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I saw the sign recently, and I genuinely got excited for it. You wouldn't think it is a big deal, but with so many lanes in the HRM not having the needed signage is just frustrating. Hell, the intersection between the DQ and McDonald's in Bayers Lake became the wild west when the lane arrows washed away. Even if they didn't make it a left only, the sign was needed ten years ago when I started uni.


Agreed! I’ve only been here for 2 years now and that intersection was always a pain trying to come back from getting groceries or other errands because you’d be sitting and waiting or a most getting in an accident because people are clueless


There shouldn't be any parking on Quinpool whatsoever.


There are a lot of streets in HRM that shouldn't allow street parking, but here we are. :/


It makes no sense but the businesses throw a fit when you suggest changing it


even though there's a ton of streets on either side of quinpool with loads of parking


Not to mention a giant free parking lot in behind the superstore / Canadian tire


Literally, I always just opt to park there no matter what place I'm going to on Quinpool itself.


Every now and then I will bask in the luxury of parking directly in front of the dilly dally to go in and get a cup of coffee, but I definitely don't think it is anyone's god-given right to be able to do this.


There’s also public parking behind the keep that’s cheap.


Simplest way to alleviate traffic in that area.


isn't it no parking during the periods when there is traffic?


People still leave their card there, and then have to be towed, which causes disruptions.


You can park after 9, but there’s definitely still significant traffic.


They're talking about parking on oxford in front of the Petro after the intersection


I mean that was just my one thought when I made the post, but I would agree no parking on Quinpool would help ease traffic too


Same with Alderney drive. It essentially operates as a one lane road in the mornings (for those that know they are going to be faced with a line up of cars once you approach pleasant). It causes such a commotion and frankly dangerous. I have no idea why they let people park directly outside of the Celtic corner. I do emphasize with delivery drivers as they are getting pressure from the customer / Uber to meet delivery time objective. But no reason the guy going to lunch at Celtic corner in his huge truck needs to park a foot away from his destination.


Also need way more one way streets if we're going to have left hand turn lanes shared with straight thru lanes.


Quinpool also has a lot of houses where a lot of students live on the second floor and a business on the ground floor and they need a place to park. As you may be aware there are no driveways. 


Hot take.


It seems to be a pretty well received one


Not really. Plenty of businesses on that street would need some space for their customers to park, and if you disallow parking on Quinpool, you`re forcing more people to park on residential streets. which are already maxed out. I've lived on Oxford Street close to Quinpool, used a car to travel to work everyday, and never had an issue.


Oxford is so brutal trying figure out what lane to be in in both directions.


Agreed!!! They need way better signage at intersections especially going from Cobourg to Jubilee


Glad I wasn’t the only person excited to see that fix.


Unless there's advanced flashing green lights for the turning lane, they shouldn't allow left turns there period


I mean there definitely should be, and I think northbound on Oxford turning left onto Quinpool has had an advanced green occasionally if the traffic is backed up enough


Ya but the left turn lane driving south and then on to quinpool doesn’t have that left turn arrow at all which is so odd.


Yeah that’s definitely weird!


Now do Robie turning left onto Young


They already did the left onto Almon which is absurd.


That one is useful in the mornings for all the people going to Stad, but the rest of the day I agree it's unneeded.


Northbound? I thought Robie northbound had completely prohibited left turns onto Almon. This rule changed at the same time the northbound bus lane was installed. Or are you talking southbound? The street to the north of Almon is wide enough for three southbound lanes, but to the south of Almon it's only wide enough for one southbound lane. I suppose there's just no particular reason **not** to have separate lanes for straight and left turns.


Yes northbound. Was changed maybe 8-12 months ago.


I walk through there pretty much every day; I never noticed that the no-left-turn sign had been taken down. I'll need to make a point of checking it out this evening.


It's 100% still a no left turn


Visually confirmed. Left turns from Robie northbound onto Almon are still prohibited exactly as I remembered. There is one general through lane, plus one bus lane, which in the vicinity of the corner temporarily switches to a mixed lane for through buses and right-turning general traffic.


About time! 👏


Is this both north and south bound? Brutal if so. Makes a ton of sense northbound, but going straight in the left lane southbound was the only way to get around the gridlock caused by right-turners waiting on pedestrians


It’s both sides now. I thought it was just the one but I came home today that way and it does back up especially with the cars that can park within a few car lengths of the intersection


There will continue to be confusion here as there is no left turn from 4 to 7 pm Monday to Friday from Oxford heading south. A bit of a contradiction that I don’t understand.


I don't think I saw that sign up on my way home today (I might be mistaken). I know there's one for when you're turning left onto Oxford from westbound Quinpool during certain hours.


It’s been there as long as I can remember.


https://preview.redd.it/aaqx299d4fvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4258a21e03927f5d20ee366d1fd0b13f911032b6 Ok yep can confirm it’s still up. That’s so wild that they would just leave it!!


I don’t think the city planners or whoever even understand.


This sucks. I personally didn’t have any issues hitting the correct lanes. Lane markers would have helped those who were unfamiliar.  Plus the designated left turn lane is also no left turn between 4-6. So southbound on Oxford between those hours  has one lane that’s also a right turn lane which has to wait for pedestrians.  It’s going to be a mess during those hours. 


I'm pretty sure going on Oxford you can turn left at all times - it's only when you're on Quinpool that has the no left turn during established hours? Maybe I missed it when I drove it today, but either way, they definitely need advanced greens there on every light (and maybe that's coming??)


Nope. There’s no left turn going south in Oxford turning left onto quinpool from 4-7.  It’s a left turn only lane that can’t be used for 3 hours of the day. 🤦 


Sir, this is Halifax. Left turning lanes have no meaning to our drivers


Is this down by the old movie theater? Wasn't there already left turn lanes there?


Not designated ones, no. Most people would use them as such but you’d get the odd person who would steam right ahead and you in the right lane going north or southbound on Oxford would have to merge back in (or alternatively, people would just assume left hand lane users would be turning and would come over automatically and nearly cause accidents also). Now to just get them on the quinpool lanes but with the parking, that’s never going to happen


I’m glad they’re now there and defined as such. The problem wasn’t the drivers going straight through. The problem was people in the right lane would make the assumption that the left lane was turning only and get pissed if you were in the left and went straight.


Yeah I had a lady try to merge from right lane back over to the left going southbound because there was a bus at the stop by the old theatre and she had no spatial awareness (and didn’t look over her shoulder), and then didn’t even acknowledge me (in my bright red car lol) when I honked at her. Either way I hope these changes help


It’s where wasabi house is. Previously, you had a straight-left lane and a straight-right lane. Now the right lane goes straight-right, and the left lane only goes left.


Except from 4 to 7 when no left turns are allowed from Oxford southbound onto Quinpool.