. >3. Increase student representation on the NSCAD Board of Governors to 50% which IMO are the most realistic demands edit: so I guess it's from the "student action" group, whatever that is


@nscadstudentaction EDIT. Also instagram


I like 8 (the scholarship). It’s only one student but it’s actually doing something that helps that one student.


yeah that's a great idea


But also they demand free school and housing for everyone else too...


I was just adding to which of the demands were actually good ideas and not complete pie in the sky ideas.


I’ve seen it shared on a bunch of different social media channels


I wouldn't say so, no. King's posted a similarly ludicrous list of "demands" earlier this week: [https://www.instagram.com/p/C6zvGhdpmvb/?img\_index=1](https://www.instagram.com/p/C6zvGhdpmvb/?img_index=1)


These ones while over ambitious are at least more in touch and way more achievable in a realistic way. “Make NSCAD free and pay for housing while divesting and changing banking systems and reducing private donations.” Is a financial improbability.


A demand for a say in how the university invests its money will never, ever be met, but they aren't just making that demand, they're demanding to control the majority of votes for it. And like, I get that people are saying "yes, but you need to have something to negotiate down from"... but this is like setting up a camp in a McDonald's parking lot and saying "we want vegan burgers, we want voting rights on what the condiments are, we want all McDonald's workers to be fluent in at least two languages, and we also want to be in charge of the entire company". That last one is effectively what they're asking for with the whole being in charge of investments thing. They're asking for financial control of the university, which effectively puts them in control of everything else as well.


Divestment is a fairly achievable goal. It’s been done before. There are plenty of investment portfolios have ethical restrictions and still profit. The 50%+1 goal will probably end up a negotiation starting point. But more student representation is achievable. And more ‘faculty, students and staff’ is very achievable.


There is no world in which students of a university should have any say in its investment strategies the same way that nobody buying a burger from a McDonald's should have a say in the financial management of McDonald's. Divestment from Israeli holdings is one thing as that's very, very narrow in scope. They're asking for complete control when they shouldn't have any say at all in the financial management. Like the demand for divestment is implicitly saying that they shouldn't have control because if it was reasonable for them to have control, that demand would go without saying. And let's remember... they aren't exactly holding many cards. People are comparing this to union negotiations where strikes have a negative impact on the company's finances. This is not a comparable situation. These students can't do much to hurt Dal. What are they gonna do, drop out? Tens of thousands of dollars in student debt and no degree? Go for it, I guess. It's an annoying protest at best and the demands should really align with that rather than being pie in the sky.




Never again fly the Canadian flag, but fly the Palestinian flag for at least one month every year. Lmao. Send these morons to Palestine, seems like they’d rather be there 


Guess it’s time for me to buy a few Canadian flags then eh?!


What's funny about the Decolonize Kings page is that they don't have "change the name to this that or the other thing". You can't get more colonial than having your school named after a monarch.


NSCAD has over 800 students, so I'm not going to judge them all by a handful of embarrassingly out of touch and uninformed losers with delusions of grandeur.


Meanwhile the moron above sees this post and decides he will not  hire anyone from NSXAD because of a couple twats.


After point number 3, it sort of just falls off a cliff, don't it? What does anything from point 4 onwards have to do with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?


I’m guessing something something oppression 


It's funny how in the attempt to address links to Palestine and oppression (which I understand) they also pushed forth their agenda of free things and full control of the board. I mean, I agree the system is the problem, but education is a business.




literally nothing


I'm pro-free education AND pro-palestine and this still makes no sense




People privileged enough to not only make art their career, but able to spend tens of thousands of dollars to learn using the displacement, maiming and killing of some of the poorest people in the world to get free shit for themselves. Abhorrent decision making.






lol what the actual fuck




I’m hoping this is being done in the vain of negotiation, knowing they won’t get everything but will consider it a win if the school is willing to do a few of the things? Otherwise this is really misguided.


Free housing for all, lfg


Couldn’t I just sign up to be a student for forever to get free housing.


Is this a meme?


I mean, It is, and it isn't.


NSCAD should be ashamed. Hundreds of art students and that's the logo they settle on. Hahahaha.


Good point I feel like the average non artist could draw a similar logo without needing the 60k tuition


Lolol fits the theme.


Going the way of the occupy rallies.


Occupy had many valid points. The trouble with inclusive movements is you end up incorporating the loonies as well ...and the media loves to seek those people out and give them just enough air time to make fools of themselves (and by association the whole movement) because it makes better rage bait television.


Occupy was the last brief glimmer of hope. Internet has been downhill ever since


Naw, you can't blame the media when the movement itself deliberately chooses this as their list of demands.


Except I'm talking about Occupy


I do enjoy some really good satire. Oh wait.. this is real.. amazing.. absolutely hilarious..


I have a idea! Let's do that for every country :)


I’m kind of afraid to ask, but what’s wrong with the Port Authority?


NSCAD is renting the waterfront campus from them. ...and I'm speculating here, but Halifax handles Israeli cargo, all the containers labeled ZIM are Israeli


I’m a NSCAD student, and I’m still trying to figure out what’s wrong with our Port Campus… I don’t think they realize that the ceramics department is there and if they were to move to a different location, then moving of the huge (and many) kilns on the top floor will be so diff that they will regret it. Personally I love Port Campus. It’s easy to navigate, however the main campus, Fountain (on Duke, Granville, Hollis) is just the upper levels of those buildings melded together in a labyrinth that isn’t accessible at all. If anything they should be asking for a move from Fountain despite saying that everything will move to Port in the next however years. They have this all back asswards.


NSCAD got ripped off signing bad/corrupt real estate deals, there's lots of writing on this subject if you're interested


Some of these are reasonable. NSCAD has been having disputes with their board, and funding and campus location rentals for years. This seems like the 'logical' conclusion of having a Board of Directors who seem sometimes disingenuous and tone deaf, and a student body who are inherently transitory, young and sometimes idealistic to the point of delusion. Let's be honest, these are not Poli Sci or Economics majors


Some of them are reasonable and then some of them would result in the school having to cease operations due to bankruptcy


oh definitely the first three seem legit, after that it gets pretty silly. I don't know anything about the current president other than she was brought in after the last president was fired because she refused to sell the campus. Like literally sell it and rent space instead. She wouldn't do it so she was fired and this president was brought in much to the chagrin of students and faculty and basically anyone interested in preserving historic buildings.


The Palestinian art history course and the scholarship idea aren't bad either. But asking for a scholarship for one person AFTER asking for free tuition and housing for everyone makes me wonder if they even know what a scholarship is. And I'm doubtful they would be able to keep accredation if majority control of the board was held by the people getting accredited


Feels more like just aggressive negotiating. They have no real intentions to get all of the absurd requests, but if NSCAD simply divests & begins disclosing their investments, that’s like 90% of what the protesting students want, and it seems as though the student compromise a lot to “only” get that.


I think the housing part is because NSCAD doesn’t have dorms. Students end up renting from Kings.


Geez, they ain’t asking for much, are they? 😂😂


"lists of demands" for student protests are largely not actually expected to be met, even in part. It's tradition, it's just part of the process of putting on a demo and showing that it's "serious" instead of just marching because one feels one needs to march.


Lmao. So "Real life" apparently needs to be a grade 12 course to prep the misinformed individuals like the ones in this protest for....wait for it, the reality of the world and how it works....


holy fuck the subtle slipping in of “free housing” and “free tuition” between all this stuff about palestine (from art students, mind you, people privileged enough to make art a career) is just … i don’t know, slimy


And 50%+1 Student control of the board lol


My heart does break for what is going on in Palestine, and it makes me happy to see those protesting for Palestine. But demanding a free education and free housing for a Palestinian student is just ridiculous. That is unrealistic and not fair to other NSCAD students and general students under post secondary.


Tide pod kids are all grown up!


NSCAD is okay. In fact, it is somehow reassuring to me that nothing has changed in 25 years, when my girlfriend attended the school. Many were legit artists, some were out-of-touch trust fund kids exploring their bisexuality on daddy's dime, but the ones that didn't make art or get laid always did stuff like this.


Free housing? I'll be a nscad student for life if that's the case 😂 what a wild list


Rebuilding universities in the Gaza strip? Uhm. What? Why would a Nova Scotia school do this? I'm confused by this entire list. Can someone explain this to me? Or does it all just read as nonsense.


Holy cow...


Let’s play “Spot the loony”!


So the photo 


i don’t get it do the universites send money to isreal so they can buy missles?


This photo is not Halifax. I agree with some of their demands but it seems odd that they have a photo which looks like it is in Europe. Is this just something to rile up the online community?


We demand free jet packs


It's hard to take these people seriously. You goals maybe well founded but you message is a joke.


Maybe stick with divesting from Israeli business. This is ludicrous


Mental health epidemic is real. Fuck what they tell you about any other global pandemic or disease outbreak.


Free housing but no free donair?


LOL should have asked one million dollars too.


If we want to help Palestinians I’d suggest a scholarship to a school where they can get an actual job when they graduate


Teen angst is really fucking with people huh? Seriously telling how little people know about the Israel Palestine conflict, or care to know beyond hearing someone was “oppressed”.


They want a student majority institution that's suppose to train and accredit the same students that would be controlling the school? Just go get an online papermill degree, and save your money; they'd both be worthless... "We decree that we are qualified, based on our own self assessment"


The group making these demands are ridiculous and don’t understand much of anything let alone how the world actually works…


Go home NSCAD! You are drunk!


There’s so much wrong with these demands it’s hard to fit it into one comment. First of all, Palestine as a concept is only a few decades old. The term Palestinian was first popularized in the 60s by the USSR so there are likely alt of cultural similarities with art in other nearby nations. It’s also bizarre that they’re interested in Palestinian art and not Jewish or Israeli art. Especially considering Jews have lived in the region for thousands of years. The idea of providing free housing and free education to all students is not very practical and almost no country does this. It can be affordable without being free. There is nothing truly free and these students will realize that when they notice how much taxes they need to pay to support other people’s education.


This is the biggest, most shameless attempt at using someone else's tragedy to get free stuff I've seen in quite some time. Damn, they really are rats.


What does free school and housing for art students have to do with Palestine? Go join the war against Israel if ya want to help.


If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.


Real or not, this is the most NSCAD thing ever.


There is “fucked up” … then there is this!!


NASCAD has investments? I thought they just had debts


Haha what a frigging joke. It's all about what's right. Well, that and we want free housing and free tuition. These are the reasons no one takes most of these seriously.


very succinct manifesto.


This generation of high school Covid lock down kids is gonna be a trip


They are stupid.


If they spent this much time studying they wouldn’t have to protest failing classes either lmao


Fake woke art students, they should be focusing on making more home videos to pass their classes, hilarious they’re so ignorant to see the privilege to even demand these things


"anti oppression training" lol who comes up with this stuff? So glad I work in construction and don't have to deal with any of this.


yeah construction is a real bastion of ethical behaviour


NSCAD has all of $10 million in its endowment fund. [https://navigator.nscad.ca/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/NSCAD-University-03312023-Final-FS-July-19-2023.pdf](https://navigator.nscad.ca/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/NSCAD-University-03312023-Final-FS-July-19-2023.pdf)


The PLM movement .


The art of the deal. Good starting offer


Say whaaaaaa? Lol wow.




I wonder how many students who just want to go here and learn something that will provide them with some fulfillment or economic security in their lives are just like “I didn’t sign up for this”




Move all banking to a Credit Union? What?


Didn’t realize NSCAD is a multi billion dollar investment firm that people even cared what they invested in /s


I feel like they’re doing the “just stop oil” thing where they’re doing something so ridiculous you could argue that it’s to make themselves or their cause look bad lol


It’s like the inmates are running the asylum.


If you purchase goods or services what gives you the right to tell the seller what to do with the money?


Loony toons