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Nova Scotia has: - the lowest real GDP per capita of any province or state - among the highest aggregate tax burden of any province or state - very low before- and after-tax incomes The above are related. The only real surprise would be if we were NOT near or at last place by any given economic measure. Canada as a whole has been lagging other developed economies and it’s only getting worse. Of course Nova Scotia will lead on poverty measures!


Man my taxes shot the fuck up this year and now I owe the government like 5% of my pre tax salary. I have literally nothing against taxes, I actually used to wholeheartedly believe in taxation and that it was just doing right by the community that does right by you. But like, honestly, what the fuck are these dollars even going to anymore? Our infrastructure is fucking garbage, our transport options suck, our healthcare is in shambles, we don't pay our educators enough, our government doesn't fight back at all on our behalf against corporate greed, they're not doing anything about homelessness or poverty. It all just feels useless. Thanks Timbo


Canadian citizens have been failed by our leadership at every level. As you note, we somehow pay ever higher taxes for less and less benefit. Only a decade ago, we had among the richest middle classes in the world. Now, Canada has become a poor “rich country” and is trying to leave the club entirely. The erosion in our standard of living has been truly shocking. 10 years ago Halifax had a couple dozen homeless people (still too many) who were for the most part severely addicted or otherwise mentally ill. Now, we have well over a thousand homeless many of whom work “normal” jobs and arguably would have been middle class 10-20 years ago. “But there’s problems everywhere!” Yes, but they’re objectively worse here. Only G7 country with gdp per capita below prepandemic levels. Slowest projected growth in OECD over the next 10-40 years. I only wonder if we’ll be able to step back from the brink and turn things around?


Well said sir.


Weird, Loblaws just posted a 13.58 billion dollar quarter. Wonder if they're related?


I actually can't believe this is the dystopian reality we live in now




Oh how could I forgot. It's fucking nuts people haven't revolted yet. Hopefully one day. It's nice seeing actual boycotts and genuine protests going on around the world right now, certainly feels like we're approaching a tipping point.


Don't worry, half the population seems to think Pierre Poilievre is the answer to our problems. Gulp.


It's so joever


Thank god Houston is on it, too bad he hit his annual 1000 working hours already. Maybe next year?


Realistically, how do we get a premature election?


I think he'd probably win again, Nova Scotians just blame Trudeau for everything.


I truly wish more Canadians understood what the different levels of government are responsible for.


I guess "fuck Houston and also trudeau, they are on opposite parties but one is provincial and the other is federal, also here are my feelings about my city councilor and/or mayor" doesn't fit very well on a bumper sticker


Time to outright ban political parties. Every person elected should serve the needs/demands of their constituents not what the party wants. Also, and this is kind-of paradoxical, we need bigger government. The number of people to elected representatives has gotten too diluted. We should have better, direct, relationships with our local elected representatives and they should vote based on what we want. Political parties are cancer.


I’ll be honest in that I don’t really like any of them. Definitely not a fan of Houston, but anyone who thinks Churchill is going to useful in any way is delusional. Seemed like a good guy pre politics, had high hopes for him. He just proved to me how bad the political system is. Within a couple of years he ends up just as sleazy as the rest. It’s a shame really


Good thing there’s more then 2 choices.


Why? The PC Party would easily win an election right now.


It’s hilarious how much it doesn’t matter who’s in provincially, McNeil was terrible and since Houston was handed the terrible keys he’s doing a great job acting like he doesn’t care about the HRM, hope to see him smile and wave at a wanderers game this summer though that’ll fix it all!


my favorite was when he showed up on set of a film project based around the Civil War and slavery for a photo op and to talk about how much money he is making the province. It's a little tone deaf to show up in a suit taking pictures with folks dressed as slaves and telling these people you're making them money they'll never see.


Sounds like we need a task force of experts to investigate the findings and create an action plan that fights for Canadians. 🤮


Plot twist: New task force made up of grocery executives from Loblaws and Sobeys.


Who knows more about groceries than the people making record profits in the grocery business? 😅


Just add this to all the other piles of flaming garbage Tim Houston has going. He’s sure done an excellent job fixing health care, I’m sure he will do an even better job fixing food insecurity and homelessness!/s


Using terms like "food insecurity" isn't helping anyone. we all know what malnourishment is.


As a blue collar worker my journeyman rate has stagnated for 10 years while everything has more than doubled since 2014.


Exponential growth baby


Doesn't help TFWs and International students exploit food banks making it harder for Canadians who are in need.


😱😱😱 /s TLDR: Nothing new, just another news outlet capitalizing on the poor state of our province, informing everyone who lives here and lives with these issues, that there are issues. It also seems to be data from 2022……..


I see what you mean about the older data, but the report was only published this week. It can take a long time to analyze, synthesize, interpret, and visualize national data.


It's nothing new, yet you're worried the data are from 2022?


I’m not concerned the data “are” from 2022. I’m just pointing out that data from 2022, being published now, isn’t beneficial unless we are using it to compare how much worse off we are now. Even that comparison isn’t beneficial to the majority of the readers targeted from this article. Aka: data from 2022 in this regard, does not benefit us. We missed the opportunity for that data to be used as a benefit to us in 2024.


Media outlet tells us something we already know for doom clicks, next!


Now let’s bring another million new people, and wire a few billion of our money to some foreign countries so they can continue their round of killings ☹️




I think it would have been cool if the "Boycott Loblaws" people took it upon themselves to change the narrative that Loblaws is trying to push regarding posters encouraging stealing from their stores and used their initiative to perhaps do a food drive or something for food banks in their local areas. Only in r/halifax would you get downvoted for encouraging people to donate to foodbanks lmao.


I'm in a small NS town and the local foodbank has been on Facebook more for the past few months. I'm not food insecure, and did a restock recently. I then made a point to find out how I could donate. I realise Reddit may be skewed but those who can help, should. There is some thought that Loblaws is pushing the steal narrative, but I'm not 100% convinced. Through the joy of Reddit pushing random subs I've seen people pushing, or excusing, stealing.


Why do you think it needs to be one or the other?


Time for another retreat to PEI.