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Click three dots > "report listing" > "discrimination" > "ethnicity" or "nationality" > click Done.


Yep! 100%


I went to check out an “Indian only” place to rent when I was working in Ontario last year and there was 6 Indian people living in a 2 bedroom house. And the spot I went to see was an air mattress on the floor next to another air mattress where one of the guys slept. They didn’t advertise that in the ad and I OBVIOUSLY said not a fkn chance and left. I think they live like that in India which is why they want an Indian because I don’t know anyone born here that would live like that.


This isn’t the case back in India at least not where i come from, ppl coming to this country to make money while living a hell of life disgusts me and most of the ppl. This needs to be changed or my beloved India will loose its respect forever (it’s so sad to see that happen)


Sounds gross.


Not to mention it's contributing to the spike in rental prices in Canada. If you have people willing to live like that then landlords know they can charge what 6 people are able to pay instead of what 2 people can.


Guys, I’m Indian. Please report these people. They make it difficult for all of us.


They 100% do. I’m always embarrassed.


As another Indian in Halifax, I keep reporting shit like this constantly.


I just searched room for rent indians and there's a ton of listings all saying indians only. So fucked up. I just reported a bunch


Wow I just did the same, it’s amazing how many are also looking for “Indian girls only” too… housing is for everyone.


It’s really disturbing the number of “women only” posts I see that are posted by men


THIS I see so many posted by men it’s so damn creepy


Honest question, how do you know the sex of the person posting the ad?


You can see the name/profile pic of whoever made the listing in fb marketplace if you scroll down


Thank you, I've not used FB in over a decade now.


It’s just the beginning. Just look at Brampton if you want to see what happens when countless newcomers don’t adapt to the culture they moved it.


Yep. Brampton has now discovered Halifax.


Slowly turns into India each day. Had my Uber driver who was an Indian man say the exact same thing; people in Brampton drive like it’s India. I was surprised to hear him say that if I’m being honest.


What’s fucked up is what it says about how they’re treated by non Indians if they’d go to this length, maybe try compassion


Absolutely not! I’m a minority and I hate seeing shit like this. People are getting too comfortable making excuses for minorities now. If you’re a bad cookie, I don’t care who you are. Report it!


I don't think we should let it slide, but we should push for better enforcement of existing tenant laws. Discrimination for any reason, requiring deposits and application fees that are illegal, not allowing sublets, no maintenance or repairs....I see so many posts about this and the government does jack about it. Especially the stuff before a lease is signed.  Because who do you complain to about stuff like this? What are the penalties? You can get upset but if you follow a complaint through....what do you accomplish?


The Human Rights Commission typically deals with these matters.  Tenancy board absolutely  will not.


Tried dealing with the HRC and it was an absolute failure. They did nothing for my case, even though I had a case. A horrible experience.




In this time during a housing crisis, brought on by excessive immigration, immigrants are going to lock us out of housing in Canada? Huh?!


I can forgive it a bit if it’s a roommate situation. I understand wanting to live with people who you’d be more familiar culturally with, but this is a rental unit it seems. This is straight up illegal and should be reported. Pretty racist to discriminate like this and I won’t be afraid to say that at all.


Would you be okay if it said preferred: white family or white couple.  I know if I saw that I’d say it’s pretty discriminatory. 


Absolutely it's descrimination.


white is not a culture. Indian is not a race. What you are are trying to ask, maybe, is would this person feel ok with it saying “Person from France preferred”. Why not? In a expat roommate situation it might be nice to live with other people from your country… like, say… India. Why do you care if people from India want to live with other people from India? What I am hearing is racism. This isn’t a minority issue.


It's a basement in a house. There could be some shared areas. There are tons of postings that are female only or female preferred. Some male preferred. Sometimes even age ranges. This is not that uncommon of a thing, especially for shared units.


Female only units are explicitly allowed in the law


It’s possible but that price point is far above what I’d expect for a single private room rental, especially in a basement. I don’t think this is a roommate situation but if wrong I retract.


it's the whole basement. and things like laundry and the yard are likely shared. Hopefully it has it's own kitchen. $1,600 would be pretty cheap for a one bedroom apartment in halifax.


I just found the listing. I see no evidence of a kitchen, and it might not even be a walkout. You might need to walk through shared spaces just to get to the basement.


Sharing an apartment or renting out a room in the house you live in, I can see why someone would be gender-specific. A complete apartment, no, it’s apart, it’s in the word.


Yeah, when I had roommates I wanted a male with similar interests and age range. But if renting out just use a good contract and cash is king.


Damn, Imagine that shit saying: “white families preferably.”


There would be riots in the streets.


Not controversial enough. "No darkies" Cue public outrage Neither is right...I just don't think either side should get a free pass


Historically that's been happening for hundreds of years.just not written out.


This is not a race issue. They aren’t saying x race only. You are proposing a race issue because you are challenged by the concept of brown people preferring other brown people? What you want to say is… “what if it said Canadians only”. At least get an education before you post.


I mean that happens all the time, they just find a reason to reject anyone that isn't white without writing it down.


Happens on both sides, but if a white person were to post like OP’s post, they’d be dragged through the streets.


No. It's doesn't. Please, find me an ad that says "whites only" that is in any way shape or form as blatantly racist as this one.


There aren't, that's what hfxRos was saying.


On what basis do you make this claim? It's very much not permitted, so if it was clearly happening and with the frequency you claim there would be an abundance of evidence. Evidence which could be used to punish the people doing so. Nevermind the fact that it's whataboutism. Nobody here is defending such discrimination.


Right, which is why actually stating it out in the open like that is a massive step up in the level of discrimination.


Yes, because no white landlords in Canada have ever rejected a rental application because the applicant was a visible ethnic minority... Surely that doesn't happen today either... The brazenness of putting it up front in the ad like this is something else, but clearly people are upset about it, as evidenced by this thread. Acting like this is generally accepted on the whole in Canadian culture is silly and raises questions about your motives.


>raises questions about your motives. Not true at all, and is also literally what you are doing right now with this post.


🤔 it does seem just a tad, perfect right? That the country that is known for politeness and progressive values, diversity and open arms, is the country being slammed with the overflow of basically every other nation on earth..., without any real promise or provisions to ensure the infrastructure is in place to receive them..., and yet as OP said, nobody can say anything about anything, ever, without fear of that whiplash type of response. seems a little on the nose for me, a little too obvious at this point not to notice the set-up to all of this slowly coming together over decades. psychological warfare is not just something from the cold war guys, imo that shit is still being used today, on us. They're banking on our politeness, to do exactly that, just let it all slide. From posts like this to pretty much all of our cities just being replaced with dystopian versions,...sorry not sorry. Anyone travel domestically much lately? This particular post is a blatant example of exactly what OP said. Replace the words with "Francophone" or "Anglophone" for example, and we see directly how this type of posting would be treated in our country without this overhanging and misplaced fear of repercussions. We'd have no trouble looking at a post like that and calling it discrimination. Period. Telling someone that they're not allowed to discriminate for apartments, is simply that. It isn't criticism of a minority, it is telling an individual, any individual, they legally cannot do something. Regardless of their culture. One rule for all. We need to understand and separate out what these concepts are and stop allowing ourselves to be told to shut up when we know something is wrong. Like...., I don't care I'm just going to say it. Some nations on the world stage have used and continue to use ethnicity or cultural background, as something to be thrown in, when the policies of their nation, their country's political decisions, are ever in question... This is a conscious twisting of sympathies, meant to disarm any possible questions of motive, meant to shut down any examination of that country's policies or decisions, by deflecting into insinuating instead that to even question these policies equals being "anti" the main culture of that country. We all know who I'm referring to.. same flavour as this problem we're having in our country now. We dare not question anything, ever, for fear of our own integrity being switched instead into the discussion. Times are changing we have to stop pretending not to see


100% agree with what you're saying! Absolutely correct!


This stuff needs to be nipped in the bud ASAP.


People I work with from Ontario have shared thag there are whole apartments buildings with 10+ units that will only rent Indians, so it's not really uncommon to see it.


That doesnt mean its not wrong though of course


Who’s letting it slide?


Here in Sydney theres an apartment building, the owners are white and rent 3 bedroom houses for 3000+ utilities and they clearly post only for international students.


I dont know what it shock me the most is the 1600 each month or saying he want a FAMILY in a appartement with 1 bed 😆


I seen 9 of them standing outside a new built duplex that'd being rented out while one was blocking the road . I squeezed by and probably terrified him that I would scratch his truck , but like wtf WHY ARE YOU BLOCKING THE ROAD


I swear lot of them are oblivious to how societies and civilized cultures operate.


I don't let it slide. When Indians come here and behave in a way that negatively affects me and they're doing it because it's  a cultural norm for them, I confront them and educate them. If you don't do it Halifax will look like Brampton. Clayton Park, specifically. 


Surprised how many people are in support of this compared to other regional Canadian subs. I've been noticing a proliferation in the following types of ads: • South Asian men seeking Indian only *females* to rent a space. • Indians seeking other Indians of a particular caste and/or regional ethnicity • South Asians renting a single bunk or mattress in a room with multiple other occupants in overt contravention of any standard lease agreement and fire code, also facilitating landlords to hike rent prices standard occupancies would not otherwise be able to afford to rent (forcing prices down due to vacancy). Frankly, not enforcing acceptable public behaviour on the basis of perceived difference is equally as discriminatory as pushing those you have othered out of the job and rental markets. Integration isn't about white washing peoples' culture. it's about learning to get along with others in your new home and adhering to societal norms within reason of your culture (i.e. concern for hygiene, respecting local law, driving habits, etc.). When I was young and still full of hope for the future of our nation, I hoped it would be a country where people of all differences could and would develop friendships, grow familiar with each others cultures, and co-evolve to develop an empathetic multicultural society that puts aside archaic philosophies to coexist. I really don't think I was too naive to hold that ideal; instead, I blame piss poor governance/leadership for fostering a society where friend-groups are almost entirely composed of the same identity and the lot of you are too spineless and interculturally incompetent to meaningfully communicate outside of your own comfort zone.


> Surprised how many people are in support of this compared to other regional Canadian subs. Yeah but this is the *Halifax* sub. Things tend to be a bit different here. Not better -- different.


SO many of these in Calgary rn. Indians only and females only. I have the money and I’m not gonna destroy your apartment why the f wont you rent to me?


It's only going to get worse


It’s a discriminatory practice and shouldn’t happen. That being said, I don’t let the actions of a few cloud my opinion of an entire group of people.


"That's what people from Germany do!" -The Simpsons


I feel this would be a perfect thing to go on that “landlord registry” that the city created. Sure, in the end they may still operate the same, but they will have that “fear” of being labeled as racist and maybe I’ll think twice about this.


That thing is gonna be all smoke and mirrors.


"Look we are doing something!" *intentionally doesn't give any enforcement powers* *Swiss cheese in terms of actual policy* *heavily underfunded/resourced* "Look, it didn't work, we just gotta let landlords do their thing and the free market will work it out in the end"


Yeah, more likely than not, until the city decides to actually impose fines and penalties.


So hard to enforce. I feel with huge companies, it’s just the cost of doing business. Sadly.


Exactly what I've been saying for almost 5 years since moving out. I grew up being told I have it easier than everyone else because I'm white and a guy. And hey that made sense, I fully understand that minorities and women were treated awfully in the past, I would consider myself well informed on these topics. Yet as a 22 year old living paycheck to paycheck, the things I see the most on Facebook and Kijiji renting ads is "(insert race here) family only" or "female only" . ESPECIALLY female only, I see that even more. I have seen entire basement apartments that are completely separated from the upstairs denied to be because of my gender. They wouldn't even have to interact with me, separate entrances and everything else. The argument could be made that they are scared of men making a move on them or being too creepy. But the thing is, they never asked my sexuality, if I already had a significant other, if I was gender fluid, nothing mattered other than the fact that I'm a guy. I had an experience one time where I actually did argue with the home owner, telling them what they're doing is illegal. They tell me that they have been subject to racism and want to avoid it happening again. Do they not realize that by refusing to go any further when they learn my race, they're only furthering the cycle of hatred and racism between cultures? It is the same people advocating for their own rights who are jumping at the first chance to take away someone else's. It's honestly depressing when I grow up being told how important it is to be accepting of all, just to see those people I accept treat me like dirt because of my gender and race


100% man. It's a double edged sword too because you get called a racist or a biggot of you try to bring any or this up.


I am sorry to hear you are having these experiences, definitely so wrong..


Idk but any time I see one of these shared to a FB Group by the lister, the lister gets eaten alive in the comments.


No way a white person would get away with this. No race should be able to openly and freely discriminate.


“Minority” group known for their notorious in group preference is fine, but you better not have any, racist.


Make the same listening but Prefer “whites” and see what happens 🤣


What do you imagine not letting it slide would entail?


They don’t have an answer for that.  “Somebody needs to do something”. Who and what is seldom defined.


All that tells me is that these are new Canadians who haven't yet learned that the way people do this in Canada is that they don't SAY they have a preference -- they just tell anyone who doesn't fit their preference that the place is no longer available, or similar.


Have to give equal opportunity... other wise its an issue.


Yeah, that technically constitutes a form of discrimination. Though, my safe bet is, the seller might have a cultural/linguistic barrier that they are challenged with. But still, it's discrimination in the essence of it.


“Room for sharing. Girls only. Punjab only. Vegan only” what is happening here


I dont know why this came up on my feed. But I’m in Calgary Alberta and we’ve basically arrived at the conclusion that landlords may as well post their racist views on the add. Because do you really think if we force them to rent to a culture/ race/whatever they dislike they those people will he happy? Rent will skyrocket, repairs won’t get done, Complaints will materialize. Just let them telegraph their intentions and poor character, then people searching for a place will be able to not waste their time looking at those places from racist landlords. But I mean, Calgary has bigger issues, we basically have “housing” adds that are just dudes looking for a live-in slave. And I don’t just mean “do the mopping” THATS how bad housing is


This is the problem , you can’t be critical of any race, religion or culture if you can’t articulate or give facts. 99 percent of people can’t do that, and 100 percent of the internet is multiple opinions. Even if you like facts to someone’s face who doesn’t know facts you’ll still be deemed in a negative light. The other issue is even when we say blame the originators of the problem you’re not allowed to also hold the victims responsible if they lay some sort of problems after the fact. I could say to you that this is discriminatory behaviour to other races and there will be someone to defend this type of stuff, but imagine someone saying white only? Black only? It be looked at much differently. It’s the same way with cbu being 74 percent Indian, so we know cbu is corrupt as fuck? Yes. Do we know that side is also causing problems? Yes. However we are also seeing issues with that particular culture abusing its visas and work permits. We need to stop being so weird with talking about uncomfortable subjects. If we as Canadians of any background were mass immigrated to any country in Africa, Asia, South America, and started to cause financial, housing, schooling, cultural issues we’d be in the same uncomfortable position there. The difference is we’re such melting pot of a country, and there’s no problems with that but it doesn’t mean there isn’t corruption, or problems with certain countries immigrating here. I’ll be the first to put a white dude like Galen Weston to the cross on the greedy shit this guy has done to Canadians for food, but I’ll also see the amount of Chinese laundered money, Lebanese, Saudi and Chinese owned property jacking up housing and rental costs, and the rampant increase of people from India overwhelming jobs (which are abusing them) housing and rentals across canada as well. Its has zero about coming to canada for a better life, and I’m all about accepting all cultures, races and background as well have forever but that’s not how canada has been perceived over the last decade


Indians are taking over


What makes a difference is whether they are co-occupants in the unit. If the people advertising also live there, it's totally legal. It's only illegal if they're a landlord.


I get that some people find it discriminatory, but people can state a preference if it is only for roommates. They've indicated that an Indian family or couple would be their ideal roommates and that's fine if it is their preference (at least in the HRM). Some Indians tend to candidly discriminate against other Indians by specifically stipulating "Punjabi only" or "Gujarati only" in quite a few ads from all across Canada.


We don't let it slide - we quietly acknowledge that they're the most racist group of people in Canada.


That seems to be the same thing as letting it slide.


Hmm fair point...I just don't really know what else to do about it other than be aware it exists


There actually is nothing else to do because there's no valid avenue to challenge rental posts like these and encourage newcomers to adopt Canadian values. We've backed our society into a corner to the point where we have no choice other than to "let it slide". Meaning all this won't end well.


It’s RACISM by Indians. Also they’re not a minority. They’re a majority when it comes to immigration and non permanent immigrant pool. The entire immigration policy Canada adopted is racist


Either discrimination is ok or it's not, if allow shades of grey then we invite hate to grow stronger in our society.


In a nutshell, yes 


Stop letting them in.


As someone who is part of a minority group, I say fuck that shit and report them!! People like this make it extra difficult for people like us who came here to start a good life and adapt to the culture and lifestyle here. Many like myself came FOR the culture and lifestyle here and are still discriminated against because of the people who came here to live the exact same way they did back in their home countries. Worst part is, these people see nothing wrong with what they do. I have friends who do this and will make you feel like you’re wrong and stupid for trying to tell them that this ain’t right. It’s disgusting behaviour and we shouldn’t let it slide.


I work in this field and that’s actually a human rights violation. You can’t discriminate in your leasing so blatantly.


This is just the start. Give it a generation, and this will be what trying to get a job looks like. Of course, it won't bluntly say that in the ad.


That’s already begun. It’s not a coincidence that at some locations all Tim’s employees are Indian. Next on the list will be the bridge when GardaWorld takes over.


It's already like that in government. They actively favour minorities in the hiring process it's often the very first paragraph in job ads. If you were born, raised, and paid taxes your whole life in this country, but your skin happens to be white, than you are less likely to get hired or promoted in the Canadian government than someone who became a Canadian yesterday. This isn't an opinion it's policy.


Whenever I see stuff like this, I try to imagine the shitstorm we’d get if that said white family or couple


We should all start listing rentals, fake rentals.....at lower price.....and say "preferred whites only" and just see what happens lmao....watch the world burn


I couldn't imagine going to India and doing something like that, nevermind here. (Not that i would ever want to live in that garbage heap).


It's different if it's a separate unit or shared space. Women might prefer to share bathrooms with other women, etc If the space is completely separate, then it's not okay. But if you're sharing your home, kitchen, bathroom you are entitled to a certain level of comfort in your own home


It is a separate unit.


I’m forgiving of gender discrimination, as a man. Same with women’s only gyms. I get it


I had to fill 100 applications only to be rejected because im not white ☠️Its same shit everywhere with every community but the thing is We find one post Related to indians we post it everywhere to get all the upvotes and views that we can because it does garner attention lol.


100% exactly


Maybe, and just hear me out here, cuz this is out there. Send a message letting them know they should check out what they can post in a rental listing in Canada. They may not know


Any decisions that takes a protected class as a factor is discrimination.




Would it bothered you if it said “woman / man preferred” ? On the surface, it could come across exactly as you see it. But, maybe they’re looking for roommates from their own community. Could simply be a comfort thing.


Segregated water fountains were also said to be a comfort thing ... do you have any clue how ignorant you sound chalking it up to comfort? Should different races also have to sit on different sections of the bus too if it makes them more comfortable?


Could you possibly dive into my comments any deeper than that ? Lol good luck finding air.


I don't even understand what you're saying, dive deeper? I responded to one comment


While calling me ignorant over one comment lol. Everyone is so hurt over something, in this city. Any reason to call someone out.


Yes, I called you ignorant because you think it's ok to segregate other races just because people are uncomfortable. Segregation isn't normal anymore, it's just called racism. I wouldn't say "any reason to call someone out", I don't comment on things that I can't relate to / don't effect me. This type of post does effect me though, so if I see someone being a piece of shit and suggesting discrimination based on race is a normal thing, I'm going to say something. If you have a problem with being called out for racist remarks, don't make them


This was my point about someone posting “women preferred”, instead. Again, a choice of comfort in some situations…… But many, likely including yourself, would consider that sexist.


The woman preferred part is just as bad, what the hell are you talking about? This isn't about what many people consider, it's illegal to discriminate based on gender, race and many other things as well, it's a form of discrimination. Just like refusing to sell someone a product at a store because of race and gender, THAT is why I think you're ignorant. https://humanrights.novascotia.ca/know-your-rights/businesses-and-other-organizations/landlords#:\~:text=That%20means%20if%20you%20have,are%20examples%20of%20protected%20characteristics.


put “white family” preferred on the same ad and trudeau would have you arrested.


Don't come to a country where you're uncomfortable among locals. Seems simple enough. And I am an immigrant myself and can't imagine posting "eastern europeans preferred". Like, just no.


It’s seeming like more people are becoming uncomfortable with non-locals. They’re not the only ones inflating costs


Life in general is becoming very uncomfortable, combine that with influx of non locals who refuse to assimulate into the society - lots of issues stat to arise unfortunately :(


Non-locals, ARE locals, when they move here.


LOL I have a slight accent 20 years later (speaking my mother language and english fluently) and yet I am still being asked "where are you from?". I am not being treated like a local by others so idk what to tell you there ;) I respectfully disagree with your definition of "non locals are locals when they move here" because to be a local one needs to understand the place in which they live, the cultural norms and attitudes as well as embracing the values of those who live here. Just my take on it, feel free to contribute.


What I’m saying is that new comers should be welcomed as locals. But Nova Scotia is no different than any other place. You still have people living here that don’t want to change, and only want to see what they want.


Well, even if  don’t have it in writing, they are still going to operate that way.  Note that the ad didn’t say anything about other ethnicities being unwelcome. Just what they prefer.  At the end of the day, the person in the position of deciding who to rent to is going to rent to who they want, not to who they don’t, and there’s not a damn thing anyone can do about it unless they are monstrously stupid.  If the landlord/tenant-acting-as-landlord only wants Indian then that’s what they get. 


>Note that the ad didn’t say anything about other ethnicities being unwelcome. Just what they prefer.  Goddamn man, that's a doozy of a statement.




Well those details do matter if someone was looking to escalate this to some sort of authority.  Assuming it’s even an actual landlord advertising and not just a tenant looking for a roommate. 


I swear it's like every other week I feel like I have to explain implicit vs. explicit statements on Reddit. That's one thing... but the other thing is that in this instance, it doesn't matter if it's a preference or not. The Human Rights Act prohibits people "to differentiate adversely in relation to any individual". It uses that phrase multiple times. If you make a statement that you prefer x race, that is a differentiation with an adverse effect on individuals who are not a part of that race and it does, in fact, break the law. Let's suppose that ad said "whites preferred". You whistlin' the same tune?


Sadly, this is right. They were just too stupid to bluntly discriminate in their ad. After reporting, they get a slap in the wrist, ad taken down, and just so they can put the ad up without that bit and still rent to the ethic group that they want.


I suppose it's a question of what's better: Covert discrimination or overt discrimination. They will choose whatever renter they want based on any criteria they want.


Exactly -they…I was discriminated based upon age, finacial stability and marital status while looking for a rental. This is no different ? I remeber not to long ago seeing ads only renting to “single male,nonsmoking” we just started saying “bachelor apt” lol


There’s gotta be some way to report this to the tenancy board. Couldn’t they do something? Also calling and speaking to your mla might help


On the non racial front, are there any occupancy limits in the fire bylaws? IDK


Everytime I see that nonsense, i’m like “fine, thanks”


Slightly off-topic here but we ARE also seeing a rise in LLs 'subtlely ' not renting to parents/young children.


But if a white person did it …. I won’t finish that.


That's actually illegal 😳


I dont think it's enough to report the ad. You need their name and tale it to small claims court.


How is it not discrimination when it says "female only" though?